A Chaotic Attraction

By shoptodrop

65 2 0


A Chaotic Attraction


27 1 0
By shoptodrop

Being an actress wasn't about just arranging your expression to what you want it to be. Being an actress, meant absorbing the emotions around you, contorting it into something suitable, and deliver it all the way from your soul. Just for a few seconds, you can be another person, a person who is someone you may or may not want to be. You get to escape from a world of disappointments, failiures and heartbreaks, into a dream-like scenario. Just for a few seconds, you get to escape reality.

This was exactly how Pagne felt. Being her mothers subject for constant criticism, should make her a rather sullen person. It didn't. Instead, she ahd a bubbly personality, full of life and happiness. Unlike her twin. But it's not Bonita's fault, really. Champagne itself was a drink used for celebratory purposes. Bonita just meant "pretty face". Although they looked the same, Champagne wore vibrant, exhuberant colors, while Bo mostly wore black or grey. Yet, Bo still despised the emos. She called them a disgrace to humankind. Champagne always questioned her sister's logic sometimes. But then, who was she to talk. She was rather flighty herself. She laughed at the randomest things, and embarrassed herself for no apparent reason. Yes, she was certifiably crazy.

As Mrs. Duncan, The math teacher droned on and on about quadratics and absolute value equations, Champagne zoned her out, and pondered on the more important problem in hand : How was she going to get into Carnegie Mellon without her Social Service credits. She knew procrastinating had been a bad idea. She harrumphed loudly, and within milliseconds was under the scrutiny of another 14 teenagers. 

"I just b-banged my knee", she clarified.

Nobody exactly seemed to believe her, but then, after being in the same class with her for almost a year, most of them knew that she was a little vacant in that area. But you see, that was all part of some master plan that she still hasn't decided about yet. Noting down the homework assigned following the ring of the bell, she walked purposefully towards her counsellors office.

"Morning Ms. Andrews", said Pagne.

"Good morning, Pagne. What brings you here today?", she said warmly.

"Well, to get into Carnegie Mellon, apparently I have to have credits for 999 hours of social service. Unfortunately, all the orphanages, hospitals, charity forums and environmental platforms' timings clash with school timings. So I was wondering if you had any options available........?", she inquired, crossing her fingers expectantly. 

Ms. Andrews smiled, and it could only be described as a cold, calculating, evil smirk.

"You are in luck. I actually do have some work for you." 

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