Anxious Love

By AuthorUnknown02

21K 672 99

The idea of having alternate universes is fun to think about. It's easy to be able to pretend that in a diffe... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part title
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Note, important
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

481 21 0
By AuthorUnknown02

Blood. It was everywhere. Coating his hands and splattered across his face. He was dazed, lying in the snow, searching the area in confusion. The biting cold of the wind stung his cheeks and the snow nipped at his exposed skin. He rolled over onto his stomach with difficulty, getting ready to push off with his hands and stand up. Just before he could, he saw it; he saw him.

"Harry?" The pained whimper leaves his lips as he sees the body lying across from him.

"Harry?" He calls again, scrambling, crawling over to the boy.

"Harry, w-wake up," He was becoming frantic now, shaking Harry, trying to rouse him from his sleep. It wasn't working.

"Harry! You can't leave me, y-you can't!" He notices the blood seeping from a wound on Harry's stomach, turning the pure, white snow, a crimson red. He realizes that the blood on his hands isn't his, which could mean one thing.

"No, no, no. I-I didn't do it, I w-would never," He whispers to himself.

A blood curdling laugh echoes through the trees, startling the young, distraught boy.

"Draco," it was whispered out in the same chilling voice as before, in Harry's voice.

"H-Harry? How-How is that possible?" The voice laughs again, the sound ricocheting off the trees, coming from all directions.

"You did it Draco. You murderer. You killed me, you killed me," Harry's voice seemed far away, getting closer and closer with every word, "you killed me!"

"I didn't. I-I didn't," the little snake cries out, leaning over the dead body and letting his tears fall onto Harry's blood stained clothes.

"I can't believe you Draco. How could you kill me, how? You ungrateful whore, you killed me!" The words were harsh and said with so much force that Draco visibly flinched away.

"I didn't do it!"

"I didn't do it!" Draco yells out, jolting up from the bed. Harry awakes once he hears the yell, his eyes flying open. He sees his baby's shaking, panting form, and sits up. He wraps his arms around Draco's waist from behind and drags him back into his chest. Harry nuzzles his face into Draco's neck, pressing light kisses and whispering sweet nothings until Draco has calmed down.

He glances at the clock on the bedside table and sighs in exhaustion when he reads that it's only one in the morning.

"S-Sorry," Draco whispers out apologetically, feeling bad for waking Harry up once again. It had been a couple days since the Hirsch had died and his nightmares were getting worse and worse. He couldn't help the feeling that they were real, that something was trying to warn him. Warn him of bad things to come that could end in Harry's death, at his hands no less.

Draco took heed of this feeling, but decided not to tell Harry. Instead, he became more distant, thinking that if Harry started to hate him then he would leave and never get hurt. It definitely wasn't working, if anything it was only proving to get Harry angry and frustrated.

"No, no, baby it's okay. Not your fault you have nightmares. Maybe you will feel better if you tell me what it was about," Harry forces his voice to stay soft and demanding, hoping it will get Draco to come clean and tell him what's going on. Draco blushes at the stern tone and casts his eyes down even though Harry can't see his face. He twists his thumbs around, contemplating whether or not he should tell.

I can't burden him with this. It's my problem, I need to fix it before it becomes his. With his mind made up, Draco shakes his head, wiggles his way out of Harry's arms, and lays down, back facing Harry. Said boy sighs in frustration, loud enough only for himself to hear. Harry lays back down next to Draco and drags the little snake back until they are once again flushed against each other.

"I love you Draco," Harry whispers out. It takes a minute, but Draco gives a small "I love you too" before they both drift off to sleep.
Harry gazes down at Draco's relaxed, sleeping form. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips upon seeing his little baby completely content in his sleep. Draco hadn't been sleeping well lately and Harry could see the toll it was taking on him, though, all he could do was offer his support and affection. Something Draco had been dodging lately.

Draco's eyes fluttered open and he was greeted with Harry's soft smile. A sleepy smile of his own crept onto his face without his consent, making Harry's even bigger.

