The Blonde and the Bootlegger...

By RachelLesch

13.4K 398 826

It's 1930 and Prohibition is underway. Two rival gangs, the Olympians and the Titians, fight for control of N... More

Cast List
The Ogygia
The Parthanon
Myrtle Grove Apartments
The Princess Andromeda
Chez Tiresias
Vent du Nord
The Palm Court
Cover Voting
The Olympus Ball
Harlam Hospital Center
Cast List Part 2
Azalea Dolls
Yet Another Shit Post
The New York Sun
Character and Ship Themes: Part 1
Character and Ship Themes: Part 2
Taged: Part 2
Half Blood Cove
The War Council
Nereus Cottage
Better Late Than Never
Chateau Frontenac
Tagged: Part 3
Another Shit Post
Le Petit-Champlain
Notre Dame de Quebec
Aux Anciens Canadiens
Queen of the Nile
Halloween Costume
Central Park
Halloween in Salem
Plymouth Rock
Percabeth Video
Medea's Antiques
My Treatment for a Heroes of Olympus Television/Streaming series
Billy Bones
Blonde and the Bootlegger Playlist
Burial Hill
Tagged Part 4
Nobody's Sweetheart Now
The Palace Theater
Percabeth Video 2
Cast List: Part 3
Perseus and Andromeda
Merry Christmas
The Blonde and The Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 1
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video-Part 2
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 3
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 4
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 5
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 6
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 7
The Blonde and the Bootlegger: Promo Video- Part 8

East Side, West Side

229 9 14
By RachelLesch

Percy P.O.V

Over cups of coffee, Jason, Nico, and I discussed our plans for the rescue. Nico believed that the girls were being held a few blocks over but he wasn't sure in which building which was something of a setback.
The gods must have answered our prayers because the telephone rang. Jason answered it.
"Hey Reyna," he said, "What are you doing up so early...oh...oh...Let me write that down," he picked up a pencil and a piece of paper and began to write something, "I'll tell the guys. Thanks, you're the best."
"Who was that?" I asked.
"My friend Reyna, who works for the NYPD. Someone reported that two women were being held captive on 103 and Second and she gave me the address."
Nico looked at what Jason had written down.
"This isn't a Titan part of town," he grumbled, "Usually their strongholds are lower down the island. The assholes snuck right in under our noses."
My family had always lived on 104 and First in East Harlem. Jason and Nico had grown up a few streets over. The three of us knew this part of the city like the backs of our hands, especially Nico, who had every alley and street corner memorized.
A/N  A note about location: I imagine most of the characters living within the same part of Manhattan, around 104th Street, which is in Spanish Harlem. Someone on google maps marked off all the locations mentioned in PJO/HOO, so that's how I figured out Percy's neighborhood and the site of the Titan headquarters.
"East Side, West Side," I sang, "All around the town."
A/N this is a reference to the song Sidewalks of New York which is in the media section.
"Who reported this to the cops?" Nico asked.
"The guy Annabeth Chase went out with tonight," Jason replied, "His name is Castellan."

Jason and I with our guns and Nico with his knife and brass knuckles made our way to the address Reyna had given us. At the street corner, a tall, pale young man in an expensive looking suit approached us.
"Percy," he called, "Percy Jackson. Remember me, Luke Castellan."
"You called the cops after Annabeth went missing?" I asked him.
"Yes, that was me."
"How did you know where she was taken?"
Luke put his hands in his pockets and stared down at his feet.
"Come with me. I know how you can get in."

Luke lead us to a rather drab looking brick building with several floors. A scrawny ginkgo tree grew through a crack in the sidewalk by the front stoop. Alongside the building ran a narrow alley.

"See that alley," Luke pointed out, "There's a fire escape there which leads up the roof. On the roof is a door and that's how you can get in. They keep in the front and back entrances guarded but the roof door is usually neglected."
"How do you know this?" Jason asked him.
"Let's just say that I've been here before."
"How do we know we can trust you?" Nico scowled.
"Do you have any other options?"
Luke went to the front door and rang the doorbell while the three us ran into the alley and used the fire escape to climb up to roof. The rooftop door was our entrance into the building.

We had to be quiet and tread lightly as to not get caught. My heart pounded in my chest and I worried that its noise would give us away.
The rooftop door lead into the hallway of the building's first floor. A door to an apartment had been left open. We snuck into a combination living room and kitchenette. The living room had white and green walls, furniture of butterscotch hued woodwork, and cream-colored leather upholstery.

The white and green color scheme was extended to counters, cabinets, and checkerboard floor of the kitchenette. Its walls were tiled in a cheerful yellow.

