Lustful Wars | p•jm ✓

By UrMyHopee

1.5M 72.2K 71.7K

"Trust me, babygirl. You don't want to start a war with me." ___________ Park Jimin = biggest fuckboy on the... More

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Spin off: Hearthrob


71.1K 2.5K 5.2K
By UrMyHopee

Oh look, another pair of eyes coming my way.

One pair of eyes follow another to find your figure walking down the halls of Busan High School of Arts.

Hands fly up to their mouths as students lean into one another to whisper about the sight of the new 'foreign' student, their stare still lingering you up and down as they don't even bother to make their actions ambiguous.

That's right, you mentally say to yourself as if you can hear everything they're thinking, I'm the American Korean who's so American it's almost impossible to say I'm actually Korean.

Even if these people staring you down didn't know where you came from, they still would have noticed you're not a 'typical' Korean.

First of all your make up was all from America which was easy to spot since you weren't wearing the normal ghostly white powder with bright red tint but instead your own skin colour foundation, see-through lip gloss and your eyebrows filled in with more of a shape and colour than the usual straight and more faint eyebrows.

LA was known for its hot weather so while everyone here would probably try to avoid getting tanned, you had happily played under the hot sun back home all the time.

Resulting in your legs being shiny and tanned which everyone would have died for back at home.

You weren't so sure if people here thought the same, at least that's what Aunt Sohyun told you.

"You got bullied for your skin colour?" you remember exclaiming earlier that morning. You almost slammed your coffee cup down on the marble table.

"Well not so much bullied more teased a lot but I wasn't that dark." she clarified, pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Some other kid in my class got bullied more than me, they even called him.....never mind. Finish your breakfast and hurry to school."

Maybe it hadn't been such a great idea to ask your Aunt what a Korean school was like on the morning you were going to start your first day there.

"They won't ever call you a Korean." she said, half paying attention as she busily scrolled through her phone with a slight frown on her face.

You rolled your eyes in response "Duh, it's because I've got an American passport."

"Not because of that." she looked up from her phone "They called me an American all the time just because I speak fluent English."

You tilted your head slightly at her with a furrow in your eyebrows "But you were born and raised in Korea, how does speaking English make you an American?"

A shrug of the shoulders was all you had gotten in response.

Those were the reasons you had decided to arrive at school early, an attempt to avoid too many stares, too many whispers. That plan sadly failed.

Even this early there were still numerous bodies filling the halls. Except as soon as they notice your presence, their bodies instantly move away as if the lockers on the side were magnets, pulling them in.

You mentally curse to yourself. But then you decided to roll away any self-conscious thoughts with your eyes and focus on finding your locker.

You never really cared what people thought of you so why start now?

Refusing to look anyone in the eye, you continue to walk forward with a head held high. Passing the strangers until you spot a locker where no one was crowding around it, you approach it with a sense of relief.

With difficulty, you enter the code with your fingers scrambling on the lock that you weren't used to and swing open your door.

"Hey, may I ask why-OW!"

The audible voice behind your locker door comes to a sudden stop as it hits the speaker right in the face. You had barely noticed anyone approaching you.

"Oh shit." you curse, loudly. Your fingers fly to the door only to reveal a young man massaging his forehead with his delicate fingers.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," you say, in panicking tone.

When he drops his hand he reveals his glistening features that send a small shock through you. His face was a kind one with soft and unique features that could possibly make anyone fall in love with.

His grimace disappears in an instant and he cracks a beautiful smile at you. 

"Don't sweat about it." he delivers, he points towards to your locker "I was just wondering why you were trying to get into my locker?"

You raise your eyebrows, glancing between him and your locker.

"Uh, honey. It says here on my timetable that I own this locker for the year."

He's slightly surprised by your attitude and you once again curse at yourself, knowing you should be speaking formally.

He grabs the door, his eyes dropping to inspect the number. He pulls out a pair of rounded thin-framed glasses and places them upon his small nose, eyes squinting closely.

His eyebrows separate, releasing the rest of his face from his frown "Ah, my bad!"

He cheesily smiles at you in apology as he backs away. You can't help but smile back at him, finding his guilty face cute.

"I'm Hoseok, by the way."

"Y/N" you mutter your name in response.

His fingers work at the lock of the locker next to you, opening and retrieving books from it. "So you new here? I don't think I've seen you around here before."

"Uh yeah." you reply, preparing yourself for the conversation that was about to happen "I moved here from LA last month."

He pauses just like you expected and turns to look at you with his eyes widened a bit "LA? That's so cool!" he exclaims, his smile bursting out once again " That's where Hollywood is, right? You're doing the acting course?"

You shake your head with a small smile "Nah, I'm more of a dancer."

"Oh god, even better," Hoseok says, his eyes shimmering with fascination. "You must be incredibly talented. Everyone here looks up to LA dancers."

You nod in appreciation "Guess I'm lucky then."

Hoseok nods back and doesn't hesitate to keep talking "Which is why I also gotta ask," he continues, his face increasing in curiosity "Why would you move back here then? Especially in only the last year of the course?"

Your teeth tug at the inside of your cheek, your mind racing to come up with a reasonable excuse. You barely knew the guy to tell him the truth so early.

"Just uh, you know, missed home." you deliver, a shaky laugh escaping your nervous lips along with a lie.

Hoseok thankfully nods but the curiosity stays on his face. He looks as if he's about to ask more questions when he stops, his eyes travelling past you.

You spin your head around, following his direction.

Soon the whispers around you started to grow, excited giggles escaping the girl's mouths, and it was no longer because of you.

