Fallen Legacies

De Lonely-writer-girl

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So this is the spinoff from my other story based on the original named the the Big Bad Wolf which focuses on... Mais

Chapter 1: this is the part where you run
Chapter 2: some people just want to watch the world burn
Chapter 3: we're being punked, Pedro
Chapter 4: Ava is not the goal
Chapter 5: Malivore
Chapter 6: mombie dearest
Chapter 8: maybe i should start from the end
Chapter 9: what was Ava doing in your dreams?
Chapter 10: fear demon
Chapter 11: we're gonna need a spotlight
Chapter 12: there's a mummy on Main Street
Chapter 13: the boy who still has a lot of good to do
Chapter 14: let's just finish the dance
Chapter 15: I'll tell you a story
Chapter 16: there's always a loophole
Chapter 17: I will never give up hope
Chapter 18: this year will be different
Chapter 19: you remind me of someone I used to know
Chapter 20: since when do you speak Japanese
Chapter 21: screw endgame
Chapter 22: thats nothing I had to remember
Chapter 23: it will all be painfully clear soon enoug

Chapter 7: death keeps knocking on my door

949 12 3
De Lonely-writer-girl

hey guys so here is another chapter for you which is based on episode 1x07 of the legacies, although I've changed somethings and added scenes but it is harder for me than normal as well as tried to take on any reviews or suggestions made you so let me of it needs to more by the episode or more my own,so I've added a character from the originals in this chapter just because I miss him and have changed some details to fit better with the story I've created including Rafaels girlfriends name due to my oc Cassie clashing.  I've changed the spelling of Rafael's name because apparently I was spelling it wrong so sorry. Also Ava is played by Olivia Holt and Wyatt is played by Cody Christian in my head. Thank you so much for the reviews, follows and favourites, I love hear what you think of my story the good and bad so please keep it up

Chapter 7: death keeps knocking on my door

It had been a few days since Alaric and his twins had been traumatised by the sudden resurrection of his dead fiancé almost wife who just happened to be his daughters biological mother as well as that it had been a few days since Alaric had captured a man calling himself the Necromancer, Alaric had been trying  ever since to get the answers he so desperately wanted with very little result despite the torturing techniques he had been using which had caused him to call in the worst kind of back up that he had sworn to himself that he wouldn't go to but desperate times called for desperate measures. He had decided to keep everyone out of it all and away from the Necromancer especially both sets of twins in his life and instead tried to get them all to focus their attention onto Remembrance Day, hoping that it would help some of them progress the loss and grief they have all went through lately. Which was why most of the students were currently gathered in the library including the three Mikaelson siblings as Ava sat on the couch as she sketched into the leather bound book that Klaus gave her for her last birthday while Cassie sat next to her while Wyatt sat on the floor in front of him. Ava wore a dark grey tshirt that rolled at the sleeves and was tucked into her red and navy blue plaid pants, a pair of dark grey Oxford shoes and a grey long cardigan while Wyatt wore a denim shirt with the school logo on it, a pair of dark ripped jeans and white converse. Ava wore her long blonde hair in two french braids making her look fiercer than normal, she also wore dark smoky eye makeup that defined her eyes more and made her eyes pop but also went well with her light pink lipstick. They were currently just sitting together enjoying each other's company rather than speaking as they thought of Remembrance Day until Wyatt noticed what Ava was doing

" wait, you're drawing again? You haven't drawn since I don't know when" Wyatt said as he realised that it must have something to do with the recent developments and improvements in her social life

" don't get too excited, it's not like I'm working on my next masterpiece or anything" Ava said showing him the journal that she had been sketching in as he saw that she was drawing the Necromancer

" it's a start though, you went from not drawing anymore to sketching the bad guys in our lives and soon you'll be back to painting landscapes again" Wyatt said thinking about how she got that from their dad

" although maybe not include that guy, he's creepy" Cassie said as she smoothed down her wide legged spotted jumpsuit with ruffled straps that she wore with a long sleeved black tshirt underneath

" yeah you don't even know the half of it, Cas" Ava said thinking about how they and briefly met the Necromancer when Alaric and Dorian had brought him into the school before locking him away

" or she might, we have no idea what she sees as a seer" Wyatt said quietly to Ava since he didn't want to to upset her since he knew as well as Ava how it felt to be the freak even among the supernatural

" ahhh it's nice to see all three of my children in one place, this way I don't have go looking for you all... hello, my little wolves" Klaus said stunning them all by the sound of his voice as they turned to face him

" daddy!" Cassie said as she ran into his arms while Wyatt and Ava exchanged a look since it was weird fro their father to be at their school without their mom as they wondered what was going on

" I'm guessing you missed me, huh? What about you two?" Klaus said as he lifted his nine year old up before walking over to join the twins by the couch as he saw how stunned they were by his sudden appearance

" hey dad, of course we missed you and mom of course... then there's little Nate too, we don't get to see you guys enough" Ava said as Klaus put Cassie down in order to hug his oldest daughter

" I think Ava and I are just a little confused about why you're here and without mom too.... wait, are we in trouble?" Wyatt said trying to think of a reason as to why only one of their parents had come to visit them

" no, should you be?" Klaus said with an amused look on his face as he thought about how his twin son and daughter were too much like their parents in the way that trouble seemed to follow them

" not that I think of but that's never anything to go by, we do that much that it's hard to keep track of it all" Ava said wondering if he was here due her recent fight slaying the zombies surrounding their school

" hey ummm... Cas, why don't you go grab dad some of super soft sugar cookies that you made earlier today?" Wyatt said knowing that there was only so much that they could talk about in front of her

" oh dad, wait until you try these cookies. They're so good" Cassie said as she jumped off the couch as she ran off into the kitchen which she had special access since she loved everything to do with baking

" are you here because of the Necromancer?" Ava said getting straight to the point as she thought about how that made the most since their two school usually worked together during tough times

"  yes, Alaric called me last night and said he was getting nowhere with him. He figured that I might have techniques to loosen his tongue a little" klaus said with a wicked glint in his eyes as he spoke

" loosen it or remove it?" Wyatt said with a small chuckle as he thought about how his dad's methods held little to imagination as they thought about the man he used to be before them and their mom

" very funny, son. So who wants to catch me up on everything? I have some time to spare" Klaus said wanting to get to caught up with them as he thought about everything Alaric had told him the night before

" well I finally let myself care and kissed the only other boy I liked other than Roman before putting on a bus" Ava said thinking about how he would be more focused on the kissing thing than anything else

" I'm also the new alpha of the school pack after I jumped in the middle of a challenge to protect the guy that actually challenged him so that's new and weird" Wyatt said thinking about the latest changes

" there's also been the recent influx of monsters coming to the school including the dragon you already know about, a giant spider, a dryad and lately an army of zombies" Ava said as she nodded to Wyatt

" oh wow that's a lot of information to get in such a short time frame, so you're the new alpha huh? How's that going?" Klaus said choosing to focus on that before moving onto Ava's confession

" good but weird, I haven't done anything major with them yet" Wyatt said knowing that there would a time sooner rather than later that the wolves would look to him for some kind of guidance

