Xavier's Regretful Rejection

By Psych_Werewolf_Lover

61.6K 1.8K 331

Nevaeh, the pack servant, hopes her mate will one day take her to a love-filled world where there are no dail... More

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Q&A 2 Answers


1.1K 42 2
By Psych_Werewolf_Lover

Nevaeh's POV

Black darkness. That's all I've seen for the past few hours. I mostly hear beeping and occasional voices. But it's weird, I don't know where I am.

My hand tingles.


I faintly hear his voice talking, then stop.

Minutes pass by and the still strange tingles remain. Why hasn't he let go? It's not like I'm in the hospital or anything.

A bright light appeared before me, coming closer by the second.

Wait. Was I standing before? Was I even laying down?


My body jolts violently.

Athena!! What's happening?!


I'm nearly engulfed by the light when my body jolts once again.

Athena!! Help me!! I don't know what's going on!

"My moon child? Is that you dear?"



My back arched.

Everything went white.

Then I was falling.


"Ow, that hurt."

A shuffling noise came from beside me.

"Nevaeh? What are you doing here?" Mamma helped me up.

I shook my head. "I don't know myself."

Mamma paled suddenly. She rushed to a window and her eyes clouded over. Her head started shaking violently. Her hand detached from the window and rushed back to me.

Mamma's hands wrapped around my arms and shook me.

"Dear, you need to wake up. Go back to your mate and Pack. If you stay here any longer you'll die, and I won't be able to bring you back."

My throat clogged up. I couldn't breathe, and that alarmed me. I wrapped my hands around my throat. As if that could help me at all.


No One's POV

Nevaeh collapsed onto the floor, her body convulsing. Artemis rushed to her daughter's side. Thinking quickly, she pressed her hands on her daughter's chest, feeling her heart beat once more. Just to make sure, she listened for the sound of her breathing, letting out a sigh of relief when she did.

She definitely needs to go back. Now.

Artemis frantically shook Nevaeh, trying to wake her up as soon as possible.

"Nevaeh, dear, wake up! you need to leave! Wake up!"

Slowly, almost too slow for Artemis, Nevaeh awakens. Her eyes flutter rapidly, coughing slightly. Artemis takes it upon herself to move her daughter to the nearest couch, by herself. Now, remember, Nevaeh is light so it didn't take much effort on Artemis's part.

Motherly instincts took over Artemis, brushing Nevaeh's hair away, lightly slapping her cheeks, and gently calling her name, doing whatever she could to wake her semi-conscious daughter. She became slightly panicked when her Nevaeh wouldn't wake up completely. By now she was frantically shaking Nevaeh.

"Nevaeh, if you hear me, wake up. Not here, but back at the pack. They need you, Xavier needs you. Wake up like the strong girl I know you are."

Sobs wracked Artemis's body as she collapsed beside Nevaeh's disappearing body. Her little girl was going home.

Nevaeh's POV I'm sorry for the switches Wolfies

"Let me in!!! I'm her mate! That's your Luna in there and you're denying her the presence of her mate?!"


Is he here to do another confession?

Hurried apologies and a door slam follow. Then silence.

A chair scrapes beside the bed.

(This feels like a horror movie lol.)

"I'm sorry Nevaeh. This is my fault. When you wake up, feel free to hit me or hurt me because I deserve all of it."

My hand twitches.

Keep talking, please.

I wanna wake up.

I don't like this.

"You don't have to worry about your mother anymore. You killed her, I don't know how but you did. She won't even have a burial, warriors took care of the body."

Not what I wanted to hear exactly.

I slowly flex my toes, testing them.

Should I open my eyes?

What's gonna happen when I do?

I didn't realize it but the heart machine started beeping really fast. Shouts filled the room. I'm assuming doctors came in. Everyone was talking at once, it was overwhelming. My heart was running a marathon.

A hand grabbed my hand, tingles shooting up my arm. My heart slowed, by just a tiny bit. The room went quiet. Some rustling came from around the room. A door quietly clicked.

I know you're awake.

I'm sorry, Alpha.

I hear a sharp intake of breath beside me.

Why are you sorry? I should be the one saying that.

Because this is my fault.

What is your fault? I don't remember anything being your fault.

Annoyance flared in my chest.

The cure begins with me, remember? It's my fault that I don't know what that means which means I can't cure the pack. I've basically failed as a Luna before the ceremony.

No one ever said you've failed.

"I got mad for no reason, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have laid a hand on you. I was just worked up because they haven't found the cure. I should have been proud of you for getting something out of Romave, but instead, I became the Big Bad Wolf like I used to be. I hurt you and I deeply regret it."

Deciding I've had enough of the darkness, my eyes open. I lift my free arm to shield my eyes, groaning. I saw Xavier get up from the corner of my eye, and suddenly the lights are dimmed. Eyes feeling much better, I move my arm. Xavier stands at the foot of the bed with tears glistening in his ice blue eyes.

. . . Neither of us says anything. I'm waiting for him to say something and I have no idea what his problem is.

"Who's the big bad wolf?"

Xavier looked flabbergasted for a second before facepalming and sighing.

"I'll tell you later. Right now we need to discuss some things."

I wait, but he never says anything. I'm too scared he'll hit me again to say anything about it.

"First, do you feel well enough to talk about pack business?"

My eyes widened.

Woah, Xavier's never let me in on pack business before. Usually, he'd just tell me to get out or that it wasn't important.

"Don't act so shocked," I took his words to heart and pulled a poker face, "I didn't mean literally!"

Despite his reassurances, I kept my emotionless face and nodded.

