Game On | Lance x Reader(Harr...

By Calybear7

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You attend your first year at the new and improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New teachers... More

Play Dirty | Prologue
I Am Not | Chpt 1
Blue | Chpt 2
Try Outs | Chpt 3
Kalteneker | Chpt 4
Enemy | Chpt 5
Are You Okay? | Chpt 6
Love Potion | Chpt 7
Family | Chpt 8
Tech Time | Chpt 9
Fair Enough | Chpt 10
Bludger | Chpt 11
Conquer, Not Admire | Chpt 12
Alone | Chpt 13
Mondays | Chpt 14
Bonding | Chpt 15
A-DAMN | Chpt 16
Date | Chpt 17
Stick It Out | Chpt 18
Headmaster | Chpt 19
Let Go | Chpt 20
Return | Chpt 21
Axca | Chpt 22
Annoying | Chpt 23
Milkshakes | Chpt 24
The Yule Ball | Chpt 25
Home Wrecker | Chpt 26
Happy | Chpt 28
5 Bucks | Chpt 29
Fantastic Beasts | Chpt 30
Complicated | Chpt 31
Hug | Chpt 32
Charlie | Chpt 33
The Very Best Something | Chpt 34
Laugh | Chpt 35
McClains | Chpt 36
Goblet of Fire | Chpt 37
Meant to Say | Chpt 38
Stupid, Perfect Girlfriend | Chpt 39
Help Me | Chpt 40
Keith | Chpt 41
Secret | Chpt 42
Trial 1 | Chpt 43
Trial 2 | Chpt 44
Trial 3 | Chpt 45
Cry | Chpt 46
Blind | Chpt 47
Guilt | Chpt 48
Desserts | Chpt 49
Talk | Chpt 50
Lucid Dreams | Chpt 51
Visit | Chpt 52
Direct Kiss | Chpt 53
You're Really Cute | Chpt 54
Merry Christmas | Chpt 55
Welcome Back | Chpt 56
Krolia | Chpt 57
In My Head | Chpt 58
Worried | Chpt 59
Caught | Chpt 60
Mystery Culprit | Chpt 61
Bad News? | Chpt 62
Ice | Chpt 63
Rainbow | Chpt 64
Dad Knows | Chpt 65
Sweet | Chpt 66
When Did You Love Me? | Chpt 67
Mrs. (l/n) | Chpt 68
Basically a McClain | Chpt 69
Abuela | Chpt 70
Awards | Chpt 71
Cuba | Chpt 72
Brody Stevens | Chpt 73
Comfortable | Chpt 74
Buenos Días | Chpt 75
Perfect Fit | Chpt 76
Great Boyfriend | Chpt 77
The Blue | Chpt 78
Going Home | Chpt 79
My Fault | Chpt 80
Summer | Chpt 81
How It Ends | Epilogue

Pick-Up Lines | Chpt 27

998 46 19
By Calybear7



(Y/n)'s POV

I spent the rest of that Sunday with all my friends, sprawled out on Keith's and Allura's laps. I managed to explain my situation and everyone seemed to mostly understand.

I didn't want to get out of bed that following Monday, partly because I was sad from the loss of my necklace. Not only was it lost but it was broken too, so today was an extra sad day in remembrance of my mom. Plus the added disappointment following the rejection. Seeing Lance and Nyma would just tear me apart today I know it.

Nonetheless I hoisted myself out of bed, got dressed, and walked to Charms. When I walked in, there was a new buzz of excitement now that the Yule Ball is over: the Tri-Wizard Tournament. It sounded difficult and some people were already training. Why anyone would enter, I don't know. I was pretty fit, and I knew a lot about magic, but I really didn't think I could win the Tournament if I tried.

I walked over to my seat and sat down. Over in the corner I tried to avoid Nyma cooing over Lance, and the fact she didn't know we kissed made me sick. As if liking Lance wasn't guilty enough, I had that weighing down on my shoulders too. Nyma left and Lance, with a big smile on his face, walked over to his seat beside me.

