Arthur Morgan X OC | Red Dead...

By FortunaxXx

191K 4.8K 2.7K

Gotta say, never once had a man been able to make me go loose like this. Never once had a man make me feel we... More

Chapter 1. On The Run.
Chapter 2. Outcast.
Chapter 3. Outlaw.
Chapter 4. Robin's mistake.
Chapter 5. Family.
Chapter 6. Getting along...sorta
Chapter 7. Lookin' Handsome.
Chapter 8. Bear
Chapter 9. Bye bye, Valentine.
Chapter 10. Fooling around.
Chapter 11. Spicy.
Chapter 12. Mrs. "Morgan"
Chapter 13. Embarrassing Event.
Chapter 14. The horse incident.
Chapter 15. Sean.
Chapter 16. Robin's first kiss.
Chapter 17. Robin's second kiss.
Chapter 18. Weird ass Gun Shop.
Chapter 19. Teasin' Kieran.
Chapter 20. So close.
Chapter 21. Savin' Trelawny.
Chapter 22. Serious Questions.
Chapter 24. Trouble.
Chapter 25. Rude Awakening.
Chapter 26. Jack is missing.
Chapter 27. Saint Denis.
Chapter 28. Noel Downfield.
Chapter 29. A Special Moment.
Chapter 30. This is my life.
Chapter 31. I'm dying.
Chapter 32. Robin's Last stand.
Bonus Chapter.
How Robin Was Created

Chapter 23. Finally.

5.4K 114 63
By FortunaxXx

(Guys... This is a lemon. But its not gonna happen for awhile in this chapter cuz serious shit needs to be done. Also join da discord server)

I had eavesdropped in a conversation that Hosea was having with Strauss.

Strauss lends people money and then sends somebody to go rough them up a bit and collect their debts.

It was such a terrible business to me. I remember...
When I was just a little girl, my Mama couldn't suffer the loss of...

And my Pa wasn't at the house when somebody came knockin' at the door.
Mama opened it and immediately gasped in fear.

The man was large. A big mean burly man. He had mean lookin' eyes and a rope in his hand.

"Time for collecting." I remember his clear, deep, voice demand.

My Mama had to give him her ring, some food, and all the money we had.

We couldn't eat for three days until Papa worked up enough money to buy a meal for us.

We didn't even borrow that much money.
I remember him coming back but... it's kinda fuzzy at what happened.

Hurts my mind almost if I try to think about it.

But after he had visited, we couldn't eat for... I dont know how long anymore.

We never borrowed money on his second visit. He just took a likin' to Mama.
Papa was a cole miner so's he wasn't around much.

I shake my head to get rid of the memories.

Everyone here probably had a bad life. Or are having a bad life.

What we're doing...
Feels wrong but....


I look up and see Javier.

"Howdy." I nod.

He hands me a knife.

"I remember you saying you would like to practice throwing knives. I could teach you." He offers.

I faintly remember the conversation of me wanting to learn how to throw knives like Arthur and Charles.
Didn't know Javier could.

"Yeah I'd like that." I get up.

We walk a little from camp and he stops once we're a little far from an old dead tree.

He gets behind me and holds up the knife and grabs my hand.

"Hold your fingers here." He positions my fingers.

"Okay." I say, feeling excited about learning to do this.

Not only will it be handy, but badass as well.

"Don't cut your fingers on the blade. But hold them on the blade and just use enough power to get it to your target." Javier pulls out his own knife and in a swift motion he throws it at the tree, hitting it and making the knife stick.

"Looks simple." I say and hold the knife how he shows me.

I yank it back and then throw it. It misses by like a foot.

"That was shit." I say, making Javier chuckle.

"You'll get better. Here-"

Javier pulls another knife and positions my fingers over the blade. He holds my shoulder with one hand and my hand with the other.

"Throw just.... like that." He motions.

"Okay." I say.

I wait a few moments and then throw it.

It hit the tree but on the handle side.

"That's better! You need more power for it to land on the blade." Javier suggested.

He walks over and collects all the knives, minus one he couldn't find cause I threw it too hard.


He walks back and hands me a blade.

He stood off to the side and reminded me about how I should position my fingers again.

I throw it and it landed it the tree for a few seconds before falling to the ground.

"I did it!" I smile and throw my arms around Javier for about a second then back off.

"Sorry I-I got a bit excited." I smile.

"Understandable. Good thing you got the hang of it. Just a little more power and some practice, you'll turn out real good." Javier pats my shoulder.

I smile and continue throwing the knives for about ten minutes.

Getting a bit bored, I decide to go out for a ride.


I ride Ace along the hill and mountains.
Take in the fresh air of the noon's air.

I remember how I used to be terrified of riding by myself. Scared of rapists, murderers, and savages.
But now... all I'm scared of is the first one.

Not even scared just aware.

(That should be a motto)

I take my time. Looking at the scene.

Then a thought pops into my head...

How did I get here?

How did I get myself involved with this gang?

It never really occurred to me then because I was half scared out of my mind.


If I could go back to where I was...

