The Emerald Steel and Scarlet...

By WritersBlock039

26.3K 578 445

A collection of one-shots (or possibly multiple-shots) from prompts suggested by readers for two ships none o... More

Emerald Steel ~ Lock and Key
Scarlet Canary ~ No Strings On Us ~ Part One
Scarlet Canary ~ No Strings On Us ~ Part Two
Emerald Steel & Scarlet Canary ~ With Joyful Ring
Death Siren ~ Aggressive Negotiations ~ Part One
Death Siren ~ When No One Expects You To Be ~ Part Two
Emerald Steel ~ Seven Years

Scarlet Canary ~ Central City 2024

2.1K 52 58
By WritersBlock039

Prompt from gammaxmen: What about a prompt about Sara meeting Future Barry in the future where Iris dies, murdered by Savitar?

Well, here we finally are. It took me months, but I finally did it. Over 6.8K words, and I hope it's worth the long wait.

Also, apparently since a lot of people have started shipping Danson (Slade/Alex) since the last one-shot, I'll add them to the list of pairs I'll write one-shots for. So, if there's a scenario you want to see for them, you can always request!

The future scenes take place during The Flash 3x19 "The Once and Future Flash," but for Team Flash, it's right after the Grodd arc, so recognizable content is from The Flash 3x14 "Attack on Central City." For Sara, it's after 2x13 "Land of the Lost."


So first the Waverider crashed in the past, then the jumpship decided to crash after Sara made sure it was still in good condition. Perfect.

She groaned, rubbing her forehead and hearing alarms beep. "Gideon?" she called, then shook out her head when it rang. She pushed up on the harness she was in, managing to get to her feet. "Gideon!" she tried again.

"I'm here, Captain," the female voice said, and Sara sighed in relief, leaning against her chair as she tried to get her bearings. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, Gideon, I'm fine," Sara rubbed her temples. "How's the jumpship?"

"I'm running diagnostics now. However, it would be best to leave the jumpship be while I calculate what repairs will need to commence."

"And while the Waverider is called?" Sara smirked.


"Well, you know the ship better than me, Gideon," Sara shrugged. "Have at it. Mind telling me where we are first, though?"

"I believe we are in Central City, February 3, 2024."

"Central City?" Sara perked up, smiling. "Hey, Gideon, can you tell how far from S.T.A.R. Labs we are? Or whose place is closest to where we are?"

"Barry Allen's apartment is a few blocks into the city," Gideon answered.

"Great, give me an address," Sara took out her phone and picking up her duffel bag, glad she had packed a few items if she needed them. "And let me know when the jumpship is fixed, OK?"

"Captain – "

"Please, Gideon?" Sara looked at the console.

"Very well, Captain. I will inform you when we are ready to leave 2024."

"You're the best, Gideon," Sara smiled, lowering the ramp and heading out into the blustery weather of Central City.


Sara counted the building numbers as she walked through Central City, keeping her head down under the fedora she put on. She finally found the number she was looking for, then blinked and looked up at the shattered windows in the building. "Here?" she whispered in disbelief, then opened the door to the building and rushed inside.

She took the stairs two at a time until she reached the correct floor, and when she reached the apartment Gideon had given her, she tried the door handle as hard as she could. She eventually wrenched hard enough to force the door open, and when she got inside, her eyes widened in shock.

Dust covered every aspect of the apartment, and Sara let her bag drop as she stared in horror. "Oh, my God," she mouthed, unable to say anything as she walked forward and looked around at broken furniture and piles of leaves on the floor. She froze when she felt something begin to crack under her feet, and she slowly dropped down into a crouch, brushing wood aside. She swallowed hard when she found a picture of Joe and Iris West, the frame and glass relatively unharmed. She was lucky she had just stepped on the broken stool leg.

"Sara Lance?"

Sara's head shot up, and she looked behind her to see another familiar face in worn clothes, his hair pulled back in a messy bun. "Cisco?" she asked in surprise, rising from the floor.

"Sara Lance," Cisco repeated, looking her up and down as he walked forward. "Man, it has been . . . a long time."

"Seven years?" Sara guessed, smiling sheepishly.

"Something like that," Cisco nodded. "You know, no one expected a face like yours to show up here again."

"Why not?" Sara frowned.

Cisco blinked, then his eyes widened. "Oh, my eyes," he smacked himself in the forehead. "It's been seven years since I saw you, so I have no idea what you should look like . . . but you look just like you did then. You're from the past, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Sara nodded. "2017, actually. I last saw you when the Dominators arrived."

Cisco's smile faded. "So you have no idea what's been going on, do you?"