" well you've had a good example of what a great alpha is in the form of your mother... and you, you're kissing boys now?" Klaus said not liking any of his daughters being any where near hormonal boys

" it was one boy and it was one kiss and it probably won't happen again seeing as how I sent him to New Orleans to see Vincent" Ava said hoping that Vincent was giving Landon the help that he needed

" well let's hope that's the case because I have to say that I am not a fan of you dating, I'm not being sexist or anything... I just want to protect you" Klaus said thinking about the last time she had a crush

" oh really? So Wyatt can date and I can't... you know mom wouldn't like that" Ava said as smiled at him as she realised how much she missed them being here teaching since it meant more family time

" hey Ava, I've been looking for you everywhere....oh hey" Rafael said as he walked into the library looking for Ava before noticing not only Wyatt but also an older man that looked liked older Wyatt almost

" please don't tell me this is another potential suitor because the last thing I heard was that you still weren't that great at making friends. You have your mother's temperament" Klaus said affectionately

" so not a potential suitor, actually a friend...kind of. Rafael, this is our dad and this is Rafael... be nice" Ava said warning her father to be nice since they both knew he had a habit of losing his temper

" although you not being nice is so funny and I think that Rafael might literally crap his pants" Wyatt said knowing that Klaus could definitely be scary to everyone but his children and wife

" I got them, I got them! I even picked you the blue one since I know it's your favourite colour... hi Raf, have a cookie" Cassie said bouncing into the room as she handed Klaus a blue sugar cookie before giving Rafael a red one from her box

" thank you so much, my little seer.... Cas, you okay? Cassia?" Klaus said taking a cookie from her before noticing that her eyes suddenly turned gold as he felt her go stiff to as he began to worry

" she's having a vision, it'll be over in a minute and then she'll be okay" Ava said recognising the signs and symptoms of Cassie having a vision as she knew that this was the worst part which was the waiting

" hey baby, you okay? What did you see?" Klaus said catching Cassie as she lost her balance a little as he placed her on his knee trying to comfort her as best as he could as he realised how much he was missing of their lives

" it was so creepy... I saw a girl with wild hair walking alone on this dark road, she was scared and confused" Cassie said as she snuggled closer into her father a little as she thought about it again

" hey why don't you go and write it in your journal?" Wyatt said knowing that Cassie followed a certain protocol when it came to her visions as he knew it always made her feel bette to process it like that

" I will... I'll see you later, daddy" Cassie said kissing her dad on the cheek before running off to her dorm room as she thought about how she would have to tell Bonnie about her latest vision

" and as much as I would love to get to know your new friend better, I have to go and find Dr Saltzman. I'll come find you two later okay? Stay out of trouble" klaus said kissing Ava on the forehead and placing a gentle hand on Wyatt's shoulder before leaving

" so that's your dad, huh? The evil Klaus Mikaelson.... less scary in daddy mode" Rafael said as he remembered everything that Landon had told him and everything that he had about the Mikaelson family

" you should see his other modes" Wyatt said knowing that Klaus Mikaelson refined the definition of scary father as he smirked thinking about the amount of different ways he could scare Rafael

" apparently so according to all of the textbooks in the library, it's weird meeting... oh my god, Ellie?" Rafael said as they leaked closer to the front door to see a familiar looking frizzy haired girl walk in

" Raf...." the girl Ellie said as she turned to see the only familiar looking face in the sudden unfamiliar settings as she wondered what made her walk such a long distance to some random boarding school

" wait, Ellie as is in your-..." Ava said recognising the name from his file and from the account that Emma had gotten from him during their first session as she wondered how she was standing there

" my dead girlfriend, yeah" Rafael said before pulling Ellie into a gently but much needed hug as Wyatt and Ava gave each other a confused look as they realised that the Necromancer must be involved

" you should take her into Dr Saltzman's office and we'll go get him since this is way above our non exist pay grade" Wyatt said knowing that they needed to get Ellie out of sight of the other students

Meanwhile below the school away from the normal dungeons used for various different reasons for the students held the Necromancer in a cage of his own which was where Alaric had been holding him for days in the hopes of interrogating all of the answers needed both professional and personal out of him, unfortunately for Alaric the Necromancer was giving nothing away despite all the harsh methods he was using hence why he had decided to call in the only man he knew who's methods he knew would get the results that he wanted. Which was exactly what Klaus had done from the moment that he had walked into the basement dungeon as he began to look at the many tools of torture wanting to first intimidate the Necromancer before then picking them as he picked up a hammer before throwing it at his head as it buried deep into the Necromancer's skull.

" was that really necessary?" The Necromancer said sounding more mildly annoyed or bored than hurt by having the hammer inserted into his head so violently while Alaric leaned against the bars and watched

" don't look at me, I'm just here to torture you which is something I rather used to enjoy" Klaus said thinking about how he couldn't exactly go around torturing folk while trying to reform supernatural teens

" and I told you I need answers" Alaric said knowing that there was a line that he couldn't cross even when it came to monsters that Klaus didn't seem to ever mind crossing hence why he had called him

" why would I help you? You have me in chains and this is indignity will not go unpunished" the Necromancer said as he watched as Alaric and Klaus exchanged a look at his outrage

" we have been at this for days now, answer my question or I'll let Klaus here do his worst and something tells me that you're familiar with his work" Alaric said knowing death and klaus would know each other well

" right now I'm considering peeling your skin off like a grape and showering you with battery acid but then again that's only my first idea" Klaus said as casual as if he was talking about lunch

" a rather grotesque effort considering it will feel like the delicate tickles of a feather" the necromancer said thinking that the evil Niklaus Mikaelson could do better than a threat

" is that so? Then how about this? Because I have to say that this has always been my favourite tool of torture" Klaus said picking up an instrument before stalking towards him

" dad! Dr Saltzman!" Ava said running into the room with Wyatt not dad behind her as they thought of the situation going on upstairs as their eyes fell onto the necromancer in the cell

" ah there you are, lovely girl. I was wondering if you'd come visit me again" the necromancer said as he honed into Ava only giving his attention making klaus both worried and concerned

" I'm not here by choice rather than necessity seeing as how I was looking for them and they just so happen to be here" Ava said trying to sound less freaked out then she already felt

" how's your friend? The one I saw you with earlier trying to steal an illicit peek at me?" He asked thinking about how when he first arrived that Rafael and Ava tried to sneak in to see him

" well as we speak, he's having an emotional reunion with dead girlfriend. I assume we have you to thank" Ava said thinking this was the second loved one he had resurrected lately

" poor dear, her spirit was clinging to him like a vine in winter. It barely took any effort, just a little winkle of the nose and poof young love reborn" the necromancer said as if baking a cake

" I'm sure that's exactly what it takes to resurrect a soul that should have found peace before you ripped it away to do your bidding" Wyatt said making his presence known to him

" you're lucky that's all I did, the way you've treated a man of my stature you should be ashamed" the necromancer said still considering himself one of the great masters of death

" literally nobody knows who you are!" Alaric said getting fed up of hearing this man boosting about who he was when none of them knew who he was except for the myths and legends

