Dreading The Mafia

By coinikee

1.5M 68.1K 7.5K

I stared at the man who'd kidnapped me, my heart pounding. His green eyes burned me. Burned me until I was no... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 28

32.8K 1.7K 182
By coinikee

Part 28

Renzo was a Borroni? He was a fucking Borroni? What in the fucking world was going on and what was I doing in the middle of it? If he was a Borroni, why was he trying to destroy his own family? Had he lost his mind?

"I am not a Borroni! I lost this name the moment my father married your mother," he spat, pulling me closer to him; holding on to me as if I were his lifeline, which I was sure wasn't true at all.

"Oh little brother, no need to be so bitter about things." Malia pouted, but I could see sadistic satisfaction twinkling in her eyes.

"I wouldn't be bitter if you and your pathetic mother hadn't killed my father," he snarled. What the fuck? Malia killed his father? Damn, I knew she was evil. Now how was I supposed to get Renzo out of here. Maybe this crazy woman was trying to fuck with his head in order to make him vulnerable so she could cause harm to him, but I would not let that happen. I would protect Renzo. He was weak and was unable to defend himself.

You are delusional.

Regardless of what my inner voice said, I had to take care of Renzo. This woman was cruel and manipulative—she was supposed to be in jail—and I would not let Renzo become a victim of her. I would be his knight in shining armor.

You are a woman!

I was no longer listening to my annoying inner voice. Instead I was thinking about the best way to get this man out of here. I had a feeling that Malia brought him here for a reason. If men would pop out with guns aimed at Renzo, then there would be serious trouble.

"Renzo, maybe we should go. You can tell me everything when we get back to your place," I suggested, but he wasn't even looking at me. His eyes were locked on to his sister's, pain and anger burning in those viridian irises.

"My mother didn't kill your father. He was crazy; he shot himself. You know that. And as for Mom, she is your mother as well," Malia replied with a smirk.

"My father was not crazy! And that gold digging whore will never be my mother. My mother is dead and that woman who married my father has no right to call herself my mother," he hissed, stepping closer to her, but I held on to him, preventing him from lashing out at her.

I understood what Malia was doing. She was riling him up—provoking him so he would lose control of his emotions, which would give her perfect opportunity to strike. I would not let this crazy woman win.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother in such a manner!" She stood up, rage flashing in her eyes.

"I speak nothing but the truth about her, and even you know that," Renzo responded, harshly.

"Renzo? Listen to me. We have to get out of here. You can't stay here; I'm sure Malia is trying to provoke you, so she would know your weakness, but you must not let her know," I hissed in his ear, hoping he would understand and do as I say. But even my hissing was loud enough for Malia to hear, and probably the rest of the world...except Renzo.

"You should probably listen to your girlfriend, little brother. You don't want to lose any more people, now do you?" Was she threatening me? Did she not know that threatening me was not a wise choice? I would have to teach this woman a lesson she'd never forget. Just because I was not a killer like her, did not mean I was weak.

"If you think I would let you touch a hair on her body, then you are clearly mistaken. Right now, I wish to give you a quick, painless death, but touch my woman and you will be screaming until you can't scream anymore," he threatened, taking me by surprise. Was he serious about this? Would he really do what he said?

Malia seemed to be taken by surprise as well, but she still had the audacity to smirk. "Maybe I should keep Sadie with myself then. It might just result in the return of my baby brother."

"You don't have a baby brother, Malia. You never did. And you never will," he said to her, his voice eerily soft.

"Renzo? We need to go now. Come on, let's go." I tried to push him towards the door but it was like trying to push a brick wall—utterly useless.

"You are my brother, Ren, whether you like it or not. We might not be related by blood, but we do belong from the same family—"

"No, we don't. Malia, I would appreciate it if you stopped being delusional and looked at reality for five minutes. I believe it is you who is the crazy one rather than my father," he snapped at her.

"He was my father, too." Malia needed a therapist, pronto.

"No, he wasn't. You and your wicked mother manipulated my father into doing your bidding. Your mother tortured him until she killed him. So don't you dare call him your father because my father was a great man and he would never be related to a worthless witch like you." Wow, those were some harsh words and I felt sorry for the woman who had to hear them.

I glanced at Malia to see tears pooling in her eyes. "Mother will not be happy to hear this. She will be home soon, Ren. You should stay and have lunch. I'm sure father would've liked that."

"I am not going to waste another second in this hell hole. And Malia, this is my first and last warning to you, stay the fuck away from me and my Sadie. If I ever see your face again, I wouldn't hesitate to carve it open, do you understand?" With one final glare, Renzo turned and stormed out of the mansion, dragging me behind.

"Why didn't you listen to me? I have been telling you to leave for so long, but no, you just have to be bossy and stubborn. You know your sister is evil. What if men popped out with guns and shot you? I can't believe you are not even listening to me!" I scolded him, making sure to raise my voice for added effect. But Renzo refused to listen to me, making me feel like I was talking to a wall.

Without saying a word, Renzo opened the door of his car and all but threw me inside. He slammed the door shut before going around the car and sliding in beside me. However, before he could close the door, Malia came running around, her hair flowing wildly.

