The Christian Guardians and t...

נכתב על ידי Anna17Leichliter

88 0 1

It's Christmas time, and things couldn't have gone any better. But when a bully begins to pick on Junior and... עוד

The Christian Guardians and the Christmas Play

88 0 1
נכתב על ידי Anna17Leichliter

    So far, it seemed like things were going well for Creech and the other Christian Guardians. She and Tom married 3 months after the Corn Fest and they all moved to an old but fancy house which they got all cleaned and properly fixed within weeks. The house itself was in a small but lively town called Stewartville. It wasn't really far from Propwash Junction, so the Propwash gang visited sometimes. Junior had been homeschooled by his mom and dad, who had died in a bank robbery when he was 2 years old, so Creech arranged for him to attend public school in Stewartville Elementary. His parents had helped him with most of what he learned at home, so he was easily able to ace them. But since he was in third grade, he also had to learn stuff like Social Studies, Science, and even American History. At first, he struggled, but with some help from Bob, Larry, and a young girl named Laura, whom he later befriended, he soon got caught up on them. He was a fast learner. Everyone else got pretty good-paying jobs to give them something to do during the day and in the afternoons usually hung out with each other while walking along the street or hanging out in the local park.

    At that time, they even befriended the Equestria Girls: Twilight Sparkle, a very smart student who had purple hair with a stripe of pink pulled up into a ponytail; Sunset Shimmer, a former bully who had fiery red and yellow hair; Starlight Glimmer, a very sympathetic person who had dark purple and light teal-blue hair with a knit hat on top; Trixie Lunamoon, a student who meant well but always tricked people just for fun who had white hair clipped with a star-shaped barrette; Rainbow Dash, who was the captain of every single school team who had rainbow-streaked hair; Flutershy, who worked at the local animal shelter and had bright pink hair clipped with a butterfly barrette; Pinkie Pie, who was excited about everything and had dark, snarly pink hair (which looked more like fusia) held back with a blue headband that had a bow on the side a little; Applejack, a local, hard-working farm girl who always had light-blond hair in a ponytail and a cowboy-styled hat; and Rarity, a fashion designer with dark, curly purple hair clipped back in a diamond-styled barrette. They even befriended Twilight's pet, a light purple-colored dog named Spike. They spent everyday after work together just chatting and talking about their work schedules. For them, nothing than this was better.
    One cold November morning, it was after Thanksgiving break. Robyn attended Stewartville Elementary like the other kids, but today she had to stay home due to a bad stomach bug. Creech always helped out around the house, and sometimes was asked to help out with her part-time job at a local bakery. On this occasion, she happened to be in her room, writing in her notebook. She always loved writing stories, especially around Christmastime. It would always give her a lot of ideas. Stewartville Elementary would always hold a Christmas play before school was officially out for the Christmas holidays, and sometimes some of Creech's stories would be selected for them to use. But this year was going to be exciting. All the schools in Minnesota had arranged to do a friendly competition on who's Christmas play was the best, and Stewartville Elementary was all a part of it. Creech hoped that her story would help Stewartville win first place, which had the prize money of $50,000 dollars. It was the story of a business man who was reunited with his son after years of bitterness. Creech wanted Stewartville Elementary to win because lately it was having some problems like electricity and plumbing problems. Heck, even the heater sometimes stopped working on those days. Creech hoped that the problem could be fixed soon.

    After a while of writing (which she'd been doing since after Thanksgiving), she decided to check on Robyn, who was laying in bed, looking miserable. A thermoniter was in her mouth to check her temperature, and wadded-up tissues lay in a plastic bag nearby, her nose all red and stuffy. "Resting okay, sweetheart?" Creech asked gently as she gave Robyn her medicine.

    "F-Feeling better, but still a little sick," Robyn replied. "I hope I can get better tomorrow. I miss hanging out with Junior and Laura."

    "I hope so to," Creech said, gently kissing Robyn on the forehead. "You guys always seem so happy whenever you're together. Now you get some more rest now, honey."

