Dear I am Near When You Hear...

By xenon23

42 1 1


Dear I am Near When You Hear Something Queer

42 1 1
By xenon23

Should you shudder my dear?

Once you hear my whisper near?

Should you be afraid and hate when you hear?

How horrible and awful must I be to make you act so queer!

It was you I admire and hold dear

I always want to touch you and to you be near

But it was my name you reviled to hear

How horrible and awful must I be to make you act so queer!

You were always the heart of the night my boy oh dear

And It was I to whom every ill whisper drew near

I love you and this I want you to hear

How horrible and awful must I be to make you act so queer!

You liked this woman and called her your dear

and I was just a woman you never dare to listen though near

Would you stop for a while and listen even just hear!

How horrible and awful must I be to make you act so queer!

I could not accept to hear when you called her your dear

I could not hold my tears when you two were so near

I could not accept stories of you frenching that I hear

How horrible and awful it was, and your sweet moments so queer

And so forever goodbye my dear

I promise to you I will never be near

My voice you will never hear

I must be horrible and awful I accept for I approach my grave

In a manner so queer.

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