The Obsession | | Harlena

By Writer225_

3.5K 116 57

Selena Gomez has the greatest boyfriend. They were just destined for each other! least that's what she t... More

Blame it on the Alcohol.
a Devil's smirk.
Trust Nobody.
The Stalker.
Saints do not move.

The Golden Necklace.

632 15 8
By Writer225_

It was past midnight, 00:25 to be exact. The girls sat in Sophie's bed, laughing their asses off  like they always did together. They wore their cute, matching pyjamas they had brought together at H&M, only difference was that Sophie's pyjamas was rose and Selena's was light blue. They were cuddled up in the bed, having a bowl of grapes and watermelon next to them. They laughed and listened to music like they usually did, feeling like nothing could ever break them apart.

"Do you remember?" Sophie smiled at her. 

Selena looked up at her in confusion, taking a bite from the sliced watermelon, "Hmm?"

"The first time we met.."

"You know I do. Fifth grade." She smiled and Sophie smiled back, eating some grapes, "Yeah, the first time we talked was after gym class." Selena nodded along.

She remember what kind of girl Sophie was back then. She was the typical outside girl, dressed differently from the norm and she didn't give a damn what people thought about her, that's what Selena loved about her. She was always so nice to everybody, even the people hating on her style of clothing and that's what Selena admired.

It had been the first day of fifth grade. Selena's school had closed due to economic issues, so she had to change school, thankfully she met Sophie there. It felt like fate since by then Sophie had considered changing to another school with her by then best friend but she didn't.

She remembered the day clearly when they met, they were changing from their gym clothes to their ordinary ones. She had given Sophie a polite smile,

"Hey, I just want to say that I really admire your style." Sophie's gaze landed on Selena's, smiling, "Thank you!"

"You're brave for not letting those people get to you." She folded her clothes and put it in her bag.

Sophie turned to Selena and smiled,  "Hey, wanna hangout today after school?"

And from there it took off, they hung out almost everyday. Their friendship were just the best, some even grew jealous of how close they became. Of course they had their ups and downs but that wouldn't stop them from becoming friends again. However, 7 years forward and they couldn't hangout as much anymore since they both had school to focus on, so they took the opportunity to sleep over on weekends instead and it worked well.

While Selena sang along to the music Sophie suddenly looked up from her phone and asked, "Soo, how's things going between you and Prince Charming?" She grinned.
Selena rolled her eyes at her playfully, "I really think it's true love. He's the sweetest." She sighed dreamily.
"And how are things going with his brother?" Sophie asked, blushing.
"Why do you always speak like that when Harry's the subject?" She suspiciously raised an eyebrow.
"Uhmm, like what?" Sophie blushed even more, looking down.

"Like you're completely obsessed with him." She smirked.

"Fine, okay! I might have a little-"

"A little!?" Selena laughed.

"Fine, a crush on him," She admit, "But come on, you have to admit that he's hot!"
She bit her lip, thinking about Harry. Selena grimaced, "Would definitely be inappropriate for me to think about that kind of stuff about my boyfriend's brother, Sophie." She said, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Sophie laughed, "Whatever, he's hot and it's a fact. You two go on classes together, right?-"

She nodded.

"Maybe, he'd ask me out if-" she smirked.

Selena only stared in confusion, "If what?"

"If you give him a hint that I'm
interested!" She said as if it wasn't obvious but Selena was hesitant,
"Oh, I don't know-" She grabbed her hand tightly in desperation, "Oh, Sel come on! Do it for me. I'm your best friend." She begged, pouting along with her puppy eyes, making her groan in defeat, "Fine, fine. I'll talk to him." She muttered.

Sophie squealed happily and over-dramatically, pulling her into a tight hug.
Selena only rolled her eyes with a slight smile on her lips. This happened a lot around with Sophie, but she loved her none the less.

The night passed on and then Sunday afternoon came around. Selena went home after her sleepover with Sophie.
She showered, brushed her teeth, did her makeup, brushed her brown hair that reached down right below her chest. She put on a red, baggy hoodie that ended right above her knees and some black thigh-high socks, along with her golden necklace embellished with a 'R' that stood for Ross and some golden hoop earrings. She put on lipgloss, taking one last look in the mirror before taking the bus to her boyfriend's place.

The door opened once she knocked, relieving her loved one. She quickly jumped into Ross arms and kissed him softly. He kissed and hugged back,
"Hi to you too." He chuckled.
Selena blushed, a little embarrassed, as her eyes made their way down to Ross chest and it was still there; his 'S' necklace.

For a few hours they sat on the couch, kissing, cuddling and just fooling around on Netflix.
Suddenly footsteps was heard coming down the stairs,

of course they had to be disturbed now.

