His Flower

By sarahp5221

49.6K 1.1K 92

An introvert artistic girl gets wrapped up in the mess of a psychotic inmate More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 13

2.6K 58 10
By sarahp5221

Rose felt fear fill her as she watched Jerome's body drop. He was dead. Theo killed him. Part of her wanted to run out on stage, to comfort the dying boy. She didn't though. She just froze up. She could barely breathing correctly as she processed everything that happened.

Her uncle just killed Jerome. For his own benefit no doubt. She knew it all along, but this only confirmed her further belief. Her own uncle was a monster. A killer. Someone who only cared for himself. 

The fear grew as she made eye contact with her uncle. Rose started to back away before she turned around and hurried out of the building. 

If anything happens, just run away

Tabitha's words filled Rose's mind. The girl found the strength she needed. She turned on her feet and took off running. through backstage in search for the nearest door. Rose needed to abandon everything. 

Rose ran into a metal door, throwing herself into the nighttime. She ran into the cool night air. Jerked to a stop, and the girl finally took in a deep breath. She released a shaky one. She felt a sob ready to come out, but nothing did. All she kept seeing was Theo stabbing Jerome in the neck. Blood flowing from the corners of his mouth and up to his eyes. 

There was no way he could be coming back from that death. 

Realization slowly came to her. 

Jerome is dead. He can't scare her anymore. He's dead and he can't come back alive. Jerome was officially gone from Rose's life. She was free of him. She could live her life without worrying about him. She could be somewhat comfortable, knowing that there was no way that he could harm her. 

Sure he had made the promise to leave Gotham with her, but a small part of her knew that that wasn't going to happen. Jerome would find a reason to stay in Gotham, and make Rose stay there with him. However, he's gone and Rose is free of him. Now she only needed to get away from Tabitha and Theo. 

Coming from the main entrance, Rose could see people hurrying out and away from the building. She waited for a bit before seeing the man that Theo talked a lot about; Jim Gordon. 

Taking a deep breath, Rose hugged herself before heading over to him while he was talking to another fellow officer. "Excuse me," Rose's voice was shaky, but she had gotten the attention of Jim Gordon. She didn't plan on what she was going to tell him. Does she tell the full truth? Or does she tell a lie? "I think I might need your help." 

Jim dismissed the officer before turning his attention to Rose. "What's wrong?" He asked, starting to feel worried for this young girl. 

"I was-" Rose stopped herself, starting to feel embarrassed about what she was going to tell him. "I had a relationship with him." She couldn't bring herself to say Jerome's name out loud. "The one who was killed."

"Jerome Valeska?" Gordon found it hard to believe that Jerome was capable of loving someone. Concern filled him when he saw Rose nod her head. He ushered her to a police car, having it in mind to bring her to the precinct so she could answer a few questions. 

"I was wondering if you could help me find a place to stay as well." Rose quietly told Jim, feeling bad that she was asking so much of him. "I don't feel comfortable going home." This raised more awareness in Jim before he nodded his head. He opened the police car for Rose, before closing it behind her and getting into the passenger seat. 

He turned back to face her, seeing fear written all over her face. "What's your name?" 

"Rose." She no longer wanted to be associated with Theo or Tabitha. "Rose Tallman." She used her mother's maiden name, knowing that it would be nearly impossible to link her back to Theo and Tabitha that way. 

Jim only nodded before giving her a small smile. "I'm Officer Jim Gordon," he introduced himself. "You're going to be safe from now on Rose. Nothing's going to hurt you, and I can promise that." 

Rose gave a weak smile at him. She found a promise like that hard to believe, yet it filled her with hope. Like she was on a pathway to a new start for her life. 

Rose seemed relief when they finally arrived at the police station. She followed Jim inside and to his desk. She hugged herself as she sat down in an empty chair next to his desk. 

"So Rose," Jim started as he grabbed some papers to fill out. "Where are your parents?" 

"They passed away when I was twelve." She told him, seeing a look of remorse on the man's face. "I've been living with my aunt and uncle, but I don't exactly know where they are anymore." Or who they are.

"Because Jerome was holding you captive?"

That wasn't true. Jerome never held her captive. However, it seemed best to go along with that. It could be assumed that Jerome killed her relatives before kidnapping or while he had Rose kidnapped. Jerome, however, did seem to be holding Rose captive. Whether he knew it or not, he seemed to be holding the girl captive in their own psychotic relationship. Rose feared leaving him. She didn't how to leave him. 

"Yeah," her voice was quiet as she answered the police officer. "What should I do?" She asked him. She technically didn't know what to do with herself. "I was attending school before him, I have no home, no money, and only the clothes on my back." 

Jim stared at the girl with pity. This girl needed help. She was looking at him for help. 

"I'm scared." It was the first time Rose said that aloud. She looked at Jim with fear in her eyes. "He left a mark on this city, and I don't-"

"Nothing is going to hurt you Rose," Jim assured her before looking from his papers and back to Rose. "You're going to be coming home with me tonight until we can find new arrangements for you." 

For once in her life, Rose felt relieved when she heard those words. Sure she's heard Jerome, Tabitha, and Theo all say it, but it didn't have the same safety as hearing it from a police officer. Especially someone as respected as Jim Gordon. 


Rose entered Jim's apartment behind him, hugging herself as she slowly stepped in. She stood in a hallway while Jim walked away. She started to wonder if this was a good decision. If going home with a stranger, even if they are a police officer, was her safest choice of the evening. 

"I can take the couch." Rose seemed to be brought back to reality by Jim handing her a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "The shower is yours if you want to use it. Whether you need to calm down or something like that." 

Rose only nodded her head before accepting the clothes and making her way down the hallway and to the master bedroom. The shower was connected to it, and she had made sure she locked the door behind her before undressing and running the water. 

When it was warm enough for her, Rose stepped in and just stood underneath the shower head. It relaxed her, feeling the drops hammer down onto her back and the top of her head. She was in there for a while before turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. She dried off and got change quickly before wringing water out of her hair and leaving the bathroom. 

She wanted to see the police officer one more time. Before she fell asleep. If Rose could even sleep tonight. "Are you heading back?" She asked, seeing him make sure windows were locked and checking behind doors and curtains. 

"I still have some business to fin-"

"Please don't go." Rose was surprised by the words that came from her. Never would she have believed that she would have been comfortable enough or have enough confidence to say what was on her mind. Let alone to a stranger. 

Jim could see the fear all over Rose's face. Whatever and wherever she came from, it petrified the girl and scarred her. Possibly for life. Wanting her to feel safe for the first time, Jim nodded his head and escorted her to the bed. He practically tucked the girl in and was about to leave before he felt a tug on his jacket.

"Please stay," He heard Rose quietly say. "It feels safer." 

And so, Jim called Harvey, explain his situation before ending the call. He had changed into his own pajamas for the night, grabbed a few pillows and blankets before falling asleep on the floor. 

As for Rose, she had fallen asleep quickly. For once, ever since the inmates started living at the penthouse, and surprisingly after all the events that happened earlier, Rose fell into a peaceful sleep. She for once felt safe, and she no longer had anything to fear for herself. Jerome was gone. Tabitha and Theo were somewhere with Rose out of their mind, and she was ok with that. Rose could have a new start. She could possibly and hopefully finish up with a normal life. One that she felt safe with.

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