Whoa. This is Really Happenin...

De BluesyRazz

5.6K 82 91

"I fucking love you guys." He looks up at me with his bloodshot eyes and whispers. "You mean it?" (COMPLET... Mais



677 8 22
De BluesyRazz

"Ma'am? Mrs....?" I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Confused, I open my eyes and squint them at a woman in a blue uniform. Oh! The flight attendant.

"Oh sorry, was I snoring?" I question as I register the rest of my surroundings. Empty. I look back at her confused.

"Ma'am we're at your destination."

I stared at her as I processed.

"Oh. OH. Oh I'm so sorry." I say as I huridly stand reaching above for my carry-on. The flight attendant stands back as I continue to mutter sorrys and blah blah. Those edibles had kicked in FAST. And then I slept for like 24 hours? Amazing. I feel amazing.

I walk out of the plane over to the bag pick up, pulling my phone and earbuds out and FaceTimed Tyler. He picks up on the first ring.

Smiling he says," Hey Kait! How was your flight? Your eyes are hella red you goooood?" He chuckled at the last part.

I smile," I slept for 24 hours. " He chuckles

"Of course you did." He chuckles then sighs," well I love you and miss you stay safe." I smile at him.

"I love you too and of course I'll ft you as much as possible see ya!"

"See ya.." he says sadly and ends the FaceTime. I really am gonna miss him. But moving here is a giant leap forward in mine (and our) careers.

I decided to tweet out a "arrived safe!" Just so the fans aren't worried.

I grab my weeks worth of clothes and essentials from the luggage conveyer and head outside. Looking down at my phone I see the group chat going crazy that I'll finally be there. Toby was already a couple minutes away it seemes.
(It's 12 pm rn)

Jus landed :) ate an edible right before I landed ;) high as a mf kite.

That's my gurl 😉

Masey 👩‍👦
Share, yea?

Toby 💓💞
I'm almost there can't wait to see you K💓

Jay bord
If it's got my name on it it's mine😡

Vape Daddy🥰❤️
Hush Jay everyone eats your food you can't stop us
Oh, hey baby 😉

Heyy John. Sum fuxk tn?

Vape Daddy 🥰❤️
Hellz yea brother.

Fitzy Mitzy
Jus keep it down my rooms between both you guys'.

Vape Daddy 🥰❤️

I laugh and lock my phone, sitting down on a bench outside the airport, waiting for Toby.
John (or kryoz) and I have been flirting for years. At first it was a casual slip up here and there and it's evolved into straight up telling each other how much we wanna dick each other down. It was a joke at first but... I think I've actually began to start liking him. Hella scary tbh. Especially because we're literally going to be living together. But like I said, who the fuck would wanna actually fuck me?

Toby's car roles into view. Well, really it was Matts car. A white skyline r34, and as it rumbled into view I smiled jumping up. Toby parked it and hopped out running to hug me. His boots clacking on the pavement, he rapped his arms around me, almost knocking me over.

"Toby!!! I missed you sooo much!" I squeal.

"Awwwwe I missed you too!" He says back, putting me down.

We talk for a bit as he helps me put my stuff in his car. Then, I hop into the front seat and we head to the misfits house.

"Soooooooo, you and John eh?" Toby says wiggling his eyebrows. I scoff.
"Nooooo?" I say as more of a question. He raises his eyebrows. "Look," I put my head in my hands,"I have no idea. I mean this whole flirting thing was a joke but I think I'm actually starting to have feelings towards him. I don't think he'd ever like me, would he?"

Toby smiled cheekily the whole time. "Oh I don't knoooooow." He drauls out. Then flashes another cheeky grin.

My heart rate picks up," W-what does that mean?" I stare wide eyed. He just shrugs, grinning, and looks back at the road.

"How bout a bit of fun, yeah?" He grins, all my anxiety goes away and I rub my hands together as he excelerates.

The sound of the roaring engine fills my ears and I hear the turbo tu-tu-tuing filling my stomach with joy.

Let's jus say we make it back in record time. I get out of the car a bit woozy on my feet, swaying side to side. Best feeling. I grab my suitcase and head in.

Toby grabs the door for me and throws it open. I step in and I'm amazed. It's huge. I was not prepared. I smile.

"WHATS UP FUCKERS!!" I scream. It's quiet for a moment. Then I hear...

"KAITLYN!!!" As Maison basically throws himself down the stairs. He runs to hug me, picking me up in the process. I giggle.

