The Element Alpha's (Yoonmin)...

By chachisworks

10.9K 178 16

Don't touch what's mine or else you might get hurt real real bad because that's my property now if you'll exc... More

Alpha (Part 1)
Alpha (Part 3)
(Alpha Part 4)
Alpha (Part 5)

Alpha (Part 2)

2.2K 40 3
By chachisworks

Ok so here we go
/he smashed his lips on mine-/
I kissed him back but I wanted more I whined and whimpered for his touch. I felt the need of my Mate to touch all of my body. I wanted him inside me like a piece of cake getting eaten by the birthday boy first. I heard Jimin growl and stopped. And I felt a grudge to pull him back on top of me to continue but I waited when he was about say something and I felt defensive with myself I couldn't help it I wanted to him to fuck me that I couldn't even walk.

Jimin: Yah. You need a punishment for not listening baby. But don't worry 😉 I'll fuck You tomorrow twice so we can get twins in that belly of yours. But right now I have to deal with someone right now and that is my brother. So be ready for tomorrow baby because daddy's gonna make you scream so loud the members are gonna hear and get turned on by that little voice of yours that comes out of your cute small mouth baby. And once I'm done you won't be doing anything because your gonna be locked up in our room for tomorrow for your punishment also. Come on baby I know it's hard to keep the heat down but get it a little grudge to stop ok baby come on let's go. (With that we go walking in the house but I turned into my regular wolf for some reason that typical color of darkness truly beautiful. But also because I wanted to sleep peacefully in my room with no silence. And also because the members know not to disturb me when I'm in my wolf form because I can attack real good. So we go in and the members were laughing for a while but when we came in I ran to Jin first and jumped behind him because I was embarrassed and Jin put me on his lap and I put my head under his foot but he removed it knowing he might scratch my nose.)

Jin: What did you do my son to make him like this Park Jiminie. (He smiled playfully. And Jimin responded back saying.)
Jimin: Welp. I told him some stuff he should know to be ready for tomorrow. And taught him a little lesson of how to whimper and whine in need of emergencies like this one. (He winked at the members and they all laughed I got annoyed and went to my room to sleep and it went quiet seeing me leave. All I heard was Jimin saying)
Jimin: Yah.! Yoongi come over here this instant you do not have permission to leave when told to remember I'm your Master like you said-. (I remembered but I also got so pissed because he was annoying me. Teasing me. Making fun of me for what he said to me earlier. So I cut him off by jumping off the stairs and running to him growling in a pissed way. Because like I don't like being a person who gets fun of ESPECIALLY by my own mate mostly Master. But I tackled him to the ground and bit him hard and he made a hurt expression and whimpered because I bit him and all the members were trying to stop me from biting him more when finally I heard the words I was looking for.)

Jimin: I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry ok. Please stop biting me your hurting me. (With that I let go of him and the members were all shocked and scared because that already meant for their 160 list of what not to do to me. I stormed off growling outside who knows where. The boys came running to me to stop me and when I heard two Clack sounds I immediately turned around with an angry expression that said 'I know you did not just do that shit' and they had an expression of 'oh yes we did.)
Jin: Come on. Dog Walk Time. We are all gonna transform into a wolf well some of us like Namjoon is turning into one so I can walk him so here's the list:
Wolf List:
Kade (J-hopes bf)
And the People walking you is:
There all done everyone ready. (Everyone got leashed up and they all went walking but Jimin said he needed to grab something so I stayed behind with him because he was the one walking me mostly all of us got paired up with our mates. I hate it. I soon popped out of my thoughts when Jimin said come one let's go catch up. My leash was a chain and my collar was a freaking punk collar with chain spikes. Around it like I look good and scary but like do you really need to exaggerate. We ran to catch up to the boys so we can go to the dog park. Like always but I was walked by Jin and Namjoon mostly because Jimin was always busy and that is why I never knew who he was only the boys and once we reached the park.)
Jin: Ok listen up boys and.....wolfs we are gonna let them play with other dogs just a reminder don't forget your bigger than all the dogs so please keep in mind especially you Yoongi DO NOT KILL THE DOGS. Ok we are done leashes need to be released. Have fun and Namjoon you stay with me only when you see a girl or boy go play with the dog or stay here k.
(We all played with our Masters instead expect for me I layed Down on the tree with a lot of shade and just watched the members play with each other. But Jimin seemed to have been talking to a girl and I gotta admit she was pretty but I got pissed and growled under my breathe and I saw she had a dog with her so why not beat it and tell him to take his owner away from my Master. So I went and this happened.)
Jimin: Wow. Your so pretty wish I had a girlfriend like you but sadly I can't.
Girl: Oh. Why so-.
(I came running and barking and went straight for the dog.)
Yoongi: (barking) TELL YOUR OWNER TO BACK OFF MY MASTER BEFORE I MAKE YOU INTO A LEAF PUP. (I attacked it with my mouth and the dog whined for help and then all the dogs looked at us and went running towards us even the boys and the members in wolf form I didn't let go and the girl was trying to take me off him by saying Stop....Please bitch don't say stop to me I won't stop unless it's my Master. None of the dogs could separate us until I heard Jimin.)

