By CXK25371

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A series of short scenes about love and what binds people together. Some of these are graphic in nature. This... More

SCARED (the first story)
THE BIRTHDAY (he second story)
THE AWFUL TRUTH (fourth story)
STRANGERS (fifth story)
SHORT AND SILLY (sixth part)
A BEDROOM FROLIC (seventh part)
THE VACATION HOUSE (ninth story)
WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING (the tenth part)

PEEPPER (the third story)

32 3 5
By CXK25371

Douglas likes watching people. He particularly liked to walk his little dog at night and look into their windows. He knew the approximate schedule of everyone in his neighborhood. He also knew which houses did not close their shades all the way. He also knew which neighbors we couples, or lesbians, or gay. Or which single person liked to watch pornography by themselves and especially the women who would orgasm while he watched. 

But it was one particular couple he liked to watch more than the others. They did not seem completely together in their relationship. Oh, they had sex from time to time. He had watched them. But their lovemaking, if it could be called that, did not seem to be any attachment on the man's part. The girl, she couldn't be more than 20 or so, would give the man a blow job or let him enter her vagina (never her ass) and he would pump away and then he would withdraw from the girl and jerk off either onto her stomach or back depending on which position they were using. The next evening while he would be gone the girl could be counted on to strip naked, lay on the sofa, and masturbate until with a moan she would orgasm wetly.

From his vantage points, he could see she was fairly tall. Almost up to Douglas' shoulder, She had dark flowing hair worn mostly in a loose ponytail. Very little makeup. She shaved her genitals and had firm young breasts. 

Douglas felt sorry for her and kept playing different scenarios where he would be able to rescue her from this non-relationship. Because while he watched there were times when the girl would walk around their place completely nude and the guy would either kiss their dog or stare at his cell phone. He hated the man. Douglas came to loathe his very existence. He also observed that every Friday evening when they came in from work the couple would order pizza. So he got himself a job as a deliverer and made sure he was working on Fridays.

Two weeks after starting his part-time job he got the chance he was looking for. The couple's name and address were handed to him. He drove up to their house and rang the bell. The door was opened by the girl. He handed her the pizza box without saying anything. SHe said, "Just a minute", and taking the box disappeared into the house. She returned in a minute with the money for the pizza plus a five dollar tip. He was very hesitant to take it but he did not want to seem out of place. He said, "Thank you and have a good evening."

The girl looked at him with what he could only interpret as sad eyes and replied, "It will be OK." and closed the door. He resisted the urge to smash open the door, throttle the guy, and whisk her away. But not tonight. Not until ... he let the thought die in his head.

The next Friday he was back with their pizza. The same sad-eyed girl opened the door. He suspected she was being treated as a slave-wife. He tried to be cheerful when he greeted her saying, "Hello. How are you?", as he handed her the box. 

He was answered by a long sigh.

"Is everything alright?", he asked.

Another sigh when she took the box. The girl shook her head no as she handed him the money and his tip before closing the door. That night he watched as they ate their pizza and the man had his version of sex. As soon as he was finished he pulled up his pants, picked up his cell phone and acted as if she was not there. Douglas could see tears running down her cheeks as the guy began cuddling with their dog while punching buttons on his phone.

The next Friday he was back at their door. But this time ti girl whispered, "Why do you always come here?"

Douglas looked past her into their house and whispered back, "Because you looked so sad the first time I saw you. Are you OK?"

From inside the house, he heard his voice call out, "what's taking so long? I'm hungry." The girl gave a shocked look on her face. As she handed him the money he felt a small lump between the bills. She said thank you and again closed the door.

In his car, he opened the note. In a hasty almost child-like scrawl it read: TUESDAY  1 PM PARK.

His mind raced as he imagined their meeting.

Douglas spent the next four days roaming the park watching people. He did not see anything that looked suspicious. Just families, couples, joggers flowing around him in a steady stream of humanity going about their own businesses.

Tuesday morning he went to the park carrying a newspaper and sat on a bench pretending to read. No one he noticed paid him any attention. In fact, he was just another middle-aged man relaxing in the sunshine of the day. At eleven he left the park and went home to change. He did not want anyone to recognize him so he reasoned a change of clothing would give him another identity. Not that he would think anyone would care about him.

He was back on the bench at fifteen to one. again he was pretending to read his newspaper. But this time he kept his face buried behind its pages. Precisely at one, he felt someone sit on the bench and heard a girl's voice say, "Stand up turn right and go to the sixth bench and sit there again." A quick glance told him it was not the girl who he had been delivering pizza to but another slightly older woman. 

