U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

558K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


5.3K 152 22
By curvaparabolica

     "Any word from Chic?". Jughead asked as he walked in between Betty and Kate, an umbrella over their heads as the rain softly tapped down on the ground around them. Kate knew since an hour who Chic was and what he was doing in her house. She hadn't been around Betty's place for quite a while and since Kate had enough other things in her head, Betty didn't want to lay her burden on her friend's shoulders too. Kate found it creepy enough that he guy who they thought was her brother, but was apparantly not completely her brother, was living in her house and was actually not 100% alright up there. But Betty had brought him to the bus station, they had laughed as she told them she had creeped him out with a lighter earlier. Two could play this game after all. Betty shook her head at Jughead's question. "No, he hasn't called since I took him tot he bus station, so, who knows? Maybe he's gone for good". She replied. "Silver lining to all of this Chic stuff over the last weeks is... That's as bad as it gets, Betty. It can't get worse, how could it?". He asked out loud.

Kate her eyebrows rose. "When you have my parents, everything can get worse". She sighed and they gave her sympathetic looks. "How did they react to the weekend you spend at your brother's?". Jughead asked with a gentle grin, knowing her brother was the president of the Sons of Anarchy. "Not happy". Kate shook her head. "But I shouldn't complain compared to your troubles". She said. It was quiet between them as they passed another block of houses. "My dad could be the Black Hood". Betty blurted out, looking down at the pavement. "Yeah, okay, well. That would be worse". Jughead answered, pushing his hands in the pockets of his jacket and walked a bit more in the front to walk into the school. Kate squeezed Betty's arm as that wasn't the response the blonde had been hoping for. "It'll be okay". She smiled, trying to make her friend worry a little less, however Kate herself was not the right example at all. Kate made her way into the school, leaving Betty with Jughead as she had her locker on another side.

She shrugged her arms out of her jacket and unlocked the metal door, taking some books out she needed after the lunch break and hanging her jacket on the small hook. "If what happened to Midge taught us anything, it's that no one is safe, anywhere". Her ears caught Archie's voice and Kate looked up to see him with Kevin and Reggie further down the hallway. "This town needs us, it needs the dark circle". He spoke and it made her almost roll her eyes. Did that guy ever have clever ideas? "And this time we'll have the new sheriff's support. No offense, Kev". Archie continued. If Kate was Kevin, she'd definitely break his nose. "Non take. I'm here to catch the guy who cost my dad his job". Kevin replied. "Guys, I have to admit something". It was Moose. Kate prentended she was still busy with her stuff at her locker. "Before the show last night, Midge and I got into a fight back stage. She admitted she was seeing someone else behind my back. She let slip that it was a Serpent". Kate held her breath.

Could it be Sweet Pea? No, Sweet Pea wasn't like that. On the other hand, Sweet Pea was single now and free to do whatever he wanted. She nibbled on her lower lip, not sure if she wanted to hear more or just leave and get to class, however she was too curious. "What?". Reggie's voice immediately echoed with anger, a kick against the metal lockers following and shaking the hallway. "I knew it. I knew it the second they set foot in this school". He gritted through his teeth. "We should talk to the Sheriff". Archie said. Archie, please. "Screw that. Some Serpent scum was doing Midge. We just gotta figure out which one".

     Jughead leaned back against the desk when he stood in front of the classroom. He was speaking to the Serpents that were with him in the room.  "War baby called my father and I from Shankshaw". He started. "Our adversaries, the Ghoulies, have been released. Word on the street is they want Serpent blood". Sweet Pea looked between Fangs and Toni, his knuckles rubbing against the palm of his ther hand before letting them crack one my one, his jaw clenching. "They're gunning for a rematch. They want war". Jughead continued. The door suddenly burst open, Reggie stepping in first. "Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?". He asked, looking around. Jughead pushed himself away from the desk, visibly annoyed by the appearance of the Bulldog. "What's going on?". He asked in a bored tone. "This is a private meeting". He added. "I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea". Reggie pointed his finger at the tallest Serpent. Sweet Pea made his way to the front by placing a gentle, yet firm hand on Jughead's shoulder to make him step aside.

