
By SalazarsHeir

30 3 0

"Nothing goes better together than cold and darkness." More



7 1 0
By SalazarsHeir

Aurelia had spent her immortal life, after turning her bad on the evil side, making sure that every corner of the globe got light, whether by day or by night, she always used her powers for good, making sure that the upper skies, although cold reflected the light from the sun and the moon.

She, although not a Guardian, had a globe of her own in her castle, where the highest mountain peek meets the clouds, it made by ice, clinging onto the mountain, so as she was preparing the night skies to turn to morning skies she was surprised that black dust covered the cloud as she flew up there, her pale blue, white and transparent gown floating softly around her as she did.

Instantly fear struck her as she felt a presence behind her the second she set her feet on the black dust covered clouds, she whirled around, her snow white hair that was not yet in it's usual braid flew around her, her baby blue eyes caught sight of the person she last wished to see. 

Her brother;

Her other half;

Her twin;


Pitch Black.

Her breath got caught in her throat and she was sure that her lungs had frozen because as she looked at him with fear and worry he simply stood tall and smiled whickedly at her, "Hello sister dearest." he said in a chilling tone that made Aurelia shiver, "Pitch..." She whispered, dizziness filling her head and clouding her judgement, her thoughts, the same thoughts that were demanding she use her ice powers to throw him off her mantle, off her land, off her kingdom.

"Ahh so you remember who I am after all these years." Pitch Black taunted the immortal woman, "You're my twin... how could I forget you." Aurelia responded, finally getting a grip on her emotions, "Am I? My how stupid must I be to believe that my sister, my flesh, my blood, could forget me when she turned her back on me." Pitch continued taunting looking at the immortal who looked the same as the day he last saw her.

"Pitch what we were doing... it was wrong. We were tormenting the world." Aurelia told her brother, her voice still small almost innocent, "We were ruling the world! We were living the dream, the life!" Pitch retorted making his way to his sister hastily, "It was wrong!" Aurelia stated once more in her soft voice before vanishing just as her twin was about to reach her, "Now! Now! It's not nice to just vanish on your guests sister of mine."Pitch nearly growled as anger began to sizzle through him.

Aurelia appeared 20 feet from where he had been previously standing with a glare on her face, "What do you want Pitch?" she inquired, her dizziness long gone and annoyance now replacing it, "I want to rule the world again, of course. And I want you by my side like it was all those years ago."Pitch retorted, his tone almost condescending, but Aurelia knew he didn't want her to rule with him, he wanted her to do as he wished, even if it meant she'd be shackled in the deepest, darkest pit in the world.

"And what if I refuse?"Aurelia dared herself to ask, which in turn made her twin burst out laughing, but not a fake laugh or an evil cackle, a real laugh, a laugh she hadn't heard since before they started to take over the world in the Dark Ages, "R-R-Refuse..." Pitch continued to laugh, frightening his sister even more, "How can you refuse when you don't have a choice Cold, or is it Aurelia now." Pitch inquired, grinning maniacally, he flicked his wrist and before Aurelia could even think what was happening she was on the ground, black dust shackles on her hands, covering them, and on her ankles, "Pitch stop this idiocy." Aurelia snapped her twin, her baby blue eyes now pale icy blue.

"Idiocy? My, my, how your vocabulary has grown." Pitch cackled at his other half with a taunting loopsided smile, appearing suddenly in front of her, kneeling down and pulling her chin up, forcing her to look at him, "Want to know what else has grown?" she spat at him, her eyes glowing, Pitch frowned and before he could react Aurelia raised her shackle covered hands and pointed them in his direction, making the black dust shackles freeze and a blast of ice escape her hand and hit him in the chest, making him fly a good 70 feet back.

His lack of concentration made the shackles that were around her waist disappear but not the dust that covered the once snow white clouds, "That was excellent, now..." Pitch chuckled as he stood up brushing and patting his black suit, making the black powder of snow fall to the ground, but her was cut of by a body connecting with his, Aurelia had used the darkness's moment of distraction to fly towards him and knock him on the clouds.

A grunt escaped his thin and grey lips as his head connected with them and he was sure that the Cold had froze them for that exact purpose, "I'm not your inferior." she hissed at him, her hands touching his skin and chilling him, but still he cackled and looked at his twin, whispering "You were always inferior to me." he then, with his black dust forced her into the air and struck her with a sharp stick of black dust, nearly hitting her heart.

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