Once again king's obsession a...

By sunithabangaram

2.3M 128K 6.3K

Other version of king's obsession More

Saving her
Came to mahal
Starting a day
Moving things
Colliding fates
Making decision
Playing tricks
Made more special
Knowning their own feelings
To be mine
At any cost
Smile is beautiful
Fresh morning
Tit for tat
Beyond hurt
Bet and punishments
New rules for all
Going away
Another bet
Found her
Felt helpless
Punishing Nandini
Husband can cheat
Works alloted
Good news
All are happy
Felt her again
Infinity awards
Messed up in good way
She want to go away from me?
Saving Nandini again
Her battle
Disappointed in Nandini
Shame full
You are stupid
Manik heart
You didnt stop me
He came in search
Kings decision
Cover your face
Going to be king
King and queen
Final punishments
New story alert
New story alert
New story alert
Thank you
Making love


28.2K 1.8K 61
By sunithabangaram

Before starting practice Nandini folded her hands in front of sword then she touched Manik's feet "Hukum!!! This is just practice, that I am raising my sword on you please do forgive me"
Manik smiled lifted her smiled "I accept it"

Manik and Nandini are in ground, Manik started to attack, then Nandini to raised her sword, both started to fight, Nandini is not that weak as he thought, she is attacking him equally as him, he felt amazing, so Manik started to apply his strength on sword ⚔️, that made Nandini go back a step but she didn't give up.

Nandini hands are paining like hell, but she didn't give up, she is giving him equal moves as his,
"Come on Nandini attack me" Manik roared
Nandini took her sword and attacked him with all her strength, he took it in sharp move "well down come on go on fast"
She started moving the sword fast, then she remembered her father's words "sword is just like playing stick don't take it harsh way, try to use less strength by moving it as if you are just playing use brain not strength"
Nandini with in no time started moving her sword so lightly and wonderfully, that Manik felt amused, she is just moving as it as if she owns it.
"Marvellous moves" Manik appreciated
"My father said use brain not strength while using sword first I took it with strength but when I remembered his words I started using my brain"
"Tell me how to use brain in sword fighting 🤺"
"Simple see the opponent, observe his moves, calculate his next moves then give him reply, if you want to kill them just calculate three steps a head from him and use it tear his neck softly"
"That is incredible I am touched even my guru didn't tell me, come on show me once again"
Nandini attacked Manik, he replied when he is about to move further she trapped him and held her sword on his neck "math Hukum!!!"
Manik f lot more shocked "come on this time I will attack" he started she is giving him tough time, Manik felt ragged he started to give her toughest moves she took all of them, he is really shocked "till today no one had stood in front of me this long not even Parth, you are just amazing" Manik said while attacking she just slipped from his grip and smiled "credit goes to my father he taught me well I think so"
"Indeed" he again tried to grip her but she slipped again he felt like challenge he observed her and started to give left side moves she got into his grip this time, "I got you"
"Stupid of me, everytime I fail at left side moves as now my brother take advantage of this"
"Then practice left side moves"
"I tried a lot but I couldn't"
"Don't worry tomorrow I will teach you Come on let's have bath and eat some thing"
"Ok Hukum"
Both came to room Siya and jyothi came to Nandini "bahu rani sa what happened to your hand? It's bleeding"
Manik looked at her hand it's bleeding
"Nothing much just a scratch" she tried to take her hand back
"Take her to bath, clean it properly then apply some lape, she has to be perfect for morning practice" Manik said harshly and walked to wash area.

Manik is angry on himself for putting Nandini in all this, he should have handled Hema in his own way but now things are out of hands, he closed his eyes to compose himself and took bath came out of water dressed well and came out.

Nandini took bath came out well dressed, Manik ordered food for them, when dinner was ready Manik said "prahar"All went away

Manik looked at Nandini wound, he made her sit besides him "sit I will feed you"
"But Hukum I can"
"So what come on open your mouth"
She blushed and did as she asked to do so
Manik made her eat stomach full, she was begging that she is full but Manik was no where near to listen to her, when both finished they called dasi and asked them to clean the place.

Next Manik gave her training of how to give best at left side, she practiced whole day, she is dead tired Manik came in the evening and started to fight with her, she improved a lot but not at full length, but Manik asked her take rest.