Turning Ace around I rush him into a gallop. I remember men around me and a woman. All laughing at me and pouring beer on me. But that was all I remember before I just blacked out. They killed my horse as well.

Thirty minutes later I find it.

A skeleton of a horse with a saddle on it. Broken beer bottles. And...

I get off Ace and reach down to touch the soft fabric on the ground.

Mama's dress.
I pick it up, dust it off, and hold it close. There's a faint smell of her perfume but just very very faint.

the dress was a light blue, had short sleeves and a beautiful lace around the neck.

I wish I could find the necklace Mama gave me. It's probably lost in the dirt or some asshole from that gang took it.

Getting on my knees I began to look for the necklace. I remember how it looked: it was round but flat on one side, had a glass dome... And inside was a map. A map of our home.

I felt an excited jolt in my stomach. If I can find this damn necklace I can find my home and maybe find Papa.

"The necklace has no damn value, currency wise." I hiss, getting desperate to find this jewelry.

"Maybe... lets see." I go to my deads horse saddle bag and reach in it.

I pull out something shiny and smile. It was a toy that was originally for my brother.

Was made out of a metal and shaped like a rabbit.

I put it in my pocket.

"Some dick stole it." I refer to the necklace and kick some dust up, my mood turning sour.

I take Mama's dress and get on Ace.


I go to camp and stare at the dress for a good while. I wanted to try it on but... do I really wanna dirty the dress?

Folding it up, I save it for sometime special.

"Lookin' a little dark there, Morgan!" I hear Micah.

I look around for Arthur and see him washing his face off at the lake, ignoring Micah.

Walking down after him I wait until hes done washing his face.


"What happened to your face?" I ask, walking closer.

"Just some stupid... fire." Arthur says, getting up and drying his face on his sleeve.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, dandy." Arthur leans against a tree.

We sit in silence for awhile

"You seem extremely stressed." I walk over.

"I am." Arthur shrugs.

I think for a bit.

"Let's go to Valentine." I smile.

"Va- we was just there and made a huge ruckus." Arthur looks at me.

"Did you wear masks?" I ask.

"Not really." Arthur says.

"Let's go, nobody will notice you!" I urge.

"I... Fine." Arthur and me walk to our horses.

Once we arrive in Valentine I immediately go over to the general store. Well I would've except I heard talking and name calling.

I walk to the store, Arthur by me, and see two men and a woman.

"Helen, ignore this fool he is weakling!" One said.

"Oh no no no, I am a great warrior you are nothing but a failed attempt at a normal human being." Another said.

I chuckled.

"You there sir! Be a gentleman and help me prove I am greater than my brother!" The one that looks younger said, pointing to Arthur.

"Shoot a bottle off my head!" He said, grabbing a bottle from around the corner.

The fuck.

"No no, do not do that foolish act... shoot one off mine." The second one said.

Im assuming they're brothers, given their similarities in looks.

"Guys I-" Before Arthur could protest, they were leading him behind the store.

They balanced a bottle on their heads.

"Boys boys! This is so silly." The woman said.

"Arthur, be carful." I warned.

"Is this your little sister?" One of them asks Arthur.

"That'd be kinda weird." Arthur says, making me laugh.

(I can actually imagine smart ass Arthur saying that lmao)

"She is your girl then?" They ask.

"Yes, and I didn't have to shoot no damn bottles off my head to prove my worth to her." Arthur said, taking out his pistol.

"We are ready!" They agree.

"Now y'all asked me to do this so..." Arthur aims.

In a flash both bottles were broken with Arthur's fast ass gun moves.

"Damn." I say impressed.

"Smaller bottles!" One says and puts a small medicine bottle on his head.

The other copies.

"Shoot the lizard please!" The other begs.

Once again, in a flash both were broken.

"You boys are so foolish." The woman covered her mouth.

"Do it while I balance on one leg!" The other quickly says.

"Oh m-me as well! Except hit him below the bottle." One said, making me hold a laugh in.

Arthur took a tiny bit longer to concentrate and then shot the bottles off easy.

"Do it while I jump!" One says.

What the fuck.

"Do it while I turn a summersault!" The other begs.

"Sir, give me the gun let me shoot him." One holds out his hand.

"No." I interrupt.

"Boys, boys! Lets go." The lady grabbed both their hands and led them off.

"That was interesting." I laughed.

"Indeed." Arthur chuckled.

An idea popped into my head.

"Hey why don't we rent a hotel room here for a day? C'mon?" I ask.

"Whatever you say, Mrs. Morgan." Arthur walks beside me.

"Mrs. Morgan?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well... since we can't... well y'know... properly get married just thought... ah forget it, C'mon Robin." Arthur shrugs.

I don't push it.

I take his hand.

"I like Mrs. Morgan." I say, earning a playful scoff from Arthur.

We go in the store and I browse for awhile.

I buy some gun ammo and some chewin' tobacco for Arthur and head back out.

Soon we're in the hotel.

"Oh you again." The man behind the counter says.

"Howdy. A room please?" Arthur asks.