"G'morning love," Harry softly voices, putting all his love and adoration behind those words. Draco realizes his mistake too late. His smile turns into a frown and when Harry leans down to kiss his forehead like he does every morning, Draco dodges it, stumbles out an excuse of needing the loo, and practically runs to the bathroom across the hall.

Stupid Draco. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You can't let your affections get in the way, you can't start acting worthless now. Don't be selfish Draco, you need to let him go. Draco silently berates himself only succeeding in shattering his own heart and making tears fall from his eyes. A knock startles him out of his thoughts.

"Hey baby, are you okay in there?" Harry softly calls out in concern. He was standing outside the door anxiously, awaiting a response. He was stiff and rigid, his muscles locking into place. His brows were furrowed, a crease forming between them, his face scrunched in concentration.

"I-I'm okay," the voice was soft and wobbly, but it eased some of Harry's tension. He visibly relaxed, though only slightly, and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Narcissa chooses that moment to walk out of her room. She sees Harry outside of the closed door, looking hurt, confused, frustrated and relieved all at once. She assesses the scene and decides to pad silently over to Harry.

"What is it hun? You look...stressed," it was an understatement she knew, but she couldn't very well say "you look like a wreck of emotions and you need help" and expect a friendly, positive response now could she?

Harry lets out a stressed sigh, "there's something going on with Draco and he won't tell me what," Harry whispers out, aware that Draco would be able to hear him if they talked in normal tones. Said boy was, indeed, pressing his ear against the door, but wasn't able to make out the hushed whispering.

Draco juts out his lower lip in a pout and lets a soft huff pass through his lips. He spins around on his heel and pads his way to the shower, twisting the knobs until the water is at the perfect temperature. He gets undressed, his clothes being haphazardly dropped on the ground, and delicately steps into the shower, closing the curtain behind him.

"You need to talk to him," Narcissa scolds Harry in a motherly tone. Harry rolls his eyes.

"That's what I've been trying to do!" He furiously whispers back, having enough of this conversation already. Harry just wants to completely invade Draco's privacy and go into the bathroom, especially after he heard the shower turn on. Of course he only wants to go in to talk to his baby...just talk.

Upon seeing that Harry's thoughts were....elsewhere, Narcissa looks up at the ceiling and lets out an exasperated breath, praying to Merlin that she will have strength to handle all of this drama. Harry was staring intently at the door now, as if that was going to make it magically fly off its hinges so that he could get a peak at his baby boy. After snapping her fingers in front of Harry's face a few times and coming up with no response, Narcissa lets out a grumble and stomps downstairs. That's the last time I try to help that boy. He's hopeless when it comes to understanding Draco. He's just gonna have to figure it out himself! She thinks indignantly, throwing in a few curses muttered under her breath at the end.

Harry tentatively knocks on the door once again. Upon receiving no answer he deems it safe to walk in, noting in the back of his mind that Draco could be completely naked, not that he minded of course. When he walks in his mouth goes completely dry. Harry can see the silhouette of Draco's form in the shower. He can't help himself so he starts to silently undress.

Harry opens the back of the shower curtain and steps in, Draco oblivious to the movements. He steps up so that his chest is firmly pressed against Draco's back. Harry feels the little one freeze in place and can hear his breathing speed up.

"Let me help you with that," Harry breaths into Draco's ear, reaching up to continue massaging shampoo into the blonde locks. Draco's face lights up in a blush. He involuntarily lets out a moan at Harry's ministrations, succeeding in making his blush grow bigger. A chuckle slips past Harry's lips and he removes his hands.

He turns Draco around so that the boy is facing him, then he gently guides him under the spray to rinse out the shampoo, being careful to not get any in his precious baby's eyes. When it's all washed out, Harry stares. His eyes rake over Draco's small, wet form. Mine he thinks predatorily, slowly licking his lips as he does so.