"Should I?" Sara asked in confusion.

Cisco blinked again. "You mean . . . your surprise was genuine?"

"What surprise?" Sara scowled, getting frustrated. "Cisco, you're not making any sense! What happened to Barry and Iris? And how did you know I was here?"

"Hoo boy," Cisco gulped. "I, uh . . . " He sighed. "You need to talk to Barry. If you can get him to listen, that is."


"So S.T.A.R. Labs was shut down?" Sara looked around the darkened building in disbelief. "Barry shut it down?"

"He shut everything down," Cisco nodded. "S.T.A.R. Labs, Team Flash. He didn't want us around, so he pushed us away."

"Why?" Sara asked, looking at Cisco. "What happened?"

"He said it was because of what we represented," Cisco answered. "That we were a constant reminder to him of what he lost. But he wasn't the only one who lost something."

"So the entire team is . . . what, gone?" Sara asked as they stopped in front of the elevator. "Barry, you, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Wally, whatever Wells you're on now?"

Cisco cringed with each added name. "Some of us are more gone than others."

"You said the last time you saw me was in 2017," Sara frowned. "Is that when all of this happened?"

"It's when it all began," Cisco nodded, leading her into the elevator. "We thought the Legends might be able to help us."

"Surely we did," Sara furrowed her eyebrows. Cisco merely pressed a button, and Sara's eyes widened. "Cisco, tell me we helped!"

"There's a reason none of the Legends have ever been welcome in Central City," was all Cisco said.

Sara balked, but before she could say anything, the elevator doors slid open, and Cisco held out a hand to let her get out. Sara carefully did, looking around the dark hallway. "And this is where I'll find Barry?" she asked.

"He never leaves," Cisco nodded.

Sara frowned, looking at him. "Can't you tell me where to look?"

"I've done enough," Cisco said. "I shouldn't have even brought you here." Sara frowned, but Cisco held out his hand, stopping the doors from closing. "Look, talk to Barry, see if he'll tell you what happened. Maybe you can finally be here for the Flash when your team wasn't."

Sara opened her mouth to protest, but the doors slid shut before she could even begin.


Sara swore she heard a bat fly through the room when she walked into the darkened area, and she walked up to a covered board, and she whipped the cloth off, frowning at the words written on it. "Music Meister gets six-figure book deal," she read, reading down the line. "Luigi's opens after murder . . . Joe West honored at City Hall, nice job, Joe . . . Killer Frost still at large . . . S.T.A.R. Labs museum closes . . . city still recovering following gorilla attack?" she raised an eyebrow, tilting her head and looking at the crossed-out words. "What is this?"

"Why are you here?" a cold, defeated voice behind her said.

Sara turned around, reaching for one of her knives, then squinted, trying to see the silhouetted figure. She finally realized who it was, and she took a deep breath. "To see you, Barry."

"Why now?" Barry asked as he stepped into the dim light, revealing he was dressed in all black and his hair was long and greasy. "Why after all this time? Now you care?"

"I never didn't, Barry," Sara shook her head.

"You have some nerve to say that seven years later when I told you never to come back!" Barry snapped.

"It hasn't been seven years, Barry!" Sara snapped back, stepping closer. "I'm from 2017!"

Barry stopped in his tracks, looking long and hard at her. "You're from before she dies, aren't you?"

"Before who dies?" Sara scowled.

Barry set his jaw. "You don't even know." He sniffed. "Doesn't matter," he shook his head, turning around to leave. "You can't save her."

"Save who?" Sara shouted. "Tell me who I can't save, and I'll make sure we do!"

"Oh, but the almighty time traveling captain says we can't mess with time," Barry glared back at her. "The minute I tell you who it is, you can't do a single thing."

"Yes, I can!" Sara clenched her hand in a fist. "I'm from 2017, Barry. Whoever's died hasn't died yet."

"It doesn't matter what you do," Barry huffed. "You'll refuse to help. You did when we tried to ask before. We asked time and time again, and what did you do? Nothing. Not even a single reply. You were too busy caring about the rest of the timeline that you didn't help a few teammates when we needed you!"

"Then why don't you let me help now?" Sara challenged.

"Because Iris will still die!" Barry finally yelled, and Sara staggered backwards, eyes wide. "Whatever you do, Savitar will still kill her, and everything we try to do will be for nothing." He narrowed his eyes. "So go home, Sara. Go home and deal with whatever aberration is more important than helping us. And don't come back to Central City again."

Sara was left gawking at Barry as he turned on his heel and stalked off. "Iris?" she repeated, her voice wavering as she put a hand over her mouth.

