By The Rules

By 400_SoKold

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Imagine being the daughters of a deceased drug lord, wanting to live a normal life, knowing that could never... More



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By 400_SoKold

As the double doors open, laughter can be heard from the deck. The four men sit in the yard and chat while drinking and smoking cigars. It was a night of celebration for the kingpin. The four men had made a deal on a new project. It's something the gentleman have been working toward for a year. Now that it's finally happening, he can move forward. The kingpin lifts his drink to his lips, stopping when he sees his son step through the house.

"Hey son, you arrived just in time. Come on over and have a drink with your old man. We're having a celebration." The man says, pouring the guy a drink.

"Nah I'm good. Can It's important." His son says.

"The bitch must of caved in." His father chuckles, causing the other men to laugh. The guy shakes his head while sighing. Right now wasn't the time to gloat, especially with the situation that's soon to occur.

"I think it'll be best if we talked in your office." The father sees the look of worry on his son's face, slowly straightening his expression. The kingpin's company talks amongst them selves causing the man to clear his throat. Sitting the drinks down and excusing himself, the two men walk the large estate while conversing. The kingpin couldn't believe what he was hearing at the moment. He sent his son out to do one job, and he couldn't even do that right. When the two enter the office, the kingpin sighs and has a seat behind his desk.

"Why the fuck wouldn't you kill him?" The son's father mutters.

"He was already half dead in the alley Pop. It doesn't even matter now. I can't finish the job because Kris has a tight security on this man at the hospital." The son replies while shaking his head.

"How the hell did he get to the hospital anyway?" His father questions.

"I told you someone saw him and called for an ambulance. He stayed there so I wasn't about kill the both of them." The son says, shaking his head.

"You should of." His father mumbles, shaking his head.

"Well I didn't, and I'm pretty sure that nigga will tell Kris and them so what are we going to do? We gotta make moves." The son says. The father nods and retrieves his phone.

"Well we can forget about her gathering my shit and bringing it to me. What we have to do is get to New York and meet up with that nigga to get Teresa. Kris will come there ready for war and you better be ready son." His father says.

"Oh you already know. I've been waiting to get this shit started since day one." His son says standing to his feet.

"Good. Now go get out of here." The father orders.

"No problem Pop." His son says, turning on his heel out his father's office. He has been ready for some action since his father let him watch Kris' moves. His father knew it would be the right move, because she never seen him before. Neither has Adela. It was the perfect plan that was somewhat ruined but the kingpin always has a plan b. Meanwhile outside of the New Jersey mansion, Moss and Femi watch the home. Now that they had an idea of who the guy's been working for, they knew they had to call Kris and let her know. Moss and Femi both had noticed some people and cars which kind of told them who's home it is. Moss takes off as Femi calls a few other guards and Kris. It's midnight of course, but Femi didn't care how late it was. He just had to let everyone know.

early morning


"I got you something to eat." Buddha says while entering the hospital room. He extends the bag to me and I take it, sitting it beside me in the chair.

"Thanks." I mumble, going back to filing my nails. Glancing back up at the tv, I hear Buddha sigh while having a seat in the other chair next to me. I know he doesn't want me passing out again, so I figured I'd eat just to make him happy. Opening the bag, I dig inside of it and grab a waffle fry. They're hot with the right amount of salt on them. I couldn't even lie and say that it wasn't good because Lord knows it was. However, I could feel myself getting nauseous. I'm going to do my best to keep it down though.

"He move yet?" I grab Buddha's strawberry shake and take some sips.

"He has, but I'm waiting on him to wake up. It shouldn't be long." I mumble, eating a few more fries. Buddha scoffs and shakes his head while laughing.

"For someone who isn't hungry, you fucking that food up." Smiling, I open the box to the sandwich and grab it.

"I forgot how good food tasted." Shrugging, I bite the sandwich and chew thoroughly. Laying back in the chair, I stare back up at the tv and struggle to swallow. Not that I couldn't, but because of the nausea. I haven't eaten in about two to four days. I'm worried about my mother and how she is, but I know I have to eat to keep up my strength. I can't let these niggas see I'm weak. Finishing up my food, I stand to my feet and throw my trash away. Returning to my seat, Buddha pulls on my waist and I sit on his lap. His arm is out the sling which is good, but he still has on a cast. It'll be a few months before he can get it removed.

"You feel better?" Buddha questions. I nod and move the cup from my lips, leaning in towards him. I kiss his lips and pull back as he stares at me with hooded eyes.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me."

"You know I won't though."

"I'm telling you I'm good. There's other things that you need to worry about instead of me. Is Ms. Ari doing okay?" He nods and exhales.

"I called my sister she said she's sleep. My mom is suppose to be dropping by later to talk with us, so I won't be able to go with y'all when shit goes down." Nodding, I kiss his forehead and pull back.

"It's fine. Family comes first no matter what." I tell him. He nods and sits back while caressing my thigh. Ms. Ari had gotten sick and the doctor believes that this could be it. Buddha nor his sister have given up hope. However their mother is thinking ahead. I stayed out of it because it's not my place to say anything. Although I wanted to say some shit. She had called me a hoe and said that I didn't know what I was talking about. Buddha set her straight because he knows what I would say, wouldn't be pretty. Taking a glimpse at my watch, I witness the time of eight fifteen in the morning. I haven't heard anything from Kris since last night and I was getting some what worried. If it wasn't for Buddha I wouldn't know what was going on.

