black roses | The Lost Boys (...

By 1987vampire

294K 6.4K 3K

"How do you keep a flower shop open in Santa Carla of all places?" "Easist gift for the grieving. Flower shop... More

hey, shawties (rewritten version time)


7.3K 172 72
By 1987vampire

I stumbled off the roller-coaster and straight into Paul's arm. I listened to Laddie's cheering from the experience and shook my head. That ride always got to me. I felt Paul grab my thighs, and I immediately jumped so I could wrap my legs around him. I pulled my head back and planted my lips on his for a moment before giving him a smile.

"Enjoy yourself?"

I groaned and shook my head, leaning my head back on his shoulder. "One time was fine, but five in a row is not!"

Paul laughed, and we began walking. I only pulled away when I felt myself get set on the seat of his motorcycle. "David thinks Michael is going to be here soon, so we're gonna wait here on the bikes. Intimidate him, y'know."

I snorted and shook my head again, grabbing the blunt from his jacket. I fetched a lighter from the back pocket of my jeans and lit it easily. Paul raised his eyebrows and leaned toward me with a stupid smile on his face. "Not even gonna ask?"

I grinned and blew the smoke out in his face, making him narrow his eyes teasingly. "Nope."

Paul lunged forward and locked his lips with mine, biting down on my lower lip. I groaned against him and chased his lips as he pulled away, but he simply laughed and sat himself down on the bike. I huffed and pouted before taking another drag of the weed.

I laid my head on Paul's back and watched as Dwayne helped Laddie up onto his bike. Marko was staring at me with a grin as he bit his thumb. I sent him a wink in response. David was sitting on his bike smoking a cigarette. I had to admit, the sight was pretty. I had never found smoking attractive until I watched the boys do it.

David blew out the smoke from his cigarette, and I watched as his eyes grew trained on someone. Following his gaze, I watched Star follow the boy from before to his bike. David narrowed his eyes slightly, and he started his engine. Everyone followed, and soon, we had surrounded the poor boy and Star.

Star looked like a deer caught in the headlights for a second before her face turned stone-cold. My grip tightened a bit around Paul.

"Where are you going, Star," David questioned, his voice smooth and intimidating.

Star paused for a second. "For a ride," she responded. "This is Michael."

I froze at that and looked at her, worried. Michael was the boy we were supposed to turn, and it was Star's crush – possibly even more to her.

David's look was calculating, and I could tell he was thinking hard though he kept a cool persona. Michael went to reach for Star's hand. "Come on," he spoke with a slight smirk on his face.

"Star," David chided in response. Star snapped her head to David, and I wanted to cringe at the tension between the three. David was mad. I could feel it. Michael was a bit hurt, and Star was conflicted.

Star gave David a look that screamed anger, before letting out a breath and silently climbing onto his bike. Paul and Marko laughed quietly, Paul hitting the handle to his bike. I sent Star a sad smile to which she responded to with a tight-lipped one, and I focused on David as he spoke. He looked a bit more smug than usual. "You know where Hudson's Bluff is, overlooking the point?"

Michael looked away and grinned to himself. "I can't beat your bike."

"You don't have to beat me, Michael. You just have to try and keep up."

Dwayne looked back to Laddie and mumbled, "we're going for a ride."

Paul let out an excited laugh, and we all pulled out. David led followed by Paul and me, Marko, Dwayne, and Michael trailed behind. We jumped the stairs and made our way down the beach, increasing speed. I held tightly to Paul, laughing at the speed and hollering with the boys. We rode over the beach, under the boardwalk, and through the woods, and I watched as we got closer to our home. I looked back every now and then to see Michael following, though he was a bit more hesitant in the turns and jumps. He followed, though, and I could tell the boys were silently impressed.

However, I watched as we grew closer and closer to the edge and Michael sped up to match David. I could faintly hear David egging Michael on as we drove nearer and nearer. I squeezed Paul, worried. He grabbed my thigh with one of his hands in response, and I bit my lip.

