Shut Up And Kiss Me (Book 1 o...

By SleeplessInChicago

65.6K 3.1K 195

Hope Codey has gone missing. Her family is searching to find her. Little do they know she has laded right sma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Untitled Part 16

Shut Up And Kiss Me

11.9K 286 9
By SleeplessInChicago

Hope Codey is the eldest of the Codey grandchildren. She has grown with a privileged upbringing. Which could account for her need to save all the poor animals and people in need. That doesn't mean she's a pushover. Quite the contrary, since she has grown into quite the little spitfire. Too bad she has a problem with paying attention to the rules. Her naiveté and ignorance seems to have landed her in a heap of trouble.

On the other hand, Rocky Trevino (aka striker) grew up in the not so nice side of the windy city. It was thanks to his friendship with Damien Steel that he is where he is today. That being, up to his neck in trouble. He just wished he can get this woman to shut up...

Something tells me they're going to burn the farm down. All I can say is "Good luck Codey's because here comes Striker."

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