Random Pee Story's

By Fireballswritting

68.1K 96 24

This book is fictional and it just has a bunch of short story's with people peeing or pooping there pants. I... More

Part 2 of Part 1
Part 3 of 3
Sallys peppery accident
New Book Out
Wetting Dreams

Untitled Part 1

20.3K 22 10
By Fireballswritting


"Ughhh i can't believe it i just can't believe it" he kept on thinking it over in his head as laid on his bed. He looked up at the plain white ceiling with a water stain in the one corner. Looking at the water stain he replayed what happened at school today.


"Hey Chris wait up, i got some great news!" called Alley Chris's best friend since they were 6 years old. She had a big grin on her face and her green eyes twinkled  like the stars were shining in the sky her beautiful curvy figure danced around the school hall as she waited for me to listen so she could tell the great news, sometimes i want to ask her to be my girlfriend because shes just so damn hot, plus i just got my drivers last week 2 days after my 16th birthday. 

"What is it?" I finally asked after her watching her dancing like a 10 year old just got a big bag full of candy and toys.

She turned so she was facing me face to face as she screeched "You know how we auditioned for being the schools live TV news report well...... WE GOT IT EEEEEE!" she was happy  as she started dancing again i realized i had to go pee, so, i cut it short and said "I will be right back i just have to run to my locker real quick i forgot to grab my pen." i lied i didn't like telling people i had use the bathroom i thought it was embarassing.

"Oh well umm you do that then." Just as i turned to leave she quickly said "Oh wait a minute i have another pen here you can use it, and i should let you know we need get to the TV set right now the program starts after the bell and then we had 45 minutes to talk on TV." She grabbed hand and we started to run down the halls to the TV room. When got to the set i got nervous and when i get nervous i get really thirsty so i pulled my water of my bag and started guzzling it. After i finished my bottle i was still thirsty but i couldn't drink more i felt the urge to go pee stronger.

So i looked over to the vending machine and saw the water jug beside and i thought two or more cups of water won't hurt i went over to the jug and drank like six cups more than i intended too. Alley looked over at me and called out "Get over here we have ten minutes to read our scripts and then were on so hurry up!"

I went over to the set and sat in my seat studying my script about 5 minutes in and i started to realize that i couldn't hold my bladder in for 20 minutes. i thought of asking to head to the bathroom but i fear of announcing using the bathroom kicked and then i decided i wouldn't have made it to the bathroom and then back to set on time. I Quickly finished reading the script just in time for the producer to say "We're on in 5-4-3-2-1"

"Good morning Tiger High today we are going to talk about the vandalism that happened last night on the gro...." Alley was talking like this came natural to her i took a sip of water and then realized that was not a good idea i crossed my legs slowly squeezing my thighs together trying not make it obvious i had to go. "And now for the weather report Chris."

She looked over at me as i quickly stood up to point out the weather patterns on the screen but as soon as i did a little spurt of pee escaped i managed to stop it as i was talking and pointing out that the town over was having thundershowers. They showed a video of the the thundershower going on in th town over and hearing the rain splatter to the ground made me relax my muscles just like when mom and dad where potty training they played the sound of rain falling. I lost control of my bladder and started to pee everywhere on FUCKING LIVE TV. The hot pee ran down my legs and formed a big puddle on the floor and it made its way to the steps that lead you off set. when stream finally ended i ran out of the school as fast as i could all the way home.

Mom was there to greet me she held up her phone that showed the video of me peeing on live TV.  She told me to meet her in my room when i walked it there was a changing table and diapers. Mom walked in and said "Until you can prove to me that you can hold your bladder you are going to wear diapers."

Flashback over:

After remembering everything that happened today i noticed something warm i looked down and saw that i wet my diaper.

AN//Don't forget to like and comment and remember that this book is just for those who request a story that they want in this book so if you want to see a story with you are just a story you want to see in here just dm me to let me know.

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