Rags Meets Riches [Lashton AU]

By Larry_Lashton

42.1K 2.3K 1.7K

Ashton is a Rich boy who just wants to have fun in his life. So, when he moves and explores the city of Sydne... More

Description & Warning:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

1.4K 77 74
By Larry_Lashton

[Luke's POV]

When I went to work the next day, I was in such a good mood. Ever since we went to the movies, Ashton and I have been getting closer. But, Michael and Calum don't like him. At all, and I hated the way they talked about Ashton behind his back, they rarely act this way and he didn't deserve it.

Yes, Ashton is pretty much a goody-two-shoes, but that's not a bad thing. I think he's just been sheltered from life and needs to learn to live a little. And, I will help him by showing him how to have fun and live life.

I was at Hot Topic, checking out items for customers and it was a very busy day. We had a sale going, so everyone was coming in and school was out, so lots of teens were here since it's also Friday. I sighed, looking at all the lovey dovey couples and groaned.

Sometimes I feel alone, but I guess everyone has that time in their life where they wish they had a boyfriend or girlfriend. I mocked a guy who was whispering sweet nothings in some chicks ear who giggled. I want that too. To have someone to hug and kiss, to make blush and get all bashful over little compliments.

"Luke, Trisha, get over here," Our boss said, once the shop was empty and we looked at one another in confusion, but walked over to him in the back room no one saw, where our mini lockers were.

He pulled out a packet of cigarettes, glaring at us and scolded,"You know the rules, no bringing drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol to work. I found these on the table, I don't mind if they're put away, but to have them out like this is unacceptable. I don't care what ya'll do in your private lives, but to bring these to work is against work policy."

I gulped slowly, and saw Trisha looking nervous as well. Our boss glared at us, then looked over at Trisha and snapped,"You were the last one to come in and I didn't see these there before, get your stuff and get out. You're fired, I'll give you your last pay check at the end of the week."

Her eyes welled up with tears and I panicked, seeing her nod weakly. Without thinking, I exclaimed,"They're mine!" They both looked at me and I frowned, pleading,"I'm really sorry, though. I thought I put them up and I guess I was in such a rush that I didn't see I left them out. Please, just let me off with a warning?"

"I admire you for your honesty," He began, then said,"But, you broke one of our very few rules and there are many people who are willing to work here who won't break it. I'm sorry, but you're fired."

I blanked out as he told me to return my shirt and just nodded. He left the room and when I went to get my things, Trisha grabbed my arm and looked at me in confusion,"Why in the world would you do that? You just got fired when you could've been let loose."

Of course I lied to him, the cigarettes weren't mine. I have them in my bookbag. I shrugged, opening my locker and grabbed my bag, changing my shirt and told her,"You have two kids and honestly, I think you need this job more than I do."

She smiled sadly, pulling me into a hug and sighed,"You're an idiot, but thank you. I hate how people think you're a jerk, you're really sweet."

I smiled and waved goodbye, handing my boss my shirt on the way out. When I left, I glared at the ground and walked out the mall, clenching my fists. I can't believe he actually fired me, I tried ignoring the anger but I was so pissed off. He didn't need to do that, It was one little mistake and I told him the 'truth', or so he thinks.

I walked home, since I didn't ride my motorcycle today and the fact that annoying kids were running around by the park I walked past didn't help my irritation. I grumbled while scuffing my shoes on the pavement, Michael and Calum are gonna be beyond pissed at me.

Before I could think about their reactions, I stumbled into someone and heard a familiar voice say in a panic,"I am beyond sorry, I was not looking wh-Luke?"

I ignored him in anger and walked past the posh boy. Ashton frowned and followed me, asking in concern,"Are you alright? I am sorry for running into you."

"Just leave me alone, Ashton," I said hastily, snapping my head back at him to give him a stern look and looked back at the pavement, watching my black, dirty sneakers kick at he random pebbles and rocks I saw.

Ashton rushed in front of me, frowning,"What is wrong? You look upset, I could listen if you feel the need to vent."