    Robyn smiled and closed her eyes. She was so thankful to have a new, loving family even though she wasn't related to anyone in the house.
    That afternoon, the bus pulled up next to the sidewalk, letting Junior and Laura out. Laura lived next door to the Christian Guardian house, so it was easy to get there and back without having any problems. On this day, the two chatted happily until they came to the door. Laura knocked, and was answered by Creech. "Hey, you two," she said. "Did you have a good day today?"

    "We sure did," Laura smiled as Junior came in.

    "That's good," Creech said. "Would you like to come in, Laura?"

    "I'd love to," Laura replied, "but not today. I gotta help my parents keep an eye on Lenny; he caught the stomach bug. And I also heard Robyn caught it as well, so I made her this 'Get Well' card during art class."

    Creech smiled as she took the card. "Thank you, Laura. I'm sure Robyn would be very appreciated."

    "You're welcome," Laura replied. "Now I gotta get home. My mother might be wondering where I am."

    "See ya tomorrow, Laura!" Junior called, waving goodbye.

    Laura waved as well as she left. Creech closed the door, sighing happily. Laura was a really good friend. "How's Robyn?" Junior asked as he hung up his coat.

    "Still sick," Creech replied.

    Junior understood. He'd been sick once, so he could relate to Robyn on that one.
    The next day, Robyn woke up feeling much better. Feeling cheerful, she bounced down the stairs to see Creech in the kitchen. "Hey Robyn," Creech called. "Feeling better?"

    "Yes I am," Robyn said, stretching. "You gonna talk to one of the teachers about your story today?"

    "I might," Creech said, shrugging as she set the table. "Rapunzel doesn't live far from us; just down the street. I'll go talk to her later today." Rapunzel got a job at the school as a music teacher weeks ago.

    "I'm sure she'll she'll agree," Robyn said happily as she went back up to call everyone else downstairs.
    After breakfast, Creech walked to Rapunzel's house while everyone else went to their jobs for the day. The wind wasn't blowing, so she was able to get there without any trouble. Rapunzel was happy to see her and invited her inside, where Creech told her the whole story. "Why, that's a great idea," she said when Creech finished. "That'd be the perfect story for our play this year."

    "Robyn thought so to when she first saw it," Creech said. "I bet she's gonna be really excited when she hears about this."

    Rapunzel chuckled. "Well you should show that story to the others," she advised. "I bet they'll have the same opinion."

    And she was right. At the park later that afternoon, Creech showed everyone the story, and they all agreed that it was a good idea to turn that story into a fantastic play that everyone would enjoy-even the Equestria Girls. Spike showed his opinion by running around the bench, jumping and barking happily. Everyone was very excited and agreed to meet together on Saturday to see if they could come up with any ideas. "This is gonna be the best play ever," Creech told herself as they all went home for the night.
    On Saturday, everyone was gathered in the living room all excited. On Friday when Rapunzel told the school staff about Creech's story, they thought it was a good idea as well. So everyone was now thinking of ideas that they could do. Sunset offered to help Creech with the directing. Twilight offered to help out with the sound since she was more of a tech person. Pinkie offered to help Bob, Larry, and Junior with the decorations while Applejack decided to help Tom, Butch, and Lightning move props around; Starlight and Rapunzel had already offered to help Trixie with making them. Rarity offered to help Pocahontas and the Arandelle sisters with the costumes; she was a talented seamstress and made a lot of fancy clothing in her spare time. Robyn decided to do scripting with Sheree's help. And they all offered to help with building a new theater; Flutershy and Rainbow Dash both had the idea of turning an old sugar mill that Matt booked for the play the previous day into a fancy, modern-day theater, and Twilight had already drawn the blueprints for it. So far, everything was coming along nicely.

    As each one offered to help, Creech scribbled down everything on a note pad. "We can do it, guys! We can do it!" Junior exclaimed.