Jimin: YOONGI. Stand down. Or else you won't be out you'll be locked up in your cage. (To the girl) I'm so sorry my dog Yoongi doesn't like it when I'm around strangers he doesn't know and well especially with a dog too he easily goes to run in on the dog. I'm sorry. (I stand down and go sit by the girl everyone was shocked by my actions because I'm cold hearted and well all the dogs around here know me I've killed 12 dogs here already but I also wanted to go with the girl because she seemed peaceful and well I felt bad because she was crying and I licked her I was also surprised by my actions too and licked her tears she just looked at her dog all lying on the ground don't worry he's not dead he's just shocked and scared but I went up to him and started licking his wounds the girl smiled at me and I ignored her I licked the dogs wound and then licked his eyes that were ready and I said.)
Yoongi: I'm sorry Yong Kim I just got jealous please forgive me.
Yong: It's fine man. But your really good at fighting man no wonder you never recognized me I changed a lot right buddy. (I was Yongs buddy but he never came here again so I never said anything about him.)
Yoongi: Yeah you sure have buddy. (I layed down next to him he got up and went under my arm well you could say we were like lover buddies because we loved each other as friends tho but I'm guessing he got a knew owner because he used to live with a shaggy old woman. She probably died already and this must be her granddaughter because they look alike but different.)
Yo. We still are this close I remember how you taught me not to cause trouble even in front of you-.
Jimin: Yoongi come here leave the poor dog alone you hurt him now come here so I can put you the leash on. (I was gonna stand up when Yong Went infront of me and did a protective pose I was worried because Jimin looked furious.)
Yoongi: it's ok Yong I need my punishment now please understand.
(With that I stood up and Yong didn't leave my side he went with me and Jimin looked kinda furious but also sad Yong already knew I was a wolf and everyone of the members can transform and he knew me a lot more than anyone else but also Jin he knew me well and Yong already knew I could get pups even if I am a male wolf. Jimin put the chain leash on me and pulled me to sit down but he tightened the collar and I almost jumped of excitement I liked it and Yong knew Jimin could transform too because Yong was a wolf too but he was a regular wolf no changing and he already had a mate she was not here though she was in the woods far far away from the park. Jimin sat in the bench and so did I. I put my head on the handle bar where you put your arms and Yong joined me by sitting next to me and well he slept there with me he was like my cuddle buddy and I felt anger coming from my Master. You see I only call Jimin my mate when I am in human form mostly but your supposed to call your mate Master if your in wolf from those are the rules but for us nah but I either ways use them kinda.)
Jimin: Yoongi. Come on we are leaving. Let's go it's gonna get dark soon. (He was looking at me sleep and I never felt Yong with me anymore so I woke up and saw Yong was gone and I got up and got off the bench and searched for him he left already how disappointing. Oh well I can sleep with Jin.
Yoongi: I'm coming......Master.!!!!! (Jimin pulled the leash so hard I almost tripped and the members looked at me as if worried. I think I just pissed off the number 2 furious person in the world. Oh No. Punishment is coming tomorrow what if I don't get it fuck. I'm screwed. When we got home Jimin unleashes me and I transform back to my human form and when I looked at him he immediately took me by the hand and said.)
Jimin: You are coming with me baby.

Yoongi:W-Why I don't want to. (I slipped my hand off his hand. And it was a mistake.)

Jimin: BECAUSE.....Listen to your Mate and Master because if you don't listen you won't get what you want ok.
Yoongi: O-Ok but what about the members. (I looked scared)
Jimin: Dont worry they won't hear nothing because we are going to our secret place and do you know what happens when you go there. Min Yoongi.(He pulled my hand and brought me to our room and moved the shelf and we entered the room and he threw me on the bed that was on the first door.) Yah! What's wrong with you Park Jimin why are you so angry all of a sudden-. (I was gonna say something else but Jimin just grabbed my neck and smashed his lips on me I felt nervous and scared but he was pushing me off the bed so I followed but before I could he stopped me and went to the door and locked me in the room and I was dumbfounded I immediately ran to him and tried opening it but how it was locked I said to Jimin.) Jimin! Jimin what are you doing open the door right now. I'm not playing with you. OPEN IT UP.
Jimin:No baby this is your punishment I'm not gonna fuck you right now wait till tomorrow but maybe not because of your behavior today was terrible but I'll see bye bye. (Jimin walked out and I just fell to the ground scared of what he will punish me with again as soon as I snapped out of my thought I didn't hear footsteps anymore just the shelf slam and that was it I turned to my Element wolf with rage I got anxiety again...No. I felt flames in my eyes and I growled I cried out I didn't know what was happening. I howled enough to make Jimin and the members hear me cry I felt pain in my body I then heard the book shelf being opened and heard several voice and one of them sounded like Jin and Jimin. I then remembered there was a passage to the woods under the bed I barely found out earlier when I came here. And I escaped.)
Jimin POV
I heard a howl and cry come from my mate in the dungeon well basically it was not a dungeon it was like a secret room but I like it to be a dungeon it's much more funner I felt bad for leaving him locked up in there but it was a punishment I'll give him what he wants tomorrow but I heard the door bang from the room and saw the boys story in.)
Jin: Where is Yoongi!!!
Jimin: He is locked up in there it's his punishme-(I heard a Cry come from there and immediately ran in but when I went I didn't see Yoongi anymore I worried.) WHERE IS YOONGI.
Jin: He must have escaped look there are some feathers on the ground he must have turned into his Element Wolf but first we gotta find him before others do. And Fast.