Draco blushes under the intense scrutiny and can feel a problem starting to rise. He tries to discretely cover his rising problem, but Harry catches the movement. He lets out a wolfish smirk and a low growl of arousal leaves his lips. Harry herds Draco to the wall, places Draco's hands to his sides and presses his entire body onto the little snake. He puts his hands either side of Draco's head, effectively caging the boy in.

Harry rolls his hips creating delicious friction between the two. Draco whimpers out in need causing Harry to release his own guttural groan.

"You're mine baby," Harry whispers out, speeding up his movements. Their slippery hot skin was gliding against each other, making Harry's grinding smooth and effortless. He felt like a dog in heat and he wasn't stopping until they both came. Draco can only close his eyes and nod at Harry's words, the pleasure being too much. Harry ceases his hip rolling, stopping the friction caused by their dicks rubbing together. Draco's eyes fly open as a long whine makes its way past his lips. He blushes when he sees Harry's blazing eyes.

"Say it, say you're mine," Harry punctuates the statement with a slow, teasing roll of his hips. Draco cries out in pleasure at the feeling.

With his cheeks flushed and his breathing coming out in an irregular pattern, Draco lets out the words that Harry is dying to hear, "I'm yours."

Harry lets out a long groan and starts rolling his hips again. Draco closes his eyes in pleasure and lets out a whine of his own. Harry is overcome with affection for the boy in front of him, who is taking the pleasure he's giving without protest. He is so overwhelmed with love that he swoops down and captures Draco's lips in a hungry, dominating kiss. A needy whine is emitted from Draco and is swallowed up by Harry.

Harry reaches between them and takes both of their erections into his hand. He strokes them both, rubbing up and down at a tantalizing pace, teasing Draco and himself.

"H-Harry. Please," Draco whines out, his voice airy and breathless.

"Please what baby?" Harry whispers in Draco's ear, "tell daddy what you want." Draco keens at the use of the word and bucks up into Harry's hand. Harry pins Draco's hips to the wall. Any pleasure brought to Draco will be given by him, no one else, not even Draco himself.

"P-Please daddy, go faster," Harry lets out a groan. He never thought that Draco calling him daddy would be so damn hot.

Harry speeds up his strokes, bringing them both to the edge. The shower is filled with low groans and high whimpers.

"I'm close baby," Harry breaths out. Draco had no clue what that meant, this being his first ever sexual experience that he has actually enjoyed, but he responds anyway.

"Me too."

"Cum with me baby," as soon as the words slip past his lips, Harry and Draco both cum, releasing on their own and each other's chests. Draco's legs turn to jello barely keeping him up. His head rolls forward in exhaustion, his eyes turning heavy. Harry chuckles at the sight, grabs the washcloth hanging on the shower curtain bar, and wipes them both down.

"Okay baby, can't fall asleep now, gotta get you all dried off and dressed," Harry affectionately states, his eyes gazing softly at the sated boy. Draco's response is to wrap his arms around Harry's waist and let out a low whine in protest. Harry fondly shakes his head and picks  Draco up. He shuts off the water and grabs a towel from the cupboard next to the shower.

Harry dries the both of them off, wraps the towel around Draco and then crosses the hall into their room. He lays his sleepy baby onto their bed before tugging on a pair of boxers. He dresses Draco in a pair of hip hugging jeans and a t-shirt then throws on some clothes himself.

Harry tucks Draco in, places a kiss on his forehead then leaves the room, gently shutting the door behind him. His stomach growls as he nears the bottom of the steps, the savory smell of bacon reaching his nose. Harry steps into the kitchen and sees Narcissa at the stove, nursing some bacon and frying up some eggs. There were pancakes on the small counter, still steaming. The little table was set with plates and silverware, syrup and powdered sugar sitting in the middle.

"So, did you enjoy your shower?" Narcissa mischievously asks, not turning from the stove. Harry is a bit startled at the question, but let's out a smirk anyway, taking care that the woman doesn't see.