    He was so excited that he was partially bouncing on the chair. Bob had to hold him down to make sure he didn't accidently break it, but at the same time, he was hugging him. If gone as planned, they might have a chance.
    When December came around, the weather got colder than ever. On most afternoons, Matt's hair would almost be like Jack Frost whenever he came home from work. It didn't bother Elsa however; she was a Snow Queen and was born with magical ice powers. The inside of the house wasn't bothered by the cold either; it was kept all toasty warm.

    For the kids, however, December was the best month of the year. They all couldn't wait for Christmas to come. They were all busy helping their families get their trees decorated and their Christmas shopping done-all the while tingling with excitement. They all knew that they'd be getting something.

    One day, Creech happened to be busy with song picking when the telephone rang. Confused, she went over and answered it. "Hello?"

    "Who is it?"

    "It's Creech. I'm the only one at the house; everyone else is gone for the day. Is something wrong?"

    "It Junior. He got injured by a school bully in the playground during recess today."

    Creech sighed. This probably wasn't the first time; he was always the main target when it came to bullying. "Alright, I'll be right there," she said as she hung up.

    Opening the door, she was surprised to see Laura waiting outside. Somehow knowing what had happened, they both raced to the hospital. Then, Creech had an idea. As her hand moved to her cross necklace, her alicorn wings started to show, making Laura notice. "What're you doing?" she asked.

    Creech only grinned as she knelt down while still running so she could pick Laura up and place her on her back. "You might want to hang on," she said.

    With one flap of her alicorn wings, she took off. Laura was quite surprised at first, but then she became amazed at the view below her as they flew to the hospital.
    After a while, the hospital came in view. "Enjoying the ride?" Creech asked, glancing at Laura.

    "Are you kidding?" Laura replied. "This is awesome! I've never seen the town like this before!"

    Creech chuckled as she landed in front of the hospital. Laura hopped off her back and the two went inside. After learning his room number (A7) from the attendant, they went there. Stopping at the open door, Creech knocked gently to catch his attention. "Junior?" she called softly.

    "Who's there?" Junior asked.

    "It's me and Laura," Creech replied. "We're here to visit you."

    After accepting them, the two girls went in to see Junior laying in bed with a couple of bandages wrapped around his head. He looked tired, but was nonetheless happy to see them. "I almost thought I was a goner," he said.

    "Goner?" Creech asked. "What happened? Can't you remember anything?"

    "Not really," said Junior, shrugging. "All I can really remember are the insults and then blackness."

    Laura signed. "I can tell her," she said.

    Turning to Creech, she told her what happened earlier: "Me and him were building a snowman during recess while the other kids were having snowball fights behind snow forts or just making snow angels. We were just getting done with the snowman face when Nicolas arrived with a few buddies of his. They always loved to pick on us, no matter how hard we've tried to ignore them. Today, it was worse than usual. I got shoved to the ground and when Junior checked on me to make sure I was alright, Nicolas punched him in the back of the head so hard, it knocked him out. He would've done the same to me had not the teachers arrived to intervine."

    Creech thought about it for a bit. "Does Nicolas attend this school?" she asked.

    "He graduated a year ago," Laura replied. "But he just keeps on coming here for the heck of teasing the both of us from time to time."

    Creech sighed, running a hand through her face before looking at Junior. "You gonna be okay?"

    "I'll be fine," Junior answered. "It's not that bad, really. Doctor says that I'll be out in a few hours. Bob and Larry had both agreed to take me home."

    Creech nodded as she and Laura soon left. It was getting late.
    That evening, the whole house was busy in a flurry of activity. Rarity, Pocahontas, and the Arandelle sisters had gone cloth shipping over the weekend and were now at work with the costumes. Rarity had a thing of picking the right type of material for any outfit. Right now, she was making white ballet dresses with poofy, sparkly ballet skirts and suits for all the dance sequences. Pocahontas was aranging the white dance tights and the dance shoes while also glitterfying them. For the girls, Anna and Elsa were decorating every complete outfit with sparkly snowflake patterns. For the boys, Rarity had the idea of taking a white long-sleeved leotard-like jumpsuit and wrapping it from the waist to the left shoulder with a shiny, gold-colored cloth, which would be fastened on with pins shaped like wreaths. The costumes for the actual play was easy as well; Matt had a lot of adult-sized costumes from his family that they could use.

