Munteanu If You're Nasty

By baldheadeddemon

70.5K 1.7K 275

Mini stories with Mr. Big Nasty himself More

Big Nasty
Love You
Secret Admirer


6.7K 154 15
By baldheadeddemon

Florian has been given a new assistant and he's kinda nervous about this. Michael says that she worked with Angela before returning to NYC to aid Ariana Grande and now was back in California. He knows he's nothing like the last two celebs she has worked with and he wonders if she'll judge him. A knock on his door makes him look up from his game with Michael. He goes and answers it.

A woman in high waist jeans and a cropped hoodie with sneakers. Her hair is in a curly tapered cut with a black hair wrap holding the curls out her face. Her skin is bronze and she's curvy.

"Hello. Persia Awa."

"Florian Munteanu. Come in."

She enters and Michael waves to Persia who nods to him.

"So I'm not exactly sure what you can do for me but I know I'm getting busy."

"Would you like me to make you dinner?"

"You can do that?"

She smiles and nods.

"Go ahead. Please. I burn water."

Persia laughs and Florian blushes as she follows him to the kitchen. She looks through the fridge before humming.

"You have Postmates?"

He nods and grabs his phone, unlocking it. She thanks him as she begins to pick off things from a nearby grocery store and hits order. She hands it back to him. 

"You can return to what you're doing. I know my way around a kitchen."

He nods, returning to the living room where Michael is waiting for him.

"She's really pretty. You didn't mention that."

"I didn't think there was any need to."

Florian slaps Michael upside the head.  He hissees.

"What was that for?!"


They look up to see Persia holding two drinks in her hand. They thank her as she looks at them.

"Florian don't hit Michael."

Michael gives a smug smile.

"He already has 5 brain cells. We don't want him to lose anymore."

Florian laughs out loud as Michael scolds Persia who walks away with a smile.

"I like her."

"Of course you do. Now pick up the remote and let me beat you!"
The spread of food makes Florian blink. 

"You made all of this?"

"Yes. I went to college for Culinary Arts."

Florian and Michael sit as plates are put before them as well as a pitcher of something.

"It's Sangria. I'll be in your office seeing what else you need help with."

Florian nods as she walks off.  He looks at Michael.

"Michael, did you get me an assistant or a potential wife?"

"Assistant. She's great right?"

Florian takes a taste of the food he put on his plate and moans. 

"I'm going to marry her."

Michael chuckles as he continues to eat.
Florian's life becomes so much better with Persia in his life. She cooks, cleans, runs errands, and she's great to be around. Florian's parents have just arrived, a surprise visit, and he lets them in. Persia had decorated his home for Christmas following the colour scheme of black, burgundy, and gold. He had helped her with the tree but she had, like a damn fairy in the night, decorated the place after he fell asleep. Honestly, Florian wonders when does this woman sleep?

"Oh, you have a girlfriend?"

Florian chokes on his drink and looks at his mother who is looking at the poinsettia centrepiece on the coffee table. It has white lilies combined with the red flowers associated with Christmas.


"Yes. The place has a woman's touch."


If this conversation couldn't get any more awkward, Persia walks in and smiles at his father, who takes the bags from her.

"Oh Thank You Mr. Muntenau."

"Alexandru is fine!"

She smiles as she hands Florian the food he asked her for before she left.

"You must be the girlfriend!" His mother says with a smile and Florian flushes red as Persia gives a confused look before it hits her. "I'm so happy Florian found someone. I never did like his other girlfriends."


"What's your name? I am Aurora."

"Persia. Persia Awa. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Respectable too! I like her even more."

Florian covers his face as Persia smiles.

"I was just about to cook dinner for Florian. He didn't tell me his parents were visiting. I would've brought more."

"Well, it was a surprise visit. Can you speak German? Or Romanian?"

"Mama she--"

"Actually, I do. I studied abroad in Europe for college and Grad School so I picked up a few languages outside of, I guess, standard languages to learn."

"You know Romanian?" Florian says in shock.

"Yes, I do Florian."

He blushes at the look his mother gives him before she begins speaking rapidly in Romanian to Persia who nods, laughing as the two walks to the kitchen. Florian is left with his father and he sits in shock.  

"You seem surprised son. What's wrong?"

"Nothing Tata."

"Persia is a lovely woman."

"I know. She's perfect."

Alexandru smiles as he turns the TV on. Both men look up as Persia enters with two mugs and hand them each one. 

(Romanian for Coffee)

Persia smiles as Alenxadru takes a long sip, smiling as Florian takes a sip as well. He blinks. It's perfectly made. Persia kisses his forehead before walking off. Florian blushes. 

He really needs to give Persia a raise for going along with this!
Florian watches as Persia is hugged by his parents and he swears his mother say they need to come home for the holidays. Persia smiles and nods, wishing them a good night as Florian hugs his parents one last time and they leave. 

"I am so sorry about tonight. I didn't--"

"Florian. It's fine. "

"No, it's not. I should've told my mom you weren't--"

"Why? So you can break her heart? She asked when I am going to give her a little Florian."

Florian turns bright red as Persia laughs, picking up the plates on the coffee table and takes them to the kitchen. Florian watches as she cleans up the living room before walking past him. He watches as she enters the office and sits at the desk, working on something.

"You really aren't upset by tonight?"

"No. I had to once play wife to an Egyptian heir."

"Okay but I'm not an Egyptian Heir."

