Beauty and the Hound - Sandor...

By feist_saggitarian08

292K 7.1K 1.5K

A beauty. A she-wolf. A bastard. A lowborn. A fighter. Meela Stark. Lady Stark of Winterfell. Wife of Lord B... More

1 - The Heart Stirrer
2 - Bastards and Diners and Whispers
3 - The Heart Stirrer,the Wolf and the Tree
4 - King's Landing, the Hound and the Mountain
5 - The Savior, A bastard and A Kiss
6 - The Suitor, the Jealous Lover & the Maiden's story
7 - The Maiden, Lover and Choices
8 -The Hound's Mate Call
9 - The King, the Lovers & The Attack
10 - The Heart Stirrer in Heat
11- The Lovers and The Lord's Surprise Visit?
12- The Lady's Return
13 - Lady Boutayre
14 - She lost Sandor but found a Clegane
15 - The Lord's Secret
16 - Her Own Hands
17 - She Was Wrath
18 - Kings Landing
19 - Game of Thrones
20 - The Iron Lady
21 - The Iron Lady, Hound and the Journey
22 - She was Wrath II
23 - Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones
24 - An Ally and a Reward
The Hound's Mate Call 2
25 - The Smallfolk and Sandor
26 - A Woman's Desires
27 - Battle of Blackwater
28 - A Crave for Intimacy
29 - Nights to Remember
30 - A Tree, An Attack, Meeting the lil Wolf
31 - The Brotherhood without Banners
32 - The Red Priestess
33 - Journey to the Twins
34 - The Mute & the Traitor
35 - A Fellowship for Winter
36 - The Hound & the Wolf
38 - Where I Belong
39 - Meela Clegane
40 - The Mute's Cries

37 - The Wounded Hound

3.6K 98 29
By feist_saggitarian08

Sandor wanted to wake up in the arms of the woman he loved, or wanted to wake up to find her in his arms but he got neither. The wounded Hound instead woke up only to find her missing. He could hear people outside talking, no working on something.

They must be on to something. He lazily groaned, getting up to see what's the fuss about. But before he could even stand, someone entered.

A very tired looking Meela in a rag dress with her hair tied up in a very messy bun was standing on the doorstep. He felt something twitch in him and he quickly turned his head, not wanting to see her.

No doubt even her tired form was still very attractive for him if not arousing.

'Morning!' Meela beamed although tired, her cheerful nature surprising him.

She wasn't all fierce and moody, she was back to her bubbly self again and it made his stomach flip. He coughed out awkwardly, knowing just her presence is already affecting him.

After confessing that he loved her, he expected that he would be feeling really weird and embarrassed. But he loved it. He loved saying it to her. And he loved her reaction. She had a genuine expression of happiness on her face. It was unlike anything he has ever seen before and it only made him wonder why he didn't tell her this before.

'I'm sorry..the rain flooded the rivers and the old nan's house had water reaching up to her legs. We had to clear it out and help free the animals from their cages and-' and on and on she went, rambling
about her disappearance for the morning.

Meela finally stopped when she noticed Sandor looking straight at her eyes, not nodding or shaking his head or moving. Just glancing.

'What?' She asked him, her voice abit shaky.

'I need you woman. With me. Now. Always.' He tells her. Her heart dropped when she heard him. The tone of his voice. The look in his eyes.

It wasn't a calling to make her his. He didn't mean anything dirty at all. He just wanted her to be near him. At all times.

She smiled as she shut the hut door and walked to his bed, slipping under the sheets and lying next to him.

Sandor stubbornly turned to his side to face her, ignoring his sore bones. He reached out his hand and placed it on her cheek. He caresses it and sighs deeply. Her skin was so soft against his rough, large hand. She closed her eyes as his hand rested there.

'Closer woman. Please.' She knew what he meant by that. The bed had no room for 2, and his frame was already the size of 2. They were squeezing against each other but neither hated the idea of it. She giggled when she scooted closer, resting her head under his neck, next to his shoulder as his hand was placed on the small of her back. This was perfect.

