together for better or wrose...

By xox_jailyn

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this story is about mindless behavior having a friend that is alway there for them no matter what and they ar... More

together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
having a good time with your friends untill it all goes bad
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
together for better or wrose (mindless behavior story)
title of your story
how do you show that you care when no one is caring for YOU.?!
who will walk away first
what could happen next ..

together for better or wrose (mindless behavior)

98 2 2
By xox_jailyn

jailyn: hello?

??: jailyn?

jailyn: depends on who is asking, who is this?

??: jaden, jaden smith

jailyn: o hii mhm what made you call me so late at night?

jaden: well princeton called me and told me to call you because they said up upped and left them and they didnt know why and they havent heard from you since, but i was really calling to see if  you needed a friend right now?

jailyn: yeah i left them but lol its a long story why and he called you? mhm not one of them has came down to my house to seee if i was here

jaden: i have time and yeah he called me like 5 times *laughing* but dont they around your area or something like that

jailyn: yeah they live down the street from me we have lived down the street from each other for the longest time that is why we are so close but facetime me and ill tell you the story kk

jaden: kk

                                        *so jaden and i had facetimed for hours*

??: *nook nook nook* jailyn i know you are here please open the door and i know you arent sleep (its 4:44am) please open the door you always stay up to catch the clock to say 4:44 please jailyn

jailyn: *thinking*i had know clue who was at the door and it isnt seantay she would have texted or called i had been still facetiming with jaden i had been nerves to get up and see who it was

jaden: jailyn who is that?

jailyn: i dont know

??: jailyn im not leaving please open the door

jaden: go open the door and see who it is it may be princeton or one of them

jailyn: *getting up slowly* jaden that doesnt sound like them

??: JAILYN!!

jailyn: that is not them believe me i know

jaden: well text them just text them and have them come thru the back door so he doesnt know that anyone has came over who every that kid is

jailyn: *texting them all* prod,prince,ray,roc : hay i know we havent talk since i walked out but someone is at my front door banging like crazy yelling my name and the voice doesnt sound like anyone i know so could you all come over but take the back street and jump my fince and ill open the back door please if you come dont make any noise


jailyn: omgb!! im scared jaden what i do ?

jaden: has any of the boys texted you back yer or came? i would come over but my dad has me on lock down to night

jailyn: no no nothing !! jaden its ok if you cant come i mean i got 911 on speed dail to its ok  and i know your dad is something else half the time lol


jaden: jailyn just go out back and stay back from the door please

jailyn: ook im trying not to be loud i dont know who this is

*text from princeton*

gummie bear we are on are way we was sleep, we are right down the street

jailyn: afro bear please come fast and take the back please like you guys always do when its late at this time or when getting chased by fans please come fast!!


jaden: look im on my way i know my way there and i have had to do this back yard thing so many times running from fan jailyn im on my way to your house.

jailyn: jaden but your gonna get yelled at by your dad

jaden: he will understand why i had to leave and come

        *ends facetime*

about 5 mins later mindless behavior come to the back as always roc fells and they come to the door i slowly open the door and try not to make any type of nosie

princeton: *runs up and hugs me* are you ok jailyn ? *wispering in my ear*

roc&ray: *wispering* jailyn do i need to hurt some body for you ?

jailyn: know i dont need you to hurt anyone *cut off*


jailyn: that is what i need help with i dont know who it is but we have to wait for jaden to come

everyone: ok

jaden: ok im here is he still here?

jailyn: yeah i dont know what to do and i dont know who it is

prodigy: we are here for you jailyn you dont have to worry about anything ok

jailyn: thank you all so much for being here for me

??:1....2....3...JAILYN IM COMING IN NOW!!!

jailyn: STOP HIM NOW!! what do i do ?

everyone but me: we got you jailyn dont worry

*the door flys open* *everyone gasp*

jailyn: omgb!! its you why are you here i had to move because of you house did you find where i lived ??

??: you posted all those pictures of you with all these people all the time and there was one picture where i saw your address and i looked and looked and looked up all your picture and what do you know i found it i saw you getting out your car today and i knew this was your house so i waited and waited for the right time

jailyn: you need to leave now!!

everyone: WHO IS HE?

jailyn: that is my ex charles he has been trying to find me i had to get a new phone number and had to move so he could leave me alone but he wont it has been almost a year since he talked to me because i had to move and all and know he has found me and i have moved on and i see he hasnt.


rayray: wait wait wait wait!!!! did you just say yo girl ?

jailyn: charles you need to leave now before i call the cops !

charles: im not leaving to go any where im staying here

jailyn: yes you are you need to go

ray&jaden: boy you need to go before something go down in here

jailyn: yall ant finna be fighting in my house i cleaned up this house by myself every day so charles you NEED TO LEAVE NOW!!!

