Evil Queen (Ruby Rose fan fic)

By Freya_38

84.9K 4K 1.5K

Light is easy to love. Show me your darkness. More

ONE (Iselen P.O.V)
TWO (Ruby P.O.V)
THREE (Iselen P.O.V)
FOUR (Ruby P.O.V)
FIVE (Iselen POV)
SIX (Ruby POV)
NINE (Iselen POV)
TEN (Iselen POV)

SEVEN (Iselen POV)

2.5K 146 32
By Freya_38

"Two glasses of red wine, one of white wine, two beers and some fries with hot sauce, please."

"Coming right up... I love your dress Abir... green really suits you..."

"Seriously?" The woman looks at me in disbelief from the other side of the table.

"Sure, it makes your eyes stand out..." I wink at her and move closer to the bar counter in order to get their drinks. It doesn't matter if they're young or middle-aged, they come from a wealthy family or they work as a pickpocket at the port... all girls deserve a compliment sometimes. And I was being honest in this case: around 20 years ago Abir was one of the most beautiful women here in Sala, according to my uncle, and she had the richest men of this city at her feet competing against one another to get her favours, giving her stunning jewels as presents. But contrary to her work mates, she saved her money instead of spending it in gambling houses or fancy luxuries and now she's retired at the age of 45 knowing that she has enough money to live comfortably instead of wandering through the streets given herself to a sailor for one coin.

"You should learn from her, niece, and have always a plan B just in case..." That was what my uncle advised me and I was doing fine, I still have some money saved from the sale of the farm and I was thinking that I should invest it wisely buying a warehouse on the dock and then rent it but now... I don't know what to do. What is the perfect plan B for a vampire's pet? How much time is she going to spend with me? Will she allow me to keep my tavern for some years? Will she kill me when she gets bored? Why should I be worried about my future if I'm going to end up being the dessert of her dinner?

"Boss... eh, boss..." Laila snaps her fingers in front of my face bringing me back to reality and to the hum of conversations around me.

"Yes, sorry... What?" I look at her bewildered.

"Fries are ready... Abir's table order..." She points at the tray on the counter where the food and drinks are waiting.

"Yes, all right... sorry... I'm going to..." I shake my head to clear my mind and take the heavy tray.

"That flu hit you pretty bad boss, you have to take of yourself..." My head waitress rushes in the opposite direction in order to bring their drinks to the customers while I walk slowly with my fragile cargo till I reach Abir and her friend's table safely. They all smile happily when they see their fries with hot sauce, the most popular and delicious dish of the Frisky Unicorn. I heave a sigh of relief since I didn't spill any drink and turn around getting closer to the bar counter again when the tavern door opens suddenly and a hooded figure with a black cape rushes in... my heart skips a beat... till that person takes his hood off and I realize that he's one of the regulars at my uncle's gambling house. I heave a sigh of relief again but also... of disappointment?

I throw the cleaning cloth I had in my hand behind the counter angrily and start placing some clean glasses on a shelf. I don't understand what's wrong with me... when I woke up two days ago the only thing I was able to do was crying for one hour, grateful for the fact that I was still alive after spending one night with a vampire. I found her note on my desk later, written with a nice handwriting like the one you could find in the most expensive books, telling me that she couldn't make it that night and I had to sit down on my chair because my legs started shaking in relief. I worked all day long in good spirits and had dinner with Dráa and my uncle, laughing at their bad jokes, singing songs with my customers and I even drank a bit too much so I collapsed on my bed and slept like a log.

The problem is that... she didn't come last night either. After spending hours looking at the door out of the corner of my eye while I tried to bring drinks to my customers without spilling them on the tables, I went upstairs to my bedroom expecting to find her there, thinking that she'd got into the building through the back door or a window probably... but she wasn't there. I couldn't sleep well last night, waking up every few minutes because I was afraid of the shadows around my bed that had the shape of a hooded figure and I was expecting to find a vampire watching me... but nothing happened. And it seems to me that tonight won't happen either, it's getting late and some regulars are saying goodbye in order to go to their usual gambling houses and brothels; however, she's nowhere to be seen and the point is that I'm not only feeling relieved, which is normal, but also disappointed and that scares the hell out of me.

"Boss, do you need me to close the tavern tonight?" Little B yells from the other side of the counter trying to be heard over the noise. I get closer frowning.

"Do you need to leave early? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, boss. A messenger has arrived with an order and I need to deliver it before dawn, that's all." I shake my head, confused.

"I don't understand... we don't accept orders for delivery..."

