Alpha Derek

By riased

328K 9.4K 1.5K

He was ruthless, shameless and heartless. Until he met her. She was sensitive, naΓ―ve and broken. Until she... More

☾ 25


7.1K 224 66
By riased

"Hi." Ersa waves.

I walk towards her. "Come here." Waiting with my arms open, I wrap her around me and squeeze as she clumsily lands in them."Were you eavesdropping?" As if I even had to ask.

"I've heard that word before. Mom used to say it alot. Does it mean sleeping?"

"Eavesdropping is when you're secretly listening on someone's conversation."

Ersa closes her mouth. " I was not e-dropping."

"Eaves." I correct her.

"Eaves?" She asks. I nod.

"No, I was not ease-dropping."

I open my mouth to correct her again but decide there are more important things to discuss. "What did you hear?" I ask.

There's a long pause, which at first I thought was due to her struggle with forming sentences but soon realise she's trying to formulate another lie. So I swat her little bum, making her squeal then narrow her big eyes at me. I narrow my eyes back at her.

She rubs her bum, mumbling something under her breath.

"What was that?"

"You were sh-shouting at Marcus."

"Was not." I totally was.

"He's your brother, no?"

"And Beta." I confirm.

"Then why did you shout at him?"

"I was not shouting at him, Ersa."

"You shouted!" She exclaims.

"I did not shout at him!"

"See. Now you're shout at me." She pouts.

Ugh. "Fine. I shouted at him. So what? He's my Beta, I can do whatever I want with him. It's his job to listen."

"No." She punches my chest, making me release her onto the sofa. She tumbles but immediately regains her balance, standing on the sofa trying to intimidate me with her height. Cute.

Folding her hands, trying to act authoritative like me, she puts her tiny finger on my chest and presses it in. "No shout at nobody, okay? Not good..."—she struggles to find a word—"King. Not a good King."

I smother a smile at her choice of words. King, she said. Fits well, seeing how she was behaving like a Queen at the moment.

"Okay?" She prompts.

Okay... what? I forgot what we were talking about. Something about King... shouting?

"Okay?!" She tries to shake me.

"Okay. Okay. I won't shout at anybody."—in front of you.

"Good King." She raises her hand and hesitates for a moment, looking unsure of what to do. Then she pats my head awkwardly.

I bow my head, playing along. "Thank you, your Grace. I am forever in your debt."

She giggles and I can't help but chortle myself. Grabbing her by her waist, I put her over my shoulder, carefully adjusting her so that it didn't hurt her already wounded stomach.

She squeals and tries kicking but she's too tiny for her legs to reach any vital part of me. "Why are you always carrying me around?"

"Because that's what Alphas do." In every cringey Wattpad book involving werewolves ever.

For some reason she easily believes me and relaxes as I carry her upstairs to the bed. She rolls over as soon as I drop her—on purpose, of course—and sits up indian style.

"Not sleepy?" I ask her. It's been a long day consisting a lot of drama. I'm surprised, in the current recovery state that she is, she managed to not only pull through but somehow was able to keep her eyes from drooping. If that's not mental stamina, I don't know what is.

"I took a little nap, remember."

That she did. "Even so. Exhausting day, no?"

She shook her head no. "Nice being around people."

And family, but I didn't say that out loud, it was too soon. "Would you like to meet more people from the pack?"

Her eyes twinkled and she nodded her head enthusiastically, then spreading her arms she said, "All of them."

"All of them?" I hesitantly asked. Did she have any clue what she was talking about? "Maybe I'll introduce you to the family first, you can take your time to meet everyone else later."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "All of them." She repeated stubbornly.

I roll my eyes, "Fine." We'll just cross the bridge when we come to it.

She beams. "In the morning?"

I raise my brows. "You mean tomorrow morning? Are you prepared to meet them so soon?"

Her smile faltered. She jumped a little closer to me, concern shone in her eyes. "You'll be there, won't you?"

My heart warmed. I tuck her hair behind her ears to look at her eyes better. "Of course, baby."

"Then I'm prepared for anything." She says, sitting a little taller, feeling more confident.

I grin back at her, my chest puffing out metaphorically. If she was ready, then so was I.

"Okay then." I say, feeling much more confident myself. Lifting her up from the bed I carry her to the bathroom.

"Are we checking my injuries?" She asked knowingly.

Nodding my head, I place her on the counter and retreat the first aid kit. "Are you ready?" I ask her, placing my thumb beside her bandaged temple.

She nods, almost enthusiastically. I slowly rip the band aid off and she doesn't so much as flinch. Not surprisingly enough, her temple was almost healed, new skin peeking out in the middle. But she excitedly turns to the mirror behind her to check on the process and gasps at the results.

"It's healed! It's healed, Derek." She shakes me. I chuckle at her excitement.

"I know, baby. That's how it works." I say, doing quick work of taking off all the other small bandages around her body to reveal that they were either entirely healed or almost there, but none needed to be bandaged again.

Ersa stared at her body wide eyed, mesmerised at the speed at which she was recovering. She truly has no idea of how it all works, I think to myself, landing a peck on her forehead. "Now for the real surprise..." I wiggle my brows and look pointedly at her stomach.

She instantly lifts her shirt up and naïve as my little mate was.... she had no clue she was flashing me her boobs.

Fuck, I bite my lip trying to hold back on using the profanity out loud.

I close my eyes for a moment, groaning inwardly.

Ersa will be the death of me.


I know I used to do that thing where as a show of my gratitude, I used to follow readers back or read their works and vote. But with the increasing amount of readers and votes, I unfortunately can't attend to everyone.—Type yanny in the comment section so I know how many of you actually read this shit—I'm still replying to comments and will randomly follow someone once in a while. If you want to get noticed or want me to check your work–drop a message on my board!

Thank you. xx


Instagram: ria.sed
Snapchat: riadesai

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