Paul came to a stop, and I gasped as I watched Michael swerve to a stop and almost fall off the edge. David had parked just a bit back, far enough away to stay safe. I silently climbed off the bike as did all the others, and I jumped forward to pull Star away from David as Michael stood and threw a punch at David. "What do you think you're doing, huh," Michael yelled.

I held Star in my arms tightly so she wouldn't have the idea to get in between the two of them.

David turned his head slowly, a stupid smirk on his face as he did so. "Just you. Come on. Just you. Just you." Michael's voice decreased in volume over the short sentences.

David gave Michael a sinister grin and tilted his head a bit. "How far are you willing to go, Michael?"

I watched the scene before silently taking Star's hand and leading her away from the scene and to the stairs. I knew the boys would be bringing him down. I grabbed a piece of driftwood from the ground near the entrance and lit it with my lighter so I could light the bins around the place.

The boys followed us in a few moments later, and Dwayne kissed the side of my head as a small thank you for lighting up the place. I watched as Paul jumped down the final stair with Laddie, both laughing almost silently. "Hit the rock box, bud," Paul stated. Laddie immediately ran over to the speaker and handed it to Paul who had jumped up on the fountain. Marko already had his pigeons on him, and Dwayne was grabbing a skateboard. I hopped up beside Paul and walked around the fountain as I listened to David's speech.

"Not bad, huh?" I turned my head to watch David as he talked. "This was the hottest place in Santa Carla about eighty-five years ago. Too bad they built it on the fault." Paul set the stereo down, and Laddie immediately ran over to the music shelf to grab one of his favorite CDs to put in. "In 1906, when the big one hit San Francisco, the ground opened up, and this place took a header right into the crack, so now it's ours." David stopped near me, and I bent down to kiss him softly. He grinned when he pulled back, and I laughed as Paul spoke up.

"So check it out, Mikey!" I turned to see him lighting a joint.

David made his way over to Michael and threw his arm around him. "Marko, food," he stated simply, and Marko immediately let go of his bird and made his way out of the cave, making sure to stop by me and get a kiss. "That's what I love about this place. You ask, and you get." I chuckled and sat down on the edge of the fountain, helping Laddie set up the music as Paul handed David the joint who offered it to Michael. "Appetizer?" Michael took it and David clapped his back. "You'll like it here, Michael."

I watched as Star moved toward her bed, watching from the curtains beside it. I gave her a reassuring smile and she nodded in response. I stood and walked over to her, and she silently wrapped her arms around me as she stared at Michael from over my shoulder. "It'll be okay," I mumbled quietly, trying to get Michael not to look at us. "They're not going to hurt him."

"They're going to turn him into a monster, Evangeline," she whispered back.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "We're not monsters."

"Yes, we are."

I frowned and pulled away, shaking my head. "I wish you would just accept it, Star. It's hurting me, too, y'know."

Star frowned and let out a soft breath, and music filled the room. "I'm sorry." Her voice was genuine and sad, and I bit my lip. "I'm sorry. I'm trying, and you know that. I just – you know how I feel about Michael. Why'd they have to choose him? Oh, I should have just stayed away."

I wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault and that he had been chosen by Max, but I couldn't tell her until she was a full vampire. I was an exception because I was their mate. Star, though, had to wait until she accepted everything. Instead, I muttered a simple "I know."

I moved back to the main room after a few moments and jumped into Paul's arms. He held me easily and laughed as I grabbed him tightly. He held me up as he walked over to the fountain and fell down so I fell onto his lap. "Hey," he said with a teasing smile on his face as I pulled away a bit to look at him.

I grinned back and leaned forward to kiss him softly. I could hear what everyone else was doing, and it was oddly calming. David was sitting in his chair, picking at the sides like he always did. Dwayne was still skating around, sometimes jumping or swerving. Michael was walking around, looking at everything. Laddie was sitting on the other couch, quietly singing to the song, and Star still stood by the bed. Everything seemed to be peaceful.