Right now, Just when Ross had tickled Selena and gotten on top of her, leading the situation into a hot make-out session.

Harry just had such great timing!

"Getting on, aren't ya?" A mockingly raspy voice said , standing by the couch.

"Shut up" Ross rolled his eyes, beyond pissed for ruining what could've happened. Selena only smiled amused at them both, pushing Ross gently off her to get a glass of water in the kitchen. Harry grinned at Ross,"Aw, did I ruin the moment? Just when you were getting it off for once?" he mocked even further, still grinning at his little brother.
"Knock it off, asshole." Ross glared at him. Not able to stand Harry any further. He left to his bedroom, slamming his door.
Harry chuckled to himself as he watched his brother leave, walking over to Selena in the kitchen.

"Still don't understand how you can be with that douche." He teased as he approached her.

She jumped up to sit on the kitchen counter, taking a sip of her water, "Yeah, because he's the douche." She teased back.

Harry pretended to be hurt, putting his hand to his heart in sorrow, "Ouch."
Selena laughed, she enjoyed how they could be sarcastic with each other, though she was a little bothered that Harry ruined it for them. But who wouldn't be?

Harry moved closer, leaning to the counter, brushing against her left knee. He moved his hand to touch her necklace, looking at it, "Can't remember the last time you had this off."

He looked up, meeting Selena's brown eyes. She smiled proudly.

"How long have you had it on?" He stroked his thumb over it.

"A year and an half, haven't taken it off once." She said with pride.

He looked down from her eyes to the necklace, staring at it, with a clenched shut jaw. She suddenly began to feel uncomfortable, assuming Harry zoned out or just had a flashback of something.

She removed his hand, "Harry?"

He cleared his throat and looked up at her, "Yes, Sel?" He moved away.

"So, I've been thinking-" she hadn't. "You haven't been with anyone for quite awhile, right?"

Harry's eyebrows raised up in confusion,
"Um...where're you going with this?"

"Well-", she jumped down from the counter, moving close to Harry, her hands wandering to fix his collar, "You've got an admirer."

Harry smirked teasingly, "Which one of them are we talking about?"
Selena smiled and rolled her eyes playfully. "However-" she laid her hand on his chest,"You're friends with her, you meet almost everyday and she'd love to go out on a date with you."

She noticed a hopeful twinkle in his green eyes but it was went out as quick as it had come once she told him it was about Sophie. He turned the suggestion down but she begged him, "Harry, please give her a chance. You know she's a really
sweet girl."
"No, Selena, knock it off," he resisted and walked off.

Selena groaned as she turned off the alarm. She forced herself out of bed, heading towards the shower.
After showering and brushing her teeth, she went to do her makeup routine. It didn't take too long since she kept it fairly natural. After doing her make-up and listening to music, she brushed her hair.

She put on a black lace shirt and a pair of ripped light blue jeans, along with pink converse. She had a bunch of different colours with them since she fancied them too much. She looked in the mirror and sighed, she was too short for her own liking; shorter than most girls.

She made her way downstairs, smelling breakfast,"Morning sweetie." Her mom smiled at her as she entered the kitchen, kissing her cheek as she handed her a plate of egg. "Morning mama." She smiled and thanked, kissing her check as well before sitting down.  "Slept well, Luke?" She smiled at her little brother eating his sandwich, staring at his phone. He nodded, "As good as I could before that alarm went off." He complained. Selena chuckled, "I feel you bud." She ruffled his hair only to have him groan in complaint.

"Fifth grade going good?" She smiled, taking a large bite of her eggs.

" S'boring but I have my friends there so it's fine, I guess." He shrugged. Selena rolled her eyes at how glued his eyes was to the phone.

"Selena? can you take your brother to school today? Your father has left off to his work already and I'm in a hurry." Her mother asked. She nodded but groaned as she knew she'd probably be late to class. "Luke, we need to go."

Selena ran towards her classroom and burst in through the door.  "And where have you been, Miss Gomez?" Mrs. Siegfried sneered, her glasses almost falling of the tip of her nose. "Excuse me Mrs. I had to take my little brother to school," she panted. Mrs. Siegfried snorted, "Take a seat," she spat.
Selena looked around, the only free spot was, of course, next to Harry. She sat down beside him, whispering, "Hey, about yesterday...I shouldn't had forced it on you like that..I'm s-"

"No, I'm sorry, Sel. I shouldn't have walked out on you like that. You were only trying to be a good friend."

"Yeah, but-"

"No, it's fine." He smiled at her. She smiled right back before turning her attention back to Mrs. Siegfried.

Then Harry leaned in closer and whispered, "I changed my mind."

She looked back at him,"What do you mean?"

"I'll take her out."

Hi guys, really hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was really fun to make. Of course can you comment if you have a request.

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