"Good morning!" He said, grinning at me.

"Ah yes what a good morning it is," I replied.

"What's wrong?" He asked. The fact he recognized my mood made my heart ache and I glanced up at him.

"Just miss my mom today, that's all," I said and he gave an empathetic smile.

"I know what will cheer you up, I've got a good pick up line today!!"

"Oh really?" I had begun to miss those terrible pick lines he used on me. I'm surprised I hadn't picked up on the fact I liked them so much. I guess I've changed quite a bit already this year.

"Yup. Ready? One night with me, and they'll call you moaning myrtle," he said with a wink. I felt my cheeks explode into a blush. Normally I would feel so flustered, but it's a whole different story now. "Like that one?"

"No it's terrible."

"Is that why you're blushing? Because it's terrible."

"I'm not!"

"Ah but you are," he said.

"Shut up, it's just because it's bad."

"Mmhmm. What about...I'm not your father, but you can certainly call me daddy?" My face turned an even darker shade of red.

"Actually stop," I said covering my mouth.

"Is there a boggart in your pants? because that ass is ridikkulus," he continued and I started laughing.

"Oh come on that's just bad."

"Are you a death eater? Because azcaDAMN," he persisted and I was laughing harder now.

"Okay okay, stop you win."

"The sorting hat has spoken and it says I belong with you," he said. That time, it wasn't that funny. That one actually stung a little.

"Okay, okay, stop now," I said, my blushing sinking away from my cheeks and my laughter stopping. He seemed to notice the abrupt change in mood after the last one, and I could tell he was wondering what he had done. Professor Bii Boh Bi interrupted by starting the lesson and Lance sat down.

I returned to my sad state, twiddling my thumbs in between notes. Lance's leg was fidgeting for most of class, and I could tell he wanted to say something.

Are you okay?

I scribbled it down on the corner of my notebook page and slid it over so it hit his textbook. He glanced down at it and scribbled back a response.

Yeah, I have something for you.

I nodded and waited until class ended to see what he had done. When the bell rang and class was dismissed I started packing away my stuff as did he.

"Hey, before I forget again," he said. He held out his hand and opened his fist picking up my necklace from his palm. He held it out to me by the strand and my eyes widened. Not only was it found, but it was also completely fixed.

"How did you--"

"One of my sisters worked in a jewelry store for a while, so I asked her how I could fix it and did it yesterday," he said beaming. "I hope it makes your day better." I felt my heart nearly explode and I smiled at him warmly.

"Thank you so much, I'll have to repay you sometime," I said, taking it from him.

"No, you're all good."

"Thank you so much Lance."

"No problem. He picked up his books and waved to me, most likely going to catch up Nyma, wherever she was, but I didn't really care about that.

I ran my thumb over the charm and smiled. I got up, my heart pounding and my head spinning. God what was wrong with me? I clutched the necklace in my hands until I could get to the next period and put it on.

I headed to my next class, plopping down next to Pidge with a grin. I clasped the necklace together behind me neck and she gave me a smirk, her eyebrow dipped and the other raised.

"Found it?"

"Yeah, Lance had it and he fixed it for me!" I said. She gave me a look and I sighed. "I know, I know, I'm a lovesick puppy."

Lance came jogging into the room, out of breath.

"Wait I have one more!"

He was staring at me, and Pidge looked over at me. I glanced around before back at Lance.


"Pick up line!"

"Oh god."

"I'm not a beater, chaser, or seeker. I'm a keeper," he said, clearly proud of himself.

"But you're a seeker," I said playing dumb.

"And good luck looking, this snitch isn't up for grabs," Pidge said and I high fived her.

"She just called you a snitch."

"Yeah because I'm golden." Pidge and I fist bumped and Lance smiled shaking his head.

"You guys suck," he scoffed playfully and went to his seat behind me.

I grinned.


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