Iris was the one who died?


"Gideon, status on the jumpship," Sara said to her phone as she walked up to Cisco.

"Still a few hours, Captain," Gideon answered.

"OK," Sara took a deep breath, rubbing her forehead. "OK, Cisco, how did I screw up? How did my team and I screw up? Barry made it sound pretty clear we apparently did nothing."

"That's just it," Cisco shook his head. "Every time we asked the Legends for help, you didn't say a single thing in response. Oliver was dealing with Prometheus, and by the time Savitar became a real threat, Kara was dealing with a Daxamite invasion in National City. The Legends were the only option we had, and you never even gave us an explanation about why you couldn't help."

"That doesn't sound like us," Sara said uneasily.

"Well, you sure ripped into Barry about changing time before," Cisco snorted.

Sara sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You know what? Screw it." She folded her arms and turned to Cisco. "Tell me everything I need to know to make a difference. What's happened in seven years?"


Sara's mind was going miles a minute as she followed Cisco. There was . . . a lot she had to fix.

Cisco's hands and powers. Keeping Iris from dying. Finding out who Savitar is. Wally and Joe.

And, she looked up when Cisco stopped, why they were here watching a blonde man in a lab coat dump food into a trash bin. He looked up, and he sighed when he saw Cisco. "It's been a while, Cisco." He frowned, trying to look past him. "And . . . ?"

"Julian Albert," Cisco turned and gestured, and Sara stepped forward into the light. "Meet Captain Sara Lance."

"The White Canary," Julian nodded slowly. "I thought the Legends were told never to return to Central City."

"Well, we didn't get that memo back in 2017," Sara countered.

Julian stiffened. "2017," he repeated. "The year it all began." He sighed, turning back to his monitors. "I assume you're here for some answers, then, are you?"

"Something like that," Sara walked forward.

Julian snorted, looking at Cisco. "Well, you brought her to the wrong place, mate."

"She wanted to know," Cisco shrugged.

"Julian," Sara looked at him. "I need to see her. I need to see what happened because we didn't do anything."

"I tried to find her something more humane," Julian pressed a button, sliding blast doors back, "but this is the best I could do."

Sara nodded, stepping forward and looking through the glass door. "Caitlin?" she asked; she could see in the back corner of the cell, a silver-white-haired head looked up. "It's me."

"Sara Lance," Killer Frost said slowly, turning towards her.

Sara hid a shudder as best she could; the freezing tone and reverberation of her voice was unnerving. "I'm – "

"From the past," Killer Frost tilted her head. "I can tell. It's hard to, though. But you don't have as much regret in your eyes yet." Sara flinched, and Killer Frost smirked. "So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit? Come to see how things turn out for Team Flash?"

"I wanted to see what happened to you," Sara answered. "Cisco told me."

"And what do you think?" Killer Frost sneered. "Impressed?"

"No," Sara shook her head. "I'm not."

"Too bad," Killer Frost sniffed. "You should be. I'm glad this happened to me."

"Sounds like Caitlin wasn't," Sara said, watching Killer Frost turn away. "So when I go back to the past, I'm gonna help. You won't become this. And Savitar isn't gonna get his hands on you."

Killer Frost turned around, narrowing her eyes. "So you told her." Cisco nodded, and Killer Frost snorted. "No more secrets, then, huh?" She walked forward, smirking at Sara. "We made one hell of a team."

"Why did you help him?" Sara asked.

"Because he gave me the thing that the Flash couldn't," Killer Frost answered. "The cure to my illness, embracing who I really am."

Sara's eyes flashed. "And you know who he is." Killer Frost blinked, but her face settled in a mask, and Sara leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. "Tell me who he is."

"I'll never tell," Killer Frost said smugly, and Sara gritted her teeth in annoyance. "You are gonna be so surprised when you find out." Killer Frost turned around. "You know, I think the Flash's protégé went toe-to-toe with Savitar," she said nonchalantly. "Maybe he can help you out."

Sara swallowed, looking at Cisco. "Is there any chance of getting something from Wally?"


Wally stared at nothing as Sara quietly approached. "Wally?" she asked quietly, crouching down and softly putting a hand on his arm. "It's Sara. Can you hear me?" Wally didn't respond at all, and Sara closed her eyes, bowing her head. "Cisco?" she asked, her voice breaking.

He understood the question she couldn't ask. "Iris died, and that sent him into this rage. And, uh . . . he went after Savitar by himself one night. Joe found him the next day with a shattered spine. No one knows what he saw that night, but whatever it was, he's been like this ever since."

Sara shook her head bitterly. "Where's Joe?" she asked.