I heard Dwayne's board stop, and I heard his body drop on the couch. Paul squeezed my sides and pulled away from the kiss. "I think Dwayne wants you," he whispered.

I nodded and pecked his lips again before standing and moving to the couch where Dwayne sat. He reached his arms out for me and pulled me onto his lap like Paul had me. I grinned at the action. "Hiya."

"Hey, princess."

I picked up a piece of his hair and twirled it in my fingers before cupping his face with my hands. "How are you?"

"Good now that you're here," he stated simply, nuzzling his face in my hand.

"You're like a kitten," I mused. Dwayne growled teasingly, and I laughed quietly. I pressed my lips to his for a short second before climbing off his lap and falling onto the seat beside him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me a bit tighter to him. I leaned my head on his shoulder and relaxed.

Michael's eyes were trained on Star who was looking right back, and I debated on saying something, but my train of thought was cut off as Marko stepped into the cave. "Feeding time! Come and get it, boys," he called out.

"All right," Dwayne and Paul called out at the same time, and I laughed a bit. Paul threw a few boxes to everyone, and Dwayne handed me a box of rice and honey chicken.

"Guests first," David stated, holding out a box to Michael.

Michael declined, shaking his head. "No, no thanks."

"You don't like rice," David questioned, raising his eyebrows, almost taunting Michael. "Tell me, Michael. How could a billion Chinese people be wrong? Come on."

The boys snickered to themselves, and I rolled my eyes, sticking my fork into my food and eating as Michael took the box. Michael took a bite or two before David spoke up again.

"How are those maggots?" I looked up in confusion as the boys started laughing to themselves again, all watching the scene. "Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste?" Michael looked down at his food before dropping his box and spitting out what he had in his mouth. I leaned forward a bit, expecting to see maggots like David had said, but it was just rice. I mean, plain rice is pretty terrifying, but it wasn't maggots.

The boys were all laughing loudly, and I wanted to scold Paul for laughing like that with his mouth full. "Leave him alone," Star called out, and I met her eyes.

She was frowning, and I pursed my lips as Dwayne talked in my ear. "Pretty sad, pretty sad."

Michael sat back up, looking confused, as was I. David stabbed at his food and took a breath. "Sorry about that. No hard feelings, huh?"

Michael looked at David before looking away. "No."

"Why don't you try some noodles?" Michael looked toward the box David held in front of him with a small smile on his face only to look away, disgusted.

"They're worms."

"What do you mean 'they're worms?'" David loaded his chopsticks with a few noodles, and Michael tried to stop him only to fall quiet as David ate the noodles. "They're only noodles, Michael."

Michael grabbed the box from David and stared at the noodles with a confused look. The boys were cracking up again, but I was just as confused as the boy. What were they doing to mess with the boy? How were they getting him to see such things?

"That's enough," Star called out, stepping forward. She was wrapped in a blanket that she pulled a bit tighter around herself as if it would protect her as she spoke.

"Ah, chill out, girl," Paul responded, laughing a bit.

Marko leaned over to David, and David whispered in his ear. "Bring me the wine," he whispered, and I sat up a bit more.

Marko walked away only to return with the encrusted bottle, and Star followed behind him, moving to step closer to Michael. David grinned as he opened the bottle, and I turned to see Paul smiling a stupid smile while still chewing his food. "Paul, if you don't close your mouth while you eat, you're not sleeping in the bed tonight," I stated, quiet enough so Michael wouldn't hear but Paul would. Paul turned to me with wide eyes, and I gave him a defiant stare. He nodded and turned back to the scene.

Dwayne kissed the side of my head as I focused on the scene in front of me. David took a sip from the wine, his eyes fluttered closed, and I watched as a few emotions overtook his face before disappearing. He opened his eyes and stared at Michael. "Drink some of this, Michael. Be one of us."

I bit my nail as Michael paused before standing and walking over to David. Star gave me a worried look and followed after him. I tried to give her a comforting look, tried to let her know that it would be okay, but I knew it didn't work. Dwayne squeezed my arm as he heard my heartbeat speed up a bit from anxiety.