Yoongi POV
I ran as fast as I could the only thing I could think of was running from him I was angry and I kept growling at whatever moved I then heard a Howl come from the distance it was a death message to me from the pack of that guy I almost murdered saying: 'Best be ready ALPHA cause today's the day we go war mode.!' And so I guess I would take my anger all on this "war" they want so I howled back with a growl to meet me at the Bangtan Pack so they can see what pain I've been through those fake smiles those hurtful words, that stress and anxiety I get and feel depression a lot. I ran back to the house to not only see the pack already there guess my legs are slow today and then I turned to see shocked and angry members so I howled to make my own pack come not long they come but first I speak to my pack and say it loudly so the other pack can hear correctly.
Yoongi: LISTEN UP EVERYONE. TODAY I BRING YOU HERE TO SEE WHAT TYPE OF A CRUEL PERSON I AM AND TO SAY THAT MY BROTHER WILL TAKE OVER THE PACK  WHEN I AM BOT HERE AND NOT ONLY THAT DO. NOT. UNDERESTIMATE. MY BROTHER JUST BECAUSE HE LOOKS SMALL HE IS STRONGER THAN ALL AND NOW LETS BEGIN THIS WAR. (I heard the pack whispers that I could clearly hear and I turned around to face the other pack I made an angrily growling but not any type of growl a death growl that gave people qoosebumps I didn't know what that was but I loved the sensation of its powerful growl everyone stood in place until the Alpha in the pack stepped up and said.)
Alpha Jackson: Well. Well. Well. Greetings Alpha Min I'm Alpha Jackson, Jackson Wang and I'm the alpha of GOT7. I guess you already know why we are here now so why don't we begin. Shall we Alpha.

Yoongi: Oh look how scared I am. But yes we shall I've been itching for a fight since years now. But let's do this ALPHA TO ALPHA. (I charged at Jackson as I see his wolves stand in form ready to attack me when I attacked their Alpha they looked at how I had him, I had my mouth in his throat and started pushing my fangs I heard a loud cry come from Jackson and I grabbed his throat and flew him across his pack members to hit a tree hard and clearly loud. I ran to him but someone stopped me by jumping on top of me and I snapped as I looked at the wolf to turn out being my Mate. I stopped for a second and I growled loudly at the Alpha who stopped me-.< so basically I'm putting the story to be like it is possible for an Alpha to have a mate as another Alpha and all but along to the story> I pushed my mate off me and made a threatening eye contact with him I don't even wanna talk to him so instead I ignored the Injured Alpha laying in the ground with his members helping him and started circling my mate barking and growling I turned into My Element Wolf from when I changed back and turned red again this time with more than just a wolf form but with dragon breathe and I didn't know what is going on. But I didn't care less I charged at my Mate not only to see my Mate see me in this situation so I stopped to the point where our nose touched and I signaled The Blood Moon pack to go back and they did. So I announced to the members and others.)

Yoongi: I'm leaving and no one can stop me from leaving and that's final. (I turned around and changed back into my regular dark wolf and ran away from that place feeling calm when I felt rain go on my nose. And I found a little tree with a whole in it so I can stay there. When I went to sleep I smelled my mates scent but I didn't care at all because it might have gotten stuck in me from when I touched his nose and I ignored the fact that it was cold. Like about half an hour I felt something soft and smelled my mates scent so I opened my eyes sleepily to find my Mate laying next to me to keep me warm but I moved away and growled like it was the end of the word I saw Jimin open his eyes and stand up and walk towards me knowing that I would not attack him in any way because he was my Mate after all but that didn't stop me from backing away until I hit a tree and was now laying down on my back and my stomach showing out and Jimin made his move and ran to me and layed his stomach on mine and cried he felt pain coming from me and he licked me all around my body and I got embarrassed so I turned into my wolf to find out I had clothes on ready and so did Jimin he just had tears running down and kissed me saying sorry and I said sorry back and he convinced me to go back and so we did and when we arrived everyone scolded me for almost killing Jackson but I just ignored it and Jimin grabbed me and I saw he winked at the boys. We went to our room and I just looked at Jimin confused so I said.)
Yoongi: J-Jimin why are we here. (No response back he just looked at me like I was his prey.) Yah!! Are you gonna answer me or not.
Jimin: ANIYO' your mine tonight it's about time I make you have my kids now right so don't worry I'll be rough tonight as rough as you want it-.


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