" that's impossible" the necromancer said shocked over what he had just heard as he saw that the two men in his cage had already turned their attention to the two teenage twins outside

" I've come to find that the word impossible rarely applies to the supernatural world where we are the impossible" Klaus said with the familiar Niklaus Mikaelson smirk as the thought of it

" I'll go check on Raf and we can plan out what we needed to do next, Klaus... actually I could do with your help, he's a newly turned werewolf with the anger to go with it" Alaric said as a thought occurred to him as they left

" if you want an end to this misery then simply bring me the knife and I'll be on my way" the necromancer said to the twins hoping that the younger pair near him would be naive

" As simply as that, huh? We just give you the knife and you go poof? Because that has not been our experience of the supernatural world or it's beings" Ava said rolling her eyes at him

" Ava! Wyatt!" Klaus said calling on his children as he realised that they had left them behind as he didn't like the thought of them being left alone with the necromancer twisting their heads

" sorry but he's so fascinating like he's literally the embodiment of death" Wyatt said as he thought the necromancer and everything that he had done so far as they caught up with them

" I take it that things aren't going well even with reenforcement?" Ava said looking to Alaric and Klaus as she saw that her father already splatter of blood on his sleeves from his work

" he's a bigger diva than your uncle Kol and I've only been around him for five minutes" Klaus said thinking about how the necromancer seemed to be enjoying the games he was playing

" so what's the plan? Because I know you don't want to just give over the knife... although maybe should to get rid of him and to get more information on Malivore" Ava said thinking out loud

" and we can't exactly have him raising the lost ones of every person in this school considering the damage he could do" Wyatt said knowing that their own could do damage

" I will handle it, I have questions that need answers and your father is going to help" Alaric said trying to be firm with them since he could sense that they were planning to do something

" don't take this the wrong way but I'm not sure that your methods are the most effective... seeing as how you're getting nothing from him" Ava said speaking to Alaric as she tried to be nice

" Ava, I said I will handle this and stay away from him. Do you understand me, both of you?" Alaric said trying to be clear with them as they both nodded in agreement as Klaus gave them a look of warning

" do not do what I think you want to do, he is way too dangerous for you to handle. Just let us deal with it or you know don't get caught" Klaus said wishing that they weren't so much like him

" so you know that we're going to go back and see him right?" Ava said as they watched Klaus and Alaric walk away as she knew that they needed to try and get answers from him

" I had a feeling that we were going to do that and in that case, we should probably go see Dorian for information on the necromancer" Wyatt said forming a plan in his head for them

" and that is why you're my partner in crime... both by choice and by birth" Ava said knowing that they had always been super close as twins and been the best of friends because of that

" that's what you keep telling me... hey Dorian, find anything yet?" Wyatt said as they walked into the library to find Dorian sorting the books into the shelves as they knew what he know what they meant

" well necromancy is everywhere in occult literature, it's a form of sorcery that dates back to Ancient Greece. It involves the ability to communicate with and raise the dead but there's nothing about a specific necromancer" Dorian said updating them on his research findings

" meaning what exactly?" Wyatt said trying to work out what that meant exactly as he thought about how the necromancer kept talking about himself as if he was the most important thing

" basically whoever this dude is, he's been erased from history like every other monster that comes looking for the knife" Dorian said knowing there was a pattern forming with the monsters

" is there any way to stop him from bringing back dead people? Because if this week is any indication of what's to come, it's becoming a thing" Ava said knowing that Ellie was the second

" I'll look into it but tomorrow's my day off so it might take a minute" Dorian said knowing that Ava and Wyatt as well as Alaric would insist that he work tomorrow despite his reasons not to

" come on, Dorian. evil never takes a holiday" Ava said knowing that was one of the first things they had learned as children being raised in the supernatural world with supernatural parents

" and we should since all of our holidays have been ruined due some evil or another" Wyatt said thinking about how as children all of their holidays would be ruined due to supernatural drama

" well every year on Remembrance Day, I do. I write my letters, pack a lunch and head to the cemetery to ring the bell of honour for my dead family. So for the next 24 hours, ask dr Saltzman for help" Dorian said knowing that they all relied on him for research

" fair enough and while we're on the subject of dr Saltzman, we're worried about him. Do you think he's okay?" Ava said thinking about everything that he had been through lately with Jo

" I think after the week he's had, he needs a nap and a therapist the maybe even a vacation of his own" Dorian said knowing that Alaric has been thought a lot with his dead wife to be being resurrected

" I think we could all do with a nap especially with all of this going on lately" Wyatt said trying to think about the last time they had a normal day school which is saying something for them

" true that, hey do me a favour and take these to him for me?" Dorian said with a smile as he knew that the Mikaelson had a soft for Alaric who had become a father figure to them at the school

" of course, thanks Dorian.... so I may have a plan in my head and it may be crazy" Ava said after taking the books from Dorian as she began to form the plan in her head as she turned to Wyatt

" crazy is kind of our thing so let's go" Wyatt said knowing that he always had his sister's back no matter what as they headed to the basement knowing that this was probably a bad idea

Ava and Wyatt knew the risks of going back into the basement where the necromancer we're currently being kept in his cage and they knew that they'd be in major trouble if either Alaric or Klaus found out what they were planning on doing since they had both warned to let the adults do the work, however there was something about the necromancer that intrigued Ava. Maybe it was the fact that he was the embodiment of death or was another charming male with an accent that seemed to make her feel at home considering who her father was, although she knew that they had to be careful since it was clear that he loved to play mind games with people hence why they were armed with the books from Dorian.

" oh you have a powerful scent of death on you, you both do. It's actually quite lovely really" the necromancer said as he noticed that the Mikaelson twins were getting closer to him

" that's not creepy at all" Ava said as they got closer to his cage while keeping a safe distance while Ava and Wyatt used their combined magic to unlock his chains as a sign of faith

" we thought that we could talk for a bit" Wyatt said thinking about how they might be the ones that might be able to get through to the necromancer and get the answers they wanted

" such puny creatures dares do dalliance with The Almighty Necromancer?" The necromancer said causing Wyatt and Ava exchanged a look before rolling their eyes at his statement

" can I please to break it to him?.... oh yay so here's the thing about that, you don't exist like at all" Ava said taking a small amount of joy and delight in telling him that no one knew of him

" I won't fall for your mind games" the necromancer said thinking that this was one of their tricks to mess with his mind since none of their physical tactics had worked in breaking him yet

" which would be great if that was what this is but this isn't a game, let's just agree that whatever we say here from now on is the truth" Wyatt said as he figured it would save time

" let me lay it out for you, you died and then you were in a dark place for what felt like an eternity" Ava said thinking about everything that they had learned from dryad about it

" until suddenly you were pulled into the light with a singular inexplicable mission to retrieve a knife" Wyatt said carrying on from where Ava left from as he knew that all the monsters wanted the knife

" it's been the same for all the creatures that came before you and there's been many so don't go thinking your special or anything" Ava said knowing that his ego could with a little deflating

