After War

By Meteor752

10.9K 327 72

The snap was done, and half the universe gone (Nice rhyme ik) With the Avengers broken and split out across t... More

On the Way
Welcome Back
Didn't see that coming?
Planning with Asgardian Siblings
The stone collectors
Problematic situations
Accomplished Mission? (Pt 1)
Accomplished Mission? (Pt 2)
A soul for A soul
Making Peace
Help from above (No not from god)
To return for a War
Reunion (Pt 2)
End Game
The dark phoenix

More than one couple

532 15 10
By Meteor752

//Don't look up what T'Challa says means. Please, it would be better if you don't

Sam didn't need to sleep. None of them did, it was impossible to get tired. Still, you could often find him resting on the ground from time to time. Not because he needed too, but because there was not so much to do.

Some of the fallen heroes had started to lose hope in getting out of there, Sam included, so they started to do other things to pass time. Talking, small battles, get-to-know-each-other games and things like that. Wanda never left Eric's side, and Peter had started to get to know T'Challa better since he is a huge fan of his sister.

But The Falcon liked to keep to himself, with eyes closed and not thinking of anything really. Sometimes he opened them to look at the others, and then he could catch T'Challa with staring at him. It was kind of weird, but every time he did Sam smirked at the king and T'Challa looked down at the ground with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Sam yawned closed his eyes once more. He was more than bored. He felt that if he didn't talk to anyone soon, he would grow insane.

The falcon sighed, sat up and looked around. Charles, Strange, Eric and Wanda sat and tried in any way possible to combine their powers to come out, Raven fought with Gamora and Barnes, Peter talked with Quill and Drax, trying to learn Groot's language and T'Challa sat mostly sat by himself with closed eyes, it looked like he was meditating.

Sam stood up and made his way over to The King. The others were to busy with their own things, and T'Challa didn't seem to hear him approach.

"Hi there kitty cat!" Sam shouted and plopped down beside the king. His eyes flung opened and he looked around to see any type of danger with his claws out, only to glare at Sam when he realized there's none.

"Samuel, what a...pleasure to see that you're awake" He said with obvious sarcasm in his voice "Why do you disturb me exactly?"

"For the first, we can't really sleep" He said and T'Challa rolled his eyes "And for the second, I'm bored dear Kitty Cat, so I felt like I could join you. We haven't talked in two years, and we barely talked then. All I had time to say to you was-"

"-'So you like cats'" T'Challa interrupted, and Sam raised his eyebrow. How does he remember that exactly?

"Yeah...that..." Sam cleared his throat "But anyway, how's it like being King then Kitty Cat?"

"My cousin tried to take over Wakanda and threw me off a cliff, I was found frozen by an enemy of the other tribes and I had to kill said cousin" T'Challa said it as he told him about the weather, which Sam liked "Other than that, and the people from space, not that bad"

"Wow" Sam said, taking in the information "I'm getting some major The Lion King vibes here!"

"We're the Panther Tribe, not the Lion tribe. There isn't even a Lion Tribe in Wakanda" T'Calla said, sounding confused.

"Nevermind" Sam said with a sigh and hit his face with his hand. "I love your accent by the way" The Falcon said with a smirk.

"Kwaye ndiyakuthanda" The King slurred when he said the words and looked down with a blush on his cheeks, before standing up and mumbling something about Peter.

Sam wasn't paying attention though. His neck, aka his soulwords, stung slightly. He touched the words lightly and looked at The King as he walked away.

Even though Sam couldn't see the words, he knew they now were Midnight Blue. But he never imagined meeting his soulmate, little less that it's a king and someone he already knew.

He had tried to look up what the words meant when they appeared, but it was impossible. He didn't even know how they were pronounced since it was a different kind of letters.

But what do the words mean exactly?


When they landed back in Wakanda, Loki didn't even ask Thor to put him down. Instead, he snuggled closer to him, and Thor enjoyed the warmth the younger God was giving him.

The other three was as silent and shocked by the information they had been giving, and of what actually happened to Gamora.

The blue woman looked completely crushed, and Thor totally understands. He has never taken any of Loki's deaths very well, and he always believes that it's for real that time, even though it isn't.

They land close to the palace, and Steve, Tony and Thor with Loki in his arms walks towards it while Nebula goes the other way. Probably to think or cry, maybe both.

The guards simply nod at the small group when they pass but they send Loki an extra glare. Thor had noticed that they didn't really trust him, but as long as Thor is near, no one's touching him.

They walked into the meeting room in silence, they had actually not spoken a Word since the creature Rogers called Red Skull had told wad the soul stone needed as price.

To their surprise, the room wasn't empty as they had thought. The usual people were there of course, but two more were added. Thor recognized one of them as Pietro, a boy who had died around Three years ago. The other one looked like a mix between a Jotun and a dark elf.

"Pietro?" Stark asked when they entered, and everyone turned to them. "How-"

"Please don't make me explain that again" The silver haired boy said with a groan, and the Jotun elf snickered. "Let's just say that I survived, I'm here with Kurt and we can help if you need that"

"Did you get any information?" Romanoff ask's the group.

