Change my Heart, Change my Wo...

By 7midnight

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Portgas D Ace is dead in the war of best saving his little brother with a smile on his face. Even after years... More

Chapter 1: Ace's Tale ~Another beginning of an adventure~
Chapter 2 : Ace's Tale ~Thank you~
Chapter 3 : Ace's Tale ~Growing up again~
Chapter 3 : Ace's Tale ~Things I never feel before~
Chapter 5 : Aoi's self monologue ~I knew that~
Chapter 6 : Ace's Tale ~I'm a pirate not a prince~
Chapter 7 : Aoi's self monologue ~Who is he~
Chapter 9 : Ace's Tale ~We're all here~
Chapter 10 : Ace's Tale ~I'm not a gentleman~
Chapter 11: Angela's Interludes ~I'm the Heroine~
Chapter 12: Ace's Tale ~Doubt~
chapter 13: Ace's Tale ~Life is good~
Chapter 14: Aoi's self monologue (unfaithful)
Chapter 15: Ace's Tale ~It's Love~
Chapter 16 : Rhuifen & Noah Interlude ~The girl I love~
Chapter 17: Ace's Tale ~Mine~
Chapter 18: Kii's Interlude ~My Prince~
Chapter 19: Ace's Tale ~Time to get real~
Chapter 20: Interlude ~The Ethervizh's King observation~
Chapter 21: Ace's Tale ~The Beastmen and The King~
Chapter 22 : Angela's & Noah's Interlude ~That Little Girl~
Chapter 23: Ace's Tale ~The Ethervizh~
Chapter 24: Ace's Tale ~Loving Kii~
Chapter 25: Aoi's self monologue ~What? No way!!~
Chapter 26: Aoi's self monologue ~Two men talking~
Chapter 27: Ace's Tale ~Calm before storms~
Chapter 28: Angela's Interlude ~What I want is... ~
Chapter 29: Ace's Tale ~Separation in Illusion~
Chapter 30: Ace's Tale ~Ace and Arzen~
Chapter 31: Aoi's self monologue ~Demons are good~
Chapter 32: Aoi's self monologue ~The Wallace House~
Chapter 33: Ace's Tale ~Kii's heart and me in her life~
Chapter 34: Ace's Tale ~Noah, Angela, Rhuifen~
Chapter 35: Aoi's self monologue ~Epilogue~

Chapter 8 : Arren & Akai Interlude ~Little Brother~

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By 7midnight

Arren Pov

My little brother is weird. Was he always like this? Maybe he was, I would never know. We have never been close before. Since that day when he told us that he doesn't want to be a king, our relationship has changed. It seems that he took my agreement to his plan as a permission to get close to us. These days if he doesn't have kii-chan beside him, he will start bothering me. I never can tell how he can have that much energy.

When he knew I have free time, he will turn up to ask if I would like to go with him and doesn't take no for an answer. It bothers me in the past but now it's already been a normal occurrence in my daily life. I even put it in my schedule to spend time with him. He is not what I think he would be. For one, he doesn't hate me. He never is. He doesn't hate mother either. I couldn't fathom his feelings for father. He doesn't seem to hate him but doesn't seem to want to get close too. I used to think that he hates me because I have a mother and he was not. Or because of the fact that my existence put a danger on his life. I was born before him but from a concubine. He was a Queen's son. By any means, he has every right to inherit the Crown. Still, because he was younger and I was older who has more experience than him, even by only 2 years, some nobles don't want to put their faith in him. He was all alone in this cruel environment. There were too many attempts to assassinate him that made him wary of people. He doesn't have close aides either. Something that I have but he doesn't. So I thought his heart will full of resentment over me.

Yet, he looks happy when he sees us or if I agree to go with him. Whether it was just lunch together, hunting or even walking around the garden. Soon we also start to have a study class and train together as well. Later joined by kii-chan and Aoi-kun.

Speaking of kii-chan, I thought he was exaggerating when he said that he loves her more than anything. I was wrong again. He does seem to hold her dear to his heart. He always lit up every time kii-chan around. I'm glad to say that I think his feeling is reciprocated. Kii-chan is a nice Lady. She went with every single fling he has with a curious expression. I was worry that she only did that because she feels obligated but it seems it was not the case. She truly likes to spend time with him. To discover new things together. To listen to every story he told. What's more, kii-chan doesn't lie. She tells the thing as it is even if the truth is not in her favor. I can see why Arzen is, what was the words again, head over heels for her?

