Tales Of Ayakashi

By scorpio1215

831 4 0

"Chaos is at its most terrifying when it is in a controlled state," When Ayakashi Ninetails lost his divinity... More

CHAPTER 3 (Interlude)


33 0 0
By scorpio1215

"From what I understand, Mizukashi has given you a sweet deal. Sweet enough to consider joining him in his bid for conquest," Ayakashi said, lazily sipping sake. 

Shirotori's hands shook, but then he clenched them into fists. He glared at the young man sitting on his seat. "Hmph! So what if we did?! We're just looking out for our survival! It's not like you have any influence whatsoever anyway," he sneered. 

"Survival, eh?" Ayakashi studiously ignored the last sentence. "Mah~ It's not like I don't understand where you're coming from. Indeed, compared to my previous self, I have indeed become weak," he said. 

Shirotori was stunned. He did not expect Ayakashi to say it out loud. Seeing hope, he started, "Then..."

"But don't misunderstand," he interrupted, his eyes arctic cold. "Me being weak has nothing to with your loyalty to the clan. Ergo, me. Weak or not, I am still the Second heir to Shirakashi's legacy. Don't forget it,"

"You?!" Shirotori scoffed. "What can a weakling like you do? Ever since you returned, you've done nothing but watch the clan fall into shambles. It was not just then. Even before that! You only claim the title of the 'second heir' when you feel like it! How can you expect us to follow you, when you don't even show an interest in taking up Shirakashi-dono's mantle?!" 

Ayakashi's smile vanished slowly. He regarded Shirotori with a new found respect. "It has been ages since someone dared to talked to me that way," he murmured. 

At his words, Shirotori stiffened, but forced himself to look unconcerned. His eyes burned with anger. 

"You're not wrong," Ayakashi continued. "I do, indeed, dislike my clan. Ninetails clan is nothing but a pile of shambles that's holding onto its former glory. There's not a single thing to be proud of in the current clan," he said. 

The gathered people gritted their teeth in anger. One of them wanted to refute him, but his companion quickly pulled him back. 

Listening to Ayakashi, Enrenra's grip on his sake cup, tightened. The hall was plunged into a gloomy silence. 

It's not like he hadn't noticed it. The clan was divided in more ways than one. Brothers had turned against brothers, and sons had turned against their fathers. The once loyal vassals had started to think about their own self-interests rather than that of the clan. 

There was not a single shred of the previous glory that the Ninetails clan had had. It was just like a sinking ships. The rats had already decided to abandon it, and those few who were willing to stay until the end only held it up by sheer will-power rather than any real power.

The Ninetails clan was heading straight for its doom, from Ayakashi's perspective. 

As they listened to him, the crowd started to contemplate. Shirotori listened, his hands clenched. He had already noticed it. When Ayakashi managed to ascend it was like someone had held out a olive branch when they were at the end of their rope. 

But it was a brief respite because they couldn't fight against the current. With Ayakashi's divinity being destroyed, it was like the clan had lost its last shred of hope. 

When Mizukashi had come up with a solution, it felt like being given a favor from the Creator. Even though many branch clans felt resentment towards the main house's way of handling things, their loyalty towards the Ninetails was unquestionable. 

They had all sensed the Ninetails clan's impending disaster and they all wanted to resolve it. They wanted to bring the clan back to its former glory. So when Mizukashi offered a solution, most of them had agreed without a second thought. 

Even though they were driven by self-interests, they still held at least a small shred of loyalty to the Ninetails.

The Underworld was not merciful after all. Small clans like them would have perished already, if it hadn't been for Shirakashi's mercy and the Ninetails clan's kindness.  And yokai all valued debts. A lifetime of mercy and protection was repaid by a lifetime of servitude as loyal vassals. 

It was only fair, after all. The Nineclans' protected them and they would protect them in return. But now, the main clan was disintegrating from the inside, and all the external forces were surely to suffer from the aftershock as well. It would be lucky if any survived this disaster.

Mizukashi's plan was, therefore, well-received, and he had amassed a lot of supporters, propelling him up towards the very top of the pyramid until he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the upper echelon of the clan as their equal. 

But they only saw the immediate results, and did not look at the long-term consequences. Stealing Faith from the gods is bound to make the Ninetails the enemy of the Nine-realms. They'd be hunted out of existence. 


There're two types of powers in the Nine-realms. 

Faith and Fear. The Heaven Realm and the Mortal Realm all depended on the power of Faith. 

When a mortal believed in the existence of celestials or other beings and made offerings, their belief transforms into a type of qi. This is called, 'Faith,; and it is what many gods depended upon to survive once they reached godhood. 

They power of 'Fear' is the complete opposite of 'Faith'. It's what the beings in the Underworld depended upon to survive. 

All the negative emotions in living beings transforms into type of evil qi, that is called 'Fear'. 

It was said that the reason the Ninetailed Demon Fox was so absurdly powerful is because  it is the accumulation of all the negative emotions of living beings. Whether human, demon or celestial, they all have emotions. These emotions fuel the Ninetails demon fox, and as long as living beings continued to exist, the Ninetailed Demon Fox would surely manifest. 