"Well, he's not here," Cisco looked around. "Which means there's only one other place he can be."


Sara had visited the Central City graveyard before, but she felt a pit in her stomach she had never felt when she visited before. She fiddled with the petals of the wreath she had gotten, then looked at the grave she stopped in front of, blowing out her breath in a rush. "I still can't believe this, Iris," she whispered, crouching down and arranging the wreath at the bottom of Iris's headstone. "This future, what happened to the team . . . " She set her jaw. "When I leave, I'm gonna go right to Central City," she promised. "I'm gonna be there for you and Barry." She sighed, putting her head in her hand. "You didn't deserve this."

"You have some nerve showing up here, Lance."

Sara stiffened, then slowly got to her feet and turned around, bracing herself when she saw the anger in the man's eyes. "Hello, Joe."

"Why are you here, Lance?" Joe snapped.

"I needed to see what I did," Sara answered, biting her lip. "And I needed to see you. I needed to see everyone. I needed to know."

"Now you want to know?" Joe asked angrily. "After all this time, now?"

"I'm from 2017, Joe," Sara told him, stopping Joe's tirade in his tracks. "So yeah, I need to know what I get so wrong for this to be the future of Central City." She walked forward, putting her hands in her jacket pockets so he wouldn't see her shaking hands. "Please," she whispered. "I need to know. What happened with you after she died?"

Joe flinched and looked down at the flowers he held. "My daughter's life was taken," he answered. "My son's. And then Barry left me. The last piece of who I was left, turned his back and ran away. He wasn't there for me."

Sara closed her eyes, looking down. "I'm sorry, Joe," she whispered.

"I know you chewed Barry out for time traveling before, Sara," Joe told her. "But if there is anything you can do . . . please, give me my family back."

Sara nodded, looking back up. "I'll do what I can, Joe. I promise."

Joe nodded, and as Sara walked back towards S.T.A.R. Labs, Joe approached Iris's grave, smiling at the wreath Sara left before emptying the vase of dead flowers and putting the fresh ones in.


Sara looked along the wall at S.T.A.R. Labs, then pressed where Cisco had told her to. The wall melted away, and she walked into what was called the time vault. There, she found Barry against the wall and a hologram picture of him and Iris hovering in the air. "You want to mope? Fine," she said angrily, folding her arms and watching him move to turn the hologram off. "But I want to hear why you became who you are right now. How you became someone who abandoned Joe, who abandoned everyone. I want your side of the story, Barry."

"You mean you care?" Barry scowled.

"Of course I care!" Sara protested.

"You didn't," Barry glared at her. "You won't."

"I'm here now, and I care now," Sara stormed forward, pointing at him. "And I will care when I go back to 2017. So give me answers!"

"You want answers?" Barry narrowed his eyes. "How's this? You will go back. But when I call for help, you won't answer. You'll be too caught up with your little Spear of Destiny and Legion of Doom to drop out of the time stream for just a little bit to help. I will do everything that I can think of to save her. I'm even gonna create time remnants of myself, but he's gonna kill them all, mostly. And then on the night of May 23rd, Iris West will die in my arms. And in that moment that she takes her last breath, it'll feel like an eternity. And it will break me. She's the light of my life, Sara. She was the light of my life. There'll be nothing left at all but stopping Savitar. So no, I Won't be there for Joe. I won't be there when Caitlin becomes Killer Frost, when Savitar destroys Wally. I won't be there for any of them. But then one day, I'll stop him. I'll lock him in the Speed Force forever, but at that point, he already won because everything that I'd ever loved is gone, including me."

Sara swallowed hard. "So why didn't you try to find us?" she whispered.

Barry scoffed. "You nailed me so hard about time traveling and changing time before. Why would I want to risk you chewing me out again?"

"You were calling us to change time in the first place!"

"I was a desperate man, Sara!" Barry yelled. "A desperate man who would do anything to save Iris, but none of you ever showed! And you won't show again."

"How do you know?" Sara challenged. "Or did you lose that much hope already?"

Barry shook his head, chuckling bitterly. "I lost my hope when Iris died."

Sara set her jaw. "So the Flash gave up." She shook her head, turning around. "All right, Barry. I'll show you how it's done."

"What're you gonna do?" Barry scoffed.

"You want me to prove I'm gonna do something?" Sara picked up her duffel bag and unzipped it, showing Barry the white clothing inside. "I'll do your job for you." She took her phone out of her pocket. "Gideon?"

"Yes, Captain?" Gideon's voice chimed over the phone.

