[Part 1] A New Assassin (An A...


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[PART 1 IS COMPLETE! PART 2 HAS BEEN CANCELLED!] As a child, y/n always heard voices. And rarely, he swears h... Еще

Sequence 1: The Mission Gone Wrong
Sequence 2: Prisoner
Sequence 3: What Happens At Night
Sequence 4: Escape
Sequence 5: The Attack On Vale
Sequence 6: Their Plans
Sequence 7: Y/n Strikes
Sequence 9: A Terrible Reunion
Sequence 10: Nothing Is True...
Lost Sequence #1: A Dream?
Sequence 11: The Lone Hacker
Sequence 12: One Falls, Another Rises
Sequence 13: A Rose's Reunion. Power Grows.
Sequence 14: Everything is Permitted
Sequence 15: Everything is Permitted (part 2)
Lost Sequence #2: Their Secrets
Sequence 16: A Big Decision
Sequence 17: May 17th
Sequence 18: Goodbye?
Sequence 19: Finishing Unsettled Business
Sequence 20: Finishing Unsettled Business (part 2)
Sequence 21: The Start of Something New
Lost sequence #3: A Forced Alliance
Sequence 22: The New Assassin (Finale sequence)
Sequence 23: The Dawn of War (Epilogue)
Update on Part 2
Dawn of War Preview 1
The end...?

Sequence 8: A Lecture From Ezio & A Promise

4.5K 78 18

March 28, 2218,
Y/n's POV

I was relaxing on the roof of the abandoned house that Summer and I are currently living in. I was lying on the roof, enjoying the sound of crickets chirping as I was staring at the moon.

'Wonder what happened to the moon...'

But my peace and quiet was ruined when Ezio appears next to me.

Ezio: "Y/n..." he says. I noticed he sounded serious.

I tried to ignore him, but I knew it was pointless. So, I closed my eyes before letting out a sigh.

Me: "Yeah, Ezio?"

Ezio: "When will you forgive your family?"

Me: "...Could you not talk about that?" I asked, annoyed about the subject.

Ezio: "When will you stop fighting the past? Stop holding a grudge against them."

Me: "Why? You know what they did to me."

Ezio: "Sì. But what do you get out of holding onto the past? Nothing, there's no point in being mad at them forever. You're just making a fool out of yourself."

Me: "I'm not!"

Ezio: "Really?"

Me: "Look! I...I..." I stop talking, not knowing what to say.

Ezio: "That's what I thought. Instead of judging them for something they did in the past, judge them for what they're doing now. I know that it's something you might not want to do, but trust me, you'll be glad if you do. Besides, you don't even know their side of the story. Maybe they had a good reason. Maybe they were forced to do it. You don't know."

Me: "...Whatever...what do you know..." I mumble as I turn my body to the side to avoid looking at him.

Ezio: "What do I know? When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Like me, you have those now, but refuse to accept it."

Me: "..." I didn't know what he was trying to say. But I guess he wasn't done lecturing me since he continued.

Ezio: "I know many things, y/n. Like family. I know that family is something that's very important to everyone. And once you loose it, you'll never get it back. So instead of being angry at them, try to move on, enjoy the time that you can still have with them."

Me: "..."

Ezio: "Look, I'm not saying to forgive and forget, I'm saying to try to give them a second chance. Try to start over and move on. If you don't, you'll only be weighing yourself down."

Me: "...I'll...think about it." I finally reply.

Ezio: "Good. Tomorrow we'll continue your training."

No one's POV

With that, Ezio disappeared, leaving y/n alone on the roof. Y/n sits up and sighs.

Y/n: "Why is my life so difficult?" He asks himself before pulling out something from his pocket.

Y/n unsheathed a small knife, raising it to the moonlight as it reflects from the moon.

Y/n: "I swear Summer, I will fulfill my promise."

December 1, 2217

Y/n was making soup from an old pot he found in the kitchen of the abandoned house in the fire place. He was currently boiling the water over a fire as Summer was still unconscious from the side affects of the tranquilizer dart from the Templars.

Summer slowly opens her eyes to find herself in a place she doesn't recognize. She slowly got up and found herself on an old couch with an old blanket wrapped around her.

Summer: "Where...where am I?" She asks as she puts one hand on her head before she looks around the room.

Y/n: "You're safe. That's all that matters right now." He says, not taking his eyes off the pot.

Summer looks at y/n, confused on who he was.

Summer: "Who are you?"

Y/n stands up and turns to Summer before taking off his hood. When Summer saw y/n's black and a bit of red hair, his golden-like eyes, and the small stubble on his chin, she didn't realize she was blushing a little.

Y/n: "I'm y/n l/n. A classmate of Ruby and Yang."

Summer: "You know my daughters?" She asks, almost as if she forgot what he told her the first time they met as she sat up.

Y/n: *nods* "Yeah. But that's for another day. How do you feel?" He asks before he went back to taking care of the soup.

Summer: "I'm fine. Just a little tired...and cold." She said the last part as she shivers a bit, trying to get warm.

