Miss You, Love You

By ann_lems

103 5 0

When Auralee, a shy simple English Lit student, helps a handsome 'Mystery Man' named Adam she knows he's defi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3

10 1 0
By ann_lems

After his exit at the coffee shop Adam had texted me the address to his house and what time to meet. I was now a bit wary of him since my knowledge of his daughter and possible wife/partner. We agreed to meet on Saturday at four thirty and I figured out I could walk the distance to his apartment. It was a breezy day and I found the wind biting my face and hands as I briskly walked to the higher end of town. I wasn't surprised that Adam would live there at all. Now I figured that anything I found out about the man was nothing I could expect anymore. I supposed that I felt a bitter towards him but I guess he just couldn't help it. I felt smug as I thrust my hands deeper in my dark green peacoat.    

  I arrived at the apartment building and had to crane my neck to see the top of it. The reception area was so well decorated unlike my own which had a ratty couch and a phone. I went to the elevators and checked my phone to see what floor it was. It was third from the top so I knew I had quite a long ride ahead of me. The envelope with the 'M' necklace was still in my purse from the last time I had seen him at the coffee shop. I really wanted to clear up the rumours that Lyle had mentioned. I wanted to believe that he was good guy. The sounds of sliding doors snapped me out of my thoughts. He had said it was the first door on the left and I reached for the old fashioned knocker and slapped it against the door a few times. I paused and heard shuffling feet, a sound of something falling to the floor and cursing. I bit back a smile as the deadbolt slid back. Adam opened the door as he rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand and yawned, standing in nothing but a pair of boxers and one sock. He had a bit more scruff than his usual five o clock shadow and his hands were still taped from what I suspected was last nights fight. 

"Should I leave and come back at a better time?" 

"No, no, it's fine." He leaned against the door sleepily and yawned one more time.

"Is there anything I can go out and get for you in the mean time?"  "Coffee?" He smiled but his voice was thick with sleep.

"Sure. I'll be back soon." I turned as he shut the door.    

I had picked up an Americano for Adam and just a soy latte for myself before I made my way back to his apartment. I had loitered by the small, interesting shops giving him more that enough time to get ready. I arrived back at the apartment and before I had a chance to knock he opened the door. I handed him his coffee and stepped inside. His apartment was very clean and modernistic for a single man. I liked it. It was simple and fresh with a minimalistic air to it. I was actually surprised that this could even be a bachelor pad.I spotted some boxing gloves sticking out of a gym bag that was kicked under a table in the hallway but I didn't say anything. Adam looked freshly showered and handsome in a white button up, sleeves casually rolled up to his elbows. He had gotten rid of the tape around his knuckles and haphazardly slapped on a few bandaids instead. He had a few pans on the stove with what looked like pasta and a thick, rich looking tomato sauce. I noticed that he had a dish towel thrown over the sink so I couldn't see the copious amounts of dirty dishes underneath. I set my bag down one the table where he had thrown my coat.

"Do you need help with anything?" I was tentative and I hope he couldn't see right through me. 

"No. Why don't you go wait out on the balcony and I'll be right out." He put a warm hand on my shoulder and turned back to the pots. I crept through the living room, expecting someone to pop out of the three closed doors to my right. I didn't know who, I just had a feeling. I found the balcony door and shoved it open with my hip. He had a substantial patio set up and I was surprised I hadn't noticed the neat rows of covered walk outs when I had first arrived at the building. There was a small fire pit in the right hand corner with a small wicker love seat. I sat at a table that had two place settings at a small table off to the side. Adam stuck his head outside. 

"Hey, grab your plate. It's buffet style." He gave me a meaningful smile that I tried not to read into. We both dished out and headed back outside.     

  The meal continued without much excitement until I remembered my actual reason for coming over. I fished out the folded envelope from my pocket and handed it to him. He turned it over in his hands a few times before opening it. He tipped the envelope so the necklace slid out onto his outstretched palm. Before I could help I blurted, "are you married?" As soon as I said it his face changed, making me instantly regret it. 

"No. I was close though." He pushed his plate to the middle of the table and laced his fingers behind his head. In the dwindling light his hazel eyes look a chocolatey brown and laced with anticipation. Of what, I had no idea. I just sat there uncomfortably, waiting for him to say something.

"If you want it you can have it." He laid the necklace next to my plate, but it looked like he was rather glad to be rid of it.

"Are you sure? If it was meant for someone I don't want to intrude."