    And everyone else were all going along great. Sunset was giving Creech directing tips, and Bob, Larry, and Junior had agreed to help the other Equestria girls with moving the props. Twilight had been giving a list on what to do with the sound. "Phew. No pressure at all," she sighed once she had read it. She'd been pretty nervous at first. Spike just barked once to let her know how he felt about it.

    By now, the new theater was done getting restored and rebuilt. And they've even taken dance class after work. Everything was coming along nicely. And everyone was happy.

    That is, everyone except Nicolas. He wanted to make things difficult for the Guardians, and was now angry that everyone was feeling the holiday spirit. Now he was coming up with a scheme that might not only put them in their place, but to make Junior scared for life...
    One night, everyone was gathered in the living room as usual. They were busy with what they were to do for the show when Robyn walked in. "Hey have any of you guys seen Dusty?" she asked.

    Rainbow Dash looked up from her Daring Doo book, confused. "I thought he was with you, kid."

    "Well, he was," Robyn replied, "but now I can't find him. Where is he?"

    Suddenly, the door flew open as Flutershy and Starlight raced in. They were out of breath, Starlight due to what happened, and Flutershy due to panic. "Guys! Guys!" Starlight gasped out as she shut the door. "It's Dusty! He got arrested!"

    Everyone froze at what they heard. "ARRESTED?!" Nala exclaimed, looking up from where she was making Christmas decorations.

    "For what?" Kopa asked.

    "F-For making a false m-move on I-Ishani, according to a supposed witness," Flutershy stammered, nearly in tears. "He never did it, he said, but the police wouldn't listen."

    Matt was thinking for a while. "Not that I've met this kid in person," he said, "but I bet Nicolas had something to do with it."

    "You're telling me," Junior said. "In fact, on my way to the bus, he was glaring at me for some reason. He didn't hurt me or anything, but that look he gave me..." He shuddered uneasily. Bob wrapped an arm around him in a comforting side hug.
    In the police station, Dusty sat sadly on the floor. He'd been out admiring the streets when Nicolas came over with the police, saying that he'd made a false move on Ishani. He'd tried to explain, but the police never gave him a chance and after a brief struggle arrested him. As he tried to comprehend this, the door opened. Dusty looked up in time to see a certain person in black glasses framing purple eyes and a high ponytail approach him. "Flutershy and Starlight told us what happened," she said.

    Dusty sighed. "Are they angry?"

    "Not at all," Twilight replied. "Besides, even if they were angry, they're probably angry at Nicolas for starting the whole thing."

    Dusty understood. "Besides," Twilight added, "there's a reason why Nicolas is like this. His parents are business people who are often busy and really don't have much time for him ever since he was a child. Plus, he lives all alone at the family mansion and never invites anyone inside. I know this because I happened to run into them last week and told me everything."

    Dusty sighed. If he was ever gong to get out of there, this was definitely going to be a long wait.
    A week later, El Chu and Creech arrived at the police headquarters. They'd heard that the police needed them because they finally had the evidence-a tape recording to prove if Dusty was either innocent or guilty. Nicolas and his parents were there as well, since Nichols had told them the same story as well. Soon, Dusty was brought out of his prison cell. As they watched the tape, Nicolas finally caved in: "It was just a joke. This stupid, idiotic, good-for-nothing crop duster moron here needs to learn to laugh at things."

    Silence entered the room. Dusty hung his head down to hide the tears that were now starting to leak out of his eyes. Creech and El Chu glanced at each other in shock. That was definitely the most cruelest joke that a person could ever pull at another person-especially at Christmastime. Nicolas's mother got up and walked around the room while his father said, "You've done far worse, my boy, but this is the worst yet."

    Nicolas got up to protest, only for his father to shove him back down in his chair. By now, the mother had gotten behind him and with a swing of her handbag smacked him on the back of the head. "You monster! How could you ever do such a thing? We moved here so that you could make new friends, but you've only grown worse! You could've damaged this young man's future! You're moving in with us, and you're going to get a job." Nicolas was horified, but said nothing. He knew she was telling the truth.

