Saving Grace

By gillian62003

1.4K 85 5

I've always been rebellious; wanting to do things that people around me don't agree with. I guess that made m... More

Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10


85 9 0
By gillian62003

I swirled the whisky in my glass while staring at the business card in my hand. Memories of Jack whipping me ruthlessly made me blink back my tears not wanting to cry anymore. I sipped my whisky trying not to drift back to all the abuse I was subjected to. When Jack had been beating me something had snapped in me, I didn't quite know what it was yet I knew it was something. It was like a small twinkle of a fire and I knew it'd erupt into flames soon but now it was just a small twinkle. Without thinking I jumped off the bed and fished my phone out of the box I hid under my before dialing the number on the card. For some reason I was determined to almost as if I didn't something bad would happen.

I bit my lip nervously as it began ringing. After a couple of seconds it was answered and I timidly stated my name.

"Mrs. Angels, how do you do?" he said formally making me scoff at his formality. I suddenly felt embarrassed, why'd I called in the first place? I mentally slapped myself at my stupidity before giving myself a pep talk and finally answering.

'Listen I can't talk right now, I don't even know why I called. This is so embarrassing, I'm going to hang up now before embarrassing myself even more than I already have," I mumbled quickly before hanging up suddenly feeling embarrassed. I buried my face in my hands and sighed before taking a deep breath. I threw my phone to the other side of the room in frustration and scowled at it.

My phone buzzed and lit up and I lunged for it before seeing it was a message from Luca.

Meet me at Darrell's coffee shop in 10 minutes

I played with my phone before answering with an okay. Jumping up from the ground I headed to my closet before picking taking out a pair of grey joggers and a white tank top with a grey hoodie. Pairing my outfit with black Nike tackies, I tied my hair in a pony tail and applied makeup that hid the bruises. For some reason I felt obliged to go even though I was scared of what would happen if Jack found out.

I checked for the Mercedes Benz car keys in one Jack's drawers but didn't find them making me growl in frustration. After minutes of searching everywhere I finally found them in his boxer drawer wrapped in a huge sock ball. I laughed at Jack's attempts at hiding the keys before heading out. During Jack's beating he'd mentioned something about him leaving for New York for a week so I knew I was safe for now, he couldn't see me. A part of me wanted to believe that but the other was just yelling for me to stay home.

With the way I was speeding I arrived in record time and headed inside where Luca was already waiting for me while drinking what seemed like coffee. He seemed like the coffee type.

"What you drinking?" I asked him with a small smile as I slid into the booth he was in.

"Coffee," he replied with a smile and I smiled back while saying, "Point to me then for guessing you're the coffee type."

"I'm glad you could make it Mrs. Angels," he said and I just nodded with the smile long gone.

"Is there anything wrong?" he asked concerned probably at my shift in demeanor.

"Call me Grace please," I replied and he nodded while something flashed in his eyes that I wasn't so sure about.

"Why did you want to meet me?" I questioned him staring into his grey eyes that for some reason were captivating. They looked like they could draw you and drown you in them. I blinked and looked at the table while playing with the car keys.

"I want to get to know you better."

"That's highly unlikely Mr Marcel, why'd you want to get to know a married woman?"

I tried to search his eyes for some kind of clue but they were blank almost as if he knew how to hide his emotions perfectly. He kept staring at me with an impassive look, a look I guessed he always had to hide his emotions and I began to feel nervous and self conscious. What was running through his mind?

"You're smart, I'll give you that. I wanted to meet you because I happen to know behind that hopeless façade of you being a 'happily' married woman, you aren't. You're being abused by your 'husband' and I also happen to know it's being going on for quite some years."

I felt my heart drop at his words. How the hell had he found out? It was things like these that had almost killed me and I didn't want to go through that again. I glared at him before blinking my eyes as if erasing the emotions in them before grabbing my bag and leaving. I wasn't going to risk anything this time. As I opened my car door it was suddenly closed and I found myself trapped between the car and someone's hard chest making my nerves flare up.

"I want to help you Grace," Luca said staring into my eyes determinedly and I tried to push him while hiding my face from him. Tears were already prickling at my eyelids despite me not wanting to cry today. He used his fingers to lift my chin up so that I could face him.

"I really want to help you," he said sincerely and I shook my head allowing my tears to spill and wet my cheeks.

"I need to go Mr Marcel," I told him with my voice void of any emotion and he moved away allowing me to get inside my car and drive off.

I hastily wiped my cheeks as I sped off allowing my mind to drift down memory lane...

"You thought you were smart trying to run away didn't you?" Jack growled out as he looked at me as a predator would its prey. I just stared at him and kept quiet. He kicked my guts making me cough out more blood but that didn't stop. He kept going and going almost as if he wanted me dead.

"You wanted me in prison didn't you? Telling your nosy friend about us what were you thinking? If you think you're ever going to escape me think again bitch cause I'll find you and I'll ruin you, understood?" he barked and I nodded meekly before deciding to shut my eyes not wanting anymore of this pain and horror.

I didn't realize I was full on crying by the time I arrived at the hom-, no I mean the house. Locking the car I ran inside and sprawled myself on my bed and cried myself to sleep like I did every day. 

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