The boys began chanting Michael's name, and Laddie stood up from his couch and moved over to Star. "Don't. You don't have to, Michael," Star stated softly as Paul said, "take a chance!"

"It's blood," Star said.

I could still hear Paul teasing him. "Michael, drink it."

"Yeah, sure, blood," Michael teased, rolling his eyes. He tilted the bottle back and took a sip from it.

David yelled out "bravo" and clapped his hands. The boys followed in the cheering. "Give me a ride, Marko."

Star shook her head, and I watched her and Laddie walk over to their beds, ignoring the boys as they started cheering. I shook my head as well, standing from my seat and walking toward the hall to my room. I made my way into the hall before I was pressed against the wall with Dwayne right in front of me. "What's wrong, princess," he questioned, his hand cupping my face.

"Nothing," I mumbled quietly, placing my hand over his and smiling softly. "Go have fun. I'm going to take a shower, and then, I'll probably just go lay in bed, maybe draw."

Dwayne sighed and pressed his lips to my forehead. "I don't believe you, but we'll talk about this later."

I nodded and tilted my head up, so I could kiss him on the lips. "Have fun. Stay safe."

Dwayne hummed and kissed me again. "I love you. We all do. Remember that, okay?"

I nodded. "I love you guys, too. Now go back to the fun."

Dwayne kissed me once more before I felt him disappear, and he was back in the room as if he had never left.

I listened to them until the sound of them was completely gone from the stone walls. I did take a shower, an hour long one where I did little washing and a lot of thinking. It was nothing bad. I just let my mind wander off randomly. I stepped out of the shower the long time later and laid on the bed in nothing but my towel out of complete boredom and my want to not get dressed.

I closed my eyes and let out a quiet sigh. I laid there for a long time, just looking at the ceiling, thinking. I thought about my boys and all they had done for me. I thought about Star and her new-found love for Michael. I thought about Laddie and how he had completely accepted the lifestyle of us. I thought about how I wanted to turn full so badly, but I knew I couldn't. I had to wait for Star. Well, I could, but I wouldn't. I had kept the promise this long. I can keep it a bit longer. She was slowly succumbing, and I knew it wouldn't be long. I could hold out.

I must have been more caught up in my thoughts than I thought because I didn't realize the boys had entered until I felt Marko's body over me. I gasped loudly and jumped only to calm down when I saw the boy's familiar face. "Jesus Christ," I grumbled, looking up at the boy.

Marko had a Cheshire grin on his face as he looked down at me, his hands on either side of his face. "Well, hello to you too, Angel."

I sighed and gave him a lopsided smile. "Hi. Sorry for freaking out."

Marko bent his head down and kissed me. I closed my eyes and relaxed into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Marko pulled away a few seconds later. "Did you not put on clothes just for me," he questioned, and I looked down. I had completely forgotten I was in a towel.

I hummed, deciding to tease him. "I don't know. Maybe it was for Dwayne or David," I stated simply, and I heard soft growls. I lifted my head to see the other boys standing near the doorway, all of them stripping to their underwear like every night.

Marko growled teasingly and bent down again, this time nipping at my neck. I moaned in response and tangled my fingers in his hair. He grunted in appreciation.

Marko lifted himself up and sat himself upon his knees. His hands moved to the top of my towel and looked at me, silently asking for permission to take it off. I nodded slightly, and he dragged the fabric off my body. "I don't think I'll get used to this sight," Marko breathed out. His hands ran down my sides, and he attached his lips to my skin, slowly moving down.

I sighed as the familiar feeling of heat gathering at my sex. Marko pressed bite marks into my skin, just hard enough to leave marks but not hurt. I looked up as I felt the bed dip in a few spots around me. Two other mouths were on me, each taking a nipple in their mouth. My back arched, and I cried out. Marko was getting lower and lower until I felt his breath fan over my most sensitive spot.

Paul's face appeared in front of me, and I lifted my arms, grabbed his face, and pulled him down to kiss me. He complied, and he muffled my moans as Marko tentatively pressed his tongue against my clit. The loud moan I let out seemed to give him a bit more confidence as he licked a bold stripe up my cunt.