    After everything was properly arranged and taken care of, El Chu quicky led Dusty out into the streets towards home while Creech walked behind so she could think about what happened last week. At that moment, Nicolas's father came up. "I'm sorry for how my boy acted," he said. "But I can assure you that he will be punished for this."

    Creech thanked him warmly as he left and she continued on her way. Meanwhile, once they got to the house, the two men ran upstairs and never stopped until they reached their shared bedroom. El Chu closed the door and locked it so as not to be disturbed and turned to look at Dusty, who was standing near the window, desperately trying to hide his tears. El Chu sighed sadly as he went over and guided Dusty to the bed, sitting next to him. "Amigo, you can cry now," he soothed. "I won't stop you."

    At that, Dusty sobbed bitterly and collapsed on the Mexican racer, crying in his shoulder. Sympathetically, El Chu wrapped his arms around him, pulled him into his lap, and hugged him tightly, not caring if his t-shirt was getting soaked. To him, all that mattered was comforting his best friend who went through so much when he first raced with him. He cradled him in his arms as though he were a lost duckling. His right hand was rubbing his back while his left hand gently caressed his hair. Dusty just continued to sob in El Chu's chest, feeling safe as he soon felt himself being gently rocked. El Chu was now rocking him back and forth comfortingly, shushing him and softly signing a lullaby that his own mother once sang to him when he was a child. It always calmed him down back then, and he hoped that it would work for Dusty. Sure enough, after 10 to 15 minutes, his sobs began to get quiet as he got sleepy. Soon, he let out a quiet moan as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. "Shh, it's okay, amigo. I got you. I'll be right here in the morning." He kissed his forehead and laid his cheek on his head until Dusty's breathing was calm and peaceful. He then shifted so that they were laying down, with Dusty still wrapped in his arms.
    The next day Creech woke up with the sunshine streaming through her window. She went downstairs to fix up breakfast, and had just turned on the TV news when Aurora came down. "Morning, Aurora," Creech greeted. "Sleep well?"

    "I did," Aurora yawned, "but I heard something. Sounded like somebody sobbing or something."

    Just then, Tom came down, followed by everyone else-even the Equestria Girls, who had decided to spend the night with them. "Anyone seen Dusty?" he asked.

    "Yeah, El Chu had to stay with him last night because of a really cruel joke that was played on him," Creech replied. "Now I'm all for jokes as long as they're not that mean. Twilight, can you and Pinkie check on him to make sure he's doing okay?"

    "Sure," Twilight said as she went back upstairs, Pinkie bouncing behind her.

    When they arrived, they found the door locked, so Twilight used her own telekinesis to unlock it. She pushed the door open and went in and over to the bed, finding the two sleeping quietly. Pinkie giggled at the sight while Twilight just smiled and tucked them in further with the bed covers. "Maybe it's best if we let Dusty sleep in, Pinkie. He deserves it," Twilight whispered.

    Pinkie nodded eagerly when a flash briefly appeared. Turning quickly, they saw that it was just Fluttershy holding a camera. "Someone had to keep track of good memories," she said simply.

    Twilight rolled her eyes, but still smiled as they left. She knew that Dusty would feel better eventually.
    In the days that followed Nicolas's scheme, they were making tremendous progress on the play. The props were done, the decorations were done, and the costumes were complete. The songs they finally picked was from an album called Trans Siberian Orchestra: The Christmas Trilogy. "I totally forgot that it was on sale today," Matt commented, making everyone laugh. "It even has the play on here at some point, so there's no trouble."

    Everything else was coming along great as well. Everyone got their dance numbers and play parts memorized and the costumes were all ready. In the play, they agreed that Simba would play the father and Kopa would play the son. Since Junior still had to be careful with his head since the bullying incedent, Dusty offered to play the angel in his place while Skipper, who had offered to help out earlier, would be God, only showing up near the end. Everyone else would either be the people of the town or would just be helping with the props, which Trixie, Starlight, and Rapunzel did a great at job making.