And they stayed like that the entire day.

'But Sandor, this could really work-'

'I don't want this woman. Just give that shit to any of the old ones. I'm not using it. That's it.' Sandor stubbornly said.

'But Sandor, the boys took their time to build this. All for you. You can move better. You keep complaining that you sit on bed all day and when we come up with soemthing, you're-'

'Woman! I ain't siting on the stupid chair. Whose fucking idea was this? The one with the arrows? ' He demanded. The boy, Anguy and Diego were suddenly nervous as Sandor's question was directed at them.

Meela was pouting, annoyed with Sandor's behaviour.

It had been nearly 2 months since she found Sandor lying halfway dead on a big rock covered with dirt and blood. Sandor's shoulder had slowly healed while his thigh still needed more time to recover so the healers from the village had insisted that he reduce any exertion or heavy activities.

But Sandor was just too proud to admit that he still needs time to heal. He started complaining and making loud fusses, often shouting at the healers and at Meela.

Taking care of him was a heavy duty, something she never failed on doing. She bathed him, fed him, helped him dress, helped clean his wounds and accompanied him all day.

Sometimes when she was gone the children from the village would barge into the hut, trying to take a good look at the Hound. Although they were frightened at first, they soon found themselves warming up to him. But Sandor didn't like it. The kids were pitying him. Something he hated. Since a child.

The Hound never shouted at the kids, all he needed to do was to glare and they would just leave in fear. Except for this one girl, Sara. A little blonde girl no higher than his knee with bright blue eyes that could captivate anyone.

He was grumpy with the girl as he was with everyone  but Sara continued making frequent visits.

With Meela's presence. Without hers. With her mother's permission. Without it as well.

'Maybeh we could play sumday. I want to swing a shword on Olly. He is always mean with me.' Sara complained once to Sandor. She just turned 5 and still had trouble talking but nothing stopped her from spending time with him. At first he pretended to hate her, but soon he too started opening up.

'Yer can't even say 'sword'.What makes you think you can swing one?' He grumbled. They were all in the hut that evening. Meela, Sara, Sandor and the trio.

'Like Eela I can. I want to fight like her!' Sara exclaimed and Meela who was listening, tried her best not to smile at both of them. The bond they both had was beautiful. Sara wasn't this friendly with Meela or  Eela as she likes to call her. Sara simply preferred Sandor's company more.

'We can play hide and sheep together!' The girl suggested suddenly. And that was when the boy suddenly clapped his hand.

'What?' Meela asked.

The boy then excitedly dragged her outside eight the boys while Sara was alone with Sandor. Outside the hut, the boy took a plank wood and a marble. He placed the wooden plank on the 2 marbles and moved it.

He then pointed at the moving plank and back into the hut. It was hard to understand at first, but soon all three of them understood what the boy was trying to say.

'Well Sandor can move, but he doesn't have to use his legs.' Anguy suggested, and Meela grinned. They found an idea.

And thus after a fortnight's work, they surprised Sandor with a wheelchair.

But Sandor's reaction was unexpected. Though it wasn't surprising. His Wall-high ego was bruised, causing him to reject any idea of getting into a wheelchair.

'But Zandor..we cud play hide and sheek..' Sara pouted, feeling very disappointed, her lips curling downwards and her blue eyes looking at him with a look full of wonders.

'Please..' she whimpers and Meela couldn't help but smirk. Anyone could fall for this little girl's request. Let alone Sandor.

'Please,' Meela says too, jumping in joy on the inside when she sees Sandor sighing in defeat. He couldn't handle Meela's puppy eyes, and Sara, well all Sara had to do was nod and he would obey whatever she wanted.

Sandor couldn't help but wonder, if this is how it will be when he has his own children? A son of his own? Or a girl like Sara? Would he just obey whatever his children ask of him?

He chuckled with disbelief, knowing very well he would. His eyes sparkled with a supposed excitement. Something Meela noticed.