"No, you won't intrude! In fact, I'm giving it to you." He picked it up and opened the clasp, waiting for me to move my hair so he could put it on me. His deft and strong fingers slipped over the small hinge a few times until it clicked. He sat back down and studied the simple pendant around my neck. 

"Her name was Melanie." He paused and looked at the traffic on the street below. "That's what the 'M' is for."

"Oh." I took a breath. "Were you together a long time?" 

"Two years. Long enough to have a kid. What a bitch." He muttered the last part under his breath but I had heard it anyway. I tried to control the surprise on my face, but since I already knew I was just shocked that he was telling me."Enough of this though. I really didn't bring you here to talk about my personal problems." I got up and started to clear the plates but he grabbed my wrist, startling me.  "You don't have to do those. I can do them later." I set them down and he led me to the love seat.

"If you didn't bring me here to be your therapist then why did you? Invite me, I mean?"

"I wanted to get to know you better. Do I have to have a reason to invite a beautiful girl over for dinner?" He smiled and pulled an arm around my shoulders. I was hesitant to fall into his chest but it was nice to lean into. Feeling wanted was nice. 

"It's so pretty out here. The sky mixes well with the foreign nature of the buildings..." I trailed off, knowing I sounded like a complete idiot.

"You sound like a painter. Do you paint?" I felt his laugh and the rise and fall of his chest when he breathed. 

"I guess so. Not very well, I admit." 

"Come on. I bet you're amazing. You have to be better than the painter I slept with once. She only did nudes." I laughed and curled my feet under myself. The fall air was biting in the creeping darkness.

"What were you doing the other day at the coffee shop?" I had to twist around to look up at him. 

"A court thing. It's really a huge mess. Because I box for a living I'm not worthy parent material and now the media is involved, and really the whole thing is about to blow up in my face."

"For what it's worth I'd think you make a great dad."

"You're only saying that because you've never seen where I box." He laughed but I could tell it was fake.

"Maybe I'd like to watch sometime." I knew there was an edge to my voice that really shouldn't be there.

"You really don't know who I am, do you?"

"No. Should I?" 

"Not really. I guess it's nice to not have everyone know who you are."

"Maybe I'll have to Google you." I slid deeper into his arms.

"For the love of God please don't do that. If you have anything to ask, I'd rather tell you than a twisted story on the internet."

"Okay, okay! I won't Google you..." I laughed. 

"Promise me though. You really don't want to read about some of the things I've done. I really am a bad person, Auralee. I'll tell you one day but not tonight." He stifled a yawn with the back of his hand and downed the rest of his wine. 

"From what I've seen, I don't think your bad." I was really just trying to make him feel better but I came off sounding quite... over comforting.

"You really are a sweet girl. I hope you stay like that forever." He yawned again, and now I was wondering how he could possibly be tired after getting up at 4 in the afternoon. "You should probably get going. I have a meeting early tomorrow." His warm breath brushed past my ear and we both got up into the warm escape of the house. I was glad that for once I didn't have to make up an excuse to leave. It was a pleasant visit but I admit that I was ready to turn in for the night. 

"Sure. Thanks for supper. Your actually a really good cook." I didn't know if I had just let slip a compliment or an insult. I laughed and put on my coat.

"Of course I'm a good cook." He smirked and handed me my bag. "Did you get a cab here? I can pay for your way back."

"I walked." 

"Of course you did." He muttered and slipped on his own coat. "I guess I'll have to walk you back myself then."  I waited as he finished locking up. It was dark enough for the street lamps to be on and I was suddenly glad to have Adam walking beside me. It started to rain, a misty film in the air. Adam flipped up his collar and I felt the warmth from his jacket sleeve next to my arm.    

  When we got to my corner he stopped me.  "I don't really know how to say this..." He dug the toe of his shoe through a crack in the sidewalk. "Thanks for just listening. It's nice to just have someone to talk to, you know?" His voice faltered a bit.

"Oh my God. Please don't start crying on me. I really don't know how to deal with emotional men." I was only joking and I heard a chuckle in the dark. 

"I was trying to thank you, that's all." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Without thinking, I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed his warm cheek. "Do that again." I knew he was poking fun because of the laughing lilt to his voice and the sparkle in his dark eyes. 

"Okay." I whispered and kissed him on the lips. He was surprised that I had complied but after a second he kissed me back, his lips soft and gentle. It wasn't a hungry kiss and I liked that. He had struck me as a man who was passionate, but it was a nice surprise to find out differently. I pulled away for a breath. 

"Goodnight then."

"Yeah. Goodnight." We parted ways with a smile and I watched him leave down the dark street.

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