" you're not even the most interesting...there's been a dragon, a gargoyle, an Arachne and a dryad" Wyatt said knowing that wasn't necessary true since he was incredibly fascinating

" bah, such creatures exist only in fiction" the necromancer said making them both realise that even the necromancer wasn't immune to whatever it was that make them forget about these creatures

" no, they just been erased from history and so have you" Ava said thinking about necromancer was now just thought of as a type of magic that no one she knew practiced

" that's preposterous, I'm world renowned! People tremble at the sound of my name" the necromancer said thinking about the great power he had over people in his hay days

" no they don't and if you don't believe us then take a look for yourself" Wyatt said handing him the books through the bars of the cage since he didn't want Ava to go near him

" No,no,no! A lifetime's work, my legacy reduced to something as pitiful as a brand of sorcery? Where I am barely a footnote? Who's responsible for this vile affront?" He said after reading it

" that's why we're here, we're going that you can help us figure that out" Ava said knowing that they wouldn't be going against their dad and headmaster if there was another way

" well then I'm all ears, my lovely" the necromancer said coming closer to the bars as he focused his attention on Ava making her uncomfortable and making Wyatt more causation

" if you want to get to the bottom of this then we need to know who's communicating with you" Ava said knowing there had to be a way for them to know where the knife was and to get it

" no one's communicating with me, my mind is a steel trap" the necromancer said retaining the fact that he was this almighty and powerful being as they started to have more questions

" but you knew to resurrect dr Saltzman's dead fiancée right after he mentioned it to the dryad or are you saying that is a coincidence?" Wyatt said knowing that whoever was controlling them knew how to hit Alaric hard

" he's right and you're all coming after the same thing so you have to be communicating in some way, so who's pulling your strings?" Ava said knowing they were connected some how

" I am no puppet!.... and it's less of a voice, more of an instinct. I simply know things" the necromancer said deciding to give them some of the details of what was going on with him

" like you know you're here to retrieve the knife and return it a place called Malivore" Ava said surprising the necromancer with how much she had figured or learned from the others

" if I return the knife to Malivore then I'll be free" the necromancer said knowing that was the reason behind all of the creatures currently coming at them in order to get the knife from him

" be free from what?" Wyatt said wondering what kind of deal whoever was controlling them had offered them as he wondered if they would be returned to their former glory as creatures

" the blackness, the void, the empty oblivion-" the necromancer said getting more and more dramatic as he spoke as he thought about the previous state he had been in before now

" seriously, dude... do you ever just say things once?" Ava said getting more and more annoyed with his dramatic ways since all she wanted was to get to the bottom of all of this

" and more importantly do you know how to get there?" Wyatt said wondering if they could cut out the middle man or in this case creature and go straight to Malivore to get their answers 

" only that the knife will lead me there" the necromancer said as he tried to think about it before giving them his answer as he realised that the knife was the key to his freedom

" and I'm assuming you know this symbol" Ava said getting the journal she was drawing in earlier from her pocket as she looked through it for the right page before showing it to him

" it's the sign of the worst existential nightmare, the ultimate hell, the-" the necromancer said bear being cut off by Ava who was now tempted to go back to torture him for answers

" dude, you're doing it again! Focus! What does this symbol mean?" Ava said knowing that he was getting more and more distracted by their questions which was preventing him from answering

" the symbol represents what you say has happened to me, it means no one remembers you or celebrates you or even mourns you" the necromancer said thinking it used to be a myth

" speaking of mourn, do you remember how you died?" Wyatt said thinking about how that might hold some details for them to help them work out more about the person behind this

" I was wondering the beaches of Normandy in need of a pick me up so I thought I'd resurrect a few G.I's to toy with some Nazis" the necromancer said thinking about on his last memory

" I'm glad to hear that even evil creatures such as yourself don't like Nazis" Ava said now leaning against the wall facing the necromancer as she wished they could something more

" nobody likes Nazis, anyway one minute I'm dancing with the dead on the sand and the next there was just blackness" the necromancer said as he remembered it all as clear as day

" but you don't remember who killed you?" Ava said looking at Wyatt since they had both hoped that he would be able to give them a name or a description or something to go on

" no although that's not uncommon, the subconscious has a way of protecting the mind against the trauma of death. I see it all the time in my line of work" he said trying to help

" your line of work? That's not disturbing at all but theoretically you're saying that memory still exists?" Wyatt said trying to work out the meaning of what he was saying as suddenly there was hope

" that gives me another really bad idea... what if there was a way to access it?" Ava said pushing herself off of the way as she walked closer to Wyatt and the necromancer

" you want to take a walk through my subconscious... oh oh, well at your own peril my dear" the necromancer said as he sudden got an idea of his own as he realised that this worked

" are you serious? You know the risks of this and you still want to do it? There's crazy and then there's stupid" Wyatt said suddenly worried since he knew exactly what she was thinking

" course I'm not sure you're quite tall enough to ride the scary rides huh, short stuff? I assume you've got a powerful vampire handy?" The necromancer said knowing they needed one

" obviously... ok maybe not but he's powerful enough or he'll do at least, come on" Ava said knowing exact who they were going to get to help them as she nodded for Wyatt to follow

" who are you thinking of? Because I know it's not dad" Wyatt said as they headed up the stairs to leave the basement area as he wondered what was going on in his sister's head

" clearly we can't go to dad, especially not now but I was thinking of calling up one my trusty avengers members" Ava said with a smile and an evil glint in her eye that was all Klaus

Ava and Wyatt asked around if anyone had seen their vampire in question before heading to the gym where they had been told that was where MG and Kaleb were currently working out as they thought about how while Kaleb was probably stronger vampire in terms of compulsion especially because his diet had previously consisted of drinking humane blood rather than animal blood like MG due to that's being what the school tended to provide due to Stefan having promoted an animal blood diet in order to prevent future rippers like himself getting out of control, on the other hand by now it was clear that they couldn't trust Kaleb like they could  trust MG which is why they wanted until Kaleb was leaving before walking into the gym.

" MG! Hey, do you know how to do a head dive?" Ava said getting straight to the point as MG wondered if he had heard her correctly since a head dive was something still new and unheard of

" are you serious? Is she serious? I mean is that even a thing?" MG said first to Ava then to Wyatt as MG knew by now that both of the Mikaelson twins did impossible things but still

" yeah I'm afraid she is and when you find out who she wants you to head dive into the you'll find out how bad it actually it is" Wyatt said sitting down on the weights bench while they talked

" and it is a thing, it just a little precision and careful handling seeing as how my sanity is kind of at risk too" Ava said knowing that she was risking so much if this went wrong on her end

" I don't know, I mean you might want to get Kaleb to do" MG said thinking that Kaleb was a much better vampire than he was as he thought everything that he could do that he couldn't

" if we wanted Kaleb to help us then we would have asked him but we didn't, we asked you" Wyatt said knowing that they would pick MG over Kaleb every single time without a doubt

" and Kaleb's not on our avenger's squad, now is he? It's all in here but not a word of this to dr Saltzman or our father" Ava said knowing that they would be in so much trouble if they did