She stopped smiling when she saw him.

He wanted something. He wanted children. He wanted a child of his own. And she couldn't give him that.

She felt hurt, like someone held her heart and kept it from pumping. It ached. She lowers her gaze to the ground as the group suddenly turned silent. Sandor realised she was affected by this and tries to divert her thoughts.

'I'll try it. But if it doesn't work, I'll get rid of it myself.'

Well things went a lot easier after that. Sandor could move more, even do things on his own. His shoulder healed, letting him eat by himself. He still needed Meela's help when he wanted a bath, or maybe he just wanted her to be around him.

She didn't mind much at all since she wanted the same too. All these while, she couldn't make love with him. His condition didn't allow him to and by the time his shoulder bone was healed, she started bleeding.

Sandor only kept quiet when he found out that she was bleeding, although he knew she could now give him a child. Not wanting to ask or pressure her, he kept quiet. Both knew they yearned for the same thing.


One fine evening, the villagers were sitting outside in the fields waiting for sunset. It was something they often did, while Sandor preferred staying indoors. Meela decided to force him to come outside and enjoy the view while he was being reluctant.

He hated the crowd. The crowd in Kings Landing. In the village. He hated people. He would prefer being alone on earth with Meela if he could have it.

But he chose to come outside due to Meela's 'persuasive' nature. One look, one touch, or one word and he would be under her spell and he is still unsure if she was actually a real witch.

'Why haven't you ate?' Anguy asked when he noticed Sandor staring around the others while they all ate. Meela was walking towards them bringing some food.

'I can only eat with her...' he hissed when Meela sat on his thighs, not causing pain but a different form of agony. Lust clouded his eyes and she took great pleasure from it. Both her legs rested on his left thigh while the armchair supported her back but her body was pressing him where needed and it made Sandor hungry for something that wasn't anywhere near food.

'Feeding,' he finished, staring at her in awe. His brown eyes locked on hers as she smiled, taking some of the cooked pieces of chicken and feeding him.

'I thought you could eat on your own,' Diego asked, mumbling with his mouth full when the mute boy nudged his chest with his elbow.

'Ow,' Diego whined.

'She won't let me,' Sandor replied, his eyes still fixated on her.

'That's right,' Meela said, a wicked thought approaching her mind as she moved the plate away and leaned towards his face, simply biting his lower lip.

He let out a slight growl and kissed her hungrily, his arm holding onto hers to keep her stable. The boys quickly looked away awkwardly , not wanting to see the lovers.

Meela was in pure bliss. Untill someone brushed her shoulder and it wasn't Sandor.

'Ya can kiss him later, it's gonna rain so get off the field!!' Anguy suddenly shouts and she growls at him. Sandor only chuckled, knowing Meela wasn't to be messed with, especially when she was in the mood for him.

But Anguy was right. It was starting to rain and soon everyone had ran. Untill it was only the trio, Meela and Sandor left standing. Well Sandor was still sitting.

'Let's go now!' Diego says while his teeth chattered. Meela was already halfway drenched and so was Sandor.

'You heard him, let's go.' Meela confidently said and Sandor just stared at her.

'It's not funny woman, move me.'

'I said let's go didn't I?' She taunted and the trio froze on their steps.

'Meela, don't play around-'

'Leave us. I'm not leaving this place untill he walks.' She continued, still stubborn with a silly grin on her face.

'What are yer looking at! Start pushing!!' Sandor barked at the men but Meela was quick to push the mute from coming any closer.

'Please.' She pleaded suddenly and the boys only sighed.

Sandor yanked her arm with such a force she immediately lunged towards him.

'Women. Stop fooling around,' he hissed at her but she shakes her head.

'Sandor. It's time to stand on your feet. And I mean it in both ways.'

The rainwater poured down them. It wasn't heavy but enough to drench them.

'You can't hold me. I'm too heavy.' He says while chuckling.


Sandor only sighed as her hands found his and intertwined. Meela signals the trio to aid her and they immediately circle Sandor, each of them holding on to his arm and shoulders to help him.