Next day early morning Manik made Nandini to fight with him she did well, Manik got impressed. He took Nandini to wash area made her bath, he washed her body gave her tips how to over come her disabilities and then asked her to give rest to her body today as tomorrow is the final battle.

Nandini asked Manik about Hema skills, he explained that Hema uses her strength most, Nandini listened carefully. She took a book of sword skills from Manik's library and read it all day. It was written by her father, she touched the book with admiration and even got tears but she managed and learned some more tips and slept.

Next day whole mahal and known people came to the ground to witness the battle between Hema and Nandini. King addressed people he then announced the fight, Manik came forward looked at Hema smirked.
"Rajaji!!! Last night when I was sleeping, some intruder came to my chamber"
All gasped, king got angry
"You killed him or not?" King asked in anger
"I brought him here" Manik smirked
A person who was tied with chains came along with two soldiers
"Tell me who sent you to my chamber?" Manik demanded
The person is silent
"Ok!!! Let me tell you Rajaji why he came"
"Say it yuvaraj"
"He brought this vish to my chamber to apply on sword of Nandini"
Again all gasped loudly
"Why?" King asked in anger
"To make her unqualified in this fight and send her away from mahal, this vish is of herbs which is brought from samalgarh kingdom specially made to make person just faint"
King got up from his chair,"bahu rani sa what is this?"
"Rajaji I don't know about this, I am been cornered I am innocent" Hema said with innocent face
Manik smirked, he took his knife cut the stomach of the man standing there in chains he screamed with pain
"Come on say it who sent you to my room?" Manik said in dangerous tone
"Kill me yuvaraj" he begged
"No no I won't kill you I will starve your family to death, I will make your children beg in streets"
"No no no Yuvaraj you can't do that"
"Then say me who sent you"
"They will kill my family"
"See there your family is here, I will protect them say who sent you"
Hema took sword and was about to kill the person Nandini stopped her with her sword "didi sa why are you killing him?"
Manik turned to them
"He entered to Hukum chamber and he is playing with words he need to die" she shouted and was about attack him again Nandini stopped her again
"No Hukum is talking to him let him know who sent him we should know our rivals"
Manik took the man came away from them near king and shouted "Hema stop and stand still" Hema having no option stood silent
"Now say who sent you?"
"Badi bahu rani sa"
All gasped again
"He is accusing me just because I was about to kill him"
"No no Yuvaraj!! Last night Badi bahu rani sa came to me and gave that vish and asked me apply on golden sword which in your chamber, if I disagree she will kill my whole family, having no option I came to your chamber"
"He is lying Hukum"
"You are Hema!!!! Vasudev you say what happened in second round?"
Hema got tensed she became stiff
Vasudev was one who prepared questions for second round, he got up "Yuvaraj Badi bahu rani sa threatened me to tell all the questions which are about to ask in second round and she even ordered me to make choti bahu rani sa questions tricky and hard"
"You did?"
"She is our future queen how can say no to her?" Vasudev said his disability
King got up "Hema this was not expected from you"
"You piece of worthless creature because of you I did all this you should be killed first" Hema attacked Nandini in anger, Nandini is stopping her
King was about to stop Hema but Manik stopped him "let them fight Hukum"
King sat in his place
Swords sound was echoing in the place, Hema is attacking anger where as Nandini is playing with her sword like a well experienced warrior, they are fighting rigorously, Hema gave two cuts to Nandini in anger but Nandini did not attack her back she is just escaping Hema, when the play was going overboard Nandini took things serious and trapped Hema between her sword and stopped her totally Hema tried her best get away from her but couldn't

Manik gave five minutes to Hema to get away and attack Nandini but she couldn't "Hema what do you say? Will accept your defeat?"
Hema tried more but Nandini hands are stiff on swords Hema couldn't move an inch She is struggling hard but Nandini didn't let her get away she felt ashamed
"Come on Hema accept your defeat" Manik said again
Hema gave up as her strength was lost she felt weak
"So this proves Hema lost and Nandini won the bet" Manik announced Hema sat down in defeat. She is ashamed of herself

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MANAN LOVE IN FASHION HOUSE - totally different concept with a MaNan feel in it... Hope you will like it...Please do share your comments will lov...
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