"I said leave the fuck alone! God, you're such a pest sometimes!" I shouted without thinking, eyes widened when I saw him flinch and hurt filled his hazel eyes. I quickly grabbed his arm when he went to leave and felt my heart falter at the way he winced at my touch.

Ashton looked down in shame and I sighed sadly,"I'm so sorry, Ash. I didn't mean to say that, I'm just... angry, okay? I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

He nodded, placing a fake smile on his face,"It is fine, I understand. Sometimes people say things in the heat of the moment." I grimaced and he hesitantly asked,"Do I annoy you? Please be honest."

"Of course not," I was honestly shocked that he even asked that. Ashton is never annoying, he's sweet and dorky, but the good kind. God, I hate Calum and Michael sometimes. I bet they made him think that.

He glanced at my hand, which was still on his arm and blushed. I quickly let go and he looked at me with sad eyes, admitting sheepishly, "At times, I think people are annoyed of me. I do not mean to act how I do. I was just raised this way and lived in a town where this was considered 'normal'."

"I get it, don't worry. I actually find it cute," I assured, giving him a sly wink and he smiled shyly, looking at his hands and I shook my head, lifting his chin with my finger, giving him a scoldful look,"Don't do that. When someone compliments you, feel proud and keep your head held high."

"Sorry, no ones ever complimented me before," He sighed, then smiled at me,"Thank you."

I felt bad for him, how can someone live a life without compliments? I get tons, most for my tattoos or saying I'm hot when I work -worked- at Hot Topic. Usually I get insults actually, but I had enough compliments to know I'm good looking and I'm pretty confident, but not cocky.

"Hey," I said, getting his attention. "Let's do something."

"What?" Ashton followed me, looking both ways when we crossed the street. I chuckled, he's such a kid sometimes, but like I said, it's cute.

I ignored him and my eyes widened. I instantly grabbed his hand, pulling him toward me as a car past right where Ashton stood. I sneered at him,"Dammit, look where you're going! You could've been hit!"

"S-Sorry, I just." He stopped, breathing heavily and looked at me with fear. I noticed how close we were and saw his eyes flicker to my lips. I cleared my throat and let go of his hand, taking a step back.

"It's fine, let's just go," I motioned him to follow and we entered a 7-11. Ashton was still pretty shaken up and so was I. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I didn't have quick instincts.

Ashton followed when I went into the candy isle. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion,"What are we getting?"

I glanced at the cashier and saw him getting cigarettes for a customer. I quickly grabbed two bags of sour skittles and stuffed them in my backpack. Ashton's eyes widened and I grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the store when the man wasn't looking.

Once we were outside, I lead him toward the beach, but Ashton tugged my hand, turning me around and asked with a panicked look,"What in the world? Why would you do that? I have money, we cou-"

"Shush," I slapped a hand over his mouth, looking around to make sure no one heard. Sighing in relief, I took my hand away and said,"Calm down, it was just candy. And I don't want your money, Ash. It's just a little fun, no one's getting hurt or anything."

He looked worried and kept glancing back at the store, biting his lip,"B-But, there is cameras and we could get caught. You will be arrested and so will I, I cannot go to prison. I can barely handle public school!"

I snickered, sitting us down on a bench that overlooked the beach. I grabbed the skittles from my bag and handed him one, saying with an amused tone,"The worst that would happen is us doing community service, trust me. I've been caught, they go easy on 17 year olds."

Ashton looked at the candy in confusion, aslcing,"What is this?"

"They're skittles, haven't you had them before?" I raised an eyebrow, pouring mine in my mouth and felt my tongue tingle slightly at the sour flavor. He shook his head and I wasn't even surprised. "They're candy, trust me I think you'll like'm."

He ripped his bag open and it took a few seconds, but when he did the bag exploded and they flew everywhere. He pouted and I sighed, giving him my bag and he smiled,"Thank you, sorry about that."

