By roselettes

605K 19.6K 7.4K

in which a girl falls in love with an underground fighter. | © roselettes 2014 More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five


78.8K 1.4K 1K
By roselettes

Gazing around at the hundreds of drunk douchebags yelling at the ring and girls with half their shirt off, Brielle knew she didn't belong here. She could've been at home, laying lifeless on her bed while she finished her Orange Is the New Black marathon, but no.

The cute boy who she's been in love with for as long as she could remember just had to invite her out today.

I mean, how could she say no? The way his brown curly locks barely grazed his face, and how his chocolate brown eyes stared right into her hazel ones, and how he shot that pearly white smile at her right after, there was no way she could resist.

He placed his hand above her head and leaned into her, his lips curling to form a small smirk. "Since you're so pretty and all, you probably already have plans this weekend, but I'm hoping that you don't." Brielle chuckled at the thought of her having plans. "I'm completely free." His face lit up as he slightly placed his hand on her waist. "Let me take you out."

And that was all it took. But she didn't expect him to take her out to a fucking underground boxing match.

The cute boy, who happened to be named Tyler, also happened to be her "ex-boyfriend," if you could even call it that. It was a high school fling that only lasted a few months, but it was the happiest few months that Brielle had from High School. It was the only time she could ever recall being "in love" despite having a vast history of relationships.

Tyler treated Brielle like a princess, although there was no happy ending. Towards the end of their relationship, Tyler ended up turning to alcohol, and became very angry and aggressive. Whenever they hung out, he was always drinking. She pleaded for him to stop, although he insisted that there was nothing to worry about. She was the one to call it off.

It took her a while to though, and even then, she didn't want to. Although, if it wasn't for her parents and friends pestering her about him, she probably would've ended up staying, being the naive girl she was.

But when she saw his clear, freckled face, and perky smile at a local Target this past week, she knew things were different. He had changed.

Although, Brielle felt different about that statement as she stood in a crowd of sweaty, chanting, adults with one of Tyler's arm slung around her waist, and the other holding a bottle of Corona. He put the bottle to his lips and took a swig, then sloppily pushed it into her chest.

"Want a sip?" She could barely hear him over the rowdy crowd.

"No, I'm good," she declined, trying to hide her frustration. The fact that he was drinking annoyed her to no end, although she didn't want to start anything. But she definitely was not going to let him get her drunk in this sketchy club.

"You sure, babe? C'mon, loosen up a little." Tyler smirked as he leaned in closer to her, with the bottle of beer still pressed to her chest.

Brie's jaw clenched as she started to get frustrated.

For one, she hated when people told her to "loosen up" or "have fun." She heard it all through high school. People constantly pressuring her to drink or smoke. It was her life, why the fuck did people insist on trying to tell her how to live it?

And second off, she was tired of people pushing her, and it just got louder and louder as the match went on. This was the last place she wanted to be.

She shoved the bottle away from her body, pushing Tyler back a bit at the same time. "I fucking said no."

His face immediately dropped, and his eyebrows furrowed. "Jesus Christ, you don't have to be a bitch about it."

Brielle's mouth hung open at Tyler's rude remark, but before she could say anything in return, the crowd started to all chant one single word.


Tyler joined in with the crowd, as Brie stood there clueless as to what to do. Her guess was that Hemmings was one of the boxer's names, although she wouldn't know as there was too much on her mind to even focus on the match.

For one of the first times since she arrived, she brought her attention to the ring.

Her eyes wandered onto a tall, lanky, male who was continuously throwing punches at his much shorter, but more muscular opponent. He didn't appear to be a boxer. He had some muscle, although it was nothing compared to the fighters Brielle had seen on T.V. It didn't matter though, because the punches seemed to be affecting the opponent, as within a few seconds he fell to the ground.

Brielle never expected an underground boxing match to have this many people attend. You'd think they'd be quieter, with this being illegal and all. She'd half expected the cops to bust through the doors responding to a noise complaint or something, only to find an illegal boxing match.

Would she get in trouble for attending? Would she have to run? They wouldn't arrest her, right? She could not handle being someone's bitch.