"Find the current contact information for Julian Albert, Joe West, and H.R. Wells," Sara answered, turning and walking out of the time vault, leaving a stunned Barry behind her. "There's an emergency at S.T.A.R. Labs."


Cisco looked up from his computer, and he blinked rapidly when he saw Sara striding into the cortex, pulling her gloves on. "Whoa, why are you dressed like you're about to kick Barry's ass?"

"I'm not gonna kick Barry's ass," Sara sniffed. "I'm gonna give him a metaphorical kick in the ass."

"Um," Cisco blinked again. "Come again?"

"Barry gave everything up when Iris died and seems convinced that even though I'm here, seeing everything I did wrong, I'm not gonna get up off my ass and help him when I get back to 2017," Sara answered. "Well, I'm getting up off my ass now. So who do I need to go after to show him that?"

Before Cisco could answer, there was chatter from behind them. " – hell is going on?" Joe's voice asked.

"I would like to know the very same thing!" a hyper Wells voice answered. "I was about to check one of the most important boxes a man can check in his life! And who – who called us here?"

"I called you all here," Sara answered, folding her arms.

Julian blinked as he entered the cortex, then sighed. "Oh, it's you again."

"Sara," Joe looked just as confused.

"But I thought the Legends were – " H.R. began.

"She's from the past, H.R.," Julian explained. "2017, to be precise."

"Look," Sara stepped forward, looking at the three men. "Cisco told me – or showed me – that you all haven't been a team in a long time, and I can't speak for whatever my past self and past team did that led us to not helping you, but I'm sorry for it regardless. I needed to see what happened to all of you, and now that I have, I'm going to make this promise to you here and now. When I get back to 2017, I am not going to abandon you or Barry. I'm going to do whatever I can to help stop Savitar. I'm going to do whatever I can to stop Iris from dying."

Joe swallowed hard, tears in his eyes, but before he could reply, Cisco's phone rapidly started beeping, and he pulled it out, eyes wide. "What's that?" Julian frowned.

"It's a metahuman app," Cisco answered, gulping. "Mirror Master and Top are at it again."

"Mirror Master and Top?" Sara parroted, frowning. "What can they do?"

"Travel through mirrors and induce crippling vertigo," he replied at once.

Sara quirked an eyebrow. "So I should be quick enough and go for knockout blows. Got it."

"Wait, you're going after them?" Joe raised an eyebrow. "Alone?"

Sara shrugged. "Like I told Cisco, Barry seems to think I'm not gonna get up off my ass and help. I'm going to. I can at least do something for him." She looked around the room. "I wouldn't mind having a few extra voices in my ear, though."

"Guys, we have a chance to put some hope back into our lives," Cisco smiled weakly. "And I . . . I really need it right now. I think you do, too."

The three other men exchanged looks. "So, what do you say?" Sara raised an eyebrow. "Can I have Team Flash back me up on this?"

H.R. was the first to smile and put his hand out. "Team Flash."

Cisco beamed and put his hand on next, and though Sara rolled her eyes, she put her hand on Cisco's. "Team Flash," Julian confirmed, putting his hand on next.

Joe was the last one, and H.R. grinned. "On three? One, two – "

They threw their hands up in the air, and Sara cracked her knuckles. "All right, boys," she headed for the exit, catching the comms device Cisco tossed to her. "See you on the other side."


"Thieves," Sara scoffed to herself as she watched Mirror Master and Top, or Sam Scudder and Rosa Dillon, walk out of the jewelry store they just robbed. "They're always thieves."

"They used to run with Snart, actually," Cisco remarked.

"Of course they did," Sara sighed, running along the roof to follow them.

"Baby, you're a rock star," Scudder said fondly.

"Just like to shine for my man," Dillon smiled sweetly.

Sara rolled her eyes and pretended to gag before she dropped down behind the two. "Really?" she asked, resting the end of her bo staff on the ground, watching the two whip around. "Looking tacky from over here. Though, I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned."

"The White Canary," Dillon sneered, narrowing her eyes. "We said no heroes allowed."

"And I say screw you," Sara smirked, delighting in the fury in Dillon's eyes.

"Oh, she went there," Cisco cackled.

"I take it you guys can hear me?" Sara grinned.

"Yeah, Sara, I can hear you loud and clear," Joe answered.

"Man, it's good to be back!" Cisco whooped.

"You should do as you're told, Canary," Scudder narrowed his eyes. "It's two versus one. Odds aren't in your favor."

"You're absolutely right," Sara nodded seriously. "You guys want backup? I'll wait."

Scudder sneered, dropping his back on the ground. "Give her a little ride."