He grunted as he tried his best.
He failed 5 times before his knees straightened and he got up on the sixth attempt.

'That's a good start. See I told you.'

'Fuck this.' Sandor complains, as he groaned when he stood up to his complete massive height, stretching his back.

When Meela signalled the trio under the corner of her eye without Sandor noticing, they moved away leaving Sandor with no one to hold on to except for Meela.

'The fuck yer doing?! Fucking get here now or I'm gonna strangle ya with yer own guts. Archer, I will fucking shoot an arrow through your dick if YOU DOTN GET HERE NOW!!' Sandor was fuming, feeling humiliated. He was angry with Meela for doing this.

'Just trust me?' She reassured him as he stubbornly stood still.

She placed her foot behind her and began walking backwards prompting Sandor to grip onto her shoulders. He was heavy. And over a foot taller than her. This made everything even harder but she wasn't going to give up.

'Baby steps,' she smiles at him, causing him to let out a heavy sigh. She was too persuasive and he knew it was about time he began walking. After a few hesitant moves, he finally placed his foot ahead and the other foot followed. As she walked backwards, he staggered further. He was very slow and the pressure he held on Meela's shoulders made her back ache but she wasn't complaining. This was worth it.

Watching this man walk.

Soon he was already a few metres away from his chair when suddenly she lifted his palms off her shoulder and moved away.

'Meela!' He hissed, gritting his teeth. He almost shouted but realised the other villagers were watching him.

'Get back here.' He hissed again.

She only shook her head.

'You can do this. Walk to me.' She says, standing nearly 40 metres away.

He sighed, struggling to overcome his shyness, anger and humiliation. He resumed his own step only to end up lunging his knee to the ground, growling in pain as his blow was harder than expected.

The villagers started murmuring something, some even chuckling, mocking Sandor. Rain droplets drenched Sandor's face as he stared at the sky, feeling ashamed of himself.

'Come on love,' she muttered under her breath.

He looked at her one last time before he took a deep breath, standing up and exhaling.

Her heart leapt with joy as he took 2 steps on his own. And on he went, as she stepped backwards.

The villagers weren't mocking anymore, they were cheering for Sandor and it only motivated him further.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she saw him walk successfully. But he placed a foot wrongly and fell to the ground making her quickly run for him.

She fell to her knees, holding his shoulders although it was pointless. He was much stronger than her. He was catching his breath, his hand finding hers as they both stayed still on the ground.

'You did it.' She breathed, wrapping her arms around him for an embrace. Sandor's face was flushing red, not from the embarrassment but proudness, an overwhelming feeling.

'Aye and now yer embarrassing me woman. Get off!' He tells her, but making no move to push her away.

She slowly pulls back, only to attack his lips with hers as he kissed back.

Together they fell to the ground, kissing under the rain as the others looked away, blushing from watching these lovebirds attack each other with a bruising love.

But their moment was ruined when Sara jumped on Sandor.

'Zandor you did ittt!!!' The little girl exclaimed, causing Meela to laugh, pushing him away. Sandor growled as he dragged the girl to rest on his belly. He then proceeded to tickle her as Meela joined him. And for once, she felt genuinely happy she forgot everything that was happening around them.

The little girl shrieked, begging them to stop as she laughed and giggled over and over again.

'Now lets get you back to yer mummy before you catch a cold,' Sandor gets up but very slowly, carrying Sara much to Meela's astonishment.

'Don't forget your wheelchair Sandor, you still haven't fully recovered,' she reminded him and saw his smile get replaced with a scowl.

It was nighttime and most of the elders were already asleep. The ones who weren't had a bonfire where they all sat, surrounding the fire. Sandor was back on his wheelchair as he couldn't sit properly like the others. Meela was  sitting on the other side of the fire, but facing him.

Although both were busy having different conversations with different people, their eyes somehow managed to find each other and converse in their own beautiful way, unknown to others.