"Reggie, that's enough". Archie mumbled, hitting Reggie's shoulder, eying the Serpent who was towering over both of them. "You ass. I didn't even know Midge. I get why she wouldn't want fleas from any of you mangy Bulldogs". Jughead's teeth gritted over each other as Sweet Pea always knew how to add more gasoline to the fire. Reggie offered him a rough push, however Sweet Pea was quick to come back for him. "Reggie, ey!". The other Serpents and Bulldogs started to interfere, trying to take the two apart from each other. Archie pushed Reggie back and Jughead gave Sweet Pea another hard shove, both panting as they turned to each other, knowing both of their gangs were wrong in this. "What the hell is going on?". Veronica Lodge marched inside. "Are you seriously fighting while we should work on finding Midge's killer". She put her hands in her side. The look in Sweet Pea's eyes hardened and he crossed his arms over his chest, looking over at the girls who stood in the hallway, looking at what happened.

His dark hues briefly caught Kate's lighter ones, yet he quickly looked away, no matter how badly he wanted to look back at her and watch her lips curl up into that beautiful smile. Toni motioned for Kate to come up to her, but she hesitated. If Sweet Pea wasn't talking to her, would his friends? She stepped forward nevertheless, meeting the Serpent girl she knew so well. "We were worried sick about you, are you okay? You were gone this weekend". She mumbled under her breath as the others were still debating about the fight that just happened a couple minutes ago. Kate blinked in surprise. "Y-yeah, everything is fine. I was at my brother's for a weekend. I had to get out of here for a moment". She replied and Toni nodded. "You're not ignoring me like Sweet Pea is". She softly said. "The beef you have with him is none of my business". Toni replied with a gentle smile. "And I talked to Betty". She added, so Kate guessed Betty had told her how her parents had pushed her into a corner she couldn't get out of.

"It's bad, Jones". Fangs interruped their conversation as he paced back and forth through the class room, the door closing with a loud bang as Sweet Pea pulled on the handle. "Talk to me". Jughead sat down at a table, rubbing his face briefly. "On the opening night of Carrie, when you were backstage filming your documentary and you found me in Midge's dressing room... I wasn't just giving her notes". Fangs sighed. "You were hooking up?". Jughead guessed and Fangs nodded. "And I get blamed for this". Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. Kate felt her heart skipping a beat when he looked at her, yet she directed her eyes at the floor under his confronting orbs. "And you didn't tell Sheriff Keller?". Jug asked in disbelief. "You know how guilty this makes you look?". "I know, I know". Fangs said, his fingers a bit shaky and his voice trembled. "Did you do it?". Jughead had to ask. "Of course not. You have to believe me, Jug".  "I do". Jug sighed. "Delete the footage of your camera". Fangs' tone was begging.

"I already gave it to the Sheriff for evidence". Jughead had a painful look on his face. "What do I do?". Fangs asked, slightly panicked. "Nothing". Sweet Pea's heavy voice still made the goosebumps rise upon her limbs like the first time he ever spoke to her. "Doing something will make you look only more guilty". The tall Serpent added. "I agree with Sweets. Lay low, Serpents will have your back". Jughead finished. He stood up and opened the door of the class room. "Let's go back to being normal teenagers". He sighed with a sarcastic tone. Sweet Pea and Fangs moved the other way as Jughead, Toni and Kate moved right across the hallway. "I really hope he's not getting in trouble". Toni mentioned and she barely spoke her words before the speakers creaked with the sounds of Mr. Weatherbee's voice. "This is Principal Weatherbee. I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office". "Where is he?". Jughead asked, having no idea which class he had now. "I don't know". Toni replied. "We have to find him before the dark circle does". Kate filled in and sprinted after Jughead.

They bumped into Fangs as they ran around the corner. "What the hell, the video's everywhere. How'd it get out?". Fangs' fingers curled around Jug's denim jacket. "We have to get you out". "You're dead, Vixen killer!". Reggie's voice echoed through the hallway when he dribbled down the stairs. "This way". Kate pushed Fangs' chest to make him run with them. "Mr. Fogarty!". They had to halt as Sheriff Minetta stood in front of them. "I need you to come with us". Kate gritted her teeth together at the sly grin that was formed on the man's face. "I didn't do anything". Fangs said, sounding quite resolute now. He turned around, yet there was Reggie. He turned back around, deciding to break through the barrier of cops, however they took him firmly by his arms and pinned him against the wall. Fangs was struggling against their grip and meanwhile, something slid out of his pocket. Everyone watched the switchblade fall down on the floor, people gasping at the moment.