Dillon grinned, dropping her bag as well. "With pleasure."

Sara averted her eyes when she saw Dillon focus on her, and with her other hand, she took one of the throwing stars on her belt. She found herself looking down at a puddle of water on the ground, and suddenly, the building that had been feet away was suddenly looming over her. Sara gasped, spinning to look above her, only to find the building careening down towards her. "What the – " she bent backwards, trying to get away, only to realize everything around her was twisting . . . almost like she was in a mirror. "Guys!" she shouted. "They're doing something!"


"She can't move," H.R. gulped.

"They're using their powers at the same time," Cisco nodded, realizing what it was.

"What are we gonna do?" Julian asked.

Cisco tapped anxiously on the table, then pointed at H.R. "Give me that thing in your hands." H.R. looked down, then extended the hand with a drumstick in it. "The other thing," Cisco rolled his eyes.

H.R. nodded, then handed the device over. "That makes more sense."

"I can rejigger this to mimic the resonance fields from Scudder's portals, make it so Sara can manipulate the mirrors," Cisco said, attaching the device to his computer and typing away.

"But what about Top?" Joe asked.

"This will also restore whatever rarefaction effect she's causing," Cisco answered.

"Yes, that's brilliant!" Julian grinned, then it disappeared. "But without opening another breach, how can we possibly get it into her hands in time?"

Cisco blinked, trying to think of a way himself. "I'll take it to her," a voice behind him said, and Cisco whirled around to see Barry step forward, a grim but determined look on his face. "I saw what you were doing from the time vault," he explained. "You need help. Sara needs help out of something I kind of got her into. Give it to me."

Cisco set his jaw, then took the device from his computer and launched it at Barry, who caught it one-handedly with ease. "Go," he said.

Barry nodded, looking around at the team before zooming off.


Sara grimaced, watching the building come down closer to her, then found herself pulled off her feet and yanked away. She landed on her stomach, much more carefully than she thought she would have fallen, then looked up when she saw red booted feet in front of her. She lifted her head up the rest of the way, her eyes widening as she took in the Flash in front of her, in a sleek red suit with gold piping and lightning designs. "Thought I should get up off my ass," he told her, holding up a circular device and pressing it. Everything around Sara settled back to normal, and she looked around before up at Barry as he walked over to her. "Cisco made it," he said, extending his hand to her. "Now her powers won't affect us." He looked up at Scudder and smirked. "We can go anywhere he does."

Sara grinned, taking his hand and letting him help her to her feet. She turned back around, whipping her bo staff and settling it on her shoulder. "You were saying about the odds?" she taunted.

"Go," Scudder hissed. "Go!"

It was very comical watching Dillon attempt to run in high heels, and Sara rolled her eyes. "Man, this is gonna be too easy."

Barry actually laughed, then pointed after Scudder. "You mind?"

"Oh, by all means," Sara gestured him ahead of her. "I'm gonna see if I can catch up to his girlfriend." Barry grinned and sped off after Scudder, and Sara ran off after Dillon. It was painfully easy to catch up to her and pounce on her, tackling her to the ground, making her squeal. "Oh, please," Sara scoffed, taking the dampening cuffs she had gotten from Team Flash and fastening them on Dillon. "If you try to be a criminal, at least try to take a little pain, will you?"

By the time they made back to where they had come from, Barry and Scudder came crashing out of one of the windows, Barry landing on his feet, Scudder collapsing on the asphalt with dampening cuffs on. "Gotcha," the speedster declared.

Sara smiled proudly, nodding at Barry in relief.


"In a bizarre twist, and the first sighting in years, eyewitnesses claim not only did the White Canary return to Central City, but also the Scarlet Speedster were responsible for apprehending Sam Scudder and Rosalind Dillon, aka Mirror Master and Top," the news anchor on TV said as everyone in S.T.A.R. Labs watched. "I'm sure I speak for all residents of Central City when I say this: Flash and White Canary, if you're watching, it's good to see you again."

"Ladies and gentlemen, Team Flash, back at it again!" Cisco whooped, turning the TV off.

"Yeah!" H.R. cheered, clapping Cisco on the back.

"Yeah, I think this was a good first step, Cisco," Barry nodded, "but yeah, we have a ways to go, especially me. Iris wouldn't have wanted this," he looked around. "She would have wanted us to stay a family. I broke that promise to her to all of you. And Sara," he looked at her. "You were right, too. I gave up after she died. I shouldn't have done that. By doing that, even though Savitar's gone, I was still letting him win. I was wrong to do that. And I was wrong to keep blaming you."

