
By SalazarsHeir

30 3 0

"Nothing goes better together than cold and darkness." More



5 1 0
By SalazarsHeir

For someone who was cold like Aurelia, she never thought that she could feel cold but as she began to fall down towards the clouds after being struck that's all she could feel, Pitch had made his exit the second he pulled the stick from his sister's chest allowing the once snow white clouds to return.

Knowing she was falling fast Aurelia closed her eyes and thought about the one place she knew she could pop in if she needed help, The North Pole, soon enough, without opening her eyes and as she neared the clouds, they began to swirl, anti clockwise allowing her to fall in but not pass through them, instead she was transported to the North Pole, falling through the clouds that clouded the sky, slightly, above the built-in ice infrastructure.

Though Immortals did not bleed, rose red blood, black snow dripped from the wound on the white haired immortal. The speed at what she was falling would for sure wound her severely if she hit the ground but thankfully a yeti that happened to be walking around outside, caught her just as she was about to hit a spike filled slope.

He carried her inside urgently where Santa Claus, or North as close friends called him walked around the area in front of his version of the world's globe that just like Aurelia's had little lights light, one for each child that believed in them. The yeti was shouting gibberish as he ran through the building, in a rush to reach his boss, "Don't run, you'll squish the elves!" North shouted at the yeti, having felt his pounding footsteps before he reached him.

Once more the yeti said gibberish, only this time the extremely tall and buff man whirled around to face him, his white and grey hair flying around as his opal blue eyes widening in fear as they set sight on the unconscious white haired immortal, "Aura!" he exclaimed, pulling the cold woman from the yeti's arms and into his, quickly kneeling in front of the fire, the elves and yetis quickly gathered around North and Aurelia who had yet to wake up.

Soon enough the remaining three Guardians arrived, the Tooth fairy, or Tooth as she went by, Sandman, or Sandy, and last but not least Easter Bunny, or Bunny, "Oh my goodness what happened?" Tooth inquired, instantly flying to the unconscious white haired woman, placing a hand on her forehead, "I don't know!" North replied as he handed Aurelia to the bird like immortal woman who cradled her in her arms while still giving her little tooth fairies orders.

North turned around and walked to one of the two other Guardians while saying "Sandy, thank you for coming." Instantly golden sand shapes began to form above his head and all the Guardians knew this was his way of communicating, "I know, I know. But I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious." North continued, "Shh!" Tooth whispered to her fairies, "The Boogeyman was here! At the Pole!" North stated, looking at every guardian, "Pitch?Pitch Black? Here?" Tooth inquired half confused half scared.

"Yes. There was black sand covering the Globe." Santa Claus began to recount what had happened to him, "What do you mean, black sand?" Easter Bunny inquired still gripping a paint brush and an Easter egg. "And then a shadow!" North added making a movement with one of his hands. "Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw Pitch." Bunny inquired annoyance at the tall and buff man bubbling. "Well, uh, not exactly." North grumbled lowly, hating to admit to something that he knew others wouldn't believe straight away "'Not exactly'? Can you believe this guy?" Bunny said exasperated to Sandman who made a golden dust interrogation mark appear above his head.

"Yeah. You said it, Sandy." Bunny hummed as he kept painting the egg, "Look, he's up to something very bad. I feel it in my belly." North stated, his hand flying to his stomach, "Hang on, hang on. You mean to say you summoned me here three days before Easter because of your belly? Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas..." Bunny started, the annoyance now sizzling like lava, North chuckled and patted Bunny's face before grabbing the egg and saying "Please, Bunny. Easter is not Christmas." Bunny chuckled scornfully and said in an annoyed tone "Here we go. North, I don't have time for this! I've still got two million eggs to finish up!" Sandman, who had picked up a drink, pulled it to him when he noticed that an elf was licking it, making the elf fall on the ground.

His eyes then caught sight of the moon in the day sky, it's lightly almost hitting the room and filling it, "No matter how much you paint, is still egg." North stated looking from the egg to the bunny, throwing it back at the tall bunny, both completely ignoring the Guardian of Dream who had been pointing at the moon and making figures appear above his head, "Look, mate,I'm dealing with perishables. Right? You've got all year to prepare!" Bunny countered, "Why are rabbits always so nervous?"North inquired teasingly while Bunny retaliated with "And why are you always such a blowhard?"

Tooth who had still been giving orders to her fairies while holding Aurelia's head attracted the attention of the arguing men, "Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue?" North snapped, "Sorry. Not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right, Sandy?" Tooth replied, sneaking a glance at the golden dust covered Guardian to made an arrow symbol above his head and pointed behind him at the sky but Tooth mistook it for another thing. "San Diego, sector 2." she whispered to one of her fairies, "Come on, mate. Pitch went out with the Dark Ages. We made sure of it. Just like we make Aura turned good."Bunny told the buffer of the two.

"I know it was him. We have serious situation." North countered, "Well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs." Bunny huffed, Sandman who had obviously grown tired of no one paying attention to him, floated to the elf that was licking the cup that he had dropped, grabbed him by the hat and began to shake him hard, attracting everyone's attention. He then dropped the elf pointed at the dust figure of a moon above his head then at the real moon, Santa Claus looked at the moon and exclaimed "Ah! Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?" Sandman, or Sandy as others called him huffed silently and make gold dust fly out of his ears in anger.

This of course attracted the attention of Tooth who gently laid Aurelia on the ground and fly to the centre of the Santa Claus's console "It's been a long time, old friend. What is big news?" North inquired, the moon then shun brightly and covered the design on the ground that had the four guardians in each of the 4 triangles, making the shadow of Aurelia's twin brother appear, "It is Pitch." Bunny said astonished, North looked at the Bunny and patted his belly. "Manny, what must we do?" He then inquired.

The moon shun brighter and like magic the centre of the 4 triangles opened and a pure crystal came out, "Uh, guys,you know what this means?" Tooth inquired excitedly, "He's choosing a new Guardian." North added with enthusiasm, "What? Why?" Bunny frowned looking at his taller colleague, "Must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help."Santa Claus replied which made Bunny frown deeper "Since when do we need help?" Tooth, of course, ignored him and stated, "I wonder who it's gonna be!" Sandman made a 4 leaf clove appear above his head which Tooth translated and inquired "Maybe the Leprechaun?"

Blue dust started to fall over the crystal which made Bunny plead whispering "Please not the Groundhog, please not the Groundhog." The dust then took the shape of a hooded figure with a staff, "Jack Frost." North said confused, the tooth fairies, squealed in delight and fawned themselves, having heard millions of stories about the white haired mischief, "Uh, I take it back. The Groundhog's fine." Bunny huffed, he didn't want to work with someone who was always trying to ruin his work, "As long as he helps to protect the children. Right?" Tooth said, ending her own fawning, "Jack Frost?He doesn't care about children! All right?" Bunny started, anger now consuming him.

"All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts! And he only cares about Aura! All right? He's an irresponsible, selfish, lovesick..." he continued, "Guardian."North finished, obviously not Bunny's train of thought,  "Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a Guardian." Bunny snapped, "You're too harsh on him Bun." A soft, delicate and almost melodic voice said, everyone turned slowly to face a now awake Aurelia, black snow staining her dress, "I'm no such thing." Bunny huffed once more, "I'm going to change out of this dress." the white haired immortal woman stated before walking out of the room, not wanting to argue, this made the Guardians turn back to the crystal where they now saw a figure sitting on the curvy end of the stick, a dust braid over their shoulder but their features unmistakable, their 6th Guardian.


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