This Life [Dean Winchester]

By mwthatcher3

3.9K 210 37

"Have you ever driven down a road? Just to drive with no destination in mind? The road seems to go on and on ... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven

chapter six

276 14 5
By mwthatcher3

"I THINK I'M STARTING to feel something," Castiel, Angel of the Lord says after he downs more shots than Ellen Harvelle. Olivia is standing next to the refrigerator; all the other seats in the room are occupied. Ellen and her daughter Joanne (Jo, for short) are sitting across from Castiel, who appears to be trying to get drunk. Olivia guesses that the fact that he's an angel makes it that much harder for him to get drunk than a person.

Noah is asleep upstairs; he had a fun day of hanging out with Dean in the garage. She couldn't believe that he let the boy hang around him that long. It made her happy though.

"It's gotta be a trap, right?" Sam says to Dean. The brothers are sitting across from each other at the other table with books and maps scattered across the surface.

"Sam Winchester, having trust issues with a demon," Dean says. "Well, better late than never."

"Thank you again for your continued support," Sam says as the two brothers clink their bottles of beer together.

"You know, trap or no trap, we got a snowball's chance, we gotta take it, right?" Dean says.

"Yeah, I suppose," Sam says.

"Besides, I'm not sure it is a trap," Dean points out. "Check it out. I mean, Carthage is lit up like a Christmas tree with Revelation omens. And look at this."

Olivia sets her glass down on the counter and goes to check on Noah. She was listening to the brother talking, and she didn't like to listen to it. Feeling this fear again, makes her want to return home with her son and go back to her normal life. She worries for Sam and Dean though. Also the Harvelle women and Castiel. Will they be okay going up against the devil? She doubts it. Even though they have the colt now- a gun that supposedly will kill anything- Olivia still isn't sure.

Noah is still sleeping. Olivia makes sure his light is off but his door is cracked open. She goes back down the stairs and goes outside and sits on the front steps.

She pulls her sweater tighter against her. It's a little chilly tonight.

The door opens behind her. "Hey," Dean surprises her as he comes outside and sits next to her. The stairs aren't really wide enough for both of them to sit, though, so their thighs and shoulders are pressed together.

"Do you mind?" Olivia asks. Dean only grins.

"Not at all," he says. The blonde only scoffs and lets Dean stay. The two sit in silence for a moment. It's nice, Olivia thinks.

"You know, this could be our last night on earth," Dean says. "I mean, ours, not yours." Olivia turns and looks at him, almost glaring.

"You getting somewhere?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Just that, we had some good times when we were younger, remember?" Dean reminisces.

"Yeah," Olivia nods and even smiles a little remembering her and Dean's friendship when they were kids.

"And... I was thinking, you know..." he starts again. "Last night on earth and stuff—"

"Uh, I don't think so," Olivia shakes her head, scoffing at the idea. Dean doesn't argue much.

"Okay, I'll just spend my last night on earth, all alone," Dean says. "All by myself. Alone."

Olivia rolls her eyes. "Dean," she says firmly to get him to look at her. She looks down at his lips and takes a breath before leaning in and kissing. It only takes him a moment to react; he begins to move his lips against hers. She pulls away too quickly for him. "Come back alive and you might get the rest."

Dean scoffs as she stands up. "When did you become such a tease?" He asks gruffly.

Olivia pats his head as she opens the door. "You bring it out of me."

She walks inside and Dean follows her. "Everybody get in here!" Bobby calls out from the other room. "It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner."

"Oh, come on, Bobby," Ellen says. "No one wants their picture taken."

"Hear, hear," Sam agrees.

"Shut up, you're drinking my beer," Bobby responds. "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by."

Olivia crosses her arms and watches the group line up. "Come on Olivia, don't be shy," Ellen says.

The blonde raises her eyebrows. "I'm not even going," she argues.

"Get your ass over here," Bobby says. Olivia sighs and walks over next to Dean. He puts his arm around her and pulls her close to him. She turns her head to look at him, wondering if this is the last time she will get to look at him from this angle.

That thought scares her.


Olivia spends the whole next day trying to remain calm. She should've went with them; every bone in her body wanted to. But she couldn't risk it, not with a son. She couldn't put herself in that kind of danger.

She is happy inside when the boys get home alive. But they are the only ones to return. They aren't sure where Castiel is, but Ellen and Jo didn't make it. Olivia wasn't sure how, and she didn't really want to hear about it.

The glasses from Ellen and Castiel's drinking competition are still on the table. The TV is on, showing a tornado; the captions read "STATE OF EMERGENCY, Paulding County" and "KOUA 16".

"Just received an update that the governor has declared a state of emergency for Paulding County, including the towns of Marion, Fetterville, and Carthage. The storm system has reportedly touched off a number of tornadoes in the area."

Olivia looks sadly at Bobby as he is holding the photo he took the previous night of their group. Sam, Dean, her, and Bobby are gathered around the television.

"Death tolls have yet to be estimated, but state officials expect the loss of life and property to be staggering."

Olivia hangs her head as Bobby tosses the picture into the fireplace.

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