Falling 4 U [EXO X OC]

נכתב על ידי RuiJuan78

5.1K 162 127

You are Han Yuri. You dislike Sehun but you can't disobey your father's orders to take care of him since he c... עוד

Oh Sehun
I Hate You
Become A Family
First Kiss
First Love
Trials of Life
Christmas Eve
Your Concern
Fake Love
Summer Vacation
Fall in Love Again
Accidental Kiss
Storms of Life
Missing You
Love Sparkle
Love Bets
Falling 4 U


279 7 3
נכתב על ידי RuiJuan78

Sehun stopped kissing me after a minute. I slapped Sehun and said angrily, "Don't you ever do this again to me!" Sehun fell silent and didn't dare to look at me. I went into my bedroom and slammed the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2 months later.

I saw Soobin and Sehun walking together toward my house when I dumped garbage at night. "Come on... Please say yes... Noona will buy you anything you want if you help noona," said Soobin. Sehun shook his head. Soobin ran toward me when she saw me. "Yuri-ah, help me convince our Sehunnie to be my model," said Soobin. I pretended not to hear Soobin.

How can I help Soobin? Everything became awkward between Sehun and me after what had happened on christmas eve. I tried to avoid Sehun as much as I could. I woke up very early to make Sehun's breakfast and lunch. I didn't come out of my bedroom until Sehun went to school. I always stayed in my bedroom when Sehun came home from working part time at mini mart.

I ignored Soobin and walked toward my bedroom. Soobin followed me from behind and said, "Yuri-ah, please help me, I really need a model for my college assignment. I only have 2 weeks left. How can I find a model in this short time?" I stopped my steps in front of my bedroom door and said, "If you need a model, I can ask help from someone I know."

Soobin asked, "Who?" I asked back, "Do you know Park Chanyeol the food blogger?" Soobin nodded. I asked, "Can he be your model?" Soobin said, "Of course he can! He is handsome and tall! He has a model look! But... Will he be my model?" "I will try to ask him," I said.

I grabbed my cellphone then called Chanyeol. Chanyeol said yes right away. "Wow! You and him must be close to each other huh? He said yes instantly without asking anything," said Soobin. "Well... You can say so," I replied proudly, showing off my friendship with someone quite popular.

"Good if you two are close, so you two won't be awkward to pose as a couple later," said Soobin. I was puzzled, "Eh?" Soobin smiled and said, "You will be my model too. That's why I asked our Sehunnie to be my model, because I knew you would be nervous and awkward to pose with strangers."

Suddenly Sehun said, "Soobin noona, I wanna be your model." Soobin turned to Sehun and said, "Why didn't you say it sooner?" Sehun looked at me in silence. Soobin said with a smile, "Okay, let's meet up this Sunday. I will send you the photo studio address later when I have rented it... And Yuri, please tell Park Chanyeol to come too." "Okay," I replied Soobin with a smile. "See you on Sunday," said Soobin, then she left.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I introduced Chanyeol and Soobin to each other when Chanyeol arrived at photo studio. Soobin told Chanyeol, Sehun and me to change our clothes with the costumes prepared by her. When I came out from the fitting room, I saw Sehun standing quietly near Soobin and Chanyeol who were chatting with smile and laughter. A guy approached me from behind and said, "Let's start with you."

Soobin approached me and the guy, she said, "Yuri, this is Luhan. We are high school friends. He majored makeup artists in Beauty Art University Korea." "Nice to meet you. My name is Han Yuri," I said with a smile. "Please come with me," said Luhan.

I sat in front of make-up mirror and Luhan started putting on my makeup. I couldn't take my eyes off Luhan. "People say nobody is perfect but that quote doesn't seem to apply to Luhan... He has beautiful skin and he looks beautiful, just like an angel, so perfect," I said in my heart while looking at Luhan through the mirror when Luhan was busy styling my hair.