" goes without saying, chickadee" MG said gesturing for them to lead the way as he realised that if it involved the Mikaelson twins then chances were that whatever this was was dangerous

" and you'll need to prepare yourself because this is not an easy thing to be done... just read" Wyatt said thinking about how this was going to be difficult for him to just stand by and watch

" hey don't feel totally useless in all of this, if this goes wrong or if you sense something is wrong with me then I'll need you" Ava said knowing that Wyatt would understand what to do

" oh this is cold, it's like complicit but while I'm on the surface of his mind being all heroic like I'm plunging you into the deep end-...holy Mary, mother of demons" MG said after seeing the necromancer

" hello Milton, your great nana Imogene is waving hello just over your shoulder" the necromancer said trying to freak him out since he was an easier target than the twins

" you can see my great nana?" MG said as he remembered his great nana and the stories that his mother would tell him as he suddenly got worried about her sudden appearance near him

" oh I can see everything, she's disappointed in you for forsaking Jesus, who I can also see but that's another can of worms." The necromancer said as he thought of his abilities

" pay him no attention, he's being creepy and dramatic on purpose" Ava said letting the necromancer know that she knew he was playing games with MG just for the fun of it

" shall we begin? I am assuming that the pretty blonde twin is the one going inside my head?" The Necromancer said looking at Ava as Wyatt sudden became suspicious about him

" I am, it makes sense since I'm the stronger witch out of the two of us while Wyatt will act like my lifeboat" Ava said trying to be completely void of all emotions while she spoke to him

" hold up, we're going in there? With him?" MG said suddenly questioning the sanity of the Mikaelson twins as he thought of all the rumours that floated around school about them

" with me, The Almighty Necro-" the necromancer said before cut off once again by one of the twins as Wyatt decided that he couldn't bare to his obnoxious self given title once again

" can we not do all that again? And don't worry, MG. We'll protect you from this poser" Wyatt said given a pointed look to the necromancer as they all entered the cage with him inside

" did you steal those keys from dr Saltzman?" MG said as he recognised the keys that Ava was currently putting back inside of her pocket as he wondered how she did the thing she did

" yeah I kinda did, I feel in situations like this that it's better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission" Ava said knowing that she definitely had her mother's personality at times

" you know you have reason to fear me, I assure you" the necromancer said as if sensing MG's fear of him as Wyatt and Ava turned to see that MG had practically pressed himself flat against the bars

" definitely, I mean you're basically the grim reaper" MG said thinking about everything he had heard about the mysterious necromancer in the basement after hearing about the whole Jo thing

" the reaper is a commercial sideshow lack! No, you dirty your mouth speaking his name in my presence. Perhaps I should summon nana to wash it out with soap?" He said clearly upset

" no, you leave my nana be. Don't nobody need o be sopped by nana right now" MG said knowing that the thought of his nana coming back to give him into trouble than the necromancer

" maybe we should just get on with this?" Wyatt said knowing that they kind of short on time since it wouldn't be long before either Alaric or Klaus came to check on the necromancer

" okay so according to the book, I stand here with my hands on his shoulders" Ava said as she walked around the necromancer who sat himself down before placing her hands on his shoulders

" now you and I join hands before I look into your eyes, open your mind to me like lifting a window to le me breeze in... everybody ready?" MG said as Ava and Wyatt nodded in agreement as he started the head dive

As Ava closed her eyes along with the necromancer as MG began to do the head dive before they opened them to find themselves in somewhat familiar surrounds for Ava as she realised that they were currently in Rousseau's in New Orleans causing her to realise that this was his way of playing mind tricks on her. All of a sudden she got the feeling that this was a bad idea on her part since he clearly had a plan of his own while she was stuck in his mind as she realised that she would have to have her wits about her with the monster  

" I'll be damned, I mean I'm obviously damned but it worked" the necromancer said sitting on a bar stool in in Rousseau's as she turned around looking at the all familiar but different aspects of the room

" what the hell are we doing here? I mean out of everywhere we could be, we're here?" Ava said showing him the reason why werewolves were well known for their uncontrollable rage

" you are the one who invited yourself along" the necromancer said thinking about how it had been her idea to enter his mind in order to find out how he was killed and who killed him

" I know but here? This restaurant is in New Orleans, I've spent half my childhood here. I know this place like the back of my hand" Ava said knowing that the bar used to be owned by Josh

" yes, Rousseau's. I've spent a good amount of time here before the 1920s, your father was good for business. He always liked killing people" the necromancer said trying to throw her off

" how do you know about my dad? And you're not telling me anything that I don't already know" Ava said knowing that there was no secrets between them and their parents anymore

" then of course there's your grandfather Mikael who may have a noble cause in his eyes still killed enough to make me busy" the necromancer said trying to get a reaction from her

" that man is no more my grandfather than Esther is my grandmother, I mean I think I can officially disown them after the amount of times they've tried to kill us" Ava said as plain as day

" in case we could talk about your aunt Dahlia who I have to say is all around especially when you use magic like she's drawn to you... ohh that hit a nerve didn't it?" He said noticing her reaction

" Dahlia? As in the witch that tried to take me away from my parents and use me as her own personal battery pack... hold up, are you messing with me?" Ava said getting annoyed

" frankly I think you're the one messing with me, all this talk of solving the mystery of Malivore. I think you and I both know which mystery you'd love to solve" he said trying to bait her

" and what mystery would that be?" Ava said wondering how she found herself in the company of another egotistical male who thought that he knew more about her than she did

" you want to know if you have the Mikaelson traits such as the murderous tendencies or the fact that Mikaelson seemed to be destined to be alone" he said knowing that was one of her fears

" no I don't because I actually know who I am and nothing like my great aunt or my supposed grandparents" Ava said with such fire and hate that it almost made him laugh at her fierceness

" sure you don't and there's no part of you that fears that one of them will find a way to come back and fill their task of getting rid out you or your siblings" he said already knowing the answer

" no.... not a single bit" Ava said with clenched teeth as she thought about nightmares she used to get as a child thinking about the stories of how Esther had tried to sacrifice her and Wyatt as newborns

" come on, we can't start lying to each other now can we? Now let's for started, shall we? This is my conscious mind and we need to find the door to my subconscious. So look for a hallway to nowhere or endless staircase or something like that" the necromancer said looking around

" so look for a random out of place thing other than you being here?... wait, is that music?" Ava said stopping her search as she stood up to listen to the noise coming from the streets

" ohhh a second line, my favourite! How I love the macabre! The dance of death and I wonder who's the guess of honour? Your grandfather, grandmother or great aunt... let's take a look" he said after leading her outside to the festival to see a coffin in the middle of the street

" No, No! Are you kidding me?! There's nothing there" Ava said as she fear got the better of her as she ran to the coffin to stop whoever was inside from causing trouble to see it was empty

" you're not ready for the truth, little girl" the necromancer said taking her statement as her denying what she was seeing as he turned to see that she had a look of pure hate on her face

" no like there's literally nothing, dumb dumb" Ava said knowing that she was acting like her little brother since she was now name calling as she tried to calm down her heart rate a little