"Oh my god". Toni groaned, knowing it was the knife he almost carried. But how the hell were they going to explain that Fangs really didn't kill Midge now? Fangs was harshly pushed down on the ground, his hands tied behind his back. He was picked up and pulled along to the car that was outside. Sweet Pea punched one of the lockers in anger, making the others jump slightly at the moment before he walked away. 

     The doors of the school were crowded with the inhabitants of Riverdale that night. The people were all gathered to see Midge's killer, to tear him to pieces as soon as he'd come outside. Jughead and Sweet Pea knew they had to get Fangs out, but they had no idea how. Kate choose to help outside, she had the car ready to drive him away from the people who wanted justice for Midge tonight. "What do we do, man?". Sweet Pea asked. "I don't want to die". Fangs said as he was taking shaky breaths. "Hey. You're not going to". Jughead said, although he wasn't completely sure of that when he turned back to Fangs. "Look at me, okay?". He took Fangs' face in his hand and the Serpent nodded. Jughead pulled Sweet Pea and Toni into a circle. "We stand together so none of us falls. In unity there is strength. Kate's waiting outside for us with Archie's truck. We're going to do this". Jughead firmly spoke and they hugged closely before gathering the Serpents to get Fangs outside. Jughead took a deep breath as he pushed the doors of the school open, the crowd suddenly very loud.

"Archie? Archie what is going on". Kate followed the red head as he looked at the people in the crowd like he was searching for someone. "We need to get him. T-there's a...". His words were interrupted by his panicked breathing and he continued to fight his way through the people. Kate followed him, feeling it was bad news. Jughead pushed the people out of the way to get Fangs through. "It's Reggie!". Archie panted and Kate started to push him out of the way too, making her way through the crowd as she saw Reggie walking behind the Serpents, a mad look on his face and his hand in his pocket of his jacket. Archie started to run before Reggie could fire the gun and they both hit the ground. Kate froze in her position as the sound of a gunshot filled the night and it suddenly became very quiet. The time seemed to slow down for Sweet Pea as he saw his friend standing there, his knees slightly buckling. They sped to his side as his hands were covered with blood from the shot wound in his stomach. Kate rushed over to him, holding his head in her lap while Toni pressed against the wound in hope to stop the bleeding.

Shouts for help were taking over the silence. No words were needed to descriebe the look on Sweet Pea's face as he saw his best friend laying there, shot down and losing more blood than his body could take. People started to fight with each other meanwhile and Kate clapped in her hands to wake every one from their panicked trance. "We have to get him to the hospital right now". She spoke. "Toni, keep adding pressure on that wound". Kate took the ribbon from her jacket and handed it over to Jughead to tie it around Fangs' waist. "The car is not far away from here, come on. Go!". Sweet Pea automatically stood up at the order, lifting Fangs' unconscious body from the ground to get it to Archie's truck. Jughead and Kate made the way for them as they got to the truck. Kate hopped behind the wheel as Sweet Pea and Toni lifted Fangs into the back, doing numerous attempts to keep him awake. 

     Kate's fingers were still trembling as she sat on a chair in the hallway. She had been acting very brave this night, while she had been incredibly scared. She was waiting for the Serpents as they were in Fangs' room. She wanted to give them some time with their friend, especially after everything that had happened, even though Toni said that was none of their business. "Thank you". His voice sounded as he sat down next to her. "For being the one who could take the lead at the school. Else he wouldn't have a chance at all". Sweet Pea finished, his legs spreading a bit in an attempt to find a comfortable way to sit on these chairs. Kate nodded slowly, looking next to her. Her eyes found his once more, his handsome face looking tired. His hand reached up to her face and she swallowed hard as he stroke some of her hair aside, his knuckles caressing her cheek. Her eyes closed as he pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there as she leaned against him with a sigh. They needed each other now.

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