"Well-" Stark cut himself off and looked at the rest of the team "Yea we did, and you're not gonna like it"

"We will have to travel to another universe past and collect five of the stones, including a Gauntlet. Then we have to get back to this one and one of us have to kill someone we love" Loki mumbles loud enough for the group in the room to hear.

"W-Wait" Banner stuttered "Kill? But why?"

"A soul for a soul" Rogers said "That's what Schmidt told us"

"Schmidt?" Romanoff asked "As is Johan Schmidt, the Red Skull?"

"Yes" Rogers words were sharp, and he almost hissed the words. "But I don't get it" He sighed and took a seat at the table "How are we supposed to travel through time and to another universe?"

"I can" Loki said and gently nudged Thor. The older go carefully put the trickster down, and Loki leaned against him slightly so he wouldn't fall over.

"Can what?" Valkyrie asked. She sat close to Hela, and when Thor thinks about it, he hadn't seen those two more than three feet away from each other. He still didn't trust Hela, like at all, but she did save Loki's life and everything.

"Travel through universes. With a lot of effort and energy, I can do that" He answered. "But time travel is something different"

"We-" Pietro said and looked at Kurt "-might know a way to fix that problem"


Scott Lang had been drifting around in the quantum realm for three weeks. At least he thought so, there wasn't, much to do other than count, but he may have lost count of it a couple of times.

He didn't understand how Janet was able to be there for thirty years, he had barely made thirty minutes. Now he was just floating around, with no hope of escaping at all, the only thoughts in his head were if Hope and her parents were okay or not.

That was...until the visions started happening. Around an hour prior voice had appeared in his head, a female voice that sounded younger than twenty. She said that help was on the way, but was he supposed to believe her? He was trapped, and no one knew where he was.


"Wait" Clint said after the mutants told him about their idea "Scott Lang? He's missing just like Hope van Dyne and Hank Pym. They're probably dead"

"Jean told us something different" Pietro looked at the group "That he was trapped in something called the Quantum Realm"

"Who's Jean?" Shuri asked

"A friend" Kurt spoke up. That was the first thing he said since they arrived, and Pietro loved to hear his wonderful voice again "She's Eh psychic, Eh very powerful one as Vell. Since mutter disappeared together with Das rest Oef Das professor's anne half Das school, she has been useing Cerebro tryeing to find people thaht Kan fix Zis. Lang Izt very much alive"

"Okay, I'm not even going to ask what Cerebro is" Stark said with a sigh "Let's say the kids are right and that this Scott Lang whoever he is is alive, how are we even going to find him?"

"Jean told us that as well. San Francisco" Pietro continued.


The voice got louder and louder. She kept saying that help was on the way, but he didn't believe her. It was probably just a fragment of his imagination.

Yeah, that must be it. No one knows he's there, so how would anyone help him?


"Well, let's get to the jet then" Natasha said and stood up.

"No need to" Kurt stated "I Kan do six people, thaht means five Izt comeing with. Preferably someone who knows Das guy anne someone who knows stuff about quantum physics"

"That won't be so hard to pick" Natasha sat down again put her feet up on the table "Steve, Bruce and Shuri, obviously"

"Okay, those she mentioned, grab onto Kurt" Pietro said and put his hand around his arm. The speedster could feel that his cheeks got red, but he did his best to hide it.

The other three, quite confused, did the same and Kurt teleported them out of there.


Kurt adores the feeling when he teleports. It is just for a brief second, but it's like he flies in a void and then appears somewhere else.

Jean, with the help of Ororo, brought him to the place Jean had felt Scott. It on a rooftop, and the only thing there was a van with a strange machine inside and a couple of computers.

When the five people got there, Shuri, Steve and Bruce looks surprised and confused at the two mutants.

"Have you been here before?" Pietro asks him. Kurt nods while Shuri and Bruce moves over to the computers.

"Strange" Shuri mumbles when she looks at the screen "Everything is ready to get him out, was someone else here before us?"

"Uhh" Steve said looking down at their feet "I think there was"

Kurt looked at the same place as him and he found himself grabbing Pietro's hand. There was ash on the ground.

"Who do you think they were?" Pietro asked

"Scott can explain that when he's out" Bruce said. Both he and Shuri were doing stuff on the computers Kurt didn't understand, Steve was inspecting the van and the two mutants just kind of stood there.

Kurt's cheeks were deep purple and Pietro's pink, but none of them said anything. Their hands were still tied together, Pietro's five fingers with Kurt's three.

"Okay step away from the van" Shuri shouts and the machine starts to glow. The others follow her orders instantly.

Then Scott Just is there. One second he wasn't, the other he is. It's like with Kurt's teleporting, he appeared out of nowhere.

Scott is on the ground in what Kurt guesses are his suit. His helmet goes off and he groans slightly in pain.

"What the hell just happened?" He mumbles and the sits up faster then Pietro can run "Where's Hope?"

The others look awkwardly at each other, this will be a long talk.

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