Assassin Disciple Chases Afte...

By Kreisal

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Shen Mo is an assassin working for the AD Org. for 10 years now and is tired of the blood filled life so he d... More

Chapter 1 - 8 Years After
Chapter 3 - Arriving at A City
Chapter 4 - Infiltration
Chapter 5 - Grand Escape
Chapter 6 - Meet again but none the wiser
Chapter 7 - The Recreation
Chapter 8 - Zhu Huang wakes up
Chapter 9 - When you left...
Chapter 10 - On the run
Chapter 11 - Prayer
Chapter 12 - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Chapter 13 - Captured
Chapter 13.5 - Others Perspectives
Chapter 14 - Back in the AD Org.
Chapter 15 - Master.........
Chapter 16 - Let's Talk

Chapter 2 - Planning

7.3K 326 22
By Kreisal

Arriving at the location of Ye Jiang Li's house, Shen Mo let out a deadpan face seeing the extravagant nature of the mansion in front of him.

'Is Jiang Li really trying to have a lay low life, with a house like this, how come the AD Org. still haven't found his damn ass!!'

Sighing, Shen Mo rang the doorbell and waited for the massive door to open.

"Shen Mo welcome to my humble abode"

Faced with the happy face of Ye Jiang Li, Shen Mo finally gave up on disciplining the black sheep.

"Humble is one of the last words I'll use on your house Jiang Li"

"Hehe, well then! make yourself at home and sit at the sofa I'll get us some drinks"

Ye Jiang Li then walked towards the kitchen leaving Shen Mo alone in the living room.

Looking around the house Ye Jiang Li thought that no matter how many times he visits he will never get use to the furnishing of Ye Jiang Lu's house that just screems 'Expensive' all around.

The flatscreen on the wall problably cost at least 800,000 yuan, the sofa, 600,000 and the damn ancient greek vase 1.2 million.

'Pah! Just looking at this things make me want to puke blood'

While seething in anger Shen Mo didn't notice Ye Jiang Li seemingly forcing down a laugh as he looked at his twisted face

'No matter how long pass, your still the same stingy guy Shen Mo. Without him after all, you wouldn't even think of spending a single yuan on decorative things.'

Ye Jiang Li's eyes casted a light shadow before it returned back to normal and shrugging of his former ideas he started to walk back to the blackfaced stingy looking Shen Mo.

"Here's your soda Shen Mo,come on and have a sit we have a long talk ahead of us."


The two young men then took their sit at the sofa each having a different drink.

The one who started the conversation first was Ye Jiang Li. Sliding his fingers on the table, Ye Jiang Li's carefree attitude vanish in the air. Tilting forward he looked at Shen Mo.

"Do you still remember the locations that opens up to the AD Org."

Looking for a confirmation from him, Shen Mo nodded

"Good, the one we will be using is the passage hidden at the hospital in A city"

Shen Mo furrowed his brows recalling that the hospital Ye Jiang Li was talking about needs about 2 days on a plane to reach.

"Why does it need to be their?"

'Of all the places we could have had gone to, like the jewerly shop that's about an hour drive from here'

Looking at the slight smile on Ye Jiang Li, he reminded himself that not everything is so simple. He felt irritated at himself for losing his touch

"You see MoEr, that place is run by Anna"

Suprised by the familiar name, Shen Mo faced Ye Jiang Li with a ridiculing expression

"Jiang Li did you finally lose your marbles! Anna hates you to the core. When we were still in the AD Org. she did every possible thing to get you defeated!"

Anna Crossford, a blond woman from england was an assasin that entered the AD Org. the same time as Ye Jiang Li, she specializes in honey pot assassination. She's considered as a dependable assassin but her weak point is that she's a sore loser. 

"Yeah yeah I know, it seems like she still wants to gut me for defeating her in the entrance examination of the AD Org. when we were still starting"

Making a smirking face Ye Jiang Li continued to talk about how that one time she did that or did this but still couldn't defeat him

"Jiang Li, even you know that she hates you so why the heck would she help us. Wait......does she even know were alive?"