She is easy to love. I love her as well, not romantically but just love her as an individual. Like a little sister. She is my little sister in a sense. She is precious. She is strong enough by herself, doesn't need us to protect her or help her with every hard thing she found. We always want to help her anyway.

That's why I can understand Aoi-kun protectiveness over her. Though, why he hates Arzen is something that I already give up to understand. I know he knows that Arzen loves her so much and so does she. Who knows them will say the same thing. It's maybe because of his instincts as her twin brother? He might be had a feeling that Arzen is going to take her sister away? I heard that sometimes a father or a brother will act hostile to their daughter or sister lover because they treasure her so much. Maybe that's where Aoi-Kun's hostileness come from. I can't think of other reasons. It's hard to hate my little brother. He was just so bright. Especially when kii-chan is with him. He smiles more.

Well, he always smiles more around us that close to him but he is always wary of outsiders. He will have this close up expression when he faces them. I once think that he is a very good actor. He is not. He is a terrible liar. Proof?

We were eating our dinner at that time. He was saying that I was eating too little. We were growing up boys. We need to eat more. I make a comment that the amount I serve myself is acceptable for my body and it's enough. Then he said distractedly that "Luffy and Sabo will disagree. We used to hunt those big bears but it was not enough for the three of us. Especially for Luffy"

When I inquired about who was them. He told me that they were his brothers.

"Brothers?" Father asked

Mother was looking at him confusedly.

I was also puzzled. As far as I know, I was his only brother. I was pretty sure that I wasn't Luffy nor I called Sabo.

"Hmm, yeah. We live in the mountain with bandits" he continues not even looked up from his food.

We were looking at each other with a bit of confusedness on our mind. If he was still a child, we will think that they were his imaginary brothers. It doesn't explain why he thought that they lived in the mountains or why bandits. Is he maybe in his rebellious age? I do hope that he wasn't planning to become a bandit.

"And how come I'm not aware of these brothers of you, son?" father asked again.

He did look up after that. Blinked at us several times. "Huh? Which brothers? I thought I only have Arren Nii-Sama? Do I actually have other brothers? You never told me!" he answered with a tint of accusation tone to Father.

"I was asking you about Luffy and Sabo. The one that you said were your brothers, son" father sigh.

We were looking at him in unison. He looked at us one by one. I can see in his eyes that he was startled but then he turned his head to the side and said that he doesn't know any Luffy or Sabo. We sigh. See? A bad liar. We let it slide because we knew how stubborn he was. He wouldn't give us any real answer anyway.

I have such a weird little brother. But somehow he was also endearing, you somewhat want to listen and believe his story.

There was one time after we finish our magic training, he discovered that my aptitude of fire magic was strong and I was good at controlling it. He followed me everywhere until I agree to train him to control his. He has two core magic. Lightning and Fire. I thought he will like his lightning magic better as some people think that lighting magic is stronger than Fire magic. He doesn't agree.

He fiercely told me, I quote "Fire is awesome. You can burn your enemies' ship in one swift. You can fuel your mini ship with your fire for its speed so you can go mills faster! It also keeps you warm in cold weather. You don't even need shirts! You can turn your body on fire, use its pressure to jump higher. Ah, don't forget the most awesome thing. Firefist! It is an amazing move that makes enemies tremble in fears and people remember you by. When I'm able to fully control fire again, Firefist Ace will make a comeback. Yeah!" he pulls his fist.

His expression was so serious when he said that that I forget my bewilderment for a moment. Why do you need to burn ships? Why ship in particular? And fuel your ship? Our kingdom is situated in the middle of continents. We are closer to the desert rather than the sea. Hence, we don't have many ships as we don't use them much. We do have some that are placed in and out of the border between the Etherkouz Kingdom and our vacation island. Also what is this about doesn't need shirts? You will always need shirts. It's part of your attire, goodness. And he wants to control fire magic to be able to turn himself on fire and be called Firefist?. Honestly, speaking with him make my head throbs.

He barges into my life and places himself in my heart. Never even in my wild dream, I imagine that I'll come to care for him. Or get to close to him at all. But here we are. I knew my mother also have come to care for him. To love him as her own son. Our family interaction is getting better. We're not as close as a normal family does but we're getting there. We're content with what we have now. It's all because of him. My little brother whom I think still not aware of how much we value him. How much we care and (dare I say?) love him. I'm glad I have a brother.