Once the Ninetailed Demon Fox came into being once more, it would be the world's end, as it would destroy whatever stood in its path. Once it had consumed the living, it would then consume itself, vanishing out of existence, leaving only a desolate plane.

Then the cycle would repeat, until the life springs forth in the planet, and the Ninetailed demon fox would be born once more. It was an endless cycle. 

The reason the ninerealms had tabbbooed the practice of turning Faith into Fear is exactly this reason. It would not only make a yokai insanely powerful but it would also accelerate the time Ninetailed Demon Fox would awaken. 


Going through such a plan was asking to be killed, Ayakashi thought, his eyes narrowing. 

"Then," Ayakashi looked up when a voice spoke, calmly. 

Everyone gazes came to rest on Enrenra. He was looking at Ayakashi, his gaze unflinching. "What would you suggest we do to prevent the clan from destroying itself? Are you willing to step up and take the title of the 'Second Heir'? Or are you just going to stand by and watch, like you've always done?" 

Ayakashi smiled. "Are you trying to provoke me, Ren? It's not like you. Mah~It's not like I want glory, anyway.  I've had that before so I've gotten bored of it," 

Shirotori pursed his lips. But he didn't plan to intervene in their conversation. As the clan leader, he understood that the fate of their Tengaki clan was entirely dependent on the result of this conversation. 

"Then you're planning on staying as a bystander? What's to stop us from throwing our lot in with Mizukashi then?" Enrenra asked. 

Ayakashi's lips pulled back, baring his canines. "Being a bystander would be the obvious choice," he said. 

Enrenra's eyes narrowed, but before he could speak Ayakashi shook his head. "It would have been, had it been a few months before," he said, gazing into his cup. 

Shirotori couldn't stop himself from speaking, his eyes wide with astonishment. "Then..."

"Don't get me wrong. I still don't plan on taking up the title. But I can't watch by as the clan gets destroyed either. Like it or not, it has been my birthright from the start. Ringenkashi only accepted the role because I rejected it in the first place anyway," Ayakashi said, smiling. 

Enrenra braced himself for the worst when he asked," What do you plan to do then?" 

"Nothing really," he said, quietly. Those within his hearing range stiffened as a cold chill went up their spines. 

Enrenra felt a chill creep into his heart as he watched his eyes flash a deep ruby red. "I'm just going to remind some people not to annoy me," Ayakashi grinned. "Because it's really irritating when small flies start to buzz around my territory and disturb my sleep..." 

Leaning forward with his chin cradled in his had, he grinned at the gathered crowd. "How about it? Want to join me to swat down a few flies?"

Enrera was speechless. Beside him Jikkoku gulped. "He really doesn't see people as people, does he?" he said, his eyes twitching. 

Shirotori who had been listening all this while, slowly unclenched his hands, and his shoulders relaxed.

 "If you're planning to wage a war, Ayakashi," He started startling everyone. Then to the crowd's  astonishment he gave him a formal kowtow. "We of the Tengaki clan hereby formally declare our position as your vanguard," he fixed Ayakashi with a determined look. "Please. Let us lead ahead and clear away the obstacles in your path," he added. 

Ayakashi didn't rush to accept as he exhaled a puff of smoke. "What? You don't care that I'm a weakling, anymore? I'm not a divinity-holder anymore you know," he reminded. 

It was as if someone had poured cold water over them as someone started saying, "He's right!"

"Indeed. That Mizukashi was said to be a powerful divinity-holder," another one followed.

"Hmph! He's not even powerful yet he's speaking so high and mighty. Who does he think he is, anyway?" 

As voices of dissent started to sprout out...


All the din quietened down at the abrupt shout, as everyone looked at their leader. 

"I'm willing to stake the Tengaki clan, and my bloodline of Shirotokagi-hime on you," Shirotori said to Ayakashi. 

"Oh~?" Ayakashi's eyes narrowed. He studied Shirotori for a moment who met his gaze unflinchingly. The two stared at each other silently for what felt like centuries, before Ayakashi broke eye contact. "I understand. You believe in me that much?" he asked, expressionlessly. 

Shirotori shook his head. "No. Not you," he said. "I'm willing to believe in whatever..." he paused, suddenly. 

Then he smiled, giving the young man a knowing look. "Or...whoever... that made you step out of the shadows and actively seek to establish your power,"

Ayakashi smiled wryly. "There's no fooling you is there?" 

"What're you saying, brat? You've still got a long way to go to fool this old man," 

"Hai, hai! I understand," Ayakashi said, deftly steering the conversation away from the topic before it got embarrassing.  

"I give you my word. Ninetails clan will not fall! I'm willing to stake my bloodline on it!" 

Shirotori, Enrenra and all of the gathered Tengaki clan's upper echelon one by one bowed, acknowledging his declaration.  

What none of them knew was that this night would be the prelude to a terrifying war that would shake the nine realm to its core in the near future...

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