"Yep, I met her again a 2 week ago on a 5 star hotel at New York"

"So is that the 'Very Importance' place you flew off, that resulted to you leaving me alone in Yokohama hmm"

Everthing his eyes from Shen Mo, Ye Jiang Li let out a dry laugh

'Geez when will he forget it'

Coughing Ye Jiang Li tried to change the topic but the look on Shen Mo's face says that he will still not forgive him.

"When I was there I just finished a mission but not without some problems"

With a proud smile Ye Jiang Li put his hand on his chest and posed in a funny manner

"The damsel in distress was saved by the hero when chased by the men in black!"

Getting enough of his best friend's drama, Shen Mo threw the empty soda can strait into Ye Jiang Li's Face. Making the poor guy sit still again.

"Me saving her still happened though MoEr, and you know Anna will...."

"I know, she belongs to the group that hates having debts from people.....specially you"

"Ofcourse, so that means she'll repay me by helping us in"

Letting out a relieved breath Shen Mo smiled lightly at Ye Jiang Li

"Looks like you really planned this time"

'Despite the fact that this guy is a black sheep he can be pretty dependable when the time comes'

Picking up the fallen empty can of soda, Shen Mo threw it in the nearby trash can

"What then after that?"

"After entering the base we will have to put on some disguise. And not to worry I know where Zhu Huang is located."

"Getting in is possible with the help of Anna but getting out...."

"I got another blackma *cough* ehem I mean favor from another member of the AD Org. for that"

Looking sheepishly at Shen Mo he suddenly excuse himself to go to the toilet

'That was definitely blackmail wasn't it'

Getting back from the toilet Ye Jiang Li sat back at the sofa but then stood up again to take the laptop below the table. Turning on the laptop Ye Jiang Li opened a file. An image of a 3D map of a facility then appeared.


"A map of the facility in the AD Org. in which Zhu Huang is located"

The two men then planned their action of infiltrating the place using their decade of experience as assassins.

After 5 and a half hour the two finally stopped as they saw the sun setting and the darkening of the horizons indicating the arrival of the night.

"Remember the plan Shen Mo"

"Yes I know, Jiang Li. Now I better get  going if I want to catch the last bus"

"Wait, you can stay here for the night"

Shen Mo looked backed at Ye Jiang Li having second thoughts but after immense pleading and stating the fact that the two of  them needs to be early tomorrow so that they can catch a ride of the plane to arrive faster to save Zhu Huang he finally caved in.

"And dinner?"

"Cook for yourself."

"But Shen Mo!"

"I'll call for some fast food"

Dismissing the protest of Ye Jiang Li, Shen Mo picked up the phone and dialed for the delivery of food

"How the heck can you order food when your so stingy"

Paying back the insult of Ye Jiang Li by throwing the phone at his face Shen Mo walk back satisfied

"Hey! You know you just threw your phone"

"Check again"

"Wait.... its mine!!!!"

Looking at the wronged expression on Ye Jiang Li he let out a laugh

'Sorry Jiang Li, I need to keep my promise to him to not let anyone else eat my cooking. Even though I know its a thoughless request that he more than likely already forgotten about'

After 30 minutes the fast food arrived and they ate surprisingly quietly.

Borrowing the guest room, Shen Mo lay on the bed thinking about what they will do tomorrow

'Tommorow exactly at 4:00AM we will take the plane from this city to A city a 2 day plane ride. I hope Huang Ge is doing alright and maybe when I'm there I'll meet him disciple....Liu Wei.'

Closing his eyes Shen Mo let himself be drifted off to sleep as he curled up in his blanket.


Authors note: hello! Now the name of our ML is out. Hope you enjoyed it \[>-<]/

Also the reason why Shen Mo and Ye Jiang Li attached great importance to Zhu Huang will be shown in the future


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