    Meanwhile, the judges had seen most of the Christmas plays all over the state, but none of then really captured the real message of the season. Probably Stewartville Elementary School can still have a chance.
    On December 24th, the day of the big play, the judges arrived at the theater and stated setting up film equipment. Rainbow Dash and the others were surprised when they showed up. "WHAT?! No one told us it was gonna be filmed!" she exclaimed.

    Applejack sighed. "Well, we're gonna have to make the best of it," she said. "Pinkie, do you have the decorations?"

    Pinkie nodded, stepping back to reveal a wagonful of them. "That'll do," Spike chuckled.

    Twilight chucked as well. "In case you're all wondering where to set up everything, I've made a blueprint." She pulled it out of her coat pocket and unrolled it for them to see. "And if everyone else notices, they'll end up helping out. In this way, we'll get it done a whole lot faster than originally intended beforehand."

    Applejack smiled. "Now that's the kind of plannin' I'm lookin' for in a Christmas Eve play!" she said. "Let's do it, ya'll!"

    After some encouragement, they went straight to work with the plan.

    And sure enough, after a few hours of hard work and help thanks to the whole town pitching in to help, the entire theater was decorated and set up for the big night. Everyone was excited as they raced backstage to get in their costumes and get makeup done. For this year, Rarity had decided to keep it simple with a little fancy in it-shimmering silver eyeshadow, black eyeliner and mascara, red blush, and red, nonstained lipstick for the girls and for the boys, it was basically a light pink blush along with the mascara and eyeliner, Skipper being almost so pale that Rarity had to use a tan face cream to help see it better. "How your face got all pale like that is beyond me, darling," she once said. (She always calls everyone she knows "Darling"). That led to Dusty to trying, and failing miserably, to hold his laughter. But Creech rolled her eyes, giggling. To her, it was great to hear Dusty laugh again ever since what happened weeks ago. The Propwash gang had been notified of the incident.

    Then, Matt looked around. "Where's Creech?" he asked.

    Trixie smiled. "She's just going to sing a song before the play actually beings," she said. "She just offered to do so a week ago."

    Them, she looked outside the curtain. "Oh! Everyone be quiet! She's starting now!"

    After a few moments, the audience roared in a big applause. Creech smiled and bowed before returning to backstage. "Aw, man, that was awesome!" Pinkie cheered.

    Creech giggled and thanked them warmly. "And now for the actual show," she said. "Who's doing the props?"

    The Equestria Girls, Bob, Larry, and Junior all raised their hands and moved to the props. Creech nodded. "Alright, guys," she encouraged. "We've been practicing this for the past few weeks, and now is the moment we've been waiting for. Remember what you've been taught and make me proud."

    And with that, the show began.
    4 hours later, the play was over. And it had been a huge success. Everyone was outside, congratulating each other. "That was awesome!" Pinkie screamed excitedly.

    The gang laughed at that. Junior was beaming happily as he looked dreamily out the window, the snow beginning to fall. The judges had earlier talked about how it was much more emotional and heartwarming than the others they'd seen before. On Christmas Day, the full results would come. In the meantime, everyone began heading home, Dusty only stopping to give Skipper a goodbye hug, which the war veteran returned happily. A touch on the shoulder snapped a tired Junior out of his thoughts. Looking being him, he saw that it was only Bob and Larry. "Ready to go home, kid?" Bob asked while Larry helped him get his coat on.

    Junior nodded before letting out a yawn. "Yeah, let's go. I'm sleepy."

    Bob chuckled and picked him up in his arms, Junior promptly falling asleep after that, making Larry chuckle. Joining the others, he and Bob walked out of the theater and out into the cold night towards home.
    The next day, everyone woke up to find a fresh blanket of snow on the ground outside, making the world sparkle. And when they went downstairs, there were a bunch of presents under the tree. "SANTA'S BEEN HERE!" Junior exclaimed, making everyone giggle.

    "Well, I'm not waiting," said Sunset, making everyone else race towards the tree.