"Well, first, I need to know how the fight started. And don't be scared. I'm just going to listen to what you have to say, I can't exactly count on the pack to tell me the truth."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and thought back to how it started.

"I was walking back from Sasha's house after she has consoled me when you hit me. I wanted to apologize because I feel like I overreacted. As I was walking, I accidentally bumped into her and fell. She didn't look too happy to see me. She said hi to me and I was thinking about how angering it was that she finally spoke to me after eight years of ignoring me when she kicked me in the gut when I tried to get up." I stopped for a moment to calm my breathing.

"People started to gather around us, and yet she still continued to hit and kick me. I'm just laying there on the ground and nobody is coming to my rescue so I decided I could try to save myself since no one else was. So I called up my geokinesis to assist me. I made vines wrap around her legs, and even that didn't stop her from hurting me. So I made the vines wind around the rest of her body. Everything after that is literal blurs and ringing."

I end up having a coughing fit from making a speech. Xavier ran to the bathroom and came out with a glass of water. He set it down and patted my back, trying to get rid of the cough. Once it calmed down, he handed me the water.

We sat in silence for a while. Xavier had a concentrated look so I didn't want to bother him.

"Ok, on to the next thing. While you were out, which was two days, scientists worked hard to find a cure. The only thing they have found out is that the cure is some sort of plant. You mentioned geokinesis, that's with plants, right? I've already linked some scientists and if you're willing, could you help us using your geokinesis? When you're well of course. The doctors don't want any strain on you for about a week."

Oh, no. Did I say something about my powers?!

Um, "So I called up my geokinesis to assist me." I'd call that saying something.

Thank you, Ath, for stating the obvious.

Well, you asked, and I answered.


"Um, did I say something about geowhatnis? Is that even a word? I'm pretty sure I didn't say anything of the sort Alpha." I answer in one breath.

Xavier looked annoyed, and slightly confused before taking a deep breath, "Nevaeh, as the future Luna, you have to be truthful. I've seen a lot of confusing and weird things happen when you don't know people are there. I know it has to be you who threw that ice spear at me near the lake. And don't think I forgot about when you broke out of the dungeon. You left water in your cell. I've done some research, it's hydrokinesis, right?"

I just blink up at him.

"Can, can I have some time to myself for a bit? I just need some alone time." I look down, not moving my head even when I hear the door close.


What's wrong sweetheart? Are you crying? Mamma's concern makes me cry harder. I cover my face even though no one is here.

People found out, mamma! About my powers!

Take deep breaths, ok? And they are people you trust right? Because if they are, it's ok.

It's just a few people, mamma. Just Sasha, Cody, and now Xavier. And maybe a few guards from the dungeon. I'm still quite embarrassed about that incident.

That's perfectly fine. You show those people who the new Luna really is. Everything will be ok, you're doing amazing sweetie.

Thank you, mamma.

I mull somethings over in my head before I tell Xavier he can come back in. He sat down and got straight to the point.

"This is going to sound like an invasion of your privacy. As your mate and Alpha, I need to know some things. I'm going to be very blunt with you, just so you know."

Xavier waited for a few heartbeats and started his interrogation.

"Who are you?"

Did he seriously just ask that? It baffled me enough to make me laugh, and when I saw his serious expression I stopped.

"I'm Nevaeh Woods, a Omega slave to the Smoldering Embers pack." I thought my answer would suffice, but deep down I knew that's not what he wanted.

"You know that's not the answer I wanted. You can either tell me, or I have no reason to trust you. If I don't know who you are, how can I know you won't stab me in the back? And if I don't trust you, I'll have no choice but to reject you again and lock you in the dungeon, again. It's your choice really."

My heart sped up, am I really about to tell him? Yes, yes I am. I don't think I'll survive another rejection. So I tell him. Everything from when I left to attacking Cody, which he wasn't very happy about, and everything else. And besides getting slightly mad, he just sat there and listened to my story.

"Thank you. oh, you don't mind that I'm recording this, do you?" The question shocked me. I sputtered a yeah and let him continue.

"Next question. Who are your parents? No child could possibly kill their parent, especially the one who birthed them."

Has he never been outside the pack? Even as an Omega I always heard the newest gossip about children, mostly grown, killing one or both parents.

"I only know that I have a mother. You'd never believe me though."

Hey mamma?

Yes, sweetie?

Could you do me a favor? I have to tell Xavier who my mom is and I know he won't believe me. Can you maybe talk to him after I tell him?

Of course! You don't even need to ask. Go ahead, I'll be waiting.

You can do this! Breathing in and out, I tell him.

"My mother is the Moon Goddess."

Xavier's eyes went wide, then he laughed. And laughed. Enough that he had tears in his eyes. He wiped them away, eyes going foggy. I knew it was mamma. Smirking slightly, I saw his facial expressions go from shocked, then scared, to serious. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to say something.

"Next question. What power or powers do you have?"

Oh, that's easy, let's see if I can confuse him.

"Geokinesis, hydrokinesis, pyrokinesis, and aerokinesis that I know of," I smirked a little at his confused face.

"Care to explain the last two?"

"Not at all, Alpha. Pyrokinesis is the manipulation of fire and aerokinesis is the manipulation of air. I can basically manipulate all the elements. Mamma said I might have more, I'll just have to see."

Xavier blinked a few times, taking in the information.

"Ok, next question, -"


An exact 212 words more for you guys. Don't forget that I have a link in my bio for you guys to choose what I do for 2K reads. We're so close Wolfies! As soon as we hit 2K the form is being taken down and the answers considered.


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