A Bad Year In Romantics

By spookycass

81 2 0

It's safe to say that I think Gabriel taking a break from romance for a while. *** This book is based on tr... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

18 1 0
By spookycass

I picked my clothes for school the following morning from the pile of laundry I deemed to clean to put in the laundry but to dirty to fold and put inside my drawer.The bus station was 3 blocks away from where I lived.During the spring I liked to pedal my bike to school.But we were still in Winter which meant if I took my bike I was sure to catch a cold even if I was well covered up.

The bench at the bus stop was occupied so I had no other choice but to stand.My thermos sat on the floor between my feet while I chewed on a bagel I had prepared before I had left the house.The bus came at 7:05.I boarded and took a seat in the middle section of the bus.When I was all settled in I took my phone out to see any messages I had.

Mom:Morning Champ.Haven't heard from you in a few days.Give me a call when you get the chance.Nothing urgent,I would just like to know how my little boy is doing.Love you x.

Parker:Hey dude.Don't forget to eat breakfast.I don't want to get another call saying how you owe a lasagna after you passed out and fell face first into one.

Luz (my sister):Hey booger face.Text me.."

I texted each of them back respectively.

"Hey mom.I'm still alive.I suppose one can still survive on energy shots and grilled cheese sandwiches.Doing great! I'll call you later on tonight when I'm home.I love you too."


"I know man I'm sorry. We'll stop by the store on our way home so I can pick up ingredients to make one."

And lastly:

"Hey i'git. Returning your text.I won't text you back until later though.Stay ugly."

The bus stopped right in front of the college gates. I didn't really have friends,it was mostly because everyone attending culinary school was either too young or too old to be my friend.The ages ranged from 18 to maybe 35 or possibly older.So I was mostly a loner,and I was alright with that.

I've always liked food. Unlike most people who don't choose to pursue a career in culinary arts because of the hectic work atmosphere,i like it. Growing up in the semi rich part of Chicago,my parents would take my sister and me out to restaurants where the chefs would prepare the food in front of you.The passion these chefs put into what they made inspired me.I also lowkey loved having my clothes smell like spices.

Along the way though I had a couple of other ideas on my career. I thought about being a vet but I wouldn't like putting sick dogs down or performing operations,and that ruled out being a doctor or anything else in the medical field. I considered becoming a lawyer but it's so much school time and the chances of actually practicing what you that career is slim to none. I even considered going to music school.I can play a total of 4 instruments. Piano,ukulele,saxophone and harmonica. I acquired these skills spending 3 summers with my uncle,who's a professional musician,in Tampa Florida.But no.My life was destined to be in the food industry.

We started off class that day taking notes whilst the Professor wrote on the white board.It was always like this.Taking notes was the first part of the class and when we would came back from our lunch break we would make something. This lesson's food portion was orange chicken,noodles,white rice balls covered in teriyaki and egg rolls.

During my lunch hour I sat under a tree. It wasn't hot or anything like that but If I sat on the benches the sun would get in my eyes and I didn't bring my shades to protect them.

I never really had lunch to be on the benches either.Instead I would buy myself a Diet Coke and a bag of chips from the vending machines.I had just pulled open my bag when something hit the back of my neck. I flinched and looked behind me. It was a small rock. I huffed


I turned startled.Mina was crouched down by the school gates.I rolled my eyes and ignored her.She threw another rock at me,a small one.I still didn't move.I looked forward and said:

"We talked about this yesterday.You're one strike away from me calling the cops."

"Come on Gabe.I said I'm sorry.I figured you would understand if Parker told you why I acted the way I did."

I turned angrily towards her,"Bad relationships don't excuse sleazy behavior.I told Park this last night.I bet your a real nice girl Mina,I really do.But first impressions are important.Maybe not to you,but they are to me.I mean-"I broke my sentence to laugh, "I mean for crying out loud! You begged me to accept a date with you.Then you stalk me out at my home and lied.Oh and don't get me started on those super duper depressing messages I read when I got back. Do you realize how creeped out I should be?I shouldn't let you off this easily.I really shouldn't.If I were you,I would walk away now while i am still kind of in a good mood."

"There's more to what I said to Parker.Just give me a chance explain.Please.That's all i'm asking.One more chance."

I stared at her for a really long time"Wow..You really won't give this up will you?"

"No,"She smiled,"I won't because I truly like you."

I wasn't going to argue with her,because it truly did look like she liked me.Nobody would go through this much trouble if they didn't.I sighed and rubbed my face.Then I said:

"Fine.I get off at 3.Meet me at the library on the bench outside by the doors."

"Deal!"she exclaimed happily.

"Wait,"I scrunched my eyebrows,"Shouldn't you be in college right now?"

"Yes but I'm on my lunch hour."