    Hours later, everyone was sitting near the fireplace, talking happily and showing off their new presents. They were all merry, but the winner results still hadn't come. "When are we gonna get the news?" Junior asked.

    "It's alright, kiddo," Applejack said, giving him a side hug. "I'm sure we'll get the news eventually."

    Just as she said that, the door knocked. "I'll get it, darlings," Rarity said as she went towards the door.

    When she opened it, she was surprised to see one of the judges standing there and invited him in. The others turned when they heard them coming. "One of the judges here would like to tell us something," Rarity explained when asked.

    The judge nodded. "I did indeed. I wanted to say congratulations on that play you did last night. It was more rocking than the others that we've seen so far. I've spoken with the other judges last night, and they agreed that your school was officially the winner."

    Everyone cheered as they were given the check for $50,000 dollars. After staying for a few minutes, the judge left and they talked it over. "What do you think we should do with it?" Spike asked.

    Creech thought about it for a moment before looking behind at Bob and Larry, who winked at her. Smiling, she turned to the others. "Well, last night, me, Bob, and Larry here agreed that we could use the money to get Junior's school fixed up. It's been needing it for sometime now. It's about time that it happened, to."

    Junior was surprised. "A-Are you serious?" he asked.

    Creech nodded. "Yes, I am," she said. "But this wasn't my idea. It was actually Bob's and Larry's idea."

    Junior was speechless! As the news sunk in, however, he smiled big, ran over, and gave Bob and Larry a big hug. "Oh, thank you guys!" he exclaimed happily. "This is the best news ever! Can I go tell Laura?"

    Creech chuckled. "Of course you may," she said. "But don't stay away to long."

    "YAAAAAAAY!" Junior cheered as he raced off.

    Applejack chuckled. "You know," she said, "that Junior kid almost reminds me of Pinkie Pie sometimes. She gets pretty excited as quickly as he is."

    Everyone laughed.
    Soon, the school was fixed after weeks of hard work. It was now working better than ever, and the kids enjoyed it happily. Now they couldn't wait to come back on January, knowing full well that they wouldn't have to deal with any more problems. The teachers were thankful as well.

    On the day before they had to go back to school, Junior was sitting near the window, thinking of what happened over the years. Christmas was over, and the decorations have been put down and put away. Tomorrow would be another busy semester for the children, and also another work day for everyone else and the whole town. As these thoughts were running through his head, he felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned around only to see that it was just Twilight Sparkle. "Sorry if I'd scared you," he said.

    "No, it's okay," Junior replied. "I don't think I felt anything until you showed up."

    Twilight chuckled as she sat next to him. She really enjoyed these sort of talks with Junior; they shared so much in common. "Deep in thought about something?" she asked.

    Junior nodded. "Just thinking about how everything changed for us since Creech ran into our lives. I really don't know what we would ever do without her."

    Twilight sighed. "Well, things would probably still be normal, but far bleaker and more boring-and even a little scary in some cases."

    Junior had to agree with her on what she said. With silence reigning, they both continued to look out the window until both got drowsy. The last thing Twilight knew was looking at the little boy next to her before she fell asleep-only to wake up to something tapping her shoulder. There, behind her, was Sunset Shimmer with Bob and Larry. "We were looking for you guys," Sunset softly explained without waking up Junior, who slept with his head on the windowsill.

    Twilight could only yawn, making Sunset giggle as she helped her up. "Come on, guys," she said. "Let's get to your bedrooms. We've got a very busy day tomorrow."

    Larry picked up Junior after Bob had wrapped a blanket around him and followed the girls upstairs. Saying goodnight to each other, they went to their respective rooms. Soon, silence reigned in both the house and town as it fell into a peaceful slumber-on a year that they would never forget.

    So, I decided to do a Christmas squeal to the previous story I took so long to type-and it turned out good actually. Well, please let me know if you want me to do anymore stories. Until next time, remember: God made you special, and he lives you very much. And THAT is what Christmas is REALLY about.  Merry Christmas, everyone!!! Merry Christmas!!!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁







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