Just as she was losing herself in thought again, she felt a hand firmly grip her arm. She didn't appreciate how tight of a grip it was, but she refused to say anything in fear of Tyler saying something rude to her again.

"Come on, we need to leave before everyone else does." And with that, Tyler was pulling Brielle out of the club and into the parking lot.


They ended up in the alley behind the club.

Tyler was drunk and couldn't drive, and he insisted that Brielle not drive. So he decided that the best idea was to wait until he sobered up. Brie didn't argue with him. At least he was smart enough to not drive under the influence, although she didn't understand why he couldn't just let her drive.

Netflix was waiting for her at home.

Also, why out of all places would he choose a dark back alley in the middle of the night? First the underground fight club and now this? Was he trying to get her killed?

She was still angry at Tyler for how he talked to her inside, the fact that he drank enough to not be able to drive and that he even brought her to a boxing match in the first place. Even though it wasn't the most enjoyable time, she didn't want to ruin her "date" even more by arguing about it. So she kept quiet.

Tyler took one last puff of the cigarette he was smoking, before he tossed it on the ground, smashing it with his foot.

That was another thing Tyler picked up in high school that Brielle didn't like. Whenever she would complain about it, he would always tell her to be grateful that he wasn't doing drugs.

He took a few steps towards her, their bodies now only a few centimeters away. She leaned against the wall behind her, and he put a hand above her head, leaning in towards her, just like when he asked her out.

"So, uh... what do you wanna do?" He questioned.

She still had some faith that this date could be saved. Especially if he sobered up. Tyler was nice to be around when he was sober.

"Well, I was thinking we could go walk to the diner and get something to eat. I'm starving and haven't eaten all-" A familiar feeling made Brie stumble on her words.

That was Tyler's lips connecting with her neck. It all happened so fast - too fast for Brielle to even comprehend.

"I think I have an idea of what I wanna eat," He mumbled, and Brielle's eyes widened at Tyler's revolting words. She could feel the smirk on his lips as they attacked her neck.

Brielle's heart started to race as she shoved Tyler off of her. "What the fuck?"

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't want it." He leaned back into Brielle, digging his nails into her hips as he roughly forced his lips onto hers. She managed to pull away, but was unsuccessful when she tried to rip his hands off her. His grip was too tight.

"Tyler, sto-" Her yell was interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.

Tears started to form in Brie's eyes as she realized what was happening. His hand started to slowly dip into her jeans, and she mentally punched herself in the face for believing anything Tyler said to her.

She should've known this wasn't going to go well when he started drinking back at the match. Actually, she should've gotten out of there the second she realized where he brought her. Who the hell takes a girl out on a date to a underground boxing match? Especially Brielle, as boxing was at the bottom of the list of things she cared about.

Before Tyler's hand could reach her lower region, she felt herself come forward as Tyler was forcibly ripped off of her. She blinked her eyes a few times, the tears she shed distorting her eyesight.

A tall man holding Tyler by his shirt collar came into view. A few seconds later, she realized it was the same tall man she saw in the ring 15 minutes ago.

"Hey man, what the fuck?" Tyler exclaimed, and Brie had never seen him so terrified in her life.

The man was only wearing a plain white tank top, which gave off a full view of his glistening biceps. She had to admit, they looked a lot smaller in the ring.

"What the hell were you just doing to this girl? Why the fuck is she crying?" The tall man was now approximately an inch away from Tyler's face, his face starting to turn a bright shade of red at how loud he was yelling.


"Fucking answer me!" His grip tightened, and Brielle heard what she could've swore was Tyler wincing.

She couldn't just stand there and watch. Yeah, Tyler was the biggest asshole on the planet but if she didn't intervene this man was going to kick his ass, and she couldn't stand to watch it. If it had been any other guy, Brie probably would've let it happen.

Although, from what she saw go down in the ring a few moments ago, she knew this man was fully capable of beating Tyler until he was unconscious, just as he did to the other guy in the ring. And despite what Tyler had just done to her, she couldn't bear to see that.

"Sir, please stop! I'm fine, just put him down."