" hmmm? Oh clever girl, may I present the door to my subconscious? Well done, you" the necromancer said before jumping into the coffin and slamming it shut leaving her all alone

" I'm glad that's over, I'm shaking and my hands are sweaty and I-" MG said as Ava opened her eyes causing to Wyatt and MG to let out the breathe they were holding in as she moaned

" I wasn't as big of a wreck as MG but still not a fan of that" Wyatt said remembering how panicked she had looked while the necromancer looked completely calm in his own head

" unbelievable, he ditched me! I found the door to his subconscious and he left me, send me back in" Ava said now fuelled by her anger and irritation as she wanted to know what he was doing

" maybe that's not such a great idea, Aves" Wyatt said knowing by now that the necromancer clearly had a bigger plan at play here as he worried about what he had in store for her

" and I'm not that good at this" MG said not liking the fact that the plan solely relied on his skills as a vampire as he worried that he might do something wrong that could hurt her

" you will be fine and so will I but if he's going in search of answers then I need to be there when he finds them especially because he ditched me. I'm ready" Ava said preparing herself

" that makes one of us but let's do this" MG said giving Wyatt a worried look before taking the necromancer's hands again to place Ava back into his mind while Wyatt sat back and watched

Ava opened her eyes to find that she was back at Rousseau's restaurant as she looked around to find that he had replaced all of the pictures that held pictures of her mom having fun with her friends like Josh or Davina or Cami with pictures of himself as she groaned at his self centred ways before she began to look around for a door of some kind to get into his subconscious before slowly walking towards a door as she opened it see a long and seemingly endless staircase. Against her better judgement, she began to walk down the stairs knowing that he had somewhat predicted this as she remembered his words about the doorway to the subconscious as she began to scared about all of this

" this is a little much, don't you think? And you said you didn't like mind games? All of this reeks of one massive mind game- AAHHHH!" Ava said calling out to him before falling down

" Ava? Aves, you okay?" Wyatt said from the outside world as she landed making her realise that she could still it whenever MG or Wyatt spoke to her from outside of his subconscious

" first of all, ow and second I'm here okay? I climbed your endless staircase down into your bottomless pit of despair so let's end this. Hey, Almighty Necromancer! " Ava said begin to panic as she looked around and seen nothing but darkness

" Ava?" MG said as his voice of concern echoed in her head clueless of the fact that her fear and despair of was beginning to show to MG and Wyatt as they began to worry about her and what was going on 

" enough of this! I get it you want me to admit that I'm scared of becoming the worst part of my father or his siblings or even the elderly members of family, of becoming an uncaring and unfeeling murderous loon but you're wrong. I know I am nothing like them! I am not Dahlia or Mikael! Oh screw this, MG? MG, get me out of here... MG!" Ava said beginning to panic

Meanwhile back in the cell with both Ava and the necromancer currently submerged into the darkest part of his mind, Wyatt and MG watched as Ava began to get more and more upset before beginning to cry as Wyatt tapped into the twin bond they scared which allowed him to connect her better to see what was going on with her as he realised that whatever was happening to her was terrifying her in a way that he had never from her before causing him to join MG in panicking. Soon they both decided that enough of enough since neither of them knew how much that she could take as MG tried to pull her to find that she was one trapped there

" Ava, come on...come on out. Ava! Use your magic and snap out of this, please!" Wyatt said allowing her emotions to control how he was feeling and reacting to this situation as he tried to wake her up

" that's it, the head dive is over. Come on, man. Just let her go, she's scared. Let her out, man!" MG said now yelling at the necromancer who had began to laugh as they realised this was his doing

" MG, I know Ava is probably going to hate because of this but go and get help. Go straight to Alaric or my dad, tell that Ava is in danger" Wyatt said making the decision to break their code of silence

" what are you going to do?" MG said knowing that there had to be a reason why Wyatt was sending him and not going himself as he wondered what he was planning on doing to help her

" I'm going to try and lend her my strength through our twin bond, try to let her subconsciously that she isn't alone. Just go and hurry" Wyatt said not knowing if it was going to work that well

Despite Wyatt's attempts to try and strengthen Ava from within and let her know that despite how she was feeling or what her mind was currently telling that she wasn't alone in this, she was now reduced to sitting on the floor with her knees pulled into her chest as she cried thinking about every bad thing that someone in her family had done to her or someone she had loved such as how Esther had turned her mother's wolves against her or had wanted the twins dead or how Mikael had tortured her father so many times for what he was. She knew there was evil in her family and deep down she worried that the same illness was in her too

" why are you doing this to me? Fine, I'm scared that one day one of them will come back and finish off the job and get what they want. Mikael wanted me and Wyatt dead because we're freaks of nature, Esther wanted to remove all traces of her mistake and Dahlia just wanted my power but more than that I'm scared that I'll become just like them. I'm scared cause no one should ever have to be alone like this. I don't want to be alone anymore" Ava said now sobbing

" oh hey pretty girl" the necromancer said as he waltz into the darkness behind her causing her to spin around as she angrily wiped the tears away as she became furious about what he did 

" don't you dare 'hey' me! Get me the hell out of here!" Ava said knowing that she was truly finished with this ridiculous plan of herself as she just wanted to be anywhere but this void

" with pleasure... opps, your daddies are here and look so mad" the necromancer said making fun of her situation with klaus and Alaric who were currently standing outside of the cage angry

" beyond that actually, get the hell out of there now! Go to my office, we'll e there once we've cleaned up your mess" Alaric said as Wyatt gently pulled Ava into a hug to comfort her

Ava and Wyatt headed to Alaric's office to wait for Alaric and their father to arrive as Ava filled Wyatt on what happened to her while she was in the necromancer's subconscious since he already knew that whatever it was had her upset he greatly but also that it had left her restless and angry as she thought about how they still didn't have the answers they wanted or needed by the point. Soon they fell into a comfortable silence while they waited fit the older me to come into the room as Ava decided to sit down trying to calm her nerves down as she thought about everything she had just learned about herself, soon she was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard klaus slam the door shut as Alaric and him walked into the office

" who wants to go first and explain to us what the hell that was in there?" Klaus said looking between his children wondering how he was going to explain all of this to his wife later

" it was my idea, Wyatt just went along with it to protect me. The head dive was the only to find how he died and who did it" Ava said trying to defend not only her brother but also her choices

" how could you be so reckless?" Alaric said knowing the risks of head diving as well as anyone as he realised that she could have seriously lasted herself in more ways than one if it had went wrong

" to be fair to her, you two weren't getting anywhere with him and if it had worked then you wouldn't be yelling at her right now" Wyatt said knowing magic was only ever bad when it didn't work

" and so you two took it upon yourself? And how did that go?" Alaric said challenging Ava more than Wyatt as he watched her stand up to look out of the window needing to see something else

" clearly not well seeing as how he trapped me in his mind to taunt me but that's kinda stating the obvious right now, huh?" Ava said showing that she was clearly on the edge right now

" Ava Charlotte Mikaelson, be very aware of your attitude right now because you are so incredibly luck that you're being suspended" Klaus said warning her not to go too far with them