I felt David and Dwayne move from my nipples to the surrounding flesh, making marks in the pale skin. My body was heating up, and I was panting, and soon, I released. The familiar feeling of what felt like a cord snapping overtook my body, and I cried into Paul's mouth as I released. Marko's tongue slowed, but it continued working on me until I rode out my entire orgasm. David and Dwayne pulled away a few moments later as did Paul, and I shook my head as I watched them.

"You guys seem to really enjoy doing that," I mumbled as I was pulled to sit in between Dwayne's legs.

Dwayne hummed. "Yes, I guess we do. You being pleasured brings us pleasure."

I sighed and leaned into his hold. "I feel bad that I never return the favor, though."

"You can do that later if you want," Paul replied, winking at me from the dresser. "Do you want underwear or no?" I nodded, and he threw me a purple set that landed in my lap.

"Right now, we need to talk," David stated, watching me climb off the bed so I could pull the underwear up my legs. "Who is Michael to Star?" I froze at the question, my hands stilled at the clasp of my bra, and my breath cut short for a second before I regained my composure. I hooked the bra and bit my lip as I climbed back into the bed.

I sat beside where he was laying, looking down at his form. "Why does it matter?"

"Because I need to know where she stands."

"She stands with us," I replied, my tone defensive. "Where else would she be?"

David growled, and his eyes narrowed. "Well, considering she tried to stop Michael from drinking-"

"You think she's going to betray us or something? David, are you kidding me? She's supposed to be your sister. Do you really think she would do that?"

"Well, I don't know what to believe at this point, Evangeline. I mean, she refuses to drink, she's putting you in pain, and now, she's trying to fuck up our plans."

I shook my head and crawled off the bed, my face upturned to a scowl. Oh, how David could fuck up a mood. "David, she's found someone she thinks she can love. She's been looking for that for quite a while, and it just so happens that it's the person you're supposed to turn. Did you even take a second to think that maybe she found her mate? She doesn't even know what that is, but from the way she's describing it, I wouldn't doubt it for a moment. Of course, she's worried. She thinks we're monsters, so why would she want him to be one?" I grabbed my hair. "I'm not- I'm not talking about this anymore." I shook my head again and moved to my dresser, grabbing a tank top and sleeping shorts. I pulled on the clothes quickly.

"Where are you going," Paul questioned, and I turned to see them all watching me.

"I'm not sleeping in here tonight. You guys can have a break from me for a night." I could feel the sun beginning to rise, and I silently thanked whatever God it was that did that. They couldn't go out to the main cave in the sunlight.

Marko moved toward me from the bed but stopped at the look I gave him. His face quickly turned hurt, and I wanted to take it back, but I knew I just needed a day away if David was thinking like that and none of the boys stopped him.

"I love you guys," I mumbled as I walked to the door. "Good morning. See you tomorrow night."

Then, I stepped out of the room and walked down the hall, knowing the boys wouldn't follow me since I told them not to. I stumbled slightly on the way out, and I grunted at the sight of the sunlight. I walked over to Star's bed and gently shook her shoulders. She woke up quickly as she had only been asleep for a few minutes. "Can I sleep with you tonight," I questioned quietly.

Star gave me a confused look but nodded and moved over a bit to make room for me. "What happened."

"David's a dick," I mumbled and dropped onto the bed beside her. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

Star shook her head and gave me a small smile. "No, it's fine. I don't mind. You can hold me if you want. I mean, I bet it's weird going from four boys to one girl, y'know."

I nodded, and I wrapped my arms around her. I could tell she enjoyed the hold. It's always nicer when you're laying with someone in bed even if it's just a friend. She wrapped her arms around me as well and pressed her face to my shoulder. "I love you a lot, Star. You're like the sister I never had."

"I love you too, Evangeline. Thank you for being there for me."

I smiled and let out a long breath. "Good morning."

"Good morning."

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