Y/n: "Figured. You were shot with a tranquilizer dart by those men back at the base. And sorry about the cold, this place doesn't have any heaters. Plus it's early December, winter is coming so it's going to be cold for a while."

Summer notice how he said "for a while", which made her question him.

Summer: "A while? What do you mean?" She asks as y/n placed a few chopped up vegetables in the soup.

Y/n: "Do you remember the base we were held prisoners in?" He asks before he began to stir the soup.

Summer: "Of course! I was stuck in there for years." She mumbles the last part.

Y/n: "That's why. It's too dangerous to go out right now. I know you probably don't want to, but we have to stay here. We don't want the group-."

Summer: "You mean the Templars?" She asks, making y/n surprised as he turns to her.

Y/n: "You know the Templars?"

Summer just shrugs.

Summer: "A little. I've heard the soldiers talk about stuff every now and then, plus my brother knew them as well."

Y/n: "You have a brother?"

Summer: "Adopted. I think he was in the group you're in." She refers to the symbol on y/n's belt. "And he kinda wore the same robe as you."

He looks at the symbol before he looks at her.

Y/n: "He was an assassin?"

Summer: "Assassin?" She asks as she tilts her head.

Y/n: "Do you even know what's going on? Why you were taken?"

Summer: "Because...of my silver eyes?" She says, unsure of the answer to the question as she shrugs.

Y/n: "Your silver eyes?" He now asks as he turns back to finish cooking.

Summer: "Yeah. Silver eye warriors are powerful, so I thought it was because of that."

Y/n: "Seriously? I've never heard of that."

Summer: "Not many people remember about them anymore. Silver eyes are rare, so it's not surprising."

Y/n nods. He got two wooden bowls from the side before he began to pour the soup into them. Once he was done, he hands Summer a bowl and a spoon before sitting on the other side of the couch with his dinner.

Y/n: "Eat up. I'm sure you haven't eaten in a while."

Summer nods before she began to eat.

Summer: "Thank you."

Y/n: "You're welcome."

The two made small talk as they ate. After they finished, y/n took the bowls into the kitchen to clean later. Y/n went back to Summer and sat next to her. There was an awkward silence between them, each not knowing what to say.

Y/n: "So...you have a brother..." he says awkwardly, trying to start a conversation.

Summer: "Yeah...I do." She says, her attitude changes with her voice.

Y/n noticed her attitude dropped.

Y/n: "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it if you don't-."

Summer: "It's fine...what do you want to know?"

Y/n: "You said he was adopted right? How did that happen?"

Summer took a minute to think about it. Once she was done, she sighs.

Summer: "I...was around six at the time. My parents and I lived in the woods, so we didn't have many people around. One day, my father went out hunting for dinner, but came back early with a child. The child was named Adam. My father rushed Adam inside since he was badly wounded, almost on the verge of death. My mother sent me upstairs to give them space, so I did, at least for a while. I snuck downstairs and saw my mother trying to heal Adam the best she could since she was a retired nurse. But she could only do so much since Adam didn't unlock his aura back then. So, we did our best to save him. My mother said he was in a coma, and he didn't wake up until...a week later I think."

Y/n: "..."

She took a deep breath before she continued.

Summer: "After a week passed, Adam finally woke up. My parents told him what happened, and suggested he stayed at our place until he healed up. At first, he didn't want to stay, that part was obvious. I saw him trying to sneak away a few times, but for whatever reason, he always came back, usually before my parents noticed his absence. A few months passed, he still was badly injured, but was making progress. I tried to make friends with him, but he would've told me to leave him alone. I sometimes did, but sometimes stayed. Anyway, a few more months passed, and I noticed Adam didn't mind staying. He soon got use to the family and a year later, after his wounds healed, we decided to adopt him. Adam liked the idea, so he agreed and became a part of the Rose family. Everything went great for the first few years, but before I began combat school, Adam changed. He became rude, selfish, and he would sneak out a lot, for days even. My parents tried to make his stop running off, but nothing worked. He didn't care, he did what he wanted to do. And after a while of trying, my parents gave up...they didn't care where he went or what he did, he did what he wanted to do."

Y/n saw Summer clench her fists.

Summer: "But even so, there was one thing that didn't change; he cared about me. Whenever I got picked on at school, as if he somehow knew, Adam would get revenge. He didn't care how badly he hurt someone, as long as they got the message, that was all he cared about. This went on even through my time at Beacon. When I was at Beacon, our parents passed away, leaving us on our own. I thought that since he knew I was devastated by our parents' deaths, he would stay, but he didn't. In fact, it was the opposite. His disappearances became longer. He would be gone for weeks or months without a single word from him. I think he was working with Ozpin since he would visit the headmaster a lot when he stopped by."

Y/n: 'He worked for Ozpin?'

Summer: "But when he was around, he would stay for a while before disappearing again. He even dated my teammate, Raven Branwen, for a while, but they broke up for circumstances I wasn't told of."

Summer took a moment to continue, she was trying to hold back her tears as she remembers the sad times she had with Adam.