When Luhan finished with me, I looked into the mirror and mumbled in disbelief, "Is this me?" I really looked like celebrity. Luhan smiled at me and said, "Yep, this is you... You are very beautiful Han Yuri." I blushed and said, "Thanks."

Luhan asked Soobin, "Who's next?" "Park Chanyeol-ssi, you are next," said Soobin. "Okay," Chanyeol replied. Chanyeol also looked different when Luhan finished with him, he looked cool and handsome.

"Our Sehunnie is the last one," said Soobin. Sehun approached Luhan and sat in front of make-up mirror. Luhan said, "Owh, you have a scar on your face. What happened?" "I got this scar when I was 10. A nail on wooden block tore my face skin," Sehun replied. Soobin said in surprise, "Really?? I never notice it." Soobin approached Sehun to see the scar on Sehun's right cheek. I looked at Sehun from a distance and mumbled in my heart with guilt, "I'm sorry Sehun-ah."

Soobin started taking pictures of me and Chanyeol using her professional photography camera, meanwhile Luhan was putting makeup on Sehun's face. Soobin asked me and Chanyeol to do some poses as lovers such as, sticking our backs while smiling toward camera, back hugging and staring at each other with intimate gaze, and resting our faces on our palms while looking at each other on the table with a cute smile.

"Soobin-ah, I have to go now," Luhan said when he was done with Sehun. "Okay, thanks for the help. I will treat you dinner later," said Soobin. "Okay, I will call you later. Good luck with your photoshoot," said Luhan, then he left.

I approached Sehun to see his face up close and I couldn't find the scar on his right cheek, his scar was perfectly covered by makeup. I looked down and said in low voice, "I'm sorry for giving you the scar." "I like everything you gave... The notebook, the milk and the scar too," Sehun replied. Before I could say anything, Soobin already called Sehun and me to be photoed.

"Act natural... Like siblings," Soobin said while setting her camera. Sehun and I only stared at each other in silence. "Ahh... I forget... That's how you two as siblings normally... Hmm.... Let's see... Yuri-ah, try to pout and pinch our Sehunnie's cheek... And our Sehunnie, can you pretend as if it hurts? But please make it cute," said Soobin. Sehun and I did as Soobin said. "Nice... Good," Soobin said while taking pictures of me and Sehun.

"Change pose... Our Sehunnie, can you sit with your left leg up?... And you, Yuri, put your left hand on your waist and rest your right elbow on our Sehunnie's shoulder," said Soobin. Sehun and I did as Soobin said. "Good! ... Now, please look at camera, both of you," said Soobin, then she took pictures of Sehun and me.

Soobin said while thinking, "Last pose... Hmm..." Chanyeol suddenly suggested, "Han Yuri-ssi can kiss her younger brother on the cheek." Soobin said excitedly, "Ooo... Nice idea!" Chanyeol said with a laugh, "Because my noona often kisses me like that." I kissed Sehun on the cheek and Soobin clicked her camera.

Soobin said happily, "Okay, done! Thank you everyone for the help... Now, let's have dinner together! It will be my treat." The four of us left photo studio and went to Korean BBQ restaurant.

Sehun kept smiling throughout the dinner. Soobin said with a wide smile, "Our Sehunnie looks very happy today." Sehun replied with a smile, "Yes, I am happy." 

I couldn't take my eyes off Sehun because that was the first time I saw Sehun smiling happily. I didn't know what was the reason Sehun smiling like that, but seeing him happy made me happy too. Suddenly the awkward feeling between Sehun and me melted away. Chanyeol asked me to join his cooking class again, I agreed to join because I wanted to cook delicious foods for Sehun.

When Sehun and I arrived home, I asked, "Sehun-ah, do you want noona to wash your hair?" Sehun nodded. "Come on," I said. Sehun followed me to the bathroom. Sehun sat on the small chair. I turned on the shower and wet Sehun's hair. I used my shampoo to wash Sehun's hair. "If you love the smell of noona's shampoo, you can use noona's shampoo every time you wash your hair," I said. "I prefer to smell it from noona's hair," Sehun replied.

