
بواسطة wolvhes

572 51 5

Delilah is forced to decide her fate, after a tragic accident that could change her life forever. © Wolvhes... المزيد

1. how it began
2. the strange encounter
3. the moment things changed
4. reminders of before
5. what the future holds
6. back to reality

7. a life spared for another

14 4 1
بواسطة wolvhes

⠀⠀⠀ONLY SECONDS HAD passed before Delilah saw once more the speeding car approaching her in the middle of the street. Anxiety shot through Delilah's body, she knew she had to move quickly or the ordeal she had experienced would soon be relived. Taking a sharp breath, Delilah readied herself for the sprint of her life.

Before she took off, she felt someone shove her hard from behind sending her flying onto the other side of the road. The sound of screeching tyres rang in Delilah's ears as whoever saved her was hit. Silence filled the air as the events in front of her seemed to stop in its tracks. Delilah examined the witnesses around her, all had a look of shock and concern in their faces. She looked over at whoever replaced her in the accident. The realisation at who it was drained from her face. There, she saw her saviour. The one who helped her get back to this moment, before the crash, the one who gave her the chance to live again.

She let out a shaky breath as she ran towards him.
"George!" She cried out as she approached his lifeless body, "No, why did it have to be you?"

Tears welled up in Delilah eyes and streamed down her face like waterfalls. Shaking her head ferociously, she buried her head in her hands, as she heard the on-lookers approaching from behind. She turned to them and saw the confusion become evident in their faces.
"Someone help please! He's seriously injured we need to call an ambulance," Delilah pleaded as she scanned around the crowd.

"Now! Anyone?" She screamed. Why weren't they doing anything? She thought, what is wrong with these people?!

An old woman, at least in her early sixties, slowly limped toward Delilah and knelt down next to her. The look in her eyes were of worry as she looked at the deluded girl pleading for help from the rest of the people around them.
"There's nowhere there dear," She began, "no one is on the floor. Everyone is ok."

Delilah shook her head, "no this man needs help!"

"My dear, listen to me no one is injured. The car slammed on its brakes as a dog ran out into the road. It's fine. No man is here."
The woman took Delilah's hand and squeezed it softly. She ushered Delilah to stand and guided her to one of the outdoor seating areas near a local cafe.
Once Delilah was seated she looked back at where she saw George laid out in the road. She could still see him laying there, how could no one else? She thought.

"I-I don't understand," Delilah began, "Am I crazy? I swear someone was there."

The woman, patted Delilah's hand, "I know dear but no one else can see that. It's hard to see the person who sacrificed themselves to save you, to give you another chance at life."

"Wait, how did you- what? You can see him too?" Delilah spoke with shock as if the woman read her mind and understood Delilah's recent ordeal.

"No," the woman chuckled, "I know because it happened to me once. I still see Mary everyday and I will always remember how see saved my life and helped me live."

Delilah remained silent for a moment as she tried to digest this information she was just given. Someone else had gone through the same experience as her, they knew exactly what had happened. Delilah couldn't believe it - she was not the only one who had had an outer body experience and had the assistance from someone who guided them back into the light. At this utter shock Delilah exhaled deeply as relief rushed through her body.
"I'm not the only one," she sighed, as a slight smile grew across her tear-sodden face. She had so many questions to ask the lady in front of her, "How do you cope with having to see them everyday? To know that they saved you and are gone because of that."

The woman briefly closed her eyes and inhaled a breath as she thought of a way to explain, "It is hard at first. You think you see them, like you did today - either at the place of your accident because they scarified themselves or anywhere really. It's never at a time when you'd expect it. You want to approach them and speak with them, but then you remember that no one can see or hear them. They're not alive - their time on this earth has gone."

"Why can we see them?"

"We've entered the place after death. We've experienced it. Now that we're back on this earth we see those who have died to save us."

"Did you ever tell anyone?"

The woman laughed to herself, as if she'd revisited a memory, "Yes many times, but no one believed me. How could they? They'll never understand what I went through because they've never experienced it themselves."

"What do I do now? He's gone and that's my fault because he helped to save me. How can I live knowing that I've ended the life of another?" Delilah questioned as tears began to well up in her eyes once more.

"You honour them. You live the life they gave up for you. Live it so much that you feel them guiding you along the way. They gave up their life for a reason. For you. Don't forget that. Never forget that my dear," the woman cried as she tightly grasped Delilah's hand.

"I won't. Ever."

Delilah looked out at the scenery around her. She took in the sounds of children's laughter from the park she had previously walked past and listened to the whispers of leaves swaying in the autumn wind. The woman smiled at her once more, leaving her with her thoughts. Delilah mouthed the words, thank you, as she watched the elderly lady disappear into the crowds of bustling people. As her eyes scanned every living thing in front of her, she thought of one thing - George - the boy who gave up his life for her, and she'd honour him for that. With that thought, Delilah hoisted herself from the bench she was sat at and began her journey of life, for him.

Ahhhhhh so ok! I know it's taken a million years to update but patience! This is the last chapter and I'm so happy to share it with you all.
This story holds a special place in my heart and I want to thank everyone who has supported me and read it.
I may update this in the near future with bonus chapters about Delilah's life after the events and even maybe a sneak peak at George's life before the ordeal too! Till then, I thank you all once more for reading this story.
N x

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