Summer: "After they broke up, he became quieter. He would be gone for several months, even a year. He didn't show up to my graduation. He didn't show up for either mine or Raven's weddings. He didn't show up when Raven went missing, leaving Yang in my care. He didn't show up when his niece, Ruby, was born either."

A few tears fell from Summer's face.

Summer: "That broke my heart...It wasn't until Ruby was about two years old when I was finally able to get a hold with Adam again. I asked him why...why was he gone for so long and why he couldn't help out with raising his niece, but he didn't answer. He told me that he didn't have much time and tried to apologize, but I was too mad at him to care. After that, I never heard from him again since a year later, the Templars took me away, until you saved me."

Summer took out a knife from behind her before she began to play with it with her fingers.

Summer: "This is all I have left of him." She says, sadden as she remembers the good times she spent with her brother.

Y/n was about to ask about her brother before he heard her sniffle.

Summer: "Adam...I...I miss him so much..." she says as she began to cry uncontrollably. "I hope he's okay."

Y/n understood her pain. He knew she needed some comfort, so he decided to pull her into a hug and let her cry as much as she needed to.

Time skip

After about an hour of letting Summer cry, she finally managed to calm down. She separated from the hug as she looks into y/n's eyes, feeling more relaxed than she's ever felt than before.

Summer: "I'm...sorry about that..." she says sheepishly as she looks away from y/n.

Y/n: "It's fine. I...I know how it feels."

Summer: "You do?" She asks as y/n got up from the couch.

Y/n: "...Yeah...my...my mother passed away when I was a child. My aunts went missing around the same time as my mother's death. I know how it feels to miss family when you need them." He says as he looks at Summer over his shoulder.

Summer: "I'm so sorry y/n...I didn't-."

Y/n: "Thank you...but we can talk about me later." He says before turning around. "Tell me more about your brother if your okay with it."

Summer: "Why?"

Y/n: "I know I'm not really an assassin right now, but it kinda sounds like your brother is. Maybe with some more training, I could try to find him."

Summer: "Really?" She asks as she got off the couch. "You will do that for me?"

Y/n: "I can try. I promise I will look for him."

Summer doesn't respond. She looks like she's about to cry again as she cups her mouth with her hands.

Y/n: "Summer? Did I say something-?" He tried to ask, thinking he said something wrong.

Summer ran up to him before hugging him tightly, causing him to stumble back.

Summer: "Thank you thank you thank you!" She repeats several times. "You're so kind!"

As y/n was about to run out of air, Summer lets go. She took out her brother's knife before handing it to y/n, confusing him.

Y/n: "Summer, what are-?"

Summer: "I want you to have it. I know I can't really fight right now, and I know I can't properly use a knife, but maybe you can use it better than me. I know Adam would've wanted someone to use it instead of letting it collect dust. So do it for me, please."

Y/n didn't know how to respond. He contemplated whether or not he should take it, but finally decided. He took the knife before putting it behind his back.

Y/n: "Alright. But I hope your brother doesn't get mad if he sees me having it." He jokes, causing Summer to giggle.

Summer: "I'm sure he wouldn't. But if he does, I'll have to punish him." She too jokes, causing y/n to chuckle.

Flashback over

A minute pass before y/n let out another sigh.

Y/n: "I promise, Summer." He mumbles as he sheathed the knife and puts it away.

He got up before climbing down the side of the house and made his way into the house before he walked to the living room's couch to sleep.

Time skip,
next morning

Y/n woke up and began to make his way to the front door. Before he could open it, he saw Summer walking down the stairs, somewhat tired.

Summer: *yawns* "Good morning."

Y/n: "Morning."

Summer seemed to gain energy from no where before becoming her usual self.

Summer: "So, y/n, what's the plan for today?"

Y/n: "I'M going to hunt for dinner tonight before going to Vale. YOU'RE going to stay here."

Summer pouts as she puffs her cheeks.

Summer: "No fair! You can't keep me here forever!"

Y/n: "I'm not trying to. I'm protecting you. It isn't safe as long as the Templars are still out."

Summer: "I can fight you know!"

Y/n: "Yes, I know. But are you willing to kill?"

Summer's expression became sadden, y/n saw in her eyes the guilt she had of even thinking of taking someone's life.

Y/n: "That's what I thought. We can't risk the both of us being caught. I understand that you want to see your daughters. I would too if I was locked up for many years, but again, we can't risk it."

Summer pouts. Y/n sighs before getting an idea.

Y/n: "Look, if you wait a little longer, I will take you to Vale, deal?"

Summer instantly cheered up as she zoomed to y/n's face.

Summer: "Really?!"

Y/n stumbled back a little as he tried to get some space.

Y/n: "Y-yeah."

Summer: "Yay!"

Summer began to zoom around the house. Y/n chuckles as he rolled his eyes. Then he began to make his way out of the house to the woods, ready to go hunting as he puts his hood on. He took a few steps before he stops and turns back to the house.

Y/n: "I won't fail you, Summer."

With that, y/n continued his mission.

Memory complete...full synchronization...continue...?

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