"How much time do you have left?"

She checked her wristwatch,"Not a lot." She frowned.

I got up and walked over to her,"Do you have money on you?"

She pulled out 10 dollars. I took them and told her to wait there while I went and got something from the lunch vendors.I came back with a brown paper bag,a sprite and her change.She took them and thanked me plenty.

"I really gotta go now."I said as I gathered my things.

She nodded,"I'll see you later."

"Absolutelyj."I said,and made my way back to my classroom.


When classes let out that Friday I walked to the mall while talking to my mom over the phone.She updated me about the odd-goings-on back home in Illinois.My dad,who's a professional animal handler at the Chicago Zoo, got hurt while trying to control an alligator.He survived but he was sent home for a couple of weeks to recover from a minor bite.My older sister Luz had finally moved in with her boyfriend Andrew.And my mom had started her own at-home bakery for the people who live in our neighborhood. I have a brother named Cameron who's older than me and Luz but he's in the Marines.He's stationed in Florida.We haven't seen him since last December but he sends monthly letters to update us on his life.

When I walked into the library I saw Parker at the downstairs customer service desk. I handed him my book bag.

"So,"I said as I heaved the heavy back pain of a bag over the counter to him,"Guess what?"

"You owe another plate of food."He laughed.I laughed too.

"No.Oh but I did bring you some Chinese cuisine."I sighed,"No,Err..Mina came to talk to me during my lunch break."

"What did she say?"

"She said she wanted to talk to me about yesterday.So I'm meeting her outside any minute now.

"Look at you!"Parker exclaimed with admiration,"Being all grown up."

I playfully punched his arm,"Dude! She seemed upset about the whole situation. I don't really know why though considering she started it. I'll here what she has to say. But if I'm being honest I don't see her as my girlfriend."

"Well I think your handling this very maturely."he smiled,"Oh! Speaking of her,she's here."He pointed outside.Mina was sitting on the bench like I had said.

I waited by the door contemplating on if I should be a man and face her or if i should chicken out and run up to the second floor and hide.But I'm no weenie.Slowly I opened the door.

When she laid eyes on me she sprang up from her seat and hugged me tightly.I didn't hug back.My arms stayed firmly to my side.

"I am so so sorry!"She sobbed,"I don't know what I was thinking.I should have never done that.Please! Forgive me!"

I hugged her back awkwardly when she started crying "I forgive you Mina."

"Oh thank you! Thank you."

I waited for her tears to stop before continuing."And now that were being upfront,I don't think us dating would be a good idea. I would definitely love to have you as a friend,but I don't see us going farther than that.I hope you'll understand."

She pulled away fast:

"WHAT?"She shouted.Her eyes were dry.She had been faking her tears too!But I didn't have time to approach her on this."You can't do that! You can't say no."

"I can and I oh,y-ou know what?! I just did!Now shut up! Your attracting attention."

"You-"She began.There was a brief pause,like if she was thinking of what to say,then she said,"You can't get out of this.My friends helped me plan something really special for after our dinner.It would be a shame if it went to waste."

"What did you plan?" I asked skeptically.

"Well..I didn't want to tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise,but since you want to cancel the date and ruin everything I planned here it goes.I dug deep into your internet history.Your Facebook to be exact,and I found out you really like a band called The Postal Service..They're going to be here at the concert hall downtown and I just might have my hands on tickets.

"Might?"I sputtered out angrily,"Are you trying to make me feel bad,and at the same time bribe me into accepting this date?And how the hell do you have my last name? You don't even know it!"

She stayed quiet.

"For your information,after we WOULD have had our date I'd be been going to that concert with Parker and our other friend anyway.So either way I'm gonna go.And-"

And she began crying.For real this time.I don't mean a beautiful tear rolling down her cheek or something like that no no no.I mean ugly crying.Toddler-who-got-his-candy-taken-away-crying.Kim Kardashian crying.It was loud too.So loud she started drawing even more attention to us.And worse.So loud that Parker had to leave the front desk to come see what was happening.I was quickly put to blame.

He came out and wrapped an arm around her shoulder,"What did you say to her?!"

My jaw dropped,"What did I say to her?! More like what she said to me.She's trying to bribe me into accepting this date.I tried to be nice and let her off easy.I really did! I told her I don't see us as a couple and that we should stay friends but-"I flailed my arms in her direction,"this is how she reacted!It's like as if nobody has ever said no to her in her life."

Then something completely unexpected happened.Mina drew closer and slapped me across the face.She slapped me so hard my whole body twists along with my head. She then shoved me out of her way and takes off running. I think she wanted me to run after her like in the movies but please that was not going to happen.


Later on we were sitting at the dinner table eating when Parker decided to bring the unfortunate event up again.I hadn't talk to him since the mall.The whole car ride I was silent and even though he tried to make me talk he couldn't.I was seething with anger because he had taken her side.