"It's cool," I shrugged, and he took one, a yellow to be exact, and I rolled my eyes, so he grabbed a few and I watched as his face scrunched slightly. He coughed a bit, and I laughed, patting his back,"Yeah, they're sour."

He glared at me,"Thanks for the warning."

Despite the attitude, I was kind of proud for the sass he pulled. I think I'm growing on him, it was nice to see him step out of his true self. "C'mon, let's walk on the sand."

When I got up, he chased after me since I was already ahead and stood close to me,"Um, it is pretty dark out. Should we go home, actually?"

"Nah, I wanna see the water closer," I retorted, then asked him in confusion,"Wait, why are

you out anyways? I thought your parents were strict on you staying home."

He replied while we walked on the boardwalk to where the steps were to the beach,"I told them I was going to school for a school play. I was erm, hoping to run into you..."

I smirked at the embarrassed look on his face and just nodded. We stepped down the sand and I saw him grimacing when his fancy shoes hit the sand and sighed,"Take'm off, same with your shirt and blazer, we're at the beach Ashton, not the VMA's."

He blushed and shook his head,"I only have a wifebeater on underneath. I would rather not strip in public."

I snorted, taking off my jacket and shirt, bare chest showing and saw Ashton's face get redder than ever. I then took off my shoes and put them in my bookbag, walking toward him and struggled against him to take off the stupid blazer.

He squirmed, smacking my hands away,"Stop it, this is so weird. I will take it off, okay?"

After he took off his blazer and shirt, my eyes widened seeing his arms. He was wearing a white wifebeater like he said and damn, he had a nice body. I expected his arms to be twigs or something, but that was not close to what I saw.

"Stop staring at me," He mumbled sheepishly, handing me his things and I put them in the bag. When I placed the bag on my back, I saw Ashton looking around cautiously "I feel so exposed."

"Stop being embarrassed, you're hot Ashton, don't feel ashamed. We're born naked, it's natural to strip down sometimes," I assured, wrapping an arm around his shoulder while we walked on the sand. "Besides, you're still covered up practically. I'm pretty much nude compared to you."

He giggled while wanting on the sand and said,"My feet feel funny. I have only been to the beach a couple times, it was with my mum and father. But, I was 10 and it was a business vacation so I never actually got to have fun and go on the sand."

I frowned, and rubbed his arm, but he suddenly asked,"What happened to your parents? You have never mentioned them. Did...are they no longer here?"

Hearing his cautious voice, I knew he wasn't sure if he should ask. But, I shook my head and sighed,"They kicked me out. I live with Michael and Calum. Dammit, they're gonna be so mad when they found out I was fired."

"Wait, you work? But, you are only 17," He frowned, as if the idea of working so young is confusion and strange to him. Sigh, rich people. I scoffed,"Yes, since my mum never calls me I have to pay for the rent myself. Well, me, Calum and Michael do."

"If you do not mind me asking, why did they kick you out?" He questioned. Then asked,"Did they not approve of your life style?"

"You can say that," I murmured, unsure if I should tell him. I didn't want him to hate me or stop talking to me, but he is comfortable around me and we did almost kiss. "They kicked me out cause I'm gay."

Ashton's eyes widened and he gaped at me, stopping us. I thought he was mad, but he suddenly pulled me into a hug and whispered,"That is terrible, they do not deserve you as a son if they are going to kick you out for something like that."

Shocked by his hug, I froze but hesitantly wrapped my arms around his waist, smiling when he tightened his on my neck. I asked, just to make sure,"So, you don't hate me? You're not disgusted or mad?"

He pulled back, giving me a look of disbelief,"Of course not, um...if we are being honest, I am also gay."

I smirked,"Figured."

Ashton pouted and I laughed, arms still around his waist and his on my neck. I quickly let go of him and he jumped, doing the same. We stood there awkwardly for a moment and I cleared my throat,"So, we should walk home. It's pretty late."

He nodded and I watched him quickly walk toward the stairs, head down and my eyes darted to his ass. Of course he has a nice ass, dammit. I huffed and followed him, trying my best to not stare at his biceps. 

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