"It's from the fortress, they want two casks of our best white wine and one of the young red wine you love... and they want them tonight as soon as possible so I was thinking of taking the small cart we use to carry our purchases from the port... We can't turn down a request from the fortress, can we?" A shiver runs down my spine when I picture what those vampires could do to us if they get furious. Damn, Little B has no idea what he's getting into.

"I'm going with you. Laila and Bou can close the tavern. No, no... I'm going with you..." I shake my head when I notice he's trying to complain. "You'll drive the cart and I'll be behind you sitting on the casks with my knife ready in my hand just in case we find some trouble, then we'll come back here and leave the cart and the donkey in the backyard; you can go home or sleep here tonight if you prefer..."

"Okay, boss... You're right, if I'm focusing on driving the cart I won't notice if someone attacks me to steal the cargo till it's too late... This looks like a two-person job." I nod relieved when I realize that I've finally convinced him that I should go with him, now it's time to explain Laila where we're going and why while Little B takes the casks out of the cellar. My waitress isn't pleased with the idea either but she knows we can't ignore and order from the fortress. Before we leave, I run upstairs looking for a coat for me and a thick cape for the boy... Nights are cold in Sala.

Although today isn't that bad, at least it doesn't rain heavily like two nights ago and, once we reach the main street that leads to the black gates, our small cart is easier to drive even if it's loaded to the brim. Little B keeps it in perfect condition and the shaft perfectly oiled, we don't make any noise while we climb the hill but I feel very uncomfortable sitting here on top of the casks trembling with cold while monitoring our surroundings.

"You must head to the side door..." a hooded figure is waiting for us and points at his right. He raises his head and I feel his eyes fixed on my face. "Please..." he says kindly. Little B nods and jumps to the ground in order to guide the donkey to the place we've been told where two more hooded figures are waiting. I can't help feeling a shiver when we cross the threshold of the gate but luckily they ask us to stop just a few yards from the entrance in a small patio that leads to a massive building, windows are dim-lit thanks to the candles on the inside and some human... or vampire shapes are peeping through the glasses, watching us. I jump to the ground too while the boy starts untying the ropes that are securing our cargo quietly, his hands shake a little and it's pretty obvious that he's nervous despite the vampires aren't looking at him... their eyes follow my movements while I walk to hold our donkey by the reins because it's kicking the ground restless.

I clear my throat quietly rubbing the neck of the animal and my errand boy rolls the first cask towards a small warehouse on one side of the patio guided by one of the hooded figures. The other one stays near me, staring at me, while the heel of my boot taps the ground anxiously although I can't say I'm feeling threaten, I don't sense hostility... only curiosity. There're more and more people looking through the windows and dozens of eyes are fixed on my back, I can feel them like a burn on my nape and can't help looking back uneasy. Little B comes back in order to take the second cask and roll it towards the warehouse, he doesn't seem as scared as I thought but it's pretty obvious that he wants to finish this task as soon as possible. A third hooded figure has got closer very quietly scaring the hell out of me when he seems to materialize out of thin air, he stares at me for some seconds and starts speaking with his mate in a low tone of voice.

"Is she...?" The vampire nods quietly while the sound of the cask rolling over the cobbles echoes through the patio and doesn't let me hear the whole conversation although they don't care about me hearing them apparently. "Are you sure?"

"Cherry red hair... Ensi told me... The Queen's pet..."


"At the Frisky Unicorn..."

"A tavern owner? But the Queen deserves..." The first vampire shrugs and remains silent when he notices Little B getting closer looking for the last cask. I keep my eyes fixed on the animal neck obstinately trying to not let them get under my skin with their words just in case these creatures are able to read my thoughts... mum said that they were capable of horrible things and their 'magic powers' were amazing. I look back over my shoulder anxiously wondering where Ruby is, why she didn't come to see me yesterday and why she's not here right now... She promised me that she'd protect me and no member of her race would hurt me but I don't like to be here alone, surrounded by dozens of vampires that are checking my movements and facial features.

"She's the one Her Majesty wants, apparently..." My errand boy comes back finally, picks up the ropes and we both jump on the cart. He forces the donkey to turn around holding the reins skilfully and less than one minute later we're out of the fortress while all those eyes are still fixed on my back.

"Well, it wasn't that bad although they're weird people..." Little B seems calmer now that he's driving back to the tavern, safe and sound, and he even smiles at me but I just nod while crossing my arms over my chest so he can't see my hands shaking. Now that I'm able to think clearly far from those bloodsuckers, the words I've heard make sense finally and my stomach is twisting in knots. 'The Queen's pet... Her Majesty...' Oh my God, of course she can guarantee my safety, she's the one ruling that fortress but... why me? Why did the mighty sovereign of the vampires notice me? I'm just a tavern owner... That powerful creature could have everything she wants, anyone she wants... and I'm no one... "Boss, we're here..."