He followed these instructions. Puzzled why she was taking these precautions. But then he had done the same thing for four days.

Without a glance at the girl, he did as she had said. When he was seated the girl from the house was already sitting there.  He glanced back the way he had come but there was no one sitting on the bench he had just vacated.

"Can we talk freely.", he asked.

"Yes.", she answered in a soft low voice. "why did you talk to me?"

"What's wrong? You seem so sad when I brought the pizzas."

The girl looked at him with those sad eyes that had captured him when he first saw her up close. She took a deep breath and said, "I am not happy. My husband mistreats me and uses me for his own twisted desires. I do not know why I am talking about this with a perfect stranger but it has been boiling in me for several years. and your kind words and kind face gave me the courage to meet with you. I do not know what to do. I feel hopeless. I am considering killing myself. Our marriage, if you can call it that, was arranged by our parents even before we were born. And if you ever knew what really happens in that house it would make you sick."

It was all he could do to keep from telling her he knew all about it and what happens to her.

"What are you prepared to do", he asked.

"I want to run away. But I am afraid he and our families will find me and it would be worse. I would be tortured and beaten until I submitted to him to do whatever he wants." She began to cry. 

He asked, "Who was that girl who sat with me? Is she the only person who knows we are meeting like this? By the way, my name is Douglas."

The girl nodded. Then she said, "I am Anna."

"Can she be trusted?"

"Yes, she is my sister and knows everything about what I am going through.", she replied in a whisper between sobs.

Douglas thought for a long time and said, "Is there anything in your house that you absolutely need?"

She shook her head no.

"OK", said Douglas. "I am going to get up and I want you to follow me. You have to trust me in this and I can help you. OK?"

"Yes, I have no choice now.", Anna said.

They walked three blocks and Douglas stopped in front of a small grocery store. When she came up to him he whispered, "go inside and just walk around the aisles and I will be in there shortly."

Anna did so. Douglas stayed outside the store until he was sure no one was paying any attention to them. Inside he found Anna and they exited the store through a back door into an alley. He took her arm and they turned left and entered the back of another building. He guided her along a semi-dark basement and into an elevator. ON the top floor he opened a door and led her into his apartment. "You will be safe here. This is my place. We will get you everything you will need and then find a way to get you to safety. I have extra rooms here you can choose which room you would like to use." He pointed to a closed door and continued, 'That door leads to my bedroom. The kitchen is here and each room has its own bathroom."

Anna walked all through the big apartment and turned to Douglas and said, "Thank you for helping me.' She pointed to one of the spare rooms and said, "If it is OK I will take this one." She walked into the room, closed the door and in a few minutes Douglas herd a toilet flush. When she returned she smiled for the first time in a long time. "But I will need a few things if I am going to either stay here or go on  my way."

Douglas nodded that he understood and picked up his phone. After a few rings, he said, "Lydia I need you to come to my apartment ASAP I have a problem that requires the greatest discretion and understanding." He paused and then said, "Thanks ten minutes would be great."

There was a gentle knock on the door and a tall, brown-haired woman entered Douglas' apartment. She pecked him on both cheeks and then stood looking at Anna. "You are very pretty.", she said to Anna as she walked to her.

Anna smiled a reply.

"I am Lydia and I am here to help you. I understand you are having trouble and that you are running away from it."

"Yes." Said Anna.

"Have you brought anything with you or do you need me to help you get everything you will need?"

"I have nothing. Just the clothes on my back. Douglas was kind to me and showed me kindness in doing nothing more than smiling and asking me how I am doing. So now I am here and do not know what to do or how I am going to pay for anything."

"The money is not a question between us. You are not the first girl we have helped. So come with me into the room you have picked for yourself and we will begin."

As they walked Douglas heard Lydia say, "You have to trust me in everything and I will be asking you some very personal questions in order to get whatever you might need." Lydia closed the door behind them and Douglas was left alone. 

He went into his bedroom and turned on his computer. A few clicks with his mouse and a view into the bedroom Anna had chosen came into focus. The two women were standing  near the bed and Douglas turned up the volume and herd Lydia say, "OK, Anna first you and I have to talk about what happened that caused you to take a chance and trust Douglas."

Anna burst into tears and between sobs told Lydia everything that had happened to her since her parents and her husband's parents agreed that they should be married. The marriage took place three years ago when she was eighteen. Since that day she has lived in misery. She was raped without mercy on her wedding night and her husband never acknowledges her unless he demands sex. And his version of sex is too disgusting to talk about. Douglas smiled as he listened to this tale.