Sehun's T-shirt was wet and stained by his hair dye that wore off when I rinsed his hair. Sehun took off his T-shirt. "Yaa... Don't carelessly take off your clothes in front of girls or they will think you are pervert," I said. "I won't do it in front of other girls, I only do it because I'm with noona," Sehun replied.

I asked, "Don't you feel ashamed of me?" Sehun replied, "No, because noona has seen me naked many times before." I said, "It was only when you were a kid! But now you are not a kid anymore!" Sehun stared at me and said, "Since I am not a kid anymore, can I be your boyfriend now?" Feeling annoyed, I scolded Sehun, "Do you want me to hit you?" Sehun fell silent.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Look at these photos... The way our Sehunnie looks at you... That's not the way a younger brother looks at his noona," Soobin said while showing the photoshoot results. "Actually, Sehun likes me," I said in low voice. Soobin shouted in shock, "What??? Our Sehunnie??? Liking you???" I quickly put my index finger on my lips and said in half whisper, "Sshhh! Keep your voice down... Sehun is in the kitchen." Soobin asked in low voice "Since when?" "Valentine's day 3 year ago," I replied in low voice.

Soobin dragged me leaving my living room, she took me to my bedroom. She asked curiously, "What about you? Do you like our Sehunnie?" I answered quickly, "Nooo... Of course not! I have considered him as my younger brother. How can I like him?" "But you and our Sehunnie are not real siblings... You are allowed to date him if you want," said Soobin.

Soobin smiled and said, "If I were you, I would date him for sure... Our Sehunnie is very cute and handsome." "Then please date him so he can stop liking me," I said. Soobin said, "I definitely will, if our Sehunnie likes me, but he doesn't like me... Well, I can't blame our Sehunnie for liking you... Our Sehunnie doesn't have any female friends. How can we expect him to fall in love with a girl if he never hangouts with his female friends?" "Makes sense," I replied with nods, agreeing with Soobin.

Soobin and I returned to the living room. I asked, "So, which photo will you submit for your college assignment?" "I planned to submit this one with title True Love," Soobin said while pointing to the photo which Chanyeol hugged me from behind and we were staring at each other with intimate gaze. "But I changed my mind after seeing this one," Soobin said while showing the photo of me kissing Sehun's cheek. Sehun smiled happily with embarrassment in that photo.

Soobin said, "I'm gonna submit the photo of you and Sehun for my college assignment... But our Sehunnie's smile makes me confuse... A younger brother won't be shy when he is kissed by his noona... So, what is the suitable title for this photo? Pure Love or First Love or First kiss or what?... What do you think?" "It's up to you, I don't understand about photography... I only know how to calculate profit and loss," I replied with a chuckle.

Soobin's stomach growled. "Let's eat ramyeon," I said. Soobin nodded. I helped Soobin insert all photos from photoshoot into Soobin's transparent folder, then we went to the kitchen to eat ramyeon. Sehun who had just finished eating his lunch, left the kitchen.

The next morning, Soobin called me, telling me that she lost the photo she wanted to submit for her college assignment. I searched for the photo throughout my house with a thought the photo was left in my house but I couldn't find it. I called Soobin and told her that the photo wasn't in my house. Soobin told me not to worry because she would submit the photo of me and Chanyeol instead.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1 month later.

After attending Chanyeol's cooking class, I went to the mini mart where Sehun worked part time. I sat at outside the mini mart, waiting for Sehun to finish his work patiently. I wanted to tell Sehun a good news when we walked home together later. My debt to Soobin's dad was paid off already and Soobin's dad allowed me to work and attend college at the same time.

The street became quiet because it was getting late. Suddenly a girl ran toward me angrily with a cutter knife in her hand. She tried to slash my face using the cutter knife. I used my hands to shield my face with reflexes and the cutter knife slashed my right hand. I screamed in pain, "Aaa!!"

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