Akai POV

My little brother used to follow me everywhere. Since he was young, he likes to mimic my every move. It doesn't bother me. He is adorable. He also loves his sisters very much and always listen to what Mother says. Father is always busy working so Mother is the one that taking care of our house issues.

He is a brilliant boy. He is fast to learn, he gets everything in a first try. Obedient and kind. A cheerful little brother that is loved by everyone in the house. Even the maids are spoiling him.

I thought with him among us, we are a perfect family.

Then he changed.

It was weeks before his seven birthday. He locked himself in his room for days. No one able to coerce him to come out. We tried everything but it wasn't working, Father even take afternoon leave to try to talk to him. We were worried sick about him.

When he decided to come out, it wasn't us that he came to look for. He went to his twin and gave her a tight hug. After that, he never leaves her side when he was home. He dragged her everywhere.

At first, we let it slide but months then years come to pass but his attitude didn't seem to get back.

Midori started to have a sad look everytime we mentioned Aoi. I knew she missed him. Before I knew it, my little brother was dripping away from us.

Soon mother decided to put an end to it. "let's have a family meeting" she said. Midori and I already in academy and father are still busy with his work but mother said Aoi action each day is getting worse so we got permission to come home on a weekend with family issues as our reason.

They were preparing to go to the palace when mother called Aoi and asked him to stay. He didn't look happy. Kii being her usual understanding self, left by herself.

I supposed I should have known that one day this would happen. Maybe I just try to deny it. Deep down I knew Aoi is right. I might be aware of it myself. That we were unfair to Kii. But Kii always accepts what we decided. When she was younger she would ask why but after mother had a talk with her and explained everything gently, I'm sure, she turned to be an understanding sister.

Kii was strong so I was sure she would be fine. Or maybe I was just to scare to admit it wasn't the case.

After Aoi outburst, Midori left with tears in her eyes. Mother went to catch up to her. As father and I the only one left in the room, father sigh deeply and ask me if he was a bad father. I want to say that he was not. That he was a good father but my mouth refused to make a noise. I don't know why I might be just don't want to remember.

Father looks at me with an understanding gaze, then he too, left with a sigh.

That happened a few hours ago. I don't know how long I've been sitting here. I come back to myself when I heard a maid welcome Aoi back. I go to meet him.

My little brother is in deep thought. Looking at him right now I can see the similarities between him and father. Unlike me who look like mother aside from my eyes. Aoi is like a miniature of father. The same blue hair and eyes. His facial expressions are also what father would look like when he is thinking about something.

There nothing that reminds us of his mother. Maybe that's what makes mother, and us, accept him easily. The same things can't be said about Kii. She doesn't look like father. Every part of her reminds us of her mother. The same silver hair, though hers have Aoi's blue tint on them. The blue-grey eyes. If Aoi is a miniature of father, Kii is the miniature of their mother.

How long ago was it since they were born? 11 years? Time sure flies so fast.

I might have been closing my eyes about the unfairness of our way of treating Kii because I don't want to lose my comfort zone. I was a coward. I never give Kii chance to be loved too. Aoi looks young but do is Kii. Maybe that's why I can't answer father's question.

"What?" Aoi said when he noticed me. Then without waiting for my answer, he left me too. His cold glare leaves a stinging feeling in my heart.

I would have to go to him in the past. Now, my feet feel heavy. I can't make myself move. His questions in that room were weighing my mind.

Will I lose him when, yes when not if, because I know someday he will find out. He is a genius after all. Or it might be Kii who will find out first. I don't know many things about her but I knew she is as brilliant as Aoi. When they find out that mother is not their mother as well. What would they think?

Will I lose my little brother then?

I sigh and force myself to move. I don't want to think about it. If I don't want to lose my little brother, shall I start to get to know my little sister? I don't think any action I make after this can lessen Aoi disappointment. We've left Kii too long. She is fine without us. She even looks happier now.

It might be too late to start noticing her. She doesn't need us anymore, and in extension, so does Aoi. It might be his instincts. The twin bond? Without even knowing the truth he has decided to stand by his sister side rather than us, his half family.

I wish I wasn't such a coward. I wish I take a better care of Kii. If I do, maybe I won't be this late.

I really don't want to lose my family but I know my little brother. When he decided something, he will focus on it to the end. He already determined to stand for Kii.

Mother won't be happy, father wouldn't care. Midori will just be sad. And I don't know what I should do.

Is there a way to keep this family complete?

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