Her doe black eyes were gazing on his brown ones and neither of them had an innocent smile. They knew what was to come tonight and there was no pushing each other this time.

His eyes were like a predator's eyeing her up and down to the hut, signalling her and she naughtily drank rum, winking.

Sandor bit his own lips hard, knowing this woman wasn't going to give in that easily. But just as he thought so, she suddenly woke up.

Anguy nudged Meela's elbow and Sandor almost growled at him.

'Don't tire him out lady wolf,' Anguy teased and Meela smirked back.

'Just because I'm a big softie with him doesn't mean I won't shoot an arrow down your throat when you say shit like that . Don't get too wasted Anguy,' she joked, grabbing his cup or rum and finishing the remains of it.

Sandor only chuckled, smiling. Watching him warming up and actually smiling was a rare thing to see and it made Meela's belly toil with unexplainable things.

She loved him. And that was all she was going to do tonight. Make love. Not fuck.

She pushed his wheelchair slowly into their hut as he kept quiet not saying anything, just watching her. And his stare only made her anxious.

There was something about his fierce eyes that  made her so aroused. Her heartbeat hammered against her chest and she found a certain wetness already pooling around her heat. She was excited, and practically impatient for what's to come.

There were no words spoken that night as she shuts the hut door. She licked her lips and she walked towards him, the same time Sandor stood up.

And hence, two became one. Their bodies found each other in a form of an embrace far more intimate than any before. His lips mauled hers in a dominating force, showing her the hunger he had all this while.

He started moving towards the bed, causing her to walk backwards, no staggering backwards. They never broke their kiss. Instead their hands went to each other's clothes to rip it off in a rough manner untill they were bare in front of each other.

She grabbed his neck in a rough manner and Sandor had no issue with that, he lifted her up easily although he did growl alittle due to the sudden movement that caused soreness. But he wasn't bothered by it.

He gently dropped her on the bed and she got on her knees, wanting to kiss him but Sandor pushed her down to lie on her back. He lied on top of her, carefully making sure there was no pressure but she pushed him off.

Sandor wondered why she was doing that but immediately knew she had a better idea. He just played along as he watched her climb on top of him, straddling his waist and kissing him.

Meela could feel her wetness soaking up and being pressed against Sandor like this during their hot kiss, made Sandor fully aware of his woman's condition.

She didn't see it coming when he broke the kiss and dragged her hips forward, forcing her to rest her warmth on his face.

She hissed, suppressing a loud moan when his mouth delved deep into her folds. It's been far too long since they made love or pleasured each other and this was just perfect. Her fingers found themselves gripping onto Sandor's scalp, guiding him to taste her although the Hound never seemed to have a problem with that.

He knew her. Better than anyone else. He knew where to touch her, where to grab her, where to taste her.

She was already a whimpering mess, feeling an immense pleasure hitting her when Sandor devoured her without rest.

Soon she felt a knot forming and tightening and within a blink of an eye, she came. He didn't stop lapping at her juices untill he was satisfied, gripping her hips to hold her still. He pulled away and saw her face as she lied exhausted on him.

He chuckled, and she felt his chest vibrate under her.

'Still a weak little thing aren't ya,' he teased her, gripping her butt cheek and massaging it.

' a while..' she tried to calm her breathing as she came down her release, obviously still not over it.

Sandor couldn't help but smile as he ran his hands over her back, not seeming to stop touching her at all.

'Look at me,' he rasped at her. But she was too weak to even lift her head up and he noticed that. Quickly he toppled her over so that he was now on top of her again.

He placed his hand under her head as she fixated her tired eyes on him.

'You're..' he was tongue tied.

Gods have mercy, she was so beautiful. Lovely, coming down from her high. Her hair disheveled. Her doe eyes blinking again and again and her lips red and plump from all that excessive biting.

He growled, unable to say anything and caught her lips in a rough kiss again. She couldn't kiss him back like he did but this was more than enough for him.