He glanced over towards Brielle, and slowly let go of Tyler as his eyes came in contact with Brielle's fearful face. The tall man turned to her direction, before carefully taking a few steps towards her. "Are you sure? He didn't hurt you?"

Before she could respond, the sound of Tyler's footsteps echoed through the alley and he sprinted away.

"Hey!" The tall man quickly turned to Tyler as he prepared to run after him. Brielle put her hand on his arm before he could. Tyler was fucking dead if this guy got to him.

"It's fine."

His face softened as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me the truth, did he hurt you?"

Brielle contemplated whether or not she should tell this stranger the truth.

"No, it's fine," she said vaguely.

He did. He definitely hurt her. But she wasn't necessarily willing to disclose that to someone she didn't know.

More tears started to well in her eyes as all of the thoughts of Tyler raced through her mind. She had forgotten about the man standing in front of her for a second, so it half startled her when he began speaking again.

"Are you gonna be alright?" he asked.

She wasn't alright and she felt uncomfortable. All she wanted to do was get home and fall into a deep slumber for about eighty five hours.

"Yeah, I guess." Her lips attempted to curl into a small smile, but it ended up just looking sad. "I gotta go now though. But thanks."

Before he could even think about a response, she was already making her way back to the front of the club.

As she was walking, she realized that Tyler had driven her here.

"Fuck," she whispered to herself as she plopped down onto the curb. She thought about calling her mom, but she didn't tell her she was going out with Tyler. And her parents weren't exactly Tyler's number one fans. Brielle knew she'd ask why she was here in the first place, and she wasn't sure she could come up with an excuse.

She could call her best friend, Sam, but she was just as against Tyler as her parents were. Not to mention she was just as annoying as them when it came to the subject of him. The last thing she needed was nagging.

Brie didn't even want to think about him anymore. She just wanted to be alone, at home, so she could forget about this.

As she continued to scroll through her contacts, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She sighed, knowing exactly who it was. Turning her head around, she was greeted by the tall man again. This time he was carrying what seemed to be a gym bag.

"Need a ride?" He grinned down at her.

Brielle didn't respond. She wasn't trying to be rude, but she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Not even the person that had just helped her. She thought that he would get the point if she didn't respond, but yet again, she was wrong.

She felt a gust of wind as he sat himself down on the curb next to her. "I'm Luke, by the way."

Her eyes left her phone, and landed on Luke. "Shouldn't you be heading home?"

"What's your name?" He asked, pulling the gym bag off his shoulder as he avoided the question, and placing it next to him on the sidewalk.

She furrowed her eyebrows at him before responding a few seconds later. "Brielle."

Luke smiled at the sound of her name.

"Well, Brielle. Even though you say that guy didn't just hurt you, I know he did. I honestly should probably tell somebody but I can tell that's not what you want. I also probably should have beat his ass back there. And I didn't. But I refuse to leave you sitting here on a curb, in the middle of the night after what I just saw."

Brielle chuckled at Luke's words. The fact that he was worried about her humored her, he didn't even know her. And she didn't know him. He could be a serial killer for all she knew.

But she had no money and he was the only way home.

"I don't have a ride." Her eyes went back to her phone, as she didn't want to look at Luke anymore.

The hand that was previously on her shoulder was now placed on her back. "Let me give you a ride." He smiled, this time showing his polished teeth, and Brielle couldn't help but grin.

"How do I know you're not a murderer?"

"You don't."

Her eyes opened wide as she stared at Luke with a startled face.

Luke chuckled when she didn't respond. "I'm just kidding! I just beat the shit out of people for a living."

He removed the hand off of Brielle's back and placed both of them on the sidewalk, pushing his body off the curb. He held his hand out towards her. "Now come on."

She stared at his hand for a moment before carefully grabbing it, allowing Luke to pull her up.

"Don't make me regret this."


nobody's probably gonna read this but i've had this idea for a while and i haven't seen anything like it so i thought why not write it myself eh????

i'm not sure how i feel about it tbh i kinda feel like too much happened too fast & i also didn't proofread so if there's mistakes i'm sry

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