"Yes. It was very....relaxing," was his sly reply. If Draco was down here right now, Harry was sure the little one would be a blushing mess.  His smirk morphs into a fond smile at the thought, Narcissa turning around just in time to see it. She lets out a knowing smirk, but quickly wipes it away as soon as Harry comes back to earth.

"Where is my son if I may ask," Narcissa puts on a fake scolding tone and places her hands on her hips. Harry sees right through it, but goes along with it anyway.

"Oh you know just resting. The shower really tuckered him out, I might have to get him to do some strenuous activities to get his stamina up," Harry smirks while saying this, not at all perturbed that this is Draco's mother.

Narcissa makes a disgusted face. "I do not want to know what you do to my son," she gags out. Harry lets out a laugh while Narcissa colors red and turns back to the bacon.

Draco wakes up to the smell of breakfast and to an empty bed. He blushes as he thinks about what just occurred minutes before in the shower. So much for keeping your distance. Draco slides out of bed and silently walks down the stairs. As he enters the kitchen from the stairwell, he notices Harry's and his mother's eyes on him. He blushes, making a gentle smile take over Harry's face at the sight. Draco walks over to the tall boy and is immediately scooped up into his arms. Narcissa focuses back on the cooking food.

"Did we wake you baby?" Harry asks, his voice soft and gentle. Draco shakes his head.

"Words baby boy," Harry commands, leaking in some dominant undertones. Draco blushes and answers in a shaky voice. "N-no da-Harry," he amends before he lets the word slip, remembering that his mother is in the room.

"Okay good," Harry smiles down knowingly at his baby, causing the boy to blush even more.

"Draco honey! How was your morning?" Narcissa feigns ignorance for her son's sake, making the question seem as innocent as possible. Draco's head whips around to look at his mother. She doesn't know does she? She can't, that would be so embarrassing. He studies her for a moment. I don't think she knows what happened. She would've said something wouldn't she?

"I-It was g-good," Draco stutters out, blushing furiously as he does so. Harry can't help but wonder at the brilliant shade of red currently covering Draco's face. He stares affectionately, his suspicions from earlier being confirmed.

"Good good. Now the food is ready, come eat you two," Narcissa rushes out, placing the bacon and eggs on a plate and setting them on the set table. Harry sits down, Draco being placed on his lap with the movement.

Draco tries to get off, feeling embarrassed to be in such a position in front of his mom, but Harry just tightens his grip and slides Draco back into his chest. Breakfast went by quickly, filled with uplifting stories and funny jokes. Afterwards, the three gathered in the little living room.

Harry and Draco were sitting on the couch watching Narcissa. She was pacing back and forth in front of them, muttering under her breath. Every now and then she would stop and stare at the two boys before resuming her motions.

"M-Mo-," Draco tries to speak but is immediately cut off by Narcissa.

"Shzhshsh," Narcissa says, her hands waving in a do not disturb manner. Draco falls silent and snuggles into Harry's chest. He had abandoned the idea of staying away from Harry, being way too selfish to do so, but he still wasn't going to tell the boy what's been bothering him.

"I've got it!" Narcissa shouts, startling both of the boys. She stops her pacing and spins around to face them.

"Break is over after today so you boys need to go back to Hogwarts," she puts her hand up, silencing the two boys before they could get a word of protest out, "You are safe there and Dumbledore will protect you once you tell him what's been going on," she continues. "I will go back to Lucius and convince him that you are no threat," she looks at Harry then turns to Draco, "and that you are dead," she finishes.

Draco lets out an alarmed sound. "W-What? But, but he will hurt you! A-And how will y-you convince him I'm d-dead?" Draco exclaims shocking the two for his uncharacteristic shouting. Draco melts back into Harry when he is met with silence, letting out a quiet "sorry."

"Oh baby, I'll be just fine and I am very skilled at convincing people of things," she puts on a haughty look and jokingly turns up her nose. This causes Draco to giggle, exactly what she was aiming for. Though, the mood turns somber again at her next words.