"So,"he began,"What exactly happened?"

I looked at him,"I already told you."

"Well tell me again."

I explained everything starting with when she came to visit me at school.When It was over he sat back and said,"She's clearly unstable."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"I'm sorry about earlier."he said sincerely," I shouldn't have been quick to console her if I didn't know the whole story."

I sighed,feeling defeated,and smiled at him,"It's okay Parker.I understand where your heart was."

"That and I was trying to get her to shut up so she wouldn't draw in the whole damn mall."

I chuckled,"Absolutely true."

I picked up the take out boxes and put them in the fridge.Parker cleared up the table before going to change into his pajamasWe had planned a Haunted Houses Marathon.I had over 100 hours of episodes that were cluttering the DVR.I was about to sit down on the armchair when the phone in the hallway rang.

I picked up the receiver and said,"Parker and Gabriel's apartment.You've got Gabriel."

I heard heavy breathing,then sobbing,and finally after a long pause, "I-I-"A hard swallow,and finally,"I h-ope your ha-p-py for what y-you have j-just done t-t-t-o me.

"What are you talking about?"


All the blood in my head went down.I turned pale white.My tongue lost all its moisture. "B-because of me?"

Mina laughed softly,"You wanted this.You didn't want to date me.You wanted me to suffer."

I heard a door open,footsteps,the sound of two girls screaming,then the line died.I stood there with the phone still against my ear.My whole body went numb and ridgid.I slowly put the phone back down.I stayed in place for an incredibly long amount of time.Suddenly the phone rang again, I picked it up fast.


"It's Mina's friend Jenna.Were at Saint Peters hospital in the emergency wing.Come quick.Things aren't look so good."

I didn't think twice about it.I grabbed my coat off the hook.Parker watched from the living room.

"Where are you going?"

"I might have accidentally killed Mina."I said.My stomach ached.Those words sank in.I stopped putting on my coat,"Oh my god i might have accidentally killed MINA!"

"Hey hey!"Parker ran over,"Easy.Was that her over the phone?"

"The first call was.She said,"Hysteria took over,I pulled my hair furiously.My rambling began,"She said she had overdosed.because of me."I sobbed,"I should have just gone on that stupid date with her.What the hell am i supposed to do Parker? If I did kill her wouldn't that make me a murderer?But technically i didn't touch her! I didn't force her to do it! Or did i by declining that date.I DON'T KNOW!"

"Shoot.Okay breathe Gabriel calm down.Try to relax."He ran quickly into the bedroom and came out changed in the same clothes he had worn all day again,"Come on We'll figure this out at the hospital..Lets go."

We drove to Saint Peter's. As soon as we parked I ran and bursted in through the front door,demanding to know in which room Mina was.A nearby doctor told me to give the patient's full name. I did and he told me she was still under intensive care but to take my seat and they would keep me updated.The weight of this whole situation was too much.I had never been under so much stress in my whole life.My surroundings began to spin. "Oh good."I said smiling.Then I double over and vomited a weeks worth of insides onto the floor.And if that weren't enough to seal this traumatic moment,after I threw up,I fainted on top of my own vomit.


I moaned out loudly.My aching stomach seemed to have quadrupled in pain throughout the night.I was sitting across another bed,I made out a shadow behind my curtain but I couldn't tell who it was.

The sun was out,which meant it was morning.I had been unconscious the whole night.As slowly as I could I turned onto my side and curled up with my knees against my chest.This seemed to help,for I fell asleep again.When i woke up Parker and a nurse were in the room chatting over a cup of coffee.The curtains were drawn,and sitting in the bed opposite of mine looking completely normal and happy,was Mina.Next to her was the girl I had spoken over the phone with,Jenna and her friend who I would later find out was Tess.They were in a little circle chatting amongst each other.I was ashamed,utterly ashamed,of what I had made her do.I pulled the covers over my head.

Parker sat behind me.He put his hand on my back and said,"Gabe?"He said softly,"You okay pal?"

"No."I whimpered,"I'm not.I have a literal pit in my stomach.I have all these mixed feelings and I don't know how to express them.But what baffles me is that she perfectly okay to me."

"She does doesn't she?"He looked over at her,than back at me,"I guess the overdose wasn't that heavy."

"Either way..I led her there."

"Gabe."He sighed,"Don't beat yourself up for this.Like we said,she's obviously unstable.Maybe here she can get the right help.It's not your fault."

I sighed heavily,"Okay."I huffed,"I'm starving."

"Do you want me to go get you something from the cafeteria?"


"Anything specific?"

"Macaroni and cheese.Some chips,And apple juice please."

"Coming right up."He left along with the nurse,leaving me to face the girls.

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