princeton: look we arent going to fight at all in this house if anything we finna end this now

rayray: jailyn i cant believe you, you date princeton that is why he buys all that stuff and that ring you have on he got you that and wait that is why you left the food place you was mad from what me and roc had said about you two dating

charles: wait you go out with him i know you have liked him since you was in middle school but really

princeton: you need to leave and go home

prodigy: yea wat they said

                                                 rayray pov

 i know that we are in ruff place about all this but like really i just dont get it i love jailyn wait did i just say i love her? we ll yeah i mean im always there for jailyn and this is so much and i dont even know how to take this i mean what do i do, jailyn is always there for me and im always there for her i just dont get why she hasnt seen that i like her i mean it isnt that hard to see that i like her ..........

roc : look here lil boy last thing i need to do is go to jail so if you dont leave now imma beat yo ass bro like forreal

charles: man look you was that scaried to open the door your self you had all these people come with you or come over and it was just me at your  door trying to talk to you again like really

jailyn: look ha i dont want you in my life this my sound hard on you but you just broke in my house and no telling what you would have done if no body was here with me and i had to call them hear because i didnt trust opening the door to someone nooking and yelling at the door looking for me like really and if you need to talk you was my friend on facebook all you had to do was hit me up but you had to take it to other leves in the house and i dont like all this that you have doin so charles i like its time you leave like now and dont come back

charles: how am i not suppose to talk that in a hard way i mean your just letting me go like that?

jailyn: yeah charles you are a basketball player trying to find your way to the nba and im just being a kid with lots of friends around me at hard times but the time we had been together you was never been there you always had basketball you never even came to a track meet till this day you havent still came today and i dont tell you about them but i post the time and place about them and never would see so i gave up on you because you have and never will change how you act

charles: but jailyn i was there for you even when no body was talking to you i mean basketball is my life

jailyn: haa charles i didnt need you there i was good on my own and you was never there i sat at lunch by myself all the time thru the year on and off you would just go to basketball you never made time for me but basketball and your friends was like you top xcthings in life and it seems like that hasnt changed at all and i need someone who will be there like princeton, rayray, and the group they came so fast to make sure i was ok charles that is what i need someone there someone i know that if im sick they will take care of me and miss out on thing they friends are doing to take care on me i wanna come frist not last

charles: jailyn but ...........

jailyn: i think it is time for you to go you have basketball to partice for

 *charles walks out the house*

jaden: man look i though i was finna have to rock some body shii to night

everyone but jailyn: *laughing* i thought i did to he got off easy

jailyn: *walks up to my room slowly*

rayray: *follows right behind her* jailyn whats wrong?

jailyn: rayray you woundnt understand

rayray: i may not understand but i here for you just to say what ever it is even if i dont say anything back

jailyn: thank you but i just need to go eat *laughs*

*they both walk down stairs where everyone is*

princeton&jaden: jailyn ?

jailyn: huh?

princeton&jaden: are you ok?

jailyn: huh? yeah im fine im just hungry, yall want any thing to eat?

everyone: yeah sure ?

jailyn: well ok *laughing*

   jadens pov

jailyn is like a good friend i mean the things she just said to "charles" most people would hold it against her i think that is why she never said anything to anyone about it all but everyone now knows in this house i think that is why she is feeling a worried, and i wounder what she is going to cook. jailyn she cooks some good food i woundnt say it all be good but she can cook and her cuz seantay she can cook too they be throwin down in the kitchen. like wow can you believe jailyn and princeton go out and i knew for along time ray ray has liked her since he mate her but i mean ray may have wanted to move faster with his game.

jailyn: mhm how about pan cakes ? *laughing*

everyone: yeah can we help ?

jailyn: yeah come on, but yall know that means yall have to help clean up too ?

everyone but ray: yeah *laughing*

rayray: *runs to his phone* can i record this moment ?

jailyn: yeah why not *smiling at ray*

rayray: i want this moment to keep going and i always wanna look back on it *smiles back at jailyn*

roc: turns on the music

Jaden: grabs the stuff we need

princeton&jailyn: mix everything together

prodigy: flips the pancakes for everyone

    prodigy pov

man i dont want this time of life never to end i miss action like a kid in the kitchen with friends cooking and dancing and singing around the house these times are where its like life has slowed down and you just want it to never end well that is how i feel right now.

*everyone is dancing & singing*

rayray: *still recording* jailyn can i get you to sing for us ?

*everyone got quit*

jailyn: mhm you want me to sing ?

rayray: yeah jailyn i mean its just us and the camera

jailyn: *thinking* mhm *laughing* sure why not whats the least that could happen ?

rayray&princeton: what song are you going to sing ?

jailyn: imma sing thinking about you by freack ocean

roc : girl now you know you cant sing that song and why that song he by ?

jailyn: believe me i can and so he likes both let him do him and you do you kk *laughing*

rayray: *laughing* she treated you and come on sing

jailyn: *looks around*

rayray: jailyn any time k im not rushing you

roc: i am shoot *laughing* im just playing

prodigy: ill give you a beat?

jailyn: *breaths hard* ok prodigy can i have a beat and roc you to shut up *laughing*

prodigy&roc: ok

  *prodigy gives her a beat*

jailyn: *starts singing the song* *sings the whole song*

everyone but jailyn: *speechless*

rayray: wow i mean jailyn and you havent said anything to anyone about this jailyn you have a voice on you and you could be famous like all of us?