"Whatever happens though, you can't come to the house. Don't try to contact me, I don't know what he will do if he knows you are alive my dear Draco," Narcissa was now kneeling in front of Draco and caressing his face. Harry tightens his arms around Draco's waist, offering the boy more support. He can't imagine what his baby must be feeling; finally getting his mother just for her to be forced away again. A tear slowly makes its way down Draco's cheek. Narcissa gently wipes it away.

"Now no crying my son. I love you, I've always loved you and I forever will, you remember that," Narcissa whispers out. Draco nods his head and closes his eyes as his mother briefly kisses his forehead.

"Now! Enough with all this sappy stuff, let's do something fun!," Narcissa sucks in her own tears, refusing to let them fall and instead puts on a happy persona. Draco doesn't realize its fake and lets out a little giggle. Harry smiles at the sound and quickly kisses Draco's temple, causing the boy to blush.

The night is filled with laughter and fun as the three play games, both magical and muggle.
The next day comes too quickly. Draco is in tears as he watches Narcissa walk into the fire place, transporting back to Malfoy Manor. She doesn't look back knowing that she would never leave her precious son if she did.

"We've got to go baby," Harry's soothing voice reaches Draco's ears. He had been crying for a while, Harry giving him time to come to terms with everything that is happening. Harry wraps his arms around the sad boy, embracing him from behind.

"I know it's hard baby, to lose the ones you love most. Even if she isn't here, your mother is alive and well. I can't promise you that she won't face harm, but we can pray and we can hope. It's not much reassurance, but I'm here baby boy, whenever you need me."

Draco cries harder at the words, feeling overwhelmed with all of his emotions. He turns around and wraps his arms around Harry's waist. Harry kisses the top of his head then picks him up, setting him on his hip. Draco buries his tear stained face into Harry's neck and closes his eyes, eventually drifting off.

Harry floos the both of them to Hogwarts, landing in the Gryffindor common room. He ignores the looks of confusion and intrigue the students were giving him. He glares when someone attempts to approach him, making them immediately back off. With a self satisfied smirk plastered on his face, Harry makes his way from the common room down to his and Draco's private room.

He lays Draco down on their bed, tucks him in, then makes his way to Dumbledore's office. He says the password and makes his way in. Dumbledore is nowhere to be found in the quiet, vast office. His Phoenix was sitting comfortably on his perch, staying silent except for the greeting squawk he gave Harry upon his entering.

"Professor!" Harry calls out, the word seeming to echo in the vast room. He hears a thunk and a thud, followed by some mild cursing. Harry tries to hold in his amusement, but he can't help a smile from slipping through his stone mask.

"Ah Harry my boy!" Dumbledore exclaims, rushing from the back. "What can I do for you?" He gestured for Harry to sit. Harry shakes his head at the gesture, making Dumbledore straighten up and become serious. This must be bad, the old man thinks to himself, his brows furrowing in worry.

"Professor, a lot happened over break and we need your help." Harry explains everything, starting from when he and Draco first talked with Lucious all they way to Narcissa's departure. Of course he left out a few choice details. Harry notices the way that Dumbledore tenses up as he mentions the Hirsch and the sanctuary. He in no way relaxes upon hearing about the glowing aura that entered Draco and how it allowed for the boy to become powerful enough to disintegrate a group of people with seemingly little effort.

Dumbledore stays silent, slowly taking a seat as all of this information is unloaded on him. He thinks about what can be done.

"Narcissa is right, don't try to contact her. It's too dangerous," Dumbledore's brows furrow even further, "I think I might know what the Hirsch and power surge means, but I will need to do more research," he continues. "Now, all I can do my boy is increase security, and inform the teachers to keep a look out for any suspicious activity such as moles that could be relaying information back to Lucius."

Harry nods his head, not liking that it's all that can be done, but agreeing to the precautions anyway. After expressing his thanks, Harry leaves the office, not feeling much better than he did entering. I'll protect us, Harry thinks, no one is coming close to Draco, not if I can help it.

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