'You're mine,' he rasped again, nipping on her neck, sucking and gently biting her soft flesh as it drew out tiny whimpers. He sloppily kissed his way down her neck to her breasts, groping and massaging it as he tried his best to pleasure his woman again.

But Meela didn't want his hands, or his mouth anymore. An ache formed long ago was growing unbearable and she knew she wants him to be inside her or she would go mad.

She stops him by gently holding his jaw, guiding him up to kiss him.

'Let me,' she breathes and Sandor already knew what she meant by that. He quickly turns her over and she giggles at his speed. No doubt he was impatient as much as she was.

Impatient to an extent he stopped her from pleasuring him. She was already massaging his groin which was hard and ready for her. She wanted to taste him, to make him feel the wonders he just showed her but Sandor didn't want that. Instead he wanted her to ride him. Now.

'Do it. Now!' It was an order she didn't dare disobey. She nodded him and straddled his hip, almost moaning loudly when she felt his hardness pressed up against her entrance.

The ache had gone terrible and she wanted him to pound mad into her. Meela wanted him to bruise her deep untill he milked all of his seed. But she needed to get used to his size first. It's been months since she had him. Or anyone.

She held him firmly and brushed his manhood against her slick core, her eyes rolling from the pleasure. Unable to anticipate further, she pushed him in and almost shrieked.

It was painful. Stinging painful. Aching bad. But never had she felt more complete and satisfied and sated like this ever before.

This was perfect.

'Meela, move woman!' He growled, painful clenching his jaw. She licked her lips and squeezed her eyes shut as she rolled her hips.

'Oh...fuckk..' she hissed as she continued moving up and down, rolling and feeling all of his size. He wasn't too big, but long and thick enough to bring her the right sensation of pain and pleasure.

'Faster...fuck..' he groaned with her when she started bouncing up and down, the slapping sounds filling the air surpassing her moans.

She felt another knot forming deep in her core and it was too inviting. She sped up her own moves trying to bring herself to a release when Sandor gripped her jaw suddenly, forcing her to look at him. His stare was murderous, with eyes full of lust glaring down at her. And with the tense eye contact, he lunged into her from below.

Her eyes rolled again and she bit her own lips, casing Sandor to smash his own against her. And she ferociously kissed him back as he fucked her from below. She was going too slow and this was torture for him. He needed to take over. And that he did.

All Meela did was blink and Sandor was now on top of her again. His large frame seated between her thighs, hollering over her to kiss her. Sandor was careful, not crushing his entire weight on her.

'Are you hurt?' Is it still..healing?' He paused, hesitating to ask her about her womb. He noticed her face change and before she could linger in her thoughts any further, he kissed her face.

Her lips. Cheeks. Eyes. Forehead. Jawline. And he went down her neck, assaulting her with rough, wet kisses.

'Are you still hurt Meela!?' It came out louder than it intended.

'I don't know,' she whimpered.

He smiled at her, assuring her it's alright although this was very uncommon of him. Even she felt so.

'I love you.' He said.

'I love you.' He said again, lifting her leg and kissing her ankle.

'I love you,' he tells her again as he does the same to her other leg, kissing her ankle and resting them on the sides of his shoulders.

She took a deep breath as he held her legs tight against his chest, positioning himself against her entrance. Her back was lying flat on the bed, with her legs hoisted up securely by Sandor.

And he made his move, gently.

She gasped when he entered her, her opening engulfing his manhood like he belonged there. Sandor drove deep inside her, making sure his intrusion wasn't rough and that sensation sent tingles all over her body.

Then he pulled out halfway and slammed into her, this time rough and she shrieked, gripping onto the thin sheets of the bed.

Sandor leaned towards her, her legs still pressed up against his chest. She felt their back thighs straighten from the unusual position but this was too good.

This angle made him enter parts of her she never knew existed untill now. It drove her mad.

His eyes bore hers and her hands circled around his arms, gripping onto it for dear life as he pounded in and out of her.

She moaned, yelled, whimpered, cursed under him. Unable to do anything else but accept this form of pleasure which was overwhelming.