"Hey Maison, I missed you too." I say as I hugged him back. More people emerge such as Matt, Cam, Eric, and Jay all the boys except John. Kinda upsetting but the boys make up for it.

"IS THAT FUN FAX WITH KAIT?!" I hear a shout from upstairs. I look to see a finger pointing down at me. I point back.

"IS THAT KRYOZGAMING??????" I shout back and giggle as he bounds down the stairs smiling. He gives me a big bear hug and I inhale. Mmmm smells like lemon vape juice.

I pull back because due to my tramatic childhood I loved physical touch and craved it but did not know how to accept it. (sorry if I accidentally refuse and/or end contact I rly don't want to I just don't wanna seem awkward and shit ily plz give me physical affection) it hurt to pull away but yea.

"Do you guys love me or am I just hot?" I question. Fake glaring at them.
"Ya hot as fuck mate"
"Love youuuu"
*Punch*"Oi! What was that for!"
"Oh your hot as f-"
And finally a whisper in my ear
"What if I love you and you're hot as fuck." I feel my cheeks heat up a bit and I turn to face John slightly, letting the boys argue because someone punched Maison.
"Oh yeah? Well what if I said ditto to that?"
"Oh, do you?"
I nod my head as I turn more towards him.
"Meet me tonight, my room?" I whisper so the boys couldn't hear. I see his face light up.
"Only if you brought your vibrator." He smirks. I giggle.
"See you then mommy." He whispers in my ear as he walks behind me, his hand gently brushing my ass.

GOTTAMN I'm wet.

He goes up the stairs, leaving me to deal with the children, well Fitz and I, to deal with the children.

"BOYS!" They all look at me and I giggle. Love using my mom voice on them.

"Yes Mommy?" Maison giggles.

I laugh," Get along stop hitting eachother. Go edit your shit, Toby you help me with my shit?" He smiles and nods as everybody goes to do what they were told. He grabs one of my two bags and lugs it up the stairs. I open my door and it's just plain white nothing but a mattress and some sheets.

I sigh and just throw my shit on the ground, falling onto my bed without a frame. Toby lays on top of me. He pulls his vape out and hits it, holding it up to me.


"Water melone."

"Mmmmmm." I put it to my lips pressing the button, allowing it to enter my lungs. "FAT CLOUDS BABY!" I say using the 'vape voice'.

"OH YEA?" I hear from the other room. John using his vape voice. Toby and I laugh.

"OH YEAHHH!!" I yell with my vape voice again. I blow the rest of the smoke out, and checked if my door was closed.

"Toby guess what." I say smiling getting on my stomach to face him.

"What?" He smiles back.

"One, you're the bestest friend ever and I love you so much."

"Noted, what's the tea!"

I laugh,"I might be having a visitor tonight." I say quietly. His eyes go wide and he squeals and grabs my hands.

"Is it J-" He whispers, as to not alert anyone. I interupt him with quickly nodding, holding back a giggle.

Damn I feel like a highschooler.

We continue to chat about life and shit. Just catching up and enjoying eachother. When suddenly...

"I'M HONGRY!" Maison screams barging into my room. His baldheaded ass making me giggle.

"Alright, Aight...." I smirk as I pick up my phone. "YOU GUYS WANT MACCAS?!" I yell out my door, evilly grinning at Mace. Ya see, Mason is not allowed to get intoxicated, on weed or anything for a good while, as he was using it to mask pain and us misfits are not here for the unhealthy coping mechanisms. And Mason just so happens to only want Mac Donald's when he's high. Thought I'd tease him a bit.

"You cUNT!" He yells as he tackles me on my bed. I was laughing hysterically. "I WANT REAL FOOD!" He pouts as he gets off me and crosses his arms like a toddler.

"I'm not cooking for twenty fat bitches, k?" I retort as I pull up Uber eats on my phone. He just grumbles a barley audible "nuggets" and left. As I go around the house getting what everyone wants I stumble on Eric and Matt sitting on the couch blazed out of their minds.

"Uh boys?" I choke as swagger looks at me with his demon eyes.

"appLE PIE!?" He kinda, asks? I guess? I just order them pies and nuggets. How could you possibly go wrong with 4 year olds and chicken nuggets?

~itta bout 2 am now everyone ate n shi~

I sit in my room thinking about today. Of course we're gonna have a party tomorrow now that all of us are here. I smile as I think about the fun I'm gonna have. I think about how inut was heart broken that swagger ate all the pies. I think about John a whole lot too. God his hair is even more perfect in person. And he's so t-

A knock on my door frame inturupted my thoughts. Butterfly's danced in my stomach knowing exactly who it is.

"Close the door on your way in babe." He laughs and does as he's told. Everyone in the house was KNOCKED as of right now. Meaning we had it all to our selves. Not that we were gonna do anything.

I got up as he got closer to me.

"You wanna know something Kaitlyn?" He semi-whispers as I grabbed his hands into mine.

"What's that?" I say back, matching his tone.

"You're reaaaal special." He smirked,"and I mean that in everyway possible."

"Mmmm is that right? Welp I guess it runs off on you cause I was thinking the exact same thing about you." I stare up at him. Damn he was close.

I suddenly here a lyric from a certain song.

{Play the song}

I was checking this girl next door
When her parents went out
She phoned said, "Hey, boy, come on right around."
So I knock at the door
You was standing with a bottle of red wine
Ready to pour
Dressed in long black satin and lace to the floor

So I went in
Then we sat down start kissing
Told me about Jacuzzi
Sounded interesting
So we jumped right in
All calls diverted to answer phone
Please leave a message after the tone

I laughed, knowing it was one of his favorites. I let go of his hands as my damaged ass does and go to turn it up. He laughs.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I say. Really not knowing. I sit on my bed and he lays so his heads in my lap.

He chuckles. "You kill me Kait." He smiles up at me as the song plays and I play with his hair.

"Thanks I try."

You know me and her
Her parents were kinda cool
But they ran a fine line between me and you
We were just doing things young people in love do
Parents trying to find out what we were up to

Saying why were you creeping around late last night?
Why did I see two shadows moving in your bedroom light?
Now you're dressed in black
When I left you were dressed in white
Can you fill me in?
Calls diverted to answer phone
Red wine bottle half the contents gone
When I returned Jacuzzi's turned on
Can you fill me in?

We talk about random stuff in comfortable conversation.

Whenever the coast was clear and she'd ask me to come out
I'd say, "Hey, girl, come on right around."
So she knocked at the door
I was standing with the keys in my hand to the 4x4
Jumped in my ride
Checkin' in where nobody saw

The club we went in
We got down bounced bounced to the rhythm
Saw it was early morning
Thought we'd better be leaving
So I gave you my jacket for you to hold
Told you to wear it cause you felt cold

I mean me and her
Didn't mean to break the rules
I weren't trying to play your mum and dad for fools
We were just doing things young people in love do
Parents trying to find out what we were up to

Saying why can't you keep your promises no more?
Say you'll be home by 12 come strolling in at 4
Out went the girls but leaving with the boy next door

Can you fill me in?
Wearing a jacket who's property
Said you'd been queuing for a taxi
But you left all your money on the TV
Can you fill me in?

The last of the music fades out leaving us in near silence.

He's staring up at me his big blue eyes filled with something. I can't place it. Suddenly I feel Butterfly's in my stomach.

No. John doesn't like me. Let alone love me. He acts like this with everyone. I'm an ugly bitch and idek how anyone puts up with me.

I move his head off my lap and get up kinda fast," I- uh, uhm..." I head over to my computer to pick another song.

"Oh my God Kaitlyn." He groans and puts his hands over his eyes, annoyed maybe? "Why do you do that. Come back."

I laugh,"Do what? I had to change the song silly." He sits up and pulls me back to the bed. Again, Butterfly's.

"You're not moving until I say so, ok?" He says very sternly.

But maybe... He does?
No. He can't.

"Oooooo controlling are we? That's how I like it." I tease as he pulls me into his arms.

"Shut up." He chuckles, shaking his head. "tomorrow were setting up your LEDs. Great mood lighting." He wiggles his eyebrows and I giggle.

We spent most of the night just talking. The most happy I've been in a long time.

We eventually fell asleep, cuddled up together.

He couldn't possibly like me? Could he?

Heyyyyy I'm not particularly happy with this so yea might change. I need more backstory so future me ia gonna have to do that rip. Anyways ly bye. Mmmaybe I fixed it ? ? ?

This is future Kaitlyn and this is indeed a banger chapter sis keep it up mommy

These are all notes I've decided to keep in jus so you guys can see my thought processes :).

Fun fact- chapter one was originally mmmm! Fuck! Shit! Bitch!
Chapter two was ya momma
And chapter three was Herburg ;) Yw.

Continue lendo

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