"Don't do this, Renzo. We are a family and no matter what you do, you can never ignore this fact. You are a Borroni and you will always be one. Destroying your own family will not bring you anything. We can still fix this. We can live like a normal family, Renzo!" Malia shouted but thankfully he paid no heed to her. He started the car and drove away as if there were dogs chasing him.

The ride with Renzo felt like I was riding a crazy rollercoaster. He was driving way past the speed limit and his eyes were wild with rage. Did I dare talk to him when he was in such a mood? What if he crashed the car and killed us both? No, I had to talk to him, as there was a chance I could die in the next few minutes.

"Ren—Renzo?" I said, hesitantly.

"Not now, Sadie. You will be wise to keep your mouth shut. I will deal with you as soon as we get home." I could see his tight jaw as he said this. His hands around the steering wheel made me wonder if he was trying to strangle it—the knuckles turning white.

"Why would you deal with me when Malia is the problem?" I questioned, not understanding his anger towards me. What did I do to him?

Renzo scoffed before shooting me an icy glare, which nearly froze my heart. "Oh sugarplum, Malia is not the problem. It is you who is the fucking problem." Turning his attention to the road, he pushed the accelerator, urging the car forward, faster.

"Slow down, will you?! I don't wish to die right now," I protested as I was forced to put on my seatbelt.

"Oh you won't die right now, sugarplum, I will kill you myself." I shrieked when he took a sudden, sharp turn, throwing my body to the side, resulting in my head hitting the window. Pain exploded in my head, and I knew I would have a bruise tomorrow.

I chose to remain silent after that, holding on to the edge of my seat with both hands as Renzo continued to drive like a maniac. However, I could not look out of the window because my eyes were glued to his face, trying to glean some of the thoughts that were swirling in his mind.

After twenty minutes of reckless driving I saw Renzo's mansion and could not help the pang of disappointment which I felt in my heart. I tried so hard to get out of here only to end up back where I started from. Maybe there was no escaping Renzo and the best thing was for me to accept it and learn to adjust to this new crazy world.

However, I refused to accept this. I did not do anything wrong by trying to run away. I was being kept here against my will and I had to do everything in my power to get away. And if it pissed Renzo off, so be it. I would not accept defeat and do whatever he wanted from me.

Renzo threw the car in park before getting out. I watched him as he came towards my side, throwing the door open and dragging me out as if I was not a human but a sack of flour.

"Stop treating me like a bag of pudding!" I ordered as he took me back in his house. And to think I believed I was out of this place for good. Next time I would not celebrate so soon.

He dragged me up the stairs, all the way to his bedroom where he shoved me hard, causing me to flop on the bed before pouncing on me as if he were a starved animal and I was his favorite meal. Before I could utter a word, he crushed his lips to mine and kissed me with so much rage and aggression, I thought he would kill me.

I tried to fight him but he held me down, pinning my arms above my head. He bit my lip hard enough to draw blood and that was when I was truly terrified of him. He was going to kill me; I knew he was. If not, then he would torture me until I begged him for mercy.

"How da—dare you?" He bit my neck as he said this, making me cry out at the sudden bout of agony. "How dare you run from me when I told you that you belong to me?"

Terror slowly wrapped me in its cocoon as Renzo's words registered in my brain. I could barely feel him doing something with my wrists but was too terrified to really take notice.

"It was a good thing that my guards alerted me and I was able to come and get you. Out of all the people you could go to, you chose to go to Malia. You couldn't have made a worst decision," he muttered as he looked down, his eyes shooting icy daggers at me.

"I didn't go to her. She found me and took me to her home, and then you showed up. I know I should not trust her. Renzo, she is going to destroy you. You have to be careful," I warned him, hoping he would take my advice. Even though he scared me, I was telling him to be careful, which said God knows what about my mental health.

"Malia is the least of my problems, sugarplum." He caressed my cheek with his thumb, wiping the few stray tears that managed to escape. I could not believe he got to see my tears. "I have to deal with you right now."

"Wh—What will you do?" I was almost too afraid to ask. But something in my heart told me that asking Renzo this question would be okay.

He smiled, which made me realize that it was the wrong question to ask. "Something which I always wanted to do. And now, thanks to you, I have finally achieved this."

His words not only confused me, they downright frightened me. As he laid on top of me, I tried to search for answers in his eyes but those emerald jewels refused to give me any information. He was going to break my bones now; I was sure of it. I could almost hear the painful crack which would be the result of my bones breaking in two. I wish he would use some other torture method; my body was precious too me.

"Renzo I don't understand." I cursed myself when my voice cracked towards the end. My mind was a mess right now and it was becoming difficult for me to understand anything.

"My darling girl. You know how I said you can never escape me. Well now, I will make sure you can never leave," he murmured before giving me a soft kiss and removing his hold on my wrists.

As soon as his hand was no longer restraining my wrists, I tried to move my arms but they refused to cooperate. When I glanced up, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped when I saw my wrists bound by thick rope, the end of which was tied to the bed post.

What the fuck?!

He tied me to the bed!

"Now you can't go anywhere, sugarplum...

"I will keep you tied up forever." 


Author's Note.

Hi guys,

Happy Mafia Monday. Here is another chapter, I hope you all like it.

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time.

Take care.


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