As if the school hallways had suddenly turned into a runway. Three young men walk down the hall, all eyes fully focused on their every move. On one side was a tall man, taller than the other two. His golden skin and blonde hair smoothing out the rest of his strong dark eyebrows that settled with his soft eyes. You'd say he has soft eyes but whenever he sent a look towards a girl, he devishly manages to steal their heart in one glance.

The second man on the other side walks more recklessly, a badass attitude slipping into his steps. A long-lasting smirk stays on the mint haired man's lips. His pale yet beautiful skin shining off his careless presence. 

It's so much beauty to take in from all of them at once, how come you could never find men as beautiful as them in LA? 

Finally, the man in the middle catches your attention. He walks a bit further than the other two, giving a sense of leadership. 

His bright orange hair whisks away your breath. His powerful walk already showing off his toned and well-built body. His lips steal most of your attention, the plump and full lips only seemed only to be real on a perfect doll. 

Then something heart-stopping happens.

As the three men near closer towards you, while they continue to walk, you lift your eyes from the orange haired man's lips only to find him deeply staring back at you. Everything seems to stop as the pair of dangerous eyes hover over you, making your body heat up for some reason.

The stare seems like it lasts for eternity as the world slows down but within seconds it ends with a strong wink from his left eye, sending your body temperature even higher. You immediately blush, your eyes dropping to the floor as you try to control yourself. 

The young man delivers a victorious smirk in return, his cockiness sliding through his lips.

What was that? You're never like that around boys. What happened to the confident girl who never gave half of her attention to boys so easily?

All three of them take a slight turn, moving towards a bunch of lockers almost opposite to yours and Hoseok's. The distance is long but nt long enough, their presence is so powerful you can still heat refusing to leave your cheeks. A couple of girls seemed to have already been waiting for them, giddy smiles and overdramatic giggles excessing from their mouths.

"Goddamn." you breathe out unknowingly.

Hoseok chuckles, his eyes staying focused on the treacherous trio "Agreed."

Your eyes lift from the floor, recovering from the previous incident and gaining the confidence to look their way again. 

"Who are they? They literally just strolled in here like they own the place." you say, eyebrows furrowing.

"Um, sweetie. That's because they kind of do." Hoseok replies, giving you an obvious look. "Let me give you a lil knowledge on the three biggest fuckboys of this school."

You turn your attention half to him, half to the boys.

He starts to explain "The tall one with blonde hair is Kim Taehyung, he's majoring in both instrumental and vocal music. While he can professionally play the saxophone, he can also whisk away your heart with angelic vocals. He used to be more of a golden heartthrob and a sweet guy."

The way he says Taehyung's name sounds like he's dirtily spitting out each syllable, you can instantly tell Hoseok's strong dislike for him which makes you wonder what happened between the two.

"What happened?" you curiously ask, searching up and down the man as a girl practically chucks herself at him, pushing him against the locker while claiming his lips. You grimace at the sight, wondering how the two can aggressively make out in front of everyone.

Hoseok replies "Min Yoongi, that's what happened. He's the one with the dark hair."

Your eyes follow Hoseok's small point of direction. Yoongi talks with a cheeky smile displayed upon his face, to a girl who's obviously flirting with him as she continuously twirls her hair between her fingers. 

"He's a sketchy one, majors in instrumental music as well, more specifically piano and music producing. Whilst he's all of the teacher's favorites, they don't know that he secretly deals drugs and gets into fights outside of school all the time." 

You're hardly shocked, being used to going to the same school as messed up kids. "Damn" is all you say.

"Yeah." Hoseok sighs lovingly, staring at Yoongi a little longer than he was supposed to "But he's a still a babe."

You notice the affection in his voice and choose not to pick up on it but simply smile at him, judging from the look on his face that he's absolutely whipped for the guy.

"And the third one?" 

"Ah, Park Jimin. The worst of them all." Hoseok announces "Out of anyone, I'd stay away from him. He probably breaks more hearts than he can manage with just a wink. And if not then, you should see him when he dances. Practically any girls who take dance are all single because of him."

You slightly raise one eyebrow, staring down Jimin. He snatches a girl by her waist with a small body and long light brown hair flowing down her skinny back, taking in her lips as he deeply kisses her.

"Who says I'd feel the same?" You bravely say before you can stop yourself, growing a secret hate in what Jimin must use his charms for.

You knew boys like him, there always were boys like him. And you weren't about to fall for him and throw yourself at him like all the girls always would.

Hoseok shakes his head, a knowing smile on his face "You say that now but please just take my advice when I warn you to stay from him. You don't know what he's capable of."

And then once again the world seems to stop as Jimin's eyes open. While he continues to kiss the girl, his stare burns deep into you with an unusual expression of lust and want. You're confused into why he's directing such a look at you as he kisses the girl.

In an instant reaction, you roll your eyes disgustedly with an unimpressed scoff and turn your back on him, returning your focus to shoving books into your locker. 

A wolf whistle from Hoseok audios from right beside you "Well slap me on the ass and call me Joey but I think Jimin just checked you out."

You snort, busying yourself by trying to look at your timetable "I wouldn't call that checking me out, the guy was practically death staring me like a creep."

"Yeah but I've seen that look before" he continues, his voice speaking with a tang of worry "and I think whether or not you use my advice now, he's already decided."

His words snap your attention, making you turn your head in his direction to give him a frowned look "Already decided what?"

Hoseok tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, giving a small look of pity that hid behind his smirk. 

"That he's found his new target."


A/N: Finally, the first chapter of my second book! This story is going to be a juicy one, it'll have a bigger plot to it then just smut. 

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'll be uploading another one soon.

Gotta say, orange-haired Jimin is to die for. So in other words, you're welcome.

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