The Hale Pack

By imasamm

53K 1.7K 266

Discontinued until further notice This is about the Hale Pack(obviously) but the fire never happened and it'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Hello Everyone!
Note on Updating!

Chapter 2

6.7K 230 9
By imasamm

After school ended Cora made Stiles drive the three of them to the Hale house. She ignored any questions they had and sat in the back on her phone the entire ride.

"Come on." She called walking toward the front door.

The two boys looked at each other for a moment before Stiles just shrugged and followed suite inside the house.

"Mom, this is the idiot and his friend."

"We weren't trying to trespass, I'm really sorry, Stiles is just kind of an idiot sometimes an-"

The older woman chuckled, "That's not why I wanted Cora to bring you here." She started leading them into the kitchen. "I'm Talia Hale."

"Didn't you guys move out of town?" Stiles blurted, plopping down into a chair at the island.

Talia nodded, "We came back home. We just needed space after my husband's death." She said softly.

Scott hit Stiles, "I'm so sorry Mrs. Hale."

"It's alright." She smiled, "But, I do want to explain something to you two."

The boys just looked around awkwardly, another girl walking in the room. She looked to be in her mid-twenties. "Don't worry. We don't bite." She smirked coming up in between the two, "Hard." She whispered walking to the fridge.

"Laura, enough."

The girl sighed loudly, "You're no fun mommy dear." She replied sticking out her bottom lip before leaving with an apple in her hand.

Talia took a deep breath, "You got bit." She turned toward Scott who was hesitant but nodded back. "My brother, Peter. He bit you."

"What? No, a wolf bit me."

"We're werewolves." She said calmly. Stiles started to laugh, Scott just looking more confused than before.

It took a while for Talia to explain everything to them. Stiles catching on much quicker than the other. Talia told them that Peter went rogue, he had an unhealthy urge for power, killed an alpha from a neighboring town, and was trying to build his own pack. He's being 'handled'. Stiles started bouncing in his seat from sitting too long just before Talia was done explaining everything.

"Okay," Stiles started, moving to stand up, "but, why am I here? I didn't get bit."

Talia smiled sadly, "Claudia was my best friend, Stiles." She started, Scott's gaze immediately shifting to his friend when the topic landed on his mother. The pale boy stood there biting on his lip as if it would help. "Come with me." She said softly.

Scott started to get up, Stiles shook his head at him. "It's okay, Scotty. I'm okay." He smiled following the alpha out of the kitchen and into the study.

He watched as she pulled open her desk drawer and grabbed a key. She turned around to a picture placed on the wall directly behind the desk and pulled it forward like the cover of a book. Behind it laid a safe. It had several different locks on it, only one involving the key. She let out a deep sigh pulling a leather bound book out from inside.

"She gave this to me." Talia started softly turning toward the younger. "She gave it to me when she realized she wasn't going to be around too much longer. She wanted to spend time with you and your father creating happy memories for you to have so she wanted me to give this to you. When the time was right." She passed the book to him.

Stiles was hesitant but to the book with a shaky hand, he flipped it open seeing his mother's hand writing gliding across the first page.


My boy, my light. I know you're probably very confused by this. A strange woman coming into your life and giving you a book you knew nothing about. Talia is a dear friend. You can trust her with your heart. I wrote this to teach you everything you need to know since I am no longer able to show you. You are special baby. It's confusing to understand but you took a trait from me when you were born and I just wish I was there to show you how to use it. I love you so much, Mieczysław. You are my whole world and I will forever be with you. Use your Spark carefully and use it for good. I love you.


It took Stiles a few minutes to be able to speak after reading the first page. He closed it gently and hugged the book to his chest. "What does she mean by Spark?" Talia just smiled, squeezed his shoulder, and left the room. Stiles sighed and followed her back into the kitchen.

"You're both more than welcome to stay for dinner." She offered. "You can meet everyone else."

Scott look at Stiles, worry evident across his face. Stiles just smiled toward the other, nodding slightly, "Okay, yeah, sure." Scott announced, moving over to the other boy.


They met everyone, Derek grumbled when his mother forced him out of his room to meet the two. Laura was Talia's eldest child. Then Derek. Then Cora. They had met a few Aunts and Uncles. And a couple of close friends who were also pack. Stiles watched Derek sneak off back up the stairs during the introductions. Everyone settling into some spot in the living room to watch TV and wait for dinner to be finished.

"Where's the bathroom?" Stiles asked Cora. The younger turned toward him, her brown hair flowing over her shoulder.

"The one upstairs is empty. Second door on the left." She leaned back into the couch.

Stiles heard Scott ask, "Is this the whole pack?" As he found his way up the stairs.

"No, some aren't here. We go to school with them." Cora's voice distant now.

After finding the bathroom, Stiles decided to snoop around for the grumpy wolf. He found him leaned over his desk, laptop open, books scattered, and a large piece of paper in front of him. He stood there for a minute watching him, looking around his room.

"Derek?" He said softly, the wolf jumping.

"Jesus, don't do that." He said, glaring daggers toward the other.

Stiles snorted, "You're a wolf, don't you have like super hearing and all that?"

"I don't keep my guard up at home when everyone's here. Besides, I'm a little focused on something."

Stiles moved to glance over his shoulder, "Yeah, what are you doing?"

"It's a project for school. What do you want?"

"You graduated?"

Derek rolled his eyes, "College, idiot."

"Oh," Stiles plopped himself on the others bed. "Do you remember me?" Derek raised his eyebrow in question. "Stem Club?"

Derek's eyebrows scrunched together, "You were that weird kid that kept showing up, right?"

"Excuse me, I helped you win nationals in that weird robot thing you did."

Derek rolled his eyes, "I didn't need your help." Stiles sat quietly, looking around again. "You still in Stem?"

Stiles shook his head, "No, most people left after you moved."

"What? Why?"

Stiles shrugged, "Can't have a club with only one person though."

Derek nodded, "I didn't have a choice."

"I know." Stiles sighed, "I'm sorry about your dad."

Derek shrugged, "It's not your fault."

"I know."

"Never talk to me about Stem Club again."

Stiles snorted, "Too cool for it now?"

"I only joined because I needed something other than baseball for my extracurricular for college." Derek sighed. "I need to finish this..." He said biting his lip.

Stiles nodded, "Okay, Sourwolf. See you around." He smirked at the glare he was getting from the wolf and walked out of the room.

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