"I don't know what my past self was thinking, but I'd punch her in the face if I saw her," Sara told him. "I'm gonna be there for you when I go back, Barry. That's my promise to you."

Barry smiled, extending his hand. "Thanks for getting me off my ass."

"Any time," Sara winked, shaking his hand.

Barry chuckled, turning to the others. "And if you're all willing to try to be a family again, I think I can, too."

The four men looked around, then Joe cleared his throat. "I don't know which one of you to hug first – my son or the one who brought him back."

"Oh, definitely him," Sara pointed at Barry.

Joe moved at once, hugging Barry tightly, the speedster closing his eyes in relief and slumping into Joe's embrace. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm in," Julian declared. "H.R.? What do you say?"

"Yeah, I got a lot of coffee tastings and some book readings, lot of women left to charm, but I'm in," H.R. nodded, making Sara blink and look at Cisco incredulously. "You know what? Free coffees for the gang at H.R. Jitters. Maybe 10% off . . . on me. Let's go!"

"That's your Wells?" Sara hissed incredulously.

"You get used to him," Cisco snickered.

Sara conceded with a nod, and Cisco followed H.R. and Julian out of the cortex. Joe smiled widely at Sara, his hand on Barry's shoulder. "Thank you," he said genuinely.

Sara nodded, and Barry watched Joe leave behind the others. "Thank you," he said as well.

"I can only imagine how hard this must have been," Sara told him.

"I don't know if you can," he looked at her. "Sara, you gotta understand, you can't change what's gonna happen."

"Well, it's gonna be different when I get back," Sara told him.

"How?" Barry frowned.

"You're gonna have me," Sara answered. "And if I have my way, the rest of my team's gonna be right behind me. Professor Stein's gonna want to help Caitlin out, and Ray and Jax will be all for helping you, Amaya's all about being a hero, and Nate'll follow her anywhere, and Mick and Rip will be along for the ride."

Barry smiled. "I wish I had your optimism."

Sara nodded. "It would be nice to go back with some information, though."

"I wish I could help you," Barry sighed. "Believe me, I do."

Sara tilted her head side to side. "You trapped Savitar in the Speed Force," she said. "How did you do it?"

"I had help," Barry answered.

"Help from who?"

"A physicist," Barry told her. "Her name's Tracy Brand. She made the Speed Force trap for me, but she didn't figure out the technology until four years ago."

"Which was four years after Iris died," Sara nodded in understanding.

Barry nodded as well, then held up a hand. "Hang on." Sara frowned, watching Barry walk over to one of the metal tables, picking up a container and taking something out of it. "I don't know where she is," he returned, a small round device in his hand. "And I don't understand anything that's on here, but that's got all her information on it. Maybe when you go back, you can find her and . . . I don't know, she can decipher it for you."

"I hope so," Sara smiled.

"But if not," Barry swallowed, "tell me to make some good memories with Iris and hold onto 'em as tight as I can."

Sara smiled. "Think you can do me one last favor?"


"How're we looking, Gideon?" Sara asked as she walked into the jumpship.

"Ready to jump as soon as you are, Captain," Gideon answered.

"You're a wonderful being, Gideon, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," Sara patted the ship, heading back down the ramp.

"Thank you, Captain."

"All right," Sara walked up to Barry, who was examining the ship. "Guess I'm outta here."

"Sara," Barry looked at her. "It doesn't need to be a lot, but whatever you can do . . . I'd really appreciate it."

"I plan on doing everything I can," Sara assured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I look out for my team. After the Dominators, you're on my team. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you before."

Barry nodded. "I believe you."

"Keep Central safe," she extended her hand.

Barry's lips quirked up in a smirk, and he shook her hand. "Keep the timeline intact."

Sara frowned. "Why do I get the feeling I don't?"

"Spoilers," Barry grinned.

"Great," Sara huffed, turning around and heading back into the jumpship. "The timeline breaks. Good to know." She paused, then turned around. "Do I get any hints about how that happens?"

Barry smirked. "Spoilers."

"Fine," Sara huffed, leaning against the ship. "Any suggestions about when I should talk to you?"

Barry considered. "Actually . . . "


H.R. burst out laughing when Barry, Jesse, and Wally flashed back into the cortex with Cisco and Gypsy. "All the gorillas are back on Earth-2," the Scarlet Speedster announced.

"And Grodd?" Caitlin asked worriedly.

"I called Lyla," Barry answered. "He's with A.R.G.U.S."

"Good," Joe sighed in relief. "I don't know about y'all, but I don't ever need to see a super-smart, telepathic gorilla again."

"I'm with you," H.R. nodded.