Lydia asked a few more questions and then told Anna to take off her clothes. Anna hesitated a moment as Lydia produced a measuring tape and explained that she was going to make sure that what they obtained for her would fit. 

Anna slowly removed her shirt and slacks but kept her bra and panties on. Douglas watched and Lydia moved the tape around Anna's body and jotted notes in a little book she had brought with her. The Lydia had Anna remove her bra and Douglas watched as her breasts hung free. Her nipples were slightly erect surrounded by dark pink aureole.  Lydia measured each breast and again made notations in her book. 

Anna stood still in her white bikini panties. And even though Douglas had seen her many times he still thrilled at the sight of this lovely girl. An odd thought crossed his mind as he looked at her but dismissed it as pure fantasy. Lydia had Anna bend over as she measured various parts of her body including her breasts again as they hung free. Lydia handed Anna a robe from the closet and told her to shower. 

Another click of the mouse and Douglas watched as Anna walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stripped off her panties and stepped into the shower stall. Lydia picked up all of Anna's clothes and carried them to the clothes washer to do her laundry. 

Douglas turned off the computer as Lydia came into his room. "Well, what do you think about this one?", she asked.

"I like her. She might be the best one yet.", said Douglas. "Good job."

As Lydia left she said, "I will return in about an hour with her clothes and other things she will need." Then she left the apartment.

A few minutes later Anna came out of her room wrapped in the fluffy blue robe that Lydia had given her. She looked puzzled and Douglas said, "Lydia will be back in a little while with your new outfits and other items. But for now you can sit and be comfortable and I will fix us something to eat. You are safe here. Just relax. I know you are scared and confused but try to understand that I, no we, are here to help you."

"How did you know I needed help or why are you doing this?", Anna asked as she sat on a sofa with her legs curled under her. Douglas caught a quick glimpse of the thighs. He never tired of watching. He knew this was his weakness and had come to live with this part of his life.

"As I said, "It was your eyes that told me, every time I brought your pizza, that something was wrong and that I might be able to help you. Or at least offer to help if you truly want to start a new life. A life that is full of love."

Tears flowed down Anna's cheeks and she sobbed, "Thank you. I was going to kill myself unless something changed in my life."

As she said this the door opened and Lydia entered rolling a large cart filled with boxes of all sizes. "I have just had the most wonderful time and I can't wait to show you what I have picked out for you. Anna come with me.", she said as she wheeled the cart into the bedroom. Anna followed with a puzzled look on her face. Once in the room, Lydia told her to take off her robe. She did this as Douglas turned his computer back on. 

Anna sat naked on the bed as Lydia opened all the boxes. She had dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, bras, panties, and shoes (of every description). She also brought boxes of toiletries. Lydia opened two large boxes to reveal small suitcases to carry everything in. 

Anna stared wide-eyed in amazement. She stood when everything was laid out for her and touched every item. Douglas smiled as he watched the happiness spread across her face. 

Anna tried on first one thing after another until she had worn every item at least once while Lydia (and Douglas) watched. She stopped when she came to several small boxes and Douglas heard her say, "I will be needing these soon. Excuse me.", as she picked one up and went into the bathroom. Douglas clicked his mouse and watched as she took out the slim paper wrapped object and inserted into her.

Returning to the bedroom she selected a black bra and matching panties. Dressed in jeans and a grey sweater. Anna slipped her feet into loafers and walked into the living room. Douglas was standing there and said, "You look very nice. We hope everything is to your liking."

Anna rushed over to him and stood inches away and said, "I cannot thank you and Lydia enough for helping me. I know of only one way to show appreciation." She took his hand and placed it on the swell of her breast.  Douglas felt a wave rush through his body as her already hard nipple pressed through her cloth and into his palm. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. Douglas wrapped his arms around Anna,

It had taken a long time to find his niece and rescue her from the marriage he knew from the start was a tragic situation.  His obsession of watching women could not keep him from doing what he did but this would go no further. 

Lydia came out and nodded at him as she left the apartment. He had not told her who Anna was.

Douglas stepped back and led Anna to the sofa and holding her hand, took a deep breath and told her who he was and who she was and that she would be loved and cared for. 

Anna stared at him for a very long time before wrapping her arms around his neck. Both of them clung to each other as tears ran down both their cheeks.

For the first time in her life, she felt the true love of another person.

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