"But you are your parents' pride and joy. Your mother is really proud of you."

"She is?"

Florian always thought his mother wished he had done something less dangerous. She was never a fan of boxing.

"Yes. She said she's happy that you're happy and that you found something you love to do. She's equally happy you found a girlfriend who knows how to keep a home."

Florian blushes.

"I guess she told you about my exes?"

"Oh yeah."

Florian turns so red, he makes the poinsettias around the house look pink. He sits down as Persia looks from behind her laptop and raises an eyebrow. 

"Florian? Are you okay?"


"I'll go make you a drink."


She chuckles as she pats his head before leaving the room. Florian texts Michael.

Florian:  Michael! Help!

Michael: What happened? Where's the fire?

Florian: My parents think I'm dating Persia!

Michael: WHAT?!

Florian: They came over and saw how the place was clean and decorated and my mom asked who my girlfriend was. And before I could say I didn't have one, Persia walked in with groceries and bags! And my parents love her! 

Michael: Love her or Love Love Love her?

Florian: Love Love Love her!

Michael: You can't get rid of her now.

Florian: MICHAEL!

Michael: I'm being serious! Your parents love her. You "break up" with her and your mother will never let you live it down.

Florian groans.

"What's wrong?"

He jumps and drops his phone. They both hear the crack and Florian curses. She puts the drink down and picks the phone up. She looks at the screen and raises an eyebrow.

"Florian you are overreacting and thinking."

She hands him his phone and he blushes as she sits back down. She begins to type and Florian sips his drink.

"Good Night Persia."

"Good Night Florian."

He leaves her in the office, heading to bed. 
"Where's Persia?" His mother asks as Florian enters the house.

"She couldn't come."

Aurora frowns and Florian prays she'll just leave it alone. She nods as Alexandru takes his bag upstairs. He follows his mother to the kitchen and sits as his mother pours him some tea.

"Did you not invite her on purpose?"

"Mama it wasn't like that."

"So why didn't she come? Why couldn't she?"

Florian bites his lip. After his parents left that day, it became awkward between the two. Florian eventually fired her and she took it with grace, leaving him with a clean house and a present. Michael had scolded him for letting her go but Florian really couldn't bear having Persia around anymore. He kept looking at her as more than just a friend or assistant. He wanted to touch her and kiss her. He couldn't do that.

"Mama she wasn't my girlfriend."

"What do you mean?"

"She was my assistant. Nothing more, Nothing less.'

"You are lying!"

"Momma I'm not--"

"Florian Munteanu! I saw how you both looked at each other and spoke of one another. That was more than just friends or a boss and his assistant. She even said she likes you. You didn't see it but I did!"

Florian blinks. Persia...likes him?

"You are foolish to let her go!"

Florian sits in stunned silence as his mother walks out to give his father a cup of coffee.
Florian knocks on the apartment door and waits patiently, for the door to open (or not). It opens to reveal Persia rubbing her eyes, clearly in her pyjamas. They are a long sleeve romper that hugs her curves and it is obvious she is not wearing a bra.

"Florian...Come in," she says, voice heavy with sleep.

He enters and removes his shoes as she walks to the kitchen. He sits in the living room and she returns moments later with two mugs. He smells the coffee and thanks her. She sits next to him, sipping her own coffee.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Firing you. Being awkward. Also being oblivious."

"Oblivious to what?"

He can hear the tiredness in her voice. He looks over and frowns.

"Did you get any sleep?"

"I came in late last night."

"Where do you work now?"

"Do you really want to know?"


"I work at Oz as a bartender and sometimes a dancer. Gotta pay the bills."

Florian stares in shock.

"Florian I'm not mad about you firing me. You weren't comfortable anymore and that's fine. I apologise if me playing girlfriend was inappropriate and crossed a line."

" mom chewed me out."

"Did she now?"

"Yes. Said I was blind to not see how at ease I was with you and how I felt about you."

Persia nods as she yawns again before finishing her coffee. She tucks her legs under her and rests her head on a throw pillow. She looks at him with half-lidded eyes. He pulls her into his lap and she curls against him, yawning as he hugs her close. He carries her to bed and lays her down.

"Leaving?" she asks, voice quiet and heavy with sleep.


Florian pulls his shirt off and climbs into bed, spooning her. She rolls over, pressing her face into his neck. She's soon snoring and Florian rubs her back as she lays in his arms. 
Aurora smiles at seeing Persia when she opens the door. The older woman hugs her and she laughs.

"Oh, you're back!"

"Yes. Florian had a come to Jesus moment."

Aurora smiles at her son as Alexandru hugs Persia. 

"Glad you came to your senses. I wouldn't have let you live it down."


Persia chuckles as she leaves Florian to his mother. He looks at her with puppy eyes as she brought a tray of drinks back.

"Don't worry Aurora. I think he has learned his lesson."

Florian smiles as he pecks her cheek as she chuckles.
"Imagine a world like that. Imagine a world like that."

Florian watches as Persia dresses for bed and sings softly. 

"We go like up til' I'm sleep on your chest. Love how my face fits so good in your neck."

Florian hugs her from behind as he nuzzles her temple and she chuckles. 

"Why can't you imagine a world like. Imagine a world like that."

"Why imagine when we can make it happen?"

Persia laughs as he scoops her up and carries her to bed, Persia curled on his chest, face in his neck.

"Good Night, Florian."

"Good Night, Persia."

The two doze off, holding each other. 

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