Violet Parr x Male Reader

By R350URC3

25K 177 83

Y/n is a young demon hunter who was recently gifted a neon sign of devil may cry. He just moved to metroville... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

898 12 2
By R350URC3


From all the events that have happened this morning, I couldnt concentrate on whats happening to the class room. The teacher was discussing something about math. I was just staring at the whiteboard wondering what happened when something awoke inside of me. The bell rang and before I know it I was out of the trance that I was in.

Violet: "Hey Y/n, are you all right there?" She looked concern, and it seems sincere.

"Im fine, I was just thinking about something."

Violet: "Says the guy with a death stare during the period."

"Well, you wouldnt believe me if I told you about it." She scoffs at my answer to her.

Violet: "try me."

I told her what happened recently this morning and she maintained a calm demeanor while I was telling her the story.

"And I think Van fleet saw me become a devil."

Violet: "Its kinda not a surprise anymore knowing that you have a demon blood."

"and psycho dude drove me to school, which is always great you know." I gave her an ok hand gesture trying to make light of the situation that I have been through

Violet: "Was that sarcasm I just heard?"

"Yeah, and now Im here trying to hide my arm from everyone."


I was thinking of a way to hide his arm, he helped me during that bank heist and he even got me out of trouble from the principal. I kinda owe him some sort of favor and on top of that I am a bit interested with Y/N but I think he's more interested with my other identity or "little miss disappear." I actually don't like the name, I want something more creative like, "invisigirl" or something of the sorts.

"Why not cover it with metal?"

Y/N: "huh?"

"Cover it with metal, sure it might be distracting but you could make an excuse that its some sort of exo-arm."

Y/N: "I never thought of that yet, thanks for the idea."

Violet: "No problem, after all you saved me 2 times already"

Y/N: "2?"

Violet: "oh did I said 2? I meant 1 just 1. haha..." Smooth violet, smooth.

Y/N: "all right then... I'll see you around."

With those words he got up and left the school. I'm disappointed, I was actually expecting him to take me home... oh well... He was standing at the door and he looked like he forgot something.


As Y/n was about to go out, it seems like he forgot something. He then, approached Violet. Violet was hoping that he would ask her to take her home and a part of her even wants him to take her out.

Y/N: "I actually forgot that you lived near want to go home together"

Violet: "Sure"

It didn't look like Violet was giddy but she was freaking out inside, albeit in a good way.

Y/N and Violet spoke of their interest as they were walking towards their homes. Both of them were speaking as if they've known each other for a long time. When Violet spoke of her childhood, Y/n was a little envious of her having a family herself unlike Y/n. Y/n who only had Dante as some sort of a father figure.

Violet felt like she is holding herself back, as she wants to ask Y/N out to have a proper conversation

Violet: "Do you have any plans this night?"

Y/N: "W-what?"

Violet: "D'ya have any plans tonight?"

Y/N couldnt believe what he was hearing a girl that he is interested in was asking him out.

Y/N: "Um... N-no. I dont have any plans"

Y/n looked at Violet straight in her eyes and he was entrance from her beauty. This was the first time that Y/n felt this feeling before. Violet saw him looking at her as she was blushing. Y/n saw a faint flicker of electricity coming from the lamppost behind Violet. He immediately hugged her and jumped to the side from the beam the shot out.

Y/N: "You okay?"

Violet just nodded in response.

Y/N: "I want you to find some place to hide, Ill take care of this."

Y/n stood up from the ground, as he saw the monster who shot out the beam, screeching. He looked to his side to see his sleeve be burnt and tattered.

Y/N: "Damn."

The monster was teleporting throughout the street, Y/n was following the trail of electricity left behind by the monster. Y/n doesnt know if this thing is just a monster or another demon out to hunt him.

Demon: "Lord Gilver sends his regards"

Y/N: "Gilver?"

Y/n said that as he walked towards the demon, fist clenched, ready to give a beat down on the demon who interrupted his walk with Violet.

Y/n didnt know who Gilver was thats why, he assumed that Gilver was the same as the bandaged man he fought recently albeit he has his doubts.

The demon began to teleport around Y/n leaving trails of electricity as he zips around the street. Y/n anticipated the demon was going to lunge at him behind. The demon was still teleporting around him, Y/n clenched his devil bringer as he was getting frustrated from this demon teleporting. The demon appeared in front of him as the demon was about to claw Y/n, Y/n ducked and delivered a powerful punch to its body. Y/n recoiled from that punch as it was more powerful than he was expecting while the demon launched forward from Y/ns punch. It immediately got up but it wasnt expecting to see its enemy in front of him fast. Y/n then stunned the demon by launching it with the devil bringer. Y/n then gave the demon a barrage of powerful punches each of them as powerful as a 10-ton truck. Once again, the demon launched but this time it was devoid of life.

As Y/n approached the demon and a bolt of lightning struck his devil bringer. Y/n winced, felt the stinging pain of the electricity; Y/n was shaking his hand until he immediately got accustomed to the pain and noticed some stones grew on his arm; where the electricity is circulating.

he then heard moans behind him, he knew what they were, hell greed


"Time to test this baby out."

Electricity was forming to my palm indicating that its finally time to release the electricity. I thrusted my devil bringer with open palms to the direction of the hell greed. A burst of electricity came out from my hand and formed the shape of my hands. The hell greed disintegrated as soon as it the electricity made contact. I shook my hands again and it was back to normal.

There must be a den of demons around here... well not here but in limbo or worse in hell. I should look for violet.

"Violet!" I shout and there was no response...

"Violet!" I shout again, and I looked behind me and saw violet appeared out of nowhere.

Violet: "um..." She's looking around like I didn't saw anything.


"So anything you wanna tell me or..."

Violet: "Sigh..."


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