Two girls were making something to eat. One, a brunette of medium height with a choppy bob, was preparing tea; the other, a tall blonde, was toasting bread and frying eggs. Both were seriously beautiful: the brunette was sultry, natural, and exotic; she sparkled like a brightly colored jewel. The blond was cool, radiant, and aristocratic; she was luminous like a pearl. The later was a swan, the former was a bird of paradise.
When the brunette noticed us walk in, she almost dropped her teapot.
"Annabeth, Piper," I whispered to them, "We're here to get you out."
I grabbed Annabeth's hand and Jason grabbed Piper's.
"Be quick," Nico murmured, "We have to get out of here before they come back."
A tall, powerfully built middle-aged man with short grayish hair and a gaunt, harsh face stepped in. He sized up to Jason and glared at him.
"It's noble of you to come and rescue your wife," he said, "Too bad that good-for-nothing whore isn't worth the trouble."
Jason raised his gun at him.
"I know it's me you want," he growled, "Let the girls go and we'll settle this like men."
A couple of Titan's henchmen rushed to their boss's side.
"I see you don't have the guts to fight me yourself."
Titan put a finger on his trigger. The barrel of his gun was pointed at Jason, who stood there with a stoic look on his face.
"Jason, no!" Piper wept, Annabeth held her back.
Nico got in position to fight with his knife; I raised my gun and approached Titan.
"I killed your brother!" I shouted at him, "Jason had nothing to do with it," Titan's cold grey eyes fixed on me, "I strangled Atlas and then and pushed him off a cliff."
"I never cared for Atlas. He was a fool to get involved with stupid little sluts, like McLean here. But when you take out one of mine, you pay."
Titan aimed his gun at me. Annabeth let go of Piper and rushed in front of me as Titan fired. She began to bleed on one side, underneath her right breast. Piper went to her side and dragged her out of further danger. I stood in front of them with my gun raised in the direction of Titan and his goons.
"Nobody touches her!" I shouted.
"A life for a life," Titan scoffed.
Another goon, a handsome dark-haired man rushed into the room.
"Boss!" he panted, "The cops are outside."
"Dammit," Titan growled.
"All your guards have been taken in, Titan," a female voice called from down the corridor, "You and the rest of your men come out now with your hands up."
A tall, dark-haired, woman in a police uniform walked up the stairs, accompanied by a younger girl, another police officer.
"Reyna," Jason shouted, "What are you doing here?"
"Saving your ass, Grace," the younger girl replied, "Come with me."
She grabbed his hand and began to lead him out of the room but was stopped by a pale man with a gaunt face and the shifty eyes of a madman.
"Nice to see you again," he sneered at Reyna.
Reyna scowled and raised her gun at him.
"Likewise," she said, pulling the trigger. The bullet hit the pale man right in the middle of his forehead, "That's for Beckendorf."
The pale man doubled over and fell to the ground like a rag doll.
"Not bad, angel-face," scoffed the handsome dark-haired man, "You got some balls coming in here."
Reyna kneed him in the part of his anatomy he had praised her for having. He grabbed her and pinned her against the wall. The other policewoman lunged towards him, swearing in Spanish, but was held back by Titan.
Jason aimed his gun at the handsome dark-haired man.
"Hey," he said, "That's not how you treat a lady."
But the handsome, dark-haired man outdrew Jason. Now free from his grasp, Reyna jumped in front of Jason; the bullet lodged in her hip.
"Bastardo," swore the other policewoman, "gilipollas, Hijo de puta, pendejo."
A/N "bastard," "asshole," "son of a bitch," and "mother fucker."
With each obscenity, she fired a bullet into the handsome dark-haired man. Once he was dead, she fixed her attention on Titan. In all the commotion, Titan had managed to escape. A window leading out onto the fire escape had been left open. The policewoman and I chased after him. Jason and Piper stayed behind to tend to the injured girls.
Titan was fighting with Castellan in the alley below.
"You ratted us out, Castellan," Titan snarled, "and now you'll pay for it."
He held Castellan to the wall with a gun at his temple. With his free hand, Castellan produced a stiletto from his pocket and plunged it into Titan's back. Titan pulled the trigger and the two men fell to the ground dead.

I carried Annabeth out of the building. Jason carried Reyna. The two girls were deposited into an ambulance and brought to the Harlem Hospital Center. Officer Ramirez-Arellano, as I found out the name of the policewoman was, and her back up took the Titans who had managed to survive the shootout back to the police station. The dead were brought to the morgue. With most of the major Titans either dead or in police custody, the gang would no longer be much of a threat.

Will P.O.V

As part of my internship at the Harlem Hospital Center, I had to shadow Dr. Asclepius, who worked in the emergency room. He was looking after a girl who had come in on an ambulance. She was a tall, pretty blonde who had been shot in the side. The wound had been wrapped in bits of fabric ripped from an underskirt. I removed these makeshift bandages and disinfected the wound with alcohol. The young man who was with her, a handsome dark-haired devil with the most beautiful green eyes, glared at me. I imagined that he didn't like his girl being handled by another man while she was only wearing a rose-colored satin bandeau brassiere and tap pants.

"Trust me," I wanted to tell him, "You have nothing to worry about."
"How is she?" the green-eyed young man asked Dr. Asclepius.
"The bullet is lodged in there pretty deep," Dr. Asclepius replied, "She'll have to go into surgery to get it out. As long as the wound stays clean until then, she should be fine."
The green-eyed young man took the blonde's hand.
"Don't worry Wise Girl," he said to her, "I'll be with you the entire time."
The blonde reached up and stroked his chiseled cheek.
"You look cute when you're worried," she said in a groggy voice. The nurses had given some morphine to help with the pain.
"Get some rest, I'll see you soon."

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