"What? Oh yes... sorry." The Frisky Unicorn is already closed and all the windows are dark. "Do you want to stay and sleep in the attic?" I jump to the ground while my employee shakes his head.

"No, I think I'd rather go home but I'm taking the cart if you don't mind, I'm really tired..."

"No problem, keep the cape too and you'll hand it back to me tomorrow... Good night, Little B..."

"See you tomorrow, boss..." The young boy drives down the street whistling without fear, he doesn't live far from here and he knows the city like the back of his hand. He'll be fine... I take a deep breathe while deciding what I'm going to do now: getting into the tavern... I don't think I'll be able to sleep; running away from Sala... no, Ruby would find me in less than a second; going for a walk and clearing my mind... yes, I could go to visit my uncle, have a hand or two of poker and enjoy a delicious breakfast with the girls while listening to their trivial but amusing chatting. I start walking without thinking twice holding the knife I have inside the pocket of my coat firmly.

"Her Vampire Majesty Ruby Rose... Fuck, she could've told me..." I grumble while crossing the main street and getting into the most dangerous alleys of Sala. "But what difference would it make? What does it matter if she's more powerful than you thought initially? You couldn't escape from her before and you can't do it now either, she'll kill you when she gets bored anyway... What if she's already bored? What if she doesn't find you interesting anymore after spending one night with you? Maybe that's the reason why she hasn't come back but... why am I alive then? And why do I feel disappointed thinking about it?" Once again I'm terrified of my own thoughts, I should be happy if she doesn't want to see me anymore but I'm feeling hurt actually... I know I can't compete with any of the beauties around her and I'm not specially smart or educated, but she seemed to have fun with me... I thought she cared about me...

"Well... look at what we have here... Hello, honey. Would you be kind enough to give us your bag? And then you could take your coat and pants off so my friend and I can have a good time with you." A nasty breath fanning my face brings me back to reality and I realize that I'm in a very narrow and dark street if front of two sailors wearing dirty clothes, both are tall and well-built and one has a knife in his hand. My muscles get tensed and I grab my own weapon that they don't know I have in my pocket... it's funny, I feel less scared in this situation than when I was naked on a mattress with a beautiful vampire ready to fuck me and maybe steal a sip of blood. Probably because I know what I have to do in order to escape now, dad trained me to fight in this cases and I can move as fast as a snake when I need to defend myself: I'll kick the balls of one of them, cut the cheek of the other one and then I'll run fast to my uncle's gambling house two streets away... it won't be difficult...

Both sailors move one step towards me and I get ready to stab the one I have closer when a weird flapping of wings above my head makes me flinch surprised: a crow flies very close to me and its wings graze my forehead. There're two crows in fact, three, four... a dozen of crows are flying through this narrow alley, attacking the sailors, pecking at their faces and their hands when they try to protect their eyes with them. One has fallen on the ground screaming desperately while hiding his face behind his arms and the other one has tried to escape running but he can't get far because a huge animal with glowing eyes is blocking the end of the street, it looks like a wolf... but that's impossible, there aren't wolves in the city... it's probably a dog... a very big dog growling aggressively showing sharp fangs.

Taking advantage of the fact that my attackers are busy right now, I turn around and run towards my uncle's gambling house taking the long way round while hearing them screaming in pain behind me. My heavy breathing echoes against the building walls but no other crook tries to attack me despite I'd be an easy prey here, tears running down my cheeks don't let me see where I'm going. The street is silent when I finally reach the right door and I stop for one second trying to catch my breath, I don't want my uncle seeing me like this: he'd insist that I need a bodyguard most likely and I'd find one of his boys following me everywhere. I fix my clothes and take a last deep breath when a movement out of the corner of my eye grabs my attention.

The huge wolf/dog/whatever it is... is sitting under a building eaves just a few steps away from me, staring at me quietly. Its eyes shine in the dark with intelligence, but no sigh of evilness or aggressiveness... the dog just waits for me to get into the house. I swallow hard, scared when I notice that its muzzle is covered with blood thanks to the moonlight, something tells me that those sailors aren't alive anymore... I bite my lip holding back my tears, nodding at the animal before turning around and knocking at the wooden surface, the door opens and I step inside relieved, knowing that I'm at home here. I go upstairs to my uncle's office slowly, lost in my thought.

"Her Majesty isn't bored yet and she cares about me definitely, at least enough to choose a handful of very aggressive bodyguards that are watching me... The Queen of the Vampires is my lover... Oh God, what am I going to do?"

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