Jealousy [Identity V Fanfic]...

By MiraiNinsa

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This is my first fanfic story, I hope you enjoy reading itπŸ˜›, *WARNING* THERE WILL BE LOTS OF GRAMMATIC MISTA... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

1.2K 27 18
By MiraiNinsa

This art does not belongs to me~

Naib Subedar • Mercenary
Emma Woods • Gardener
Emily Dyer • Doctor
Kreacher Pierson • Thief
William • Forward
Eli • Seer
Vera • Perfumer
Helena • The minds eye
Jack • Ripper
Michiko • Geisha
Violetta • Soul Weaver
Leo • Hell ember

"Emma hey!! Can you hear me??" I panicked and when I saw her face, it was really pale and cold.
I shouted Emily's name for help

As emily heard me, she quickly ran to us and gasped, "Omg what happened to her??" She checked Emma's heartbeat and asked me to carry her to the nearest couch.
She put a wet cloth on her forehead and placed a comfy blanket on her.
"Is she going to be alright?" I asked
"She will be okay later, i think she just lacked of sleeping so she fainted" she said.
"Thanks emily"
"Welcome" she smiled

I also told Kreacher about this so that he can take a good care of her. He quickly ran to Emma and stayed with her after he heard what i told him.
"Oh Emma, you shouldn't sleep too late next time, or else you'll be sick again.." cried Kreacher.
I smiled and went to my room.

"Hello naib~ You alright there?" Jack asked
"Oh hey, I'm okay. You?"
"Im fine, you looked sad my dear, what's wrong?"
"My friend just passed out and I was panicked when I saw her face turned really pale"
"Ah I see, don't worry she will be alright soon~" he cheered me up a lil
"Thanks jack,"
"No worries. It's morning already, go have a breakfast okay? You seemed tired, don't ever sleep late or you'll end up like Emma okay" jack concerned and gave me a chocolate bun to me.
"Here, I baked this by myself. I hope you like it" he smiled
"Aw jack, you shouldn't have to but thanks anyway" i took the wrapper out and took a bite on it.
"Mmm that's actually pretty good!" As i eat it continuously.
"Hehe thanks, i made this specially for you" he winked
"AHH!" I screamed then turned around and saw Vera.
"Come out and have breakfast" she said and sprayed her signature perfume on her.
"Okay okay but I'll only eat a little"
"Whatever" she rolled her eyes and walked out from my room.

"Oof that's harsh, i think you shoudl better head out now before she start screaming like a angry mom again haha" jack chuckled and i laughed at it too
"Haha nice one, alright I'm going for breakfast and meet I'll talk to you again soon, bye~" i waved
"Enjoy your delicious breakfast dear~"
I smiled and left my bedroom for breakfast. I only saw a few people left at the dining table. There are William, Helena, Vera and Emily.

I scooped up some baked red beans and took some toasts out of the toaster and a cup of coffee. I walked to the dining table and placed down my plate and coffee. As I started to eat, Vera interrupted my meal and asked, "Naib, who were you talking to just now?" she asked me with a curious face on her.

"I- uh waas talking to-"
"Oh yeah Vera! You forgotten to help Emma water the plants at the backyard!" Emily interrupted our conversation.
"Oh gosh yeah!! Thanks for reminding me Emily!" Vera thanked her and rushed to the backyard replacing Emma to take care of the flowers.
"Thanks Emily"
"No big deal, unfortunately, your "thing" will not last any longer so take good care of it" she said and left the dining table to her room.

After my breakfast, I placed down my dirty dishes into the sink and magically been washed. But still, it creeps me out sometimes because it looks like a ghost washing dishes.
As I went to visit Emma, William dashed to me and gave me a big pat on my back.
"Morning dude!"
"Oh hi William, what's up dog"
William looked up and was confused by my joke.
"Oh my god William, it means what's up hahaha!" I laughed and told him the meaning but he was still confused.
"Never mind forget it" i smiled
"So what are you doing here" trying not to laugh but I couldn't help bursted our laughing again. William was a little pissed and went into his room.
"NOoO I'm sorryyyyy" i begged him but it's useless so I went to Emma's room.

I knocked on the door and called her name, "Emma? Can I come in?"
"Who's on door?"
"Uh its Naib here.."
"Oh yeah sure! Please come in~"
I entered the room and saw Emma on bed with her breakfast tray and a cup of tea. "Morning Emma, are you feeling much better now?"
"Yes of course, thanks for helping me out last night. I'm sorry if I bothered your sleeping time..."
"Ah no big deal actually, sometimes i stayed up late night too"
"Saying about staying up night, why were you up last night?" I asked with curiosity
"I-I wanted to give you a 'thank-you' present as good friend.. Unfortunately i lost the present..." cried Emma
"Oh Emma, you don't have to you know? Being the best friend with you is a present to me" I tried to cheered her up.
"*sniffs* really?" Emma asked with some tears in her eyes
"Yes! You're just like a sister to me" i said and hugged her
"Thanks, brother" she sobbed and hugged me too
"Now go have some rest, I'll help you with the dishes" I lay her blanket on her and tucked her to sleep.
As I picked up the tray, Kreacher opened the door and started me and himself.
"Oh haha hey naib! Thanks for tucking her into sleep" he said
"Ah no problem, you better keep an eye on her before she stay up late again and get sick"
"I will don't worry" he smiled as i walked through the door to the kitchen and placed down the dishes. While I was planning to cook an egg for myself, I heard a loud scream and her voice is familiar to me.
"Who is that?!" Kreacher opened the door and asked
"Might be Vera" I shrugged. "I'll take care of this don't worry"
The screaming was heard from the backyard. When I opened the door, I saw Vera standing and shacking on the bench.
"What's wrong??" I asked
"I-I sa-w a gho-ost..." as i heard from her, I became panicked too.
"You saw wha-at?" I asked again
"He's behind YOU!!" Shouted Vera loudly.
As i turned around, I saw a pale skinned face with cracks on him.


Authors note:
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I really apologise to you all for posting it late its because I was busy.
And also, i will not be posting stories on 18th of December til 27th of December (sorrryy agaainn >~<)

Merry early Christmas!!

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