The Mate Wars

By WerewolfWishes

567 22 4

Kek was the worst type of rogue. He was the kind who would kidnap wolves just for the fun of it. He would hol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3


111 5 0
By WerewolfWishes

Elizabeth POV


        Is all I heard the Alpha scream through the mind link, before it went dead. I jumped out of my bed, and through the crowded hallways. People shoved to get outside first, the men running down the hallways, pushing their mates and pups to safety.

         When I reached outside, it was a bloodbath. Many naked bodies were dead on the floor, but I couldn't tell who was winning the battle. I immediatly shifted into my stark white wolf, and started fighting alongside my pack. I pushed a rougue off of a pack member in need, biting their ear. The pack member nodded to me, giving me a silent thank you, I'm safe now. I left them to fight, while continuing to search for pack members in need. I saw a rougue ontop of a pack member, and I rushed to their side, but before I could get there, I was ambushed by four rouges, all in wolf form.

        One of the wolves wolf tried to claw my stomach, but I quickly launched him off of me, into another rouge. Another rougue went for the kill at my throat, but I was too quick, and ripped his throat instead. I stared at the dead, naked, rouge at my paws, I quickly recovered from the shock of killing someone. The last rogue caught me by surprize, and clawed my stomach. Blood immediatly gushed from the wound on my stomach, staining my white fur a deep red.

         Darkness clouded my vision, and I swayed slightly. One of the other rougues stood up behind me. Anger overcame me, and I lunged half-heartedly at the rouge in front of me, biting it's back leg. I spat the bloody fur out of my mouth, while the wolf whimpered slightly. My coat was now covered in blood, both mine and the rougues. The rougue behind me flipped me around, so that my back was against the ground, with him on top. He could have ended my life right then, but for some reason, he instead made a long gash on my stomach with his claws. Endless amounts of blood poured from my wounds, like syrup from a bottle.

        My body went weak, clinging to life. While my blood drained, so did my energy. I vagely felt the rougues carrying me somewhere. I tried to fight back, but I was weak, and my vision was progressing with black. Somewhere, someone was calling my name, but I was too weak to respond.

        The darkness consumed me. 


Sorry it's so short, the other chapters will be longer. 


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