A Bite of the Apple

By Blink_Fox

19K 1.4K 259

"This is the story of the Nightmares that haunted me and the House they dwelt in. It's the story of blood and... More

1 - Kim Bora
2 - Lee Siyeon
3 - In the Morning
4 - Danger
6 - Together
7 - Mirror
8 - Alone
9 - Yearning
10 - Gelato
11 - A Magical Night
12 - Here
13 - Power
14 - Magic
15 - The Key
16 - Hope
17 - Despair
18 - The Chase
19 - The Choice
20 - Trauma

5 - Sickness

930 74 2
By Blink_Fox

I tumbled out onto a soggy, muddy field of grass. The sky was dark grey and pouring rain. I had been there for mere seconds and I was already shivering.

Siyeon stood close by, her arms crossed. I looked at her. She gazed back at me. She did not help me up.

With a grunt I made my way to my feet. "Where are we?" I asked, my teeth chattering.

Siyeon shrugged. "I don't actually know." Then she giggled.

"What is so funny?" I demanded, my voice getting louder. "We're in the middle of no-where, we just got chased by these- these things, and you're standing there laughing. What is wrong with you?" By the time I finished I was yelling.

Siyeon's giggling stopped. And then she collapsed in front of me for the second time.

I knelt and shook her shoulders. "Hey, wake up. You like the drama don't you? Just wake up, we have to find some cover."

But she didn't. She was still breathing, thankfully. But completely unresponsive. I needed her awake so she could take me back home. My friends would have no idea what happened to me. They were probably so worried. A pang of guilt made my stomach flop. I sighed. There wasn't anything I could do right now.

Instead I was stuck in the middle of no-where with an unconscious girl with powers. Great.

The rain continued drenching us, showing no signs of stopping. I was soaked through to the skin and cold shivers racked my body. We had to find some cover. I scanned the environment around us.

We were in a muddy meadow, but in the distance I spotted a forest shrouded in low-lying mist. Ominous, I know, but we needed shelter, so I hooked my arms under Siyeon's and dragged her through the mud all the way to the forest.

I was puffing and panting when we reached the trees. Small bits of rain still slipped through the canopy, but most of the water was droplets falling from the leaves of the forest. It was also rather dim. The trees' canopy shrouded the forest floor from the light above, and was blanketed in a thick mist. We could lose ourselves in this forest if we weren't careful.

I slid Siyeon up against a tree, then slumped beside her, gasping oxygen. It had been too long since I'd been to the gym.

Droplets of water pitter-pattered on my face. I shivered. What now?

I needed answers, so I shook the girl next to me. She stirred with a groan.

"Let me sleep," she mumbled.

"I can't. I need answers," I said.

Suddenly Siyeon was wide awake. She stared at me. "What answers?"

"All of them," I replied. "I've got a few questions. Just a few."

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