Back To The Start (Sherlock f...

By StrongerThanIWas

429K 13.7K 5.2K

Three years before Sherlock Holmes met Dr. John Watson, he met a young lady by the name of Abigail Watson. Ab... More

Chapter One: Abigail Meets Sherlock
Chapter Two: 221b Baker Street
Chapter Three: Abigail's First Case
Chapter Four: The Second Holmes
Chapter Five: Staying At 221b For The Night
Chapter Six: Hacking The Phone
Chapter Seven: Solving The Case
Chapter Eight: Meeting with Harry
Chapter Nine: Sherlock Stays At Abigail's
Chapter Ten: Abigail Meets Molly
Chapter Eleven: Sherlock Learns Something About Abigail
Chapter Twelve: Sherlock Talks to Lestrade
Chapter Thirteen: Abigail Faces Her Bully
Chapter Fourteen: Sherlock's Decision
Chapter Fifteen: A Year Later
Chapter Sixteen: Abigail's Date Gone Wrong
Chapter Seventeen: Things Get Heated
Chapter Nineteen: Abigail and Molly
Chapter Twenty: John
Chapter Twenty One: Sherlock's Worst Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two: James Moriarty
Chapter Twenty Three: "Save her Sherlock"
Chapter Twenty Four: "Abby, no"
Chapter Twenty Five: A Some What Happily Ever After

Chapter Eighteen: Sherlock Changes His Mind

15.1K 524 183
By StrongerThanIWas

Sherlock was the first one awake the next day. He slowly blinked awake to find that he was lying on his side, completely naked, facing Abigail, who was also naked.

Abigail lying facing Sherlock. Her eyes were still closed and she was still in deep sleep. Sherlock studied Abigail's perfect features. Her beautiful blonde hair, which was stuck to her face. Her beautiful skin. The only flaw he could see were the bruises forming on her body from the attack the night before.

Everything in the past year, everything that Sherlock tried his hardest to forget, was coming back. Everything that made Abigail special to him. Everything he was trying to push from his mind as to keep his feelings from Abigail. But he couldn't do it anymore.

Sherlock realized that being with Abigail wasn't going to hurt her. It was going to save her. He realized he would be very protective over Abigail, more protective than he had been in the past year.

Slowly, Sherlock swing his feet over the side of the bed. He was careful not to wake Abigail. He pulled on his navy blue robe and stood up. His joints ached and cracked at movement. But they were just reminders of the amazing night he had before.

He exited the bedroom and went to make himself a cup of coffee. The sun was shining through the open window. The curtains were flowing freely in the slight breeze making it's way through the apartment. Sherlock yawned as he stood at the counter, tapping his fingers impatiently while the kettle boiled.

There was a creak in the floor boards followed by two arms wrapping around Sherlock's waist and a mess of blonde hair against Sherlock's cheek.

"Morning," she said and kissed Sherlock's cheek. Sherlock smiled back at her. "Can I have some tea, pleaaaaase?"

Sherlock chuckled his deep chuckle that made Abigail's knees go weak. Sherlock spun around, grabbing Abigail's wrists and pulling her to him. He wrapped his arms around the small of her back and leaned down to attach his lips to hers.

The two were lost in each other. This was the moment they both wanted since they first met. The moment when their feelings were too strong to bare and they finally gave in. The sweet moment that took one long year to finally happen.


Abigail and Sherlock pulled away to see Mrs. Hudson at the door. Sherlock groaned while Abigail giggled. She was lucky she decided to wear Sherlock's shirt with it buttoned up.

"Am I interrupting something?" Mrs. Hudson asked.

"No, no, it's fine." "Yes, I'd like it if you'd go away." Abigail and Sherlock said at the same time.

Abigail giggled again and kissed Sherlock's cheek. She pulled away from Sherlock's embrace to go get dressed in some proper clothes. Mrs. Hudson put a hand on Abigail's shoulder, stopping her before she could reach Sherlock's bedroom.

"If I say so myself, it's about time you two got together," she whispered. "I see the way he looks at you. He's like you for a long time."

Abigail smiled and replied, "I've liked him for a long time, too."

Mrs. Hudson smiled and let the young girl go.

"You're up early," Sherlock pointed out as he poured the boiling water from the kettle into two cups.

"It's 12 in the afternoon, Sherlock," Mrs. Hudson informed him. "You've slept in. Though from the sounds of last night, I can understand why."

Sherlock sent a glare Mrs. Hudson's way before taking a sip of his coffee.

"So, I see you two have made up and you've finally told her how you feel," Mrs. Hudson continued. Sherlock hummed in response. "I'm so happy for you two. Didn't I tell you things would work out?"

"Not exactly," Sherlock replied.

"Well, I just came up to see if you two were awake and to let you know that I'm going to my sister's for a visit. I should be back in a week."

"Have fun," Sherlock said, although he didn't seem to mean it. Mrs. Hudson was used to this.

Once the land lady was gone, Abigail poked her head into the kitchen. Sherlock smiled at her over his shoulder.

"She's gone," he confirmed.

"That was so embarrassing!" Abigail said. "Not only did she catch us making out, she also heard us last night."

Abigail covered her face with her hands as she began to turn red. Sherlock let out a low chuckle.

"So," Abigail said and took her cup of tea. "what about that case you were working on yesterday?"

"Boring," Sherlock declared. "I shouldn't have taken it."

"Oh, I'm Sherlock Holmes. This case is too boring because it doesn't match my level of expertise and intellect," Abigail teased.

"You better be careful, Abby," Sherlock told her.

"Or what? You'll deduce me?" she teased again before kissing Sherlock on the cheek.

Sherlock smiled down at the young girl and brushed his fingers against her cheek. She winced in pain as Sherlock touched one of her bruises.

"How bad do I look?" she asked.

"You don't. Just tough," Sherlock replied. Abigail smiled at him.

"Thanks for saving me, by the way. I should've taken your advice and not gone. He really was a jerk."

Sherlock kissed Abigail's forehead and told her, "I'd save you any day."

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