I stare at a corner in the room. Y'know when your mind just wanders off and your eyes dont blink and are out of focus? They're just looking. And you're so deep in thought, you don't wanna get disturbed? Yeah I was doing that right now.

"Robin. Let's go." Arthur pokes my side, making me flinch.

I follow behind him and we reach our room.

Arthur closes the door and locks it then lays on a cushioned couch.

"God... it's nice not having to listen to Uncle's drunk singing so much." Arthur complains.

"I'm gonna go down and have a bath." I decide, taking my hat off.

"M'kay." Arthur's eyes slowly close.

Sleepy ass.

I walk downstairs again and ask for the bath.

Once he directs me to it and I pay, I walk down the hallway and open the door and find a nice hot bubble bath waiting for me.

I strip down, feeling all the dust and dirt on my skin, and slide in.

You have no idea how good that bath felt.

I wash my body and my legs down, and cleaning my hair to make it not so damn greasy like butter was used to comb it.

Once done, I got my clothes on and walked back upstairs, thanking the man.

I reach my room and open it, to find Arthur on the bed now, eyes shut tight.

I crawl on the soft bed with him and lay down, my head on his chest.

(Small lemon warning! Since its Robs first time its not gonna last very long... this time. Since Arthur has had sex, im assuming more than once but hes definitely had it once, hes gonna be a little experienced.)

I feel Arthur stir in his sleep and open his eyes.

I kiss his jaw.

"You that tired?" I ask.

"Not really." He says.

I get off of him and he sits up. He looks at my eyes and I feel his hand snake around my head. His pulls me close and kisses me gently. Pretty soon, I'm on his lap falling right into the kiss.

I feel his hands around my waist and at the line of my pants.

I use my other hand to unbutton my shirt until its completely undone. Arthur took his sweet ass time glancing at my exposed chest.

I break the kiss.

"Now you sure you wanna... do this?" Arthur asks.

"Yes." I breath. Arthur moves me aside gently and gets up, unbuttoning his shirt and then taking it off. I let out a wolf whistle.

"Stop." He says, a small smile on his face.

"Likin' what I see." I nod my head.

I wait until Arthur has stripped down to nothing and then its my turn.

"D-dont look..." I blush.


"I've never done this before." I unbutton the top of my pants.

I slowly strip down and then I climb onto the bed.

Arthur moves me around to where I'm sitting on his stomach a bit above his-

Arthur kisses me again, and I feel something behind me, poking me.

Since I'm not a complete bimbo I reach down and message his member using my left hand.

As soon as I touched it, Arthur flinched a little. I pull back from the kiss.

"Did I hurt you?" I ask.

"No your hands just cold." Arthur chuckles.

I shake my head with a smirk and continue the kiss.

Arthur slid his hand under me and found that spot once again that makes me wanna scream it feels so nice.

I started squirming a bit and the more he rubbed there the more I felt a sensation built up in my stomach. My breathing pattern changed and I almost felt all the sensation release until Arthur stopped moving his hand.

"Wha-why-but... Ah!" I felt so defeated.

"Don't worry, you'll get one eventually." Arthur gently flips me over on my stomach and under him.

I didn't know what he meant by "get one" but whatever.

He gets me up on my knees and I feel something warm at my entrance.

"Waitwaitwaitwait. Is this gonna hurt?" I ask, looking over at Arthur. I didn't look at his face just his body.

"Yep." He says honestly.

"Haven't done this in awhile, I may not be too good." I hear him murmur.
Thats nice to know.

I close my eyes and wait. Slowly I could feel him slipping in slowly and gently. It didn't hurt. Until he got further in.

"Ffffffuck." I groaned, feeling pain sore down there.

Arthur put his hands on my waist and I could feel him slowly pressing more and more in until I felt his pelvis against me.

That probably hurt more than my leg injury.

"O-okay." I take a breath in and out.

I felt Arthur pull out again and then in, over and over.

Soon the pain was just background noise, it felt like I was in heaven.

"Arthur." I moaned, feeling the intense feeling build up in my lower stomach.

I felt him go faster and faster until he hit a certain spot a couple times, making me almost collapse with pleasure.

He started slowly down and then quickly pulled out.

I felt him lay down beside me.

"Don't want you to get pregnant right now." Arthur leaned back. Wait so he didn't have that amazing feeling like I did? That's not fair.

I flop down next to him and my hands travel down to his member. I have no clue how to do this, except from stories I've heard from other ladies in saloons.

"You really don't have to-... Hm." Arthur cuts off when I began pumping him steadily.

My mind was literally racing.

Don't mess up.
Don't mess up.
Don't mess up.

I saw white thick stuff on my hands and I thought I messed up. I look up and seeing Arthur's pleased face assured me.

I did gud.

I wipe my hands on the blankets. (Ew wtf).

Snuggling next to him I blink slowly until I found myself asleep.

That was.... So damn... awkward to write.
I WAS gonna have it in Johns and Abigails tent just cuz but Jack sleeps in there too😂😂

Fact about Robin:

She's terrified of water. She can swim. She's just scared cause of a gator that killed one of her Papa's cows when she was 7 years old.

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