'I. Love. You.' He said each time he thrusted into her. 

'More than anything. Always. You're mine. You're fucking mine.' And she came hearing those words.

It wasn't soon before Sandor was drained but it wasn't enough for him. Barely.

So while she was coming down her high, he moved out of her and attacked her sensitive folds, drawing out a lazy whimper from her.

She was tired, exhausted, already sweating from her release. She could still see stars and haven't returned to her original state when Sandor lapped at her juices, nipping at her button and gently grazing it with his teeth. She shrieked this time, knowing she couldn't pull away, for his hold was too strong.

He had locked his arms around her hips, smothering his face into her sweet core which tasted finer than any wine he ever had.

She shivered, her hips moving it's own course, first wriggling away from him then not moving at all, feeling another ache beginning to form.

He wasted no time in plunging 3 digits into her and finger fucking the life out of her, making her speechless for a split second.

'Yes yes. Oh Sandor fuckk..yessss..don't stop..please don't stop,' she begged him while he continued licking her, his fingers never stopping their magic on her. Her fingers were buried in his hair, gripping his scalp and guiding him where she wanted him.

But he pulled away just as she felt another release coming, and she groaned in annoyance.

'Fuck you Sandor-owhhh...' she huskily growled, when he immediately drove his still hard length into her. His large paws snaked under her arse and he palmed them, quickly dragging her to straddle his waist, resting comfortably on his lap. He hugged her tight, more aroused with her breasts pressed flush against his chest as he fucked her from below.

This was an intimate position that screamed love and lust.

She moaned his name loud, her nails creating their own pattern of art on his back. It wasn't painful to him, only turning him on further.

First he moved in and out slowly, feeling himself enter the deepest and then driving in and out madly, bringing out her inner cave woman.

'Sandor yesss!!' She rasped, her hands finding the back of his head and kissing him. He moaned in his kiss and took over, holding her face in his hands as he felt himself reaching the peak.

He didn't stop pounding into her, his speed only increased if not slower and when her walls tightened around him, he came.

He growled loud as his teeth sunk in her shoulders, drawing out another explicit moan from her as she felt the strangest form of pain and pleasure from his bite and the feel of his beard against her skin.

He didn't stop fucking her, not until he was drained, milking her walls until he was fully done. He made sure she couldn't run away from her release as well as he rubbed hard on her button and felt liquid gushing out of her core. It only intensified his release as her walls clenched on him more. Her knees shook violently and her head fell back, but he quickly caught her and chuckled, pulling her flush against his chest.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying their embrace. She was tired. Already too exhausted and Sandor knew he couldn't continue.

Sandor knew this was where he belonged. And Meela knew this was home.

'I love you always woman. Remember that.' He kissed her forehead and she offered him a weak smile, unable to respond in any other manner. He slowly moved away and was met with a pouting Meela.

He chuckled, tugging her chin as gently as he could so that he could look at her.

'I'm not leaving you anytime soon woman. Let me go get a clean cloth,' and before she could reply he kissed her hungrily, making her smile.  He pulled away and proceeded to get a clean cloth. He joined her back on the bed and wiped off her thighs, when he noticed that there was a slight hint of blood. He suddenly got worried.

'Meela does it hurt? I'm sorry woman. I thought-' it was her turn to silence him with a kiss.

'It did. But I guess you ruined me for anyone else now,' she said softly but he didn't understand her. He held a confused look on his face and she laughed, weakly.

'I'm fine. Trust me.'

Sandor placed his hand on her cheek, his hand was so large it felt like her entire face was buried in it. She leaned against  his hand and he cursed under his breath. He held her face with both his hands and studied her features.

She was so lovely. How could she be a warrior when she was looking so soft and beautiful? How could this gentle lady be a ferocious woman whom the others feared. The gods sent her to this world for the sole purpose of destroying him. This gorgeous creature will be the death of him. He was damned.

'I love you Meela. You're mine. Untill the day I die.'

Happy valentines 😝

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