" I had it under control, Ava" Alaric said knowing that she would have been the one to drive this idea of hers since she was the one who had been challenging him and her father beforehand

" oh really? You had it under control then how do you explain this or this or anything else that could explain your utter lack of progress with him?" Ava said with such fury as she revealed empty bourbon bottles laying around the office

" Ava, calm down okay?" Wyatt said as he exchanged a look with his father since they both knew what could happen when Ava lost control of her tempter as he looked down at her hands

" I am grieving and actually showing some emotional, maybe you should try it instead of pushing everyone away" Alaric said as things between them began to get personal

" that is not fair and you know it" Ava said with such fire and hate as she thought about why she pushed everyone away from her limiting the amount of people that could get hurt because of her

" I am trying to protect you, that thing is a master manipulator. It resurrected my dead fiancée, it raised a cemetery of zombies and brought back Rafaela dead girlfriend" Alaric said yelling back

" Alaric, if you have a point coming up then I suggest you make it fast" klaus said sounding every bit as tense as he felt as he watched as Ava's hand beginning to showing signs of magic

" well let's talk about the way that he could torment you two starting your vampire hunter of grandfather who hates your werewolf side or how about your grandmother who would happily level this school to the ground. And there's all of the ghosts of the people you killed in New Orleans. God, I can't believe you'd do this" Alaric said letting himself get too carried away

" hey! Stop! That's so unfair to use what we did in New Orleans against us, we had the darkest of dark magic in us at the time and those vampires deserved. If we didn't kill them then they would have killed our entire family" Wyatt said now sticking up for his sister and their actions

" he's right, that prejudice crowd of morons wouldn't have stopped until everyone not a vampire was dead" klaus said knowing that was a fact that Alaric knew all too well from their many meetings

" you know you don't like that I broke your rules as a head date then fine, punish me but don't  you dare play disappointing dad because I already have one father and that is not you!" Ava said knowing what she need to do as sh nodded to Wyatt to follow her

" that would be me and as your father, I have to say that I am no less angered by what you did, you could have gotten hurt or worse" klaus said in a much gentler tone than the one Alaric had been using

" I guess she figured that getting rid of this guy and finding out more about this supernatural threat was bigger than her or any of us and I tend to agree" Wyatt said knowing what they had to next as they left and slammed the door shut

" wait, what are you doing? Open this door!" Alaric said as him and Klaus raced over to the door to find that the twins were now chanting as the placed a spell in the door to keep it closed

" to finish what we started... cloditay" Ava said as her and Wyatt placed one last spell on the door before walking away from the office as they could hear the two men calling on them

With Alaric and Klaus now safely locked away in Alaric's office, Ava and Wyatt snuck back down stairs to where the necromancer was still sitting in his cell as Ava wanted to know what happened with him when he ditched her in his mind since according to Wyatt he never woke up until he came to her and they both left his subconscious together. However this time neither of the times were in the mood to play nice or to pander the necromancer's whimsical ways as they stormed into the room knowing that this time they were going to get the answers that they wanted and needed in order to prove Alaric that they were right about taking this away from him and handling it on their own like they had

" back for more?" The necromancer said with a smile as he looked over to where Ava was currently standing behind Wyatt who was shielding her since he didn't trust the necromancer

" what happened when you left? Where were you?" Ava said knowing that he wasn't in the same place where she had been as she wondered where exactly she had been in his mind

" it seems like you're as eager to learn about Malivore as I was, after I left you I returned to the scene of my death" the necromancer said as he thought about how riled up they seemed to be

" what did you see?" Wyatt said more curious than ever since this was the whole reason behind doing the head dive since his death held more answers for them than anything else they had

" I saw a shadow, I felt a searing pain and when I looked down there was a knife in my heart then there was emptiness all around me" the necromancer said a the twins got closer

" a knife as in the knife?" Ava said knowing that it couldn't just be a coincidence that the necromancer was killed by a knife while every monster was coming for the same knife

" as in the knife, interestingly enough that which I see is that which did me in" the necromancer said as they realised that the irony of his situation was clearly not lost on any of them

" and you do what? Because you didn't jut see your death scene, that would have took minutes" Wyatt said knowing that the timing of everything didn't seem to add up where he was concerned

" You've got to understand to be killed by such a trifle of the an object, I was curious as to its power so I jumped out of my subconscious and summon the spirit of the man who forged the knife in the first place" the necromancer said as if was as easy as sending a text

" I'm sorry, you left in there on purpose?" Ava said thinking about the despair and the pain she felt from being left in the dark all alone with just her thoughts to torture her as her anger increased

" oh I had work to do and you had lessons to lead, anyway from him now I heard the remarkable story of Malivore which was created to wipe the scourge of the supernatural off the face of this earth" the necromancer said knowing that Ava had a lesson to learn about herself

" you mean like a completely wipe out with the supernatural? How?" Wyatt said thinking about people had always promised to get rid of supernatural creatures some way or another

" Malivore consumed us, erased us, it was permanent death and it was in Malivore that we were left to perish until recently when the knife started to beckoning to us to bring it home" the necromancer said told them while trying to scare them

" ok but why a knife? What it is?" Ava said thinking that the knife had to be something more than what it seemed for it to have this kind of power as they thought a out its connection to Landon

" decades ago, Malivore was contained. Three locks were created to steal Malivore shut and the knife is one of those locks. When all three locks return home, Malivore is free to open its jaws of death once again" necromancer said thinking about it consuming everyone and thing

" what does that mean... in simple terms?" Wyatt said getting a little fed up with the necromancer's dramatic description of things as he began to run a hand through his messy hair

" oh my darlings, let's just hope neither of you are still alive to find out" the necromancer said  thinking the damage that the Malivore would do if it was back in play come again in the world

" that's not ominous or anything... and let me get this straight, you left me inside your freaky twisted mindscape so you could what? Stall me?" Ava said thinking about what he did

My apologises for the melodrama but I needed to buy myself sometime" the necromancer said trying to be sweet with her as he laughed a little as he watched her roll her eyes at him

" something tells me that you love a little bit of melodrama and you were talking to Sime dead knife maker" Wyatt said rethinking everything that the necromancer had done or said so far

" that and to retrieve the knife your friend Dorian had hidden behind the stacks in the library" the necromancer said making their blood run cold as the realisation hit them that he knew where it was hidden

" how... just how?" Ava said completely speechless as she realised that not only she had made the biggest mistake of her life but also had allowed the enemy to take the only leverage they had

" well while you were trapped in just a small semblance of the blackness I suffered and experienced just an ounce of my agony, I was busy doing what I do best... controlling the dead" the necromancer said as Wyatt began to connect all of the dots in his head

" Ellie... you were using Ellie, it's why you brought her back and why she was here right? You stalling all of us" Wyatt said wondering if Rafael or Alaric knew about Ellie's part in this

" I was indeed stalling you both, just as I am stalling you now. Did you know that there's a lot of Bennett witches buried in the local cemetery that excel in the art of mystical transportation?" The necromancer said knowing that they probably did as they were both powerful witches