jailyn: i know i have a voice but that is it i mean i dont want anything to change to were people stop talking to me because im famous and all

everyone: believe we not

jailyn: *laughing* omgb!! the pancakes!!

prodigy: *looks at us* what about them?

everyone: they done?

prodigy: yeah

  * everyone runs to the kitchen *

     jailyns pov

we all are eatting and laughing having a good time rayray as always is still recording us but we dont mind it. princeton isnt mad about the whole ex thing that is good. but i cant get the whole famous thing out my head i mean i hear so much about it because well look at my friends lol they talk about it all the time i mean who are they going to sit in a place to have them sneak in to ? who are they going to tell they saw this person and got me a picture of them just for me ? what will happen like will they leave me for a new not famous friend and i just have to live with it and keep going with life like always ? i dont want that to happen i want my friends to stay as my friends my boyfriend to stay as my boy friend and my best friend i dont want anything to change.

    *its 7:39 am*

rayray: man look them pancakes was bangin!

everyone: *yells thank you*

jailyn: *walks to the living room* im getting sleep

prodigy: yeah i and too *laughing*

rayray: man i think we all is

jailyn: yeah, soo , mhm i mean i only have three beds

rayray: what do you mean you have three beds ?

jailyn: i have three beds *laughing*

princeton: where are they?

jailyn: two are in my room and ither one is in the guest room

jaden&rayray: ok we'll go get them

jailyn: no! ill get my bed you get the other ones ok ?

jaden&rayray: ok sure

*so they go up and get the beds and bring them down stairs*

jailyn: *bring down her bed* so here goes my bed

rayray: jailyn *laughing* your bed is like 2 beds in one

jailyn: i know

princeton: *runs over and helps* ok where are the beds going?

jailyn: in the living room

roc : mhm where are the covers?

jailyn: dang boy only one person i got covers ok

roc : ok and i was just askin

jailyn: well you could have got them cause you know where they at

roc : oo yeah i do

*lays all the beds down on the ground*

rayray: where everyone going to sleep?

roc&prodigy: yeah ?

jailyn: *laughing* where every yall want to i mean lay down where yall want to and feel comfortable at and we coo

everybody but jailyn: ok

prodigy: *everyone finds a spot* jailyn why you just standing there find a spot too

jailyn: huh? im waitting for you all to get comfortable

prodigy: why dont you just lay next to princeton ?

jailyn: mhm

rayray: you can lay right here next to him if you want ill sleep on the couch

jailyn: know you can lay down there on the beds and ill sleep on the couch i want to make sure all my guest are comfortable

rayray: jailyn please you ant finna sleep on know couch in your yo house

jailyn: rayray im fine i want to sleep on the couch

princeton: jailyn are you sure i mean this is your house ?

jailyn: yeah im fine *laughing*

roc : man look take yall butts to bed she wants to sleep on the couch let her

everybody but roc : shut up boy and take yo butt to bed

jailyn: *goes in the back and gets realize and lays down* good night everyone, now all yall phones on the chargers ?

     *everybody gets up and puts they phone on they charger*

    the next day......

seantay: *walks in the house* is yall woke?

 no answer, she walks all the way in and see all of us sleep and smiles and takes a picture of us all sleep and walks off to her room and does what ever bookie does.



jailyn: o shii my phone *runs to grab her phone*

         everyone is waking up

rayray: jailyn what is up with all that

no answer

rayray: jailyn?

no answer

princeton: jailyn are you ok?

no answer

*everyone gets up*

 everyone: what is going on, what do we do? is she sleep or what?

roc: JAILYN?

no answer

*seantay comes running around the corner*

seantay: what...omgb call 911

princeton: ok i will *grabs phone and calls 911

rayray: *talking to jailyn* jailyn please if you hear me please move something jailyn? i need you we need you please dont go

seantay: move ray *a tear fell down her cheek* jailyn look i know im not here all the time but you cant go jailyn please it ant your time to go

princeton: *looking out the window* THEY HERE!!

everybody but prince: open the door fool

princeton: *runs to the door* *walks over to jailyn* seantay please dont cry

seantay: look here lil niqqa im not crying im just sweating out my eyes ok

rayray: *laughing* your funny

      *everyone looks at rayray*

prodigy: ray she is going to be ok dont cry jailyn is ok she is going to come back to us they arent going to take her away like this so fast ray

rayray: *wipe his face* she will come back i know jailyn is a fighter she never gives up

seantay: *taking to the cops and people* i..i..i dont know what to do with out my jailyn she brings a smile to my face every day jailyn please dont go, god you cant take her now know you cant

everybody: seantay she isnt leaving she is a fighter

seantay: i know she said she was feeling weak and all when she got up and moved around but i thought it would go away because you know she was doing track and i didnt know what is was so i didnt take it to the head

princeton: seantay we all thought that, jailyn is going to be ok

cops&people: *put a oxgen mask on her* well you guys we need to take her to the ER and we can only have one person drive with the others have to take a car and follow or wait intill she comes home

    *everyone looks at eachother*

rayray: seantay you go and we will drive there and meet you all there

seantay: ok

   at the ER.........

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