"Not that Grodd didn't have some justification for mistrusting humans," Barry conceded.

"Whatever good was in Grodd is gone," Caitlin told him. "As far as I'm concerned, they can throw him in the same cage as King Shark."

"Mmm," Cisco tilted his head. "I'd pay money to see that fight."

"All right," Gypsy nodded, but as she kept speaking, Barry's attention was drawn by his phone vibrating on the table. Frowning, he saw the incoming text was from an unknown number. He picked it up, unlocking it, then read the text.

Meet at CC Jitters. It's about Savitar.

Barry tensed, trying to recognize the number, then gave up. "Hey, actually, I need to go," he said, swallowing hard.

"Barry?" Iris asked in concern.

"I'll see you at home," Barry assured her, then looked at Gypsy, a dazed look on Cisco's face. "Gypsy, thanks for your help. Tell Harry thanks, too."

"Barry!" Cisco protested, but Barry zoomed out of the cortex, changing into civilian clothes and rushing to Jitters as fast as he could.

When he arrived at the building, he found a familiar blonde pacing anxiously, her hands in her jacket pockets. "Sara?" he asked in surprise. She looked up, and Barry was surprised to see her swallow hard and tears form in her eyes. "Hey," he hurried over, his concern rising. "What happened? What's wrong?"

Sara took a deep breath, reaching up and scrubbing her eyes. "We need to talk," she answered. "And bear with me, because I think I'm gonna be a mess."

"Then we'll get drinks to go," Barry opened the door for her.

Sara took a deep breath, then nodded and stepped inside. "Can't believe H.R. bought this place."

Barry halted in his tracks, blinking rapidly. "Wait, H.R. did what?"


Coffee suddenly wasn't very appealing to Barry as he sat in the park next to Sara, staring at a random spot on the ground as he comprehended all of what Sara had just told him. He concentrated on one fact, though. "We lost," he whispered.

"Yes," Sara said quietly, putting her hand over his. "You lost."

"He wins," he said numbly. "Iris dies." Sara nodded grimly, and Barry closed his eyes, putting his head in his hand. "Caitlin becomes Killer Frost for good, she takes Cisco's hands and his powers, Wally gets a shattered spine, and I'm never there for Joe."

"I'm sorry, Barry," Sara swallowed.

"And for some reason, I blamed you?" Barry frowned. "Why would I blame you?"

"Because apparently, at some point in the future, you call me and the Legends, and we never show up or even give you a response," Sara answered. "I don't know why, but you banned the Legends from ever coming back to Central City."

"God," Barry groaned, standing up and pacing restlessly. "I can't believe it."

"Neither could I, and I was there," Sara stood up as well. "That's why I'm here, Barry. I don't want that to be the future. As soon as the jumpship was fixed and I left 2024, I came here to see you. I want you to know I'm on your side for this. I want to stop Savitar with you. I don't want that to be your future."

"What happened to not changing the timeline?" Barry frowned.

"Screw what I said back then," Sara shook her head. "For the longest time, I tried to find Damien Darhk in the past so I could kill him and bring back Laurel. It took all of the Legends to talk sense into me. I had no right to berate you like I did." She stood in front of Barry, looking him in the eye. "Losing a sister was bad," she said. "You're not gonna lose your girlfriend."

Barry blinked suddenly. "My girlfriend?"

It was Sara's turn to blink. "Isn't she?" she asked in surprise, looking unsure. "I thought back when the Dominators invaded, you two were really close."

"Um, we dated for a while," Barry admitted. "During Flashpoint and a bit after. But we've always been better as best friends, as close as siblings."

"Oh," Sara mouthed, a rare blush on her cheeks. "My mistake." She shook her head, getting herself together. "Then you understand when I say that no one should lose their sister to a son of a bitch like this."

"Agreed," Barry nodded, steeling himself. "I don't suppose you got anything useful from the future?"

Sara grinned. "As a matter of fact . . . "

Barry sat back down as Sara explained everything she had learned about Savitar from Killer Frost and his future self, and when she pulled out the disc she had, he felt more confident than he had been in a long time. "We're gonna get him," he said suddenly, making Sara look at him. "I know we will."

Sara smiled widely. "You bet your ass we will."


Oof, I wrote the last part of this with a migraine. I hope it's not too terrible, though. All things considered, I felt like I did most of this episode justice. Not much on the romantic Scarlet Canary side, but it has the potential there. Hope everyone else agrees!

Next time from EmpressOfFandomzzz: Sara and Barry has been secretly dating since Iris and him called of their engagement, but when Barry was framed for murder and went to jail Sara reveals their relationship.

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