" I know they can do a lot more than that" Ava said thinking about Bennett watches were the most infamous magical bloodlines ever although not necessary the oldest in the supernatural world

" well I summoned a little help to ensure the knife returned to Malivore quickly and with incident" he said showing them the knife before it magical disappeared causing the ground to shake around them

" oh my god, this can not be happening" Ava said holding onto Wyatt as they began stagger around the room as they realised that this must be because of the knife being returned home

" come on, look bright on the side you can get back to the daily grind of your young life and in moments when the knife if returned to Malivore I will be free to find peace... now the knife is destroyed, one lock is released and with it so am I" the necromancer said before disappearing

After they had realised that not only had the enemy gotten the one thing that they had been protecting but also the enemy had gotten free and the real enemy was one step closer to reopen Malivore that would wipe them all from this earth causing the twins to defeatedly head back to Alaric's office since they knew that they would be in bigger trouble than just for using their magic against a teacher but also for trapping them inside since they had to tell both Alaric and klaus about what just happened. Later in the day after Alaric and Klaus has yelled at them for a good hour, they headed back to their dorm room where Ava got changed into a pair of ripped huh waisted jeans that she had tucked her white tshirt that had big buttons on it into them before putting on a multi coloured striped cardigan and a pair of red ballet flats. She decided to shake out her blonde braids so that her hair was now wavy as she placed the front section of her hair in a messy top bun, she gently fixed her makeup to make it look more natural before heading to the library where she began to read to calm her nerves down which was how klaus had found her.

" so this is where you're hiding, huh? I figured you'd be here alone when I heard that Wyatt was in the gym helping your friend from earlier... here" Klaus said siting next to her as he handed her a peanut butter milkshake

" Rafael, yeah he still has a lot of anger issues to work through as a newly turned werewolf and seeing his dead girlfriend who he killed didn't help anything" Ava said taking a sip from her shake

" death comes with issues of its own... how are you holding up?" Klaus said knowing that she would probably go into dark place due to the guilt she felt over what just happened in the cell

" not great, I mean I basically just kicked started the next supernatural apocalypse" Ava said with a sad smile as she thought about the amount of people she just put at risk because of it

" well you wouldn't be the first person in the world to make this kind of death defining consequences and you won't be last, don't be so hard on yourself my love" he said trying to comfort her

" that's not as comforting as you think it is, dad" Ava said thinking about how Alaric wasn't talking her or Wyatt right now for the part they played in unlocking of the locks to Malivore

" I know but listen just because this happened doesn't mean that you just stop, use this to motive yourself to solve this and you will but not alone" Klaus said playing with her curls

" alone... there seems to be a constant theme about me being alone" Ava said as her mind began to turn to what happened to her while she was in the necromancer's subconscious

" is that what he was using to taunt you with? Wyatt said that you'd been upset while in the necromancer's head" Klaus said wanting to help her before he had to leave yet again

" he tried to use Mikael, Esther and Dahlia to get to me but it didn't work as well as he thought it would until he realised that I was worried about becoming them" Ava said in a small voice

" becoming them? You could never become anything like them, you are so sweet and kind. You just don't let everyone see it and I understand, baby" klaus said knowing that he liked this part

" dad, I have this darkness in me and you chalk it up being the first born witch but I know the damage I could do if I just let go and it scares me" she said in a whisper as she tried not to cry

" listen me very carefully, okay? Everyone has both light and dark in them, some just tap into one more than the other because it's easier but it doesn't define you. That's something that took me a long time to learn and it's only when I met your mother that I began to believe it" klaus said knowing that she was so much like Peyton in very way but how she looked

" well mom never tried to change you right? She just loved who you are, kind like what we do.... I'm just so scared of being me and everything that entails sometimes" she said being honest

" I know, admitting some truths is harder than most and it's easier to just do things like act out or push people away which is why it's nice to see you with a friend or hear about you kissing a boy. Although less with the last one" klaus said making her laugh at his protectiveness

" Landon changed something in me like I can't help but want to be the girl he likes because no matter what I do to him, he's always there and Rafael is out of connivence for both of us" Ava said knowing that with Landon gone, they both needed someone to talk to

" whatever the reason are, it's good to see and it's good timing because if the Mystic Falls scooby gang taught me anything it was that you need friends around you" he said smiling

" yeah majority of them hated you so... thanks dad, everyone else might think you're evil but you're still my dad" Ava said hugging him as he held her close to him before kissing her head

" anytime, my sweet. I should be heading soon to go back to Chicago but if you need either me or your mother than just call and we'll be here" he said knowing that might come in handy as she nodded

Just after Klaus had said goodbye to all of his children at the Salvatore boarding school, Ava decided to head to the cemetery since that was where the majority of the students and teachers  were today since it was Remembrance Day as they wrote notes to their loved one and burn them almost like wishes for the dead, however instead of making a note for someone who was already dead Ava decided to a write a note to the old her who had changed so much a way of remembering the girl she used to be and accepting the girl she was now. While she was in the cemetery, she looked to see that Wyatt had cleared decided to change up his methods with Rafael as he waited for him to finish talked to Alaric before turning around to see her watching them both

" hey, we didn't know you'd be here. You write a note or something?" Wyatt said approaching as Rafael looked over their way while he spoke to Alaric as Wyatt noticed her art on one of the folded pieces of paper

" yeah I did, I decided that it was probably the best to work out some issues I have..." Ava said trailing off the end of her sentence as she seen that Rafael was coming towards them

" hey..." Rafael said to Ava as he wondered how she was coping since Wyatt had filled him in everything that had happened with the necromancer while they had been working out together

" hey, Im sorry I didn't have your back today and I was hogging this one all day but apparently I was too busy launching phase one of Mali-pocalypse and wrecking the world as we know it" Ava said letting some of emotion slip into her voice

" so busy day all around I guess" Wyatt said trying to make light of it since he knew that Ava was beating herself up more than anyone else would ever be able to with her constant thoughts

" it's okay, dr Saltzman had my back... he still not talking to you huh?" Rafael said as he noticed that Alaric was avoiding making eye contact with her especially as he looked over to them to keep an eye on them

" he's probably going to be mad at me for a while, not that I blame him" Ava said knowing that this mistake in particular was one that she was going to struggle to forgive herself for

" I mean he was already really mad at us for going behind his back to interrogate the necromancer and then locking him in his office with our dad, so..." Wyatt said thinking about it

" well think of it this way, maybe with the knife gone for a while we can finally get some white around here" Rafael said wondering what a normal boring day that the Salvatore school was like

" is that even possible? I mean seriously I'm not sure I know what a normal school day being a teenage is like" Wyatt said laughing since there was always seemed to something crazy happening

" just as well you have me as a teacher to show all the cool parts about being a teenager" Rafael said knowing that there was a lot he still had to learn about supernatural but this was something he knew

" oh really? Why do I think this involves a lot of parties and girls?.... hey Aves, you okay? What's wrong?" Wyatt said realising that he had fallen behind and was now looking scared again

" it's Landon, he's in trouble... I gave him panic button that would activate this bracelet so I would know where he was to help him and... guys, Landon needs us" Ava said beginning to panic

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