After a few hours, I was left with Naeem. Buddha had to do other things that are important and there are guards standing right outside. As I flip through channels, I hear groaning from behind me and wave Malik inside with me. He takes his gun off his hip and stands near Naeem's bedside. Turning off the tv, I stand to my feet and quietly close the door. Removing the nurse call button off the bed, I sit it to the side as Naeem stirs. Fluttering his eyes open, he looks around confused and exhales. When his eyes lands on me he jumps knowing exactly who I am. His temple bumps into the barrel of Malik's gun causing him to breathe unsteadily.

"Please don't hurt me." He says frightened.

"If you tell me what I want to know, then things will go smoothly." I explain. Naeem sighs and closes his eyes, shaking his head.

"Either way I'm as good as dead." He mutters.

"I guess you better make these last ten minutes worth your wild." I advise while stepping to the foot of the bed. Naeem rolls his eyes while shaking head.

"Why didn't that man leave me to die?" He questions no one in particular.

"It wasn't your time yet. Now talk." I warn, arching an eyebrow. Malik takes off the safety which causes Naeem to flinch.

"Okay, okay. What do I owe you some money? I stole from you, what?" Crossing my arms across my chest, I shift my weight to my right leg.

"You know exactly why I'm here Naeem, don't play fucking dumb." I warn him.

"You know how much shit I get into on the regular? I can't keep up my damn self." He says, mumbling the last part to himself but Malik and I heard him clearly. Instead of beating around the bush, I decide to get to the point.

"My mother Teresa Berks, who paid you to do the job?" Naeem swallows hard and licks his lips.

"Listen I don't know their names." He informs.

"So why did you do business with them?" I question.

"They had what I wanted which was drugs." Nodding, I tap my nails against my arm while staring into his eyes.

"So what happened?" Naeem narrows his eyebrows while clearing his throat.

"Can I get some water please? My throat is dry." Sighing, I travel to my purse and grab an unopened water. I hand it to him and stand back at the foot of the bed.

"You got your water, now talk." Taking the bottle away from his lips, he swallows and lays his head back on the pillow.

"Your mother and I had gotten real close at the rehab center. When we were both sober enough, we were both trusted to leave the property and return." He says.

"Keep going." I tell him.

"Um we came back from a walk to get some air. When she went inside, I sat on the steps to have a smoke. Two guys came out of no where and approached me, one of them said he needed a favor. He looked to be in his late twenties, early thirties. He dangled the bag of cocaine in my face and it was a wrap from there. The older guy told me to get close enough to your mother for her to trust me. Once we both left rehab, we exchanged numbers and I did exactly what I was told. That day I came to see her, your mother and I was out all day. That night I asked if she wanted to come to my place, and she agreed. After that, the older guy and his team were outside and it was a wrap from there." Naeem informs.

"You know what he looks like?"

"Which one?"

"The older one." I confirm. Naeem takes another swig of his water and narrows his eyebrows once he swallows.

"He's in his late forties or early fifties, kind of stocky at about six foot six. He's brown skin with salt and pepper hair and a scar on the right side of his -" I wave my hands and shake my head, cutting him off.

"Wait, you mean to tell me that this nigga, oh my gosh. Kris!" I panic, looking over at Malik. He places back on the safety and tucks the gun back on his waist. I grab my things and we leave out, telling the guards that we need to go. I needed to go and make sure my sister is safe, than tell her of the new information I just received. I don't know what she wants to do with Naeem but I told Jay not to let anyone near him. Kris will send some guards here to handle him. Malik and I hop in the car and make our way to Brooklyn. I try to call Buddha and of course he doesn't answer. I wasn't going to stop until I got in contact with him. Buddha knows I'll blow up his phone.

hours later

At two in the morning, Malik and I pull up to Kris' place. Thanking Malik, I grab my things and get out of his car. Closing the door, I travel up the steps to the entrance. Once I get inside her place, I enter and close door to lock it. Entering further into the place, I travel to the kitchen and witness Kris sitting at the dining room table. Sitting my bag on the couch, I sit beside her and deeply exhale.

"Everything is set." Kris mumbles, staring at the roses that sit before her.

"That's good. Do you have everything you need?" I question.

"Yep. Tomorrow though, I was thinking we checked the office. There has to be something we're missing." She says, taking a swig of her wine. I nod while untwisting the cap, taking a swig.

"You read my mind." I mumble, sitting the bottle back down. It's clear that it's been a long road to this point. Kris isn't playing any games and I'm here for it. We've been through enough and it's just time to move on. It's time to end this and move forward. Taking my phone out of my purse, I unlock it and go through my recent calls. Calling Buddha, I listen to his line ring and tap my fingers against the wooden table. I've been trying to get in touch with him all day he hasn't answered not one of my calls. Growing annoyed, I hang up and sit my phone down. I wasn't going to keep bothering him. I know he has a family as well and that things can't always be about me. We just keep one another informed of what's going on as all. After a while, I was on the only one up which told me I needed to get some rest. In some hours, Kris and I would be going to get our mother back. I needed to be well rested and alert. Not for myself, but for my mother.

Who do y'all think it is?

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