Miles Away | Klance AU

By xKyliahx

9.1K 321 104

I made the cover art myself. I obviously do not own the characters. This is an AU story. Enjoy! More

Quick Author's Note


230 8 1
By xKyliahx

"Keeeeiiiith! Please get a dog!" Pidge begs, putting her hands together.

"I don't think I'm responsible enough," Keith says.

"Yeah, he's got a point there. You still have a shirt you need to return to the theater," Shiro adds.

"Keith is getting a puppy?" Lance appears from the other room.

"No, Lance. I'm not getting a puppy," Keith says again, crossing his arms.

"Oh come on! It would be absolutely adorable!" Allura says.

"Where would I even get the money?" Keith asks.

The room goes silent.

"He's got a point there..." Pidge says.

"I'll help you man," Lance says, leaning his elbow on Keith's shoulder.

Keith's eyebrows lower and he looks up at Lance. "Lance, you don't have to."

"Why, of course I do. Call it a date?" Lance asks.

"A date?"

"Yep! Better yet, let's just begin now. Let's go get Keith a dog!" Lance cheers.

Lance intertwines Keith's fingers with his own and pulls the both of them out the front door. Lance steals Keith's keys out of Keith's back pocket and unlocks the car.

"Lance! Give me my keys," Keith demands.

"Lance give me my keysss," Lance copies mockingly.

"I'm not letting you drive. My car, my rules."

"I don't need your permission Keith. Me and my conscious agreed I would drive."

"Your conscious is stupid, give me my keys."

"Hm... Nope!" Lance sits in the driver's seat and buckles in. Keith groans and sits in the passenger seat. Lance starts up the vehicle and smirks mischievously.

"Just gonna warn you, Lancey Lance likes to drive fast!"

"Lance, no-" Keith's words get stuck when Lance hits the gas and sends him forward quickly.

"Oops, sorry. Don't forget to buckle in," Lance says with a laugh.

Keith doesn't laugh and he buckles into his seat.

"Hey, Keef, please look for directions to a pet store," Lance says, staying stopped at a stop sign.

"Don't call me that." Keith pulls up directions and the voice from the phone leads Lance to a pet store. There's a small shelter with many colors.

Lance and Keith step out of the car and walk into the store.

"Hello! My name is Nadia! Welcome to Rizavi Pet Store! How can I help you?" The girl at the counter asks. She has her hair in a high pony and she has black glasses.

"Hello! I'm Lance. My buddy Keith, is looking for a companion like a dog," Lance says.

"Oh! Well, what's Keith like? It is very important to know our customer's personalities to make sure they get the pets they deserve," Nadia explains.

"Well, Keith is independent, he's a lone wolf. He's like... a samurai from movies!" Lance exclaims.

"You watch too many movies Lance," Keith butts in.

"I know what puppy will be right for him!" A guy says, appearing from behind the counter. He is tall and has dark skin.

"Kinkade! I didn't see you there. Especially since you always keep to yourself," Nadia yells in surprise.

"Oh, sorry. Follow me," Kinkade leads the others into a small room with puppies running around a small pen.

Kinkade points towards a puppy that was sitting further from the rest. It looked like a little fluff ball, but it was definitely bigger than the rest.

"He's an Alaskan Malamute puppy. He's like your friend, Keith. His breed tends to be independent, trustworthy, loyal, and energetic," Kinkade describes the puppy.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Lance says, holding his cheeks.

Keith walks slowly towards the pen, his arms still crossed. The puppy slowly walks towards Keith and sits there, kind of like it's studying him. It seems like Keith is doing the same.

The puppy suddenly jumps at the pen and barks. It doesn't seem like it's in anger, but in a more playful way.

"Ooh! He likes you!" Nadia cheers.

Kinkade let's the puppy out of its cage and it immediately runs up the Keith and starts hopping on his legs, trying to get Keith to pick him up.

Keith smiles a little and picks up the puppy. It begins licking all over his face.

"How much for him?" Lance asks while Keith is busy playing with the puppy.

"For that kind of quick bond, he's free. Don't forget to buy food for him and toys," Nadia mentions.

Lance nods. Once they head to the counter, they fill in paperwork and he buys supplies for the puppy. Keith, Lance, and the puppy exit the building and Lance drives to Pidge's house.

Keith pets the fluff ball and it licks all over his face.

"Telling by the size you are now, you're gonna be a big dog!" Keith continues petting the puppy and Lance looks over and smiles.

The three of them enter Pidge's house and Allura squeals when she sees the puppy. Keith puts the puppy down and it hops around before lying on the floor.

"Aw! He's so cute!" Pidge says, slowly approaching the pup.

"What are you calling him?" Shiro asks, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I think he should name it Cosmo!" Pidge yells.

"Aw! That's a cute name! I like that!" Lance responds.

"That's a delightful name!" Allura adds.

"No, we are not calling him Cosmo, he'll tell me his name when he's ready," Keith says, crossing his arms.

"I hope he knows dogs can't talk," Pidge whispers to Lance.

Lance laughs and nods.

"Here, we should try calling him over," Shiro says.

Keith sighs and leans down on his knee.

"Cosmo! Come here!" Keith calls.

The puppy looks over and looks away again.

"Look, that's not gonna be his name!" Keith says.

"Try it again!" Pidge demands.

"Cosmo! Come here buddy!" Keith pats the floor with his hand and the puppy comes running towards him.

"Looks like his name is gonna be Cosmo, huh Mullet,"Lance says, smirking.

Keith sighs in defeat and pets the puppy's head. "Alright Cosmo, you win this time," Keith says.

Once everyone meets and plays with the puppy, Lance drives Keith home. Once they arrive to his home, they walk up to the front.

"Thanks Lance... you giving me all these things, it's so sweet of you," Keith says.

"It's what you deserve.. You've lost so much," Lance responds.

"I would give you a kiss, but it seems Cosmo is in the way," Lance mentions with a smirk.

Keith laughs a little and blushes. "I'm going to go. Bye Lance!"

"Bye Keith, I lo-.. Bye!" Lance trips on his words and hops in the car, driving away.

Keith shrugs and enters his home. He puts down the food and water bowl, filling them. He sets down pet toys and pads on the floor because Cosmo isn't potty trained yet.

Keith lies on his bed, shutting his light off, until he feels something kind of heavy hit his bed. Cosmo hopped on the bed. Cosmo rests his head